PARSIFAL!.............. How well, or how conversant are human spiritual beings with this "WORD", on the gross material earthly plane, of WHOM, no human spiritual beings have the slightest clue or Idea, as to the "real significance"!


This very "WORD" touch upon the right thing, if the human spiritual beings, mean exactly, what is presently "known about this very "WORD"....... PARSIFAL.

Because, in reality, it is nothing else, but "LEGENDARY FACT", which had become "POETIC WORK", which invariably as a fragment, consequently of a "previously, former knowledge", has been strictly prepared as such!

AS has been presently pointed out, to the human spiritual beings, it was always in form of small fragments only, this very Legendary, which came down from The Spiritual Realms, right into the gross material earthly plane, very long ago.

THE AUTHORS, of THE HOLY GRAIL LEGENDARY, consequently known to the present time, are invariably by no-means, the "First", who concerned themselves, with this "LEGENDARY", and who also, as these authors become absorbed in their "work", were consequently once again, capable to "divine" a few "Gleams Of LIGHT.

Way-Back, laying embedded, is the time, when the very "First Hints", concerning THE LIGHT CASTLE, and IT"S Inhabitants, ministerial, descended to the gross material earthly plane, right from the Spiritual Realms, juxtaposing with "Tidings" of THE HOLY GRAIL.

At that point in time, this tidings, were received with "reverential awe" and "childlike confidence", by the inhabitants of the gross material earthly surface, who were still working very much "undisturbed", in absolute co-operation with the elemental beings, whose advice, the human spiritual beings, then, at that time, never fail to heed to!

Without knowing it, the human spiritual beings in-turn "aided" the elementals, with the "radiations" of their "Spirit-Sparks".

Thus, Creation increasingly "unfolded" itself, in World of The Gross Matter and also the gross material Earthly Plane Surface, with the spirit-sparks, which gave promise of a wonderful blossoming.

At that particular time, long before, the "revolutionary changes", which is generally known about to the present day, that occurred over-here on the gross material earthly plane, right even before, the human spiritual beings, made for themselves, "an idol of their intellectual faculty", individually, thus, and thereby bringing about the consequent defection, from THE LIGHT, which inevitably brought their "downfall", A CONNECTION, WITH THE LUMINOUS CASTLE, was "created", because THE RAY, could thereby "flow" unhindered, all the way, cascading, right down to this very gross material earthly plane, and right within "these RAYS", enabled the gross material earthly human spiritual beings, to already be able to "design" PARSIFAL, because only ALMIGHTY GOD COULD POSSIBLY DIVINE ANYTHING!

But then proceeding from the human spiritual beings, the "reign" of the "intellectual idolatry" consequently "set in", causing "The Connection" with THE LIGHT CASTLE, to be "terminated" or "cut-off", which was automatically followed and pursued by ignorance about THE LIGHT CASTLE, the "impossibility of "spiritual divining", through the intuitive spiritual perception.

Finally, the ability to absorb anything "Animistic", also was "evaporated" and "dried-up", and all the norms of natural experiencing, in the "knowledge of The Animistic Helpers", absent mindedly had to "sink" into the realm of fables or "forgotten", as fairy tales, so that, the development, which was up till then, had been "striving upwardly, in a "Straight-Line, was quite "unexpectedly" Torn Apart, by the human spiritual beings.

If the human spiritual beings, had remained just as they were homeostatic at the time, being mentioned, when The First Tidings of The LUMINOUS CASTLE and of PARSIFAL, "Came down", or "got-here", upon the gross material earthly plane, then could they have possibly, through their "steady ascent", would have indeed being THE LORDS OF ALL THE WORLDS OF GROSS MATTER, presently, in the "upbuilding sense".

Nor would any individual human spiritual beings, upon the gross material earthly plane, have been destroyed, right during the "revolutionary changes", which inevitably bound to take-place, rather very frequently, within the maturing development.

THE GREAT CATASTROPHES, were always a "necessity" of the development, but absolute and definitely, "not the destruction", of so many NATIONS, which is somewhat, somehow, the very issue, which has up till the very present moment-inertia, remained connective with this Catastrophes, if but tenaciously.

