The human spiritual beings" conception of life, has so far been erroneous!

All that the human spiritual beings have designated as "Life", is nothing but "impelled motion", which may only be considered as the natural effect of "Life Proper".

The human spiritual beings cannot proceed further, in their investigation because they, themselves are product of this "motion". As it was, the highest they could comprehend, they simply designate it "Power" or "Living power" or even "Life".

This is neither power nor life, however, but only a natural and inevitable effect of these, because power only exists in "Life Itself". It is one with it and inseparable from it.

Since "Power" and "Life" are inseparable, and since Creation is formed, maintained and again disintegrated by movement alone, it would be impossible to speak either of power or of life within Creation.

Thus, whosoever desire to speak of the discovery of Primordial Power, or even of the exploitation of Primordial Power, by machinery, is greatly in error, because Primordial Power is not to be found within Creation, at all! The human spiritual beings have mistaken something else, for it and erroneously expresses their opinion, that, this is "power". Such human spiritual beings, thereby prove that, they cannot be reproached about this, because they share their ignorance, with all their fellow human spiritual beings, whether they are learned or otherwise!

Because of this reason, from the beginning, Only One "Power" streams through all Creation

This is for the general understanding of the human spiritual beings, otherwise, they would not have grasped, the understanding about this at all! Presently, however, in order to advance further in these matters and furnish a picture, which shall soberly reflect the processes, in all that occurs. This description is "novel", but it changes nothing of previous descriptions. Everything remains just as it has been stated, and it is real!

This further description, only appears new because this time, a new light is inserted! In so doing, a solid foundation is provided, -- a large bowl, so to speak, into which, the huma spiritual beings can place everything already mentioned, in The Grail Message, as the constantly moving, effervescent contents, combined into one whole, something which unquestionably belongs together and inter-mixes. Thereby, the human spiritual beings can obtain a comprehensive survey of all the great happenings, hitherto unknown to them, including their own existence and inner development, which survey is quite inexhaustible to the human spiritual beings and harmonises in every way!

The hearer and the reader should now try to envisage in their minds, what is about being unfolded!

LIFE, Real Life, is something completely autonomous, something completely independent. Otherwise it could not be designated as "Life".

Such Life,....................is in Almighty God, ..........................Alone!

And since besides Almighty God, nothing is truly "Living", it figures that, He Alone, Holds The Power, which lies in Life.

Thus, Almighty God, and He Alone is The Primordial Power, or simply "The Power", so often referred to!

And again, in this "Power", there is "Light"!

Here again, the expression "Primordial Light" is just as false as the expression, "Primordial Power", for there is but "One Light" and "One Power" --- "Almighty God, the very most High, nothing stands ever above or could!

The existence of Almighty God, of Power, of Light, i.e., of Life, Alone inevitably brings into being, The Creations, because The Living Light, The Living Power, cannot but Radiate! And these Radiations contain, all that is necessary, for Creation!

The Radiations are not The Light Itself!

Hence, all that exists outside of Almighty God, have their origin only, in the Radiation of Almighty God.

This Radiation is a natural effect of The Light, however, an effect which has existed, from all eternity. The strength of the Radiation, is naturally greatest in the proximity of The Light, so much, so that, there can be no other movement in it, than "The Perfectly Straight Line" Movement, which is an intrinsic quality of the Radiation.

Thus, it issues from Almighty God and proceeds for fabulous distances, the extent of which, the human spiritual beings, is unable to imagine!

When, however, this inflexible forward propulsion, which is equivalent to an immense and constant pressure, comes to the point, where it at last, eases-off a little, the nature of the movement, changes from the hitherto, "straight-Line" to a "circular movement".

This circular movement is produced by the attraction of "Living Power", simultaneously pulling back, all that has been flung beyond the border of the full Radiation, to that point, where only the straight-line movement predominates.

In this process, the "Rotating" movements take on an elliptical form, because they are not independent movements, but only produced by this flinging-out-of-the-main-stream, and the subsequent pulling back, through the attraction, which rests, in The "Power, that is, in Almighty God Himself!

Moreover, the process of dividing the Radiation into "positive" and "negative" species, which takes place after the Radiation, leaves The Sphere of Divine-White-Heat, also decisive here! In this "Rotating" movements, in which the immense pressure of the original Radiation, has diminished, a slight cooling-off, also takes place, in the course of nature. This, in turn, causes a certain deposit, to be precipitated.

This deposit, sinks deeper or receding further away, from the original strongest radiation, but is still held by the all-pervading attractions of the Power. Yet, it simultaneously retains, enough of the straight-line impetus of the Radiation, in order to again produce new rotating movements, which always remain within, very definite, but quite different limits. Thus, one deposit after another is precipitated, and corresponding elliptically rotating of motion form, which bring accumulations of substance and finally ever more "solid condensate" forms, receding further and further away, from the "Original Radiation" and it's enormous, surging, forward pressure!

The gradations thus produced, consequently form planes, in which definite species link together and settle, conforming to the degree, their temperature has cooled off. These placed had already been described, in the "Grail Message", as being the great, fundamental planes of Spiritual Substantiality in the upper-most region of Creation, under which successively, range the Spheres of Animistic Substantiality, of Ethereal Substance, and finally of Gross Matter, with their many sub-divisions. It is quite natural that the more perfect species should remain higher, thus closest to the "Point of Origin", because they most nearly resemble It and are most strongly affected by the attraction of the "Living Power"!