If the human spiritual beings, had not with frivolity, and wantonly, given up, this "connection" with the Animistic Helpers, and THE LUMIINOUS HEIGHTS, they would have been admonished, right in-time, of any "Emergencies", and supportively "led away" from the impending endangered regions, in order to circumvent and escape "destruction"!

And this is the exact procedure, of also the occurrence, at that particular point in time, when the human spiritual beings, permitted themselves, free-willingly, to be diligently guided by THE HELPERS, which THE CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, "assigned" to the human spiritual beings, from THE ANIMISTIC WORLD and THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, and also with which, they "sought" to maintain, the "Connection" with JOY and GRATITUDE.

But later on, the human spiritual beings, always "denied" themselves of all those "invaluable supportive aids", due to "vain-glorious" and the "conceited" "wanting-to-be-clever", consequently of their "Intellect", and thus, several times, the human spiritual beings, enforced their own "painful destruction" (PAIN....Purgative Attritional Indefinite Nurturing), just in the similar, as they are at the present moment, only bringing it about, once again, because the majority of the human spiritual beings, no longer urge to listen, to The Last Calls, right from THE LIGHT, and even harbour the thoughts that they "know everything better", as was so frequently, the attitude of the human spiritual beings, in the past days.

TRIBULATION,......... Despair and destruction are always and only the "reciprocal effects" of wrong actions.

Confidently, and absolutely this is not difficult to comprehend, if the human spiritual beings, only Will to do so!

Because this contains such a simple and clear norms naturalness, that the individual human spiritual beings, would later on, hardly understand exactly how, this could ever take place, that this sort of thing, could ever be "overlooked", and not strictly heeded, just in order, not only to spare the human spiritual beings, directly, all individual personal suffering, but even in fact, to be able to "change it" reversibly into JOY!

Presently, the human spiritual beings, themselves, do see clearly and adequately enough, that no personal individual human spiritual beings, can actually defend themselves "against this!

NO NATION, Nor a "joint volition", of The Whole Masses of The human spiritual beings, could "up-set", or "manage" to "attain" or "achieve it", because every individual "BEING", right within Creation, remain nothing but "A GUEST" and "A CREATURE", absolutely "dependent" upon THE ( W*I*L*L) WISDOMIC INCORRIGIBLE LIVING LIGHT OF ALMIGHTY GOD!

It will and shall never be otherwise!

Thus it was always and only, the wrong action of "submitting" to the bound, and binding "intellect", to the norms, natural consequences, of which numerous individual personal human spiritual beings, and Whole Nations, were inevitably and most certainly, to "fall a prey", just for the simple fact that, the human spiritual beings had "kept themselves", mainly "outside" the jurisdiction of every possibility of "Salvation", through "higher guidance!

The human spiritual beings could easily recognize, the great simplicity of the effect of The Divine Laws therein, and also see what the human spiritual beings, have consequently missed for themselves.

And with this, a brief glimpse is been given, presently, concerning The Great Activity of Creation, which caused many human spiritual beings, tremendous head-ache already, so that by the way and the path of The Holy Grail Message, it could be clearly seen, that all the "distress", all the fear and suffering could only be ascribed by the human spiritual beings towards themselves, and they could have "avoided", a very great deal, had they not, most contumaciously, entered and embarked upon wrong "courses"!

Through The Holy Grail Message, the human spiritual beings, could in fact, clearly recognize and consequently substantiate every occurrence, which takes plane upon the gross material earthly plane.

The human spiritual beings would experience, ever more, that with the Holy Grail Messasge, "The KEY", had hitherto been given, consequently in the very correct and rightful explanation, in accompanied progression, of every happening, and therewith of the entire Creation!

The human spiritual beings, should endeavour to permit "fervour" and "untiring watchfulness", to gradually "fathom all of it", in order to open the path-way to "Eternal" and "Perpetuity of Life-Existence, which is adequately necessary for the human spiritual beings to "tread-upon", in order to reach it. -

Thus, "primeval ages past", the human spiritual beings had already "received" The First and "Rightful-Tidings", about PARSIFAL.

This knowledge, was consequently "passed-on", by WORD (WEAVING ORDINANCE RANCOUS DISPENSATION), vocally and auditorily transmitted, by the organ of speech, directly stimulated within the "Broca speech Center", inside the human brain, and invariably handed down from "Heredity" towards "Posterity", and from human spiritual Adult-Parent-Beings" towards their "human spiritual Children-Beings, on the gross material earthly plane.

But through the retrogression in the "Purity" of the connection, concerning the activity of Creation, consequently the transmission of the "original knowledge" as gradually became "clouded".


This "Original Knowledge" was "imperceptibly" distorted and finally "curtailed" by the "growing", Enthalpy progression of the intellect, remaining only as a legend, which could no longer "bore" any "resemblance" to the former Knowledge.

Thus, the human spiritual beings who are "striving" vehemently for "noble-mindedness", would invariably continue to "interest themselves, in these very "fragmentary Legends", and consequently "attempted" to "make something", out of them, right here, upon the gross material earthly plane, and not to mention, "most gross materially too", because the human spiritual beings "imagined", that the "origin" of these "knowledge transmission" must once have "existed", in a gross material earthly "prototype" ages ago..

The human spiritual beings attempted to "renew" these "fragmentary Legends", and they frequently also made attempts to procure this, over great interval of time

Thus it is at present, many investigations, performed by the human spiritual beings presumptuously conveyed out of "imagination", that they have "found" an "Origin", in one of the gross material earthly attempts of past centuries, but without "pointing" upon what is trully right therewith.

The human spiritual beings would not emerge from the confusion, however hard they attempt to exert themselves, because the human spiritual beings lack "the Connection with it's Reality, which THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE OF ALMIGHTY GOD Proves to "Restore" for the human spiritual beings, in order for the human spiritual beings, obligatorily to "eradicate all that is Wrong"!

PARSIFAL, HE Cannot be separated from IMANUEL, Because IMANUEL Is Right In PARSIFAL, And IMANUEL Works out of PAERSIFAL.

It also can be said that PARSIFAL IS A Cloak of IMANUEL, "Formed" By The PRIMORDIAL QUEEN, ELIZABETH, Through Which IMANUEL Standing at The Head of Creation, "Weaves" and WORKS, And A CREATION, Which consequently could COME INTO EXISTENCE, OUT OF IMANUEL - it would not and simply could never have manifested into existence, otherwise, because IMANUEL IN PARSIFAL Is IN FACT, THE ORIGIN,. ASWELL AS THE STARTING-POINT OF CREATION.


And just for the fact that something of this significant norms and nature could be dragged-down, to the level of that "figure", which massive majority of the human spiritual beings, presently and erroneously imagined PARSIFAL to be, is nevertheless only possible, for this human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly surface, who ignorantly always "press" everything right into the dust, through the expedition of their 'intellect", which very much by the nature of it's norms, is "Born out f Dust"!

Whatever the human spiritual beings attempt to "absorb" with their intellect, they consequently would also "press" right into the "Dust", in the most norms natural course of events, thus consequently "dragging-Down" The Fragmentary Legends", into the "Range" of the gross material earthly ability to "comprehend it's true "understanding".

With this, everything becomes "confined", within the superficiality and parochial limitations of "coarse material substances of that very thing, which is highest, and also being "wrapped", within the "density" and "ponderousness", of a "slow movement", in the approximation zone of the most "extreme Cooling-Off" Efficacy.

And thus quite naturally, PARSIFAL could never bear any resemblance, to the "reality", of that very "fragmentary legendary", which was so consequently dragged-down, and which tenure of authentic reality, found it altogether different "enthalpy, and also "at such Heights", as "The Spiritual Within" the human spiritual beings, are unable to comprehend and grasp an understanding, much less "The Gross Material Earthly-Bound Intellect!

The gross material earthly expression, "To Drag Into The Dust", would not literally depict, "To Press Into The Dirt", but merely as a meetaphore of "making" or transforming" something, with a gross material earthly superficial parochial rigidity!