As has already been said, this Radiation of "The LIGHT", working in such an incomprehensible way, has always existed from all eternity!

But Almighty God, Did not allow this Radiation of the Light, to penetrate further and act beyond the limits, at which, the surging forward drive of the stream, still forms an absolutely "Straight-Line", so that, the "Pure Divine Radiation" still remained luminous and clear, without any cooling off, and consequent precipitation.

This formed "The Divine Sphere", which as with Almighty God Himself, is Eternal!

In this clear transparency, there could never be any dimming, nor can there be any "swerving" aside or change.

Only perfect harmony with the "Source", with "The Light" Itself was possible!

And thie "Divine Sphere", is inseparably connected with "Almighty God", because this "Radiation" of the "Living Power", being it's natural effect, can never be avoided! To this Divine Sphere, which because of it's close proximity to the Living Power, is subjected to a pressure, incomprehensible to the human spiritual beings, belongs the "Actual Castle of The Grail", as the most extreme outpost and "Anchorage", as a "terminating counter-pole", so to put it!

This "Castle" still stands within the "Circle of Divinity", and has therefore, existed from all eternity and will remain unchanged, for all eternity, even if in times to come, "Creation would have to fall to ruins", "The Castle of The Holy Grail, shall remain!

Thus, it was from all eternity! It is something, the human spiritual beings is unable to comprehend!

It was not until, Almighty God, In His Volition, sent forth "The Great Words":....................."Let There Be Light", that the "Rays Shot-out" over the "limit" hitherto, and released them into "the Universe", then it was in "utter darkness", carrying movement and warmth!

This was the "Beginning of Creation", which gave birth to the human spiritual beings, and could become their homes!

Almighty God, "Who Is Light", Does not need "this Creation"!

"Should He again, decide to "limit His Radiation, to it's unavoidable minimum, so that only a "Sphere of Divine Purity" would remain, into which, no dimness, can ever penetrate, just as it was in "the beginning", then the "end" of all that has been "subsequently" created, would be at hand! The human spiritual beings then, would also cease to exist, because the human spiritual can only attain to self-conscious, within Creation!

The immediate Radiation of The Light, can produce only what is "perfect". In the changes, from this first pressure, caused by the "ever-increasing" distances, however, this "original perfection" diminishes, because, in the progressive cooling off, "individual particles", constantly separate themselves and consequently remain behind.

Purity in Perfection, necessitates the pressure of "Divine Radiation, at it's greatest necessity, which is possible, only in the "Proximity of Almighty God". The pressure creates "motion", which in turn, produces "warmth, heat, and white-heat.

"Pressure", however, is but the resultant effect of the "Power", and not "The Power" Itself, just as the "Radiations" come into existence, only under the pressure of the power, but the Radiations are not the Power Itself!

Therefore, the radiations within Creation, are but the consequence of a corresponding motion, which in turn, must adjust "itself", to the particular pressure, at the time! Thus, wherever there are no "radiations" in Creation, there is also no "motion" or, as the human spiritual beings, had erroneously call it, "no life"!

Because, all motion radiates, while "stagnation" is "nothingness", an absence of motion, which the human spiritual beings call, "death"!

Thus, "The Great Judgment comes about, only through the increased pressure, of "a Divine Ray", passed on, through an "Envoy" from Almighty God, incarnated, as flesh and blood, in the World of Gross Matter, to "Whom" Almighty God, has "given" a "Spark of His Living Power"!

Only that, which swing aright, in the "Laws" manifesting the "Power of Almighty God", can withstand the pressure of this "Living Power-Spark", which naturally cannot be as strong, as the enormous pressure, of the "Living Power in Almighty God", "The Father Himself.

That which swings aright, will be strengthened by this "pressure", but not brought to "Divine White-Heat, for which, the "Radiation" of the "Power-Spark" is insufficient.

The radiation of the "Power-Spark, however, is simply sufficient to unhinge all disturbing elements, thrust them out of their false movements, and "crush and disintegrate them.

Thus, the "Great Judgment" of Almighty God, follows quite automatically and in no wise, depends on an arbitrary act of the "Divine Envoy"!

It is simply the result of the "Law of Radiation", which was bound to come into being, in consequent occurrence, of the Radiation of Almighty God's Power. Because, all and everything that moves aright, in "thought" or "deeds" radiates a "violet" color, in the "World of Gross Matter.

That which is of the "Darkness", either evil, or striving towards it, albeit in "thought" or "desire", emits a dull "yellow" color.

These "two colors" are fundamental for the "Judgment"!

According to the strength of a volition or deed, these radiations are either of weak or of strong quality!

With the coming of Almighty God's Envoy, an absolutely unmodified "Ray of Divine Light" enters Creation and thereby also this earth. Divine Light, strengthens and uplifts, all and everything that is good, i.e., all that is of "violet" color on earth, while all that is of a "dull earthly yellow", will be disintegrated and destroyed by "Divine Light"!

The radiation is stronger or weaker, according to the nature and strength of a particular volition or deed. And this again, influences the nature and strength of the "Judging effect" of the Divine Light-Ray, with unswerving "Justice"!

It may quite well be said, that Creation is encompassed and penetrated by a "gigantic network" of "many-colored" radiations. These radiations are nothing but the expression of the diversified movement, having their "origin", in the "pressure" of the Living Power of Almighty God.

In other words: Almighty