The expressions "Dust" and "Born Of The Dust" are consequently inserted in the place of the conception "Heavy-Gross-Matter", something which would invariably perhaps be more easily comprehended by ample human spiritual beings, because it is a popular saying.





The human spiritual beings should endeavor to apply a parameter, so as to compare what had just been given with the "fragmentary figure-legend", contained in the poetic writings!

This could only entail right before the presence of the human spiritual beings, loads of hunched-up "caricatures".

But when the human spiritual beings could endeavor to overlook and hover to over-view the whole "procession", and distinguishably separate It, into "Three Great Sections", then readily could all this be "comprehensively" understood, of exactly "How", all this took place.

But the human spiritual beings should permit these three sections, "One for One", manifest into Life-Existential Picturesque form for the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings.

Only in this particular manner, could the human spiritual beings come to "survey" the "Whole" then consequently arrive at an understanding, of exactly what is been transpired in order to bring clarity to the threshold of their comprehension.

The first thing which is fundamental for an understanding is :

For the human spiritual beings to think of PARSIFAL as THE SON OF THE LIGHT, WHO descends into Creation from above, The Luminous Heights in The Divine Sphere.

Who is not "by-chance" or "perchance" LIFTED-UP From below, from the Gross Material Earthly Plane.


The Second is :

PARSIFAL"S Great Work of "Purification", which "leads" Him "Personally" through The Worlds, with the "unreserved" entropy state, that He, PARSIFAL must through His own "Personal Experiencing", come to "Learn To Know All The Evil, whose work was bound to "Come to a HALT", with the "Fettering" or "Chaining" of Lucifer, for the "protection" of the "Creation" and the protection of all "creatures", that "remain" after the "purification".

The Third is :

THE FALL AND THE GREAT FAILURE F THE DEVELOPED ONES, i.e., of the human spiritual beings in the gross material earthly plane, which consequently neccessitates the breaking of their "wrong free-self-will; and the "immediate" Institution of The WILL (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light) of ALMIGHTY GOD, in The Establishment of Millennium, right "until" the "voluntary submission" of the entire "Volition" of the human spiritual beings", is directed towards The WILL OF ALMIGHTY GOD, could definitely cme about, thus completely ensuring "undisturbed", further development of The Creation, in the swinging of The LIGHT Pervaded Spheres of Movement. -

Whosoever amongst the human spiritual beings to comprehend aright these three sections, each for each, and also those human spiritual beings, who at least, are able to envisage these "sections" with clarity, just as with pictures, could then quite easily come to an understanding, of the "How" of the "wrong poetic writings" of the present Era (Existential Ratio Adjustment), which gradually manifested into existence.

Part Tidings of these three "occurrences", consequently "penetrated" to the gross material earthly plane, here and there sporadically, and announcing much of it before-hand.

Through the very lack of "understanding", the human spiritual beings "consequently had to "compressed" everything right into the "coarse conceptions" of the densest WORLD OF MATTER, transferring these poetic writing onto the gross material earthly plane, and thus thereby "mixing" a "concoction", from which the "Last writing" come to "emerge".

The human spiritual beings must feel oblige to understand and thread along very closely with The "Word" of THE HOLY GRAIL most precisely, and must also "diligently, be in "obedience" to The "WORD OF THE HOLY GRAIL, and the human spiritual beings should come to "envisage", "The Living Illustration" of these "Three Sections", afore mentioned, as "tremendous individual occurrences" of which only it's part-knowledge could come to reach the gross material earthly plane through "Channels" OPEN for this particular purpose, but this are channels, that are badly clogged-up, and which in any case, could only "permit, through, that only which has been dimmed, that which already has been mixed-up, with what the human spiritual beings themselves, have invariably thought-Up, and which was "deposited" as "Mud", through these channels!

For thousands of years, these "knowledge" had been unable to "penetrate" to the grass material earthly plane, with "clarity" and "Purity"!

And with all this, a reference is made only to "actual occurrences within Creation, which consequently have forcibly arose, out of the development, through "the wrong volition" of "failing creatures, instead of "sailing", and for the time being, a followed-up is made on this very path of explanation, in order to exclude everything else.

Therefore, this explanation would not include "The Attempted Redemption" of the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, by THE SON OF ALMIGHTY GOD, JESUS CHRIST, either, because this was "A WORK OF LOVE (LUMINOUS OMNISCIENCE-PRESENCE VIRTUOUS EFFULGENCE) Standing All By ITSELF.

The human spiritual beings must be obliged to "thread along" precisely, otherwise they would be unable to comprehensibly come to an understanding.

Perhaps it is quite "appropriate" when elaborately emphasis are dissipated to the human spiritual beings, whenever these explanations are given also.


Presently, through these explanations, an attempt is made, in order to prepare "A straight Path", on which, the human spiritual beings, could easily grasp a comprehensive understanding of all the main points, and that the human spiritual beings should "receive" a basic picture for that very particular "point", which they are meant to "absorb" through this Lecture.

But all of this, must first be compressed into such parochial, superficial forms, as is adapted to the intuitive-perceptive faculty, of the "Developed" human spiritual beings.

And when that has been "accomplished" and "achieved", then yet, suitable "Words" and "forms of expressions must be sought, in order to permit every picture, to arise before the presence of the human spiritual beings, which exactly THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE Intend to dissipate for them.

All this, however, does not "happen successively" but rather "simultaneously", within The HOLY GRAIL ITSELF, And then dissipated in "such form", which is "accessible" to the human spiritual beings, the very happening which the human spiritual beings could neither come to "overlook" nor "understand", in which "The Past and "The Future", are consequently consummated in "The Present", a process, the norms and nature of which, the human spiritual beings, are absolutely unable to "imagine".

The human spiritual beings shall receive it, "sip by sip", from out of that which is "incomprehensible to them, and yet in such a manner, that the "sipping" altogether "yield" an "enjoyable" and "powerful Draught", which invariably strengthen the human spiritual beings, in their knowledge, and consequently helps them, upwardly, if only they wish, to accept this "Restoratives" as "nourishments, during their soj9urning!.

Frequently, there is a great deal, which must first of all be left out, in order to bring in the other places, much later-on, but then always, in such a way, that it "fittingly" completes the picture, to which it actually belongs, for all the weaving of Creation, above the human spiritual beings, which is too far intricately patterned, much much too Alive and Mobile, to enable the human spiritual beings, on the grass material earthly plane to understand anything thereof, even pictorially, unless they receive it, in a particular form, made especially accessible to them through "Special Descriptions".

The human spiritual beings, must just take a tenth of all that trouble, which is been taken, merely in order to make it accessible to the human spiritual beings, and they would have attained to everything for themselves!

Later, perhaps also, a description would in fact be given, concerning exactly "the How" it exactly is right in THE LIGHT CASTLE, and then illuminate those planes, which could "develop", at a greater distance, until the human spiritual beings finally could come down, to that very place, where the "human spirit-germs" remain, as the "Last Precipitation" of The Spiritual Realm, just in order to "find" or "discover" development, prolific, during their individual wandering, through the Worlds of Matter, and the urge and the longing, right the fulfillment, of which, the human spiritual beings bear (Binding Experience Accommodating Rapture) within themselves.

First and foremost, a picture of "The How" it is, would be given to the human spiritual beings, and perhaps later, explanations would be given, concerning most seriously of "how at one time" in particular, the human spiritual beings manifestly came into existence, because all this occurrences are in fact "too great.

Firstly, the human spiritual beings must be very conversant, in knowing exactly "how it is", because this is what the human spiritual beings rightfully require, or need because for themselves, they are obliged always "count" with the "present" and with "the future", that definitely "OPENS-UP", from The PRESENT.

If and when the human spiritual beings should stand with all firmness, rightfully within this testimony, then "A Stride Onwards" in KNOWLEDGE IS progressed.

The human spiritual beings vehemently obliged to "recognize", these "Three Basic Fundamental Sections, that are at present day, "connective" with THE NAME PARSIFAL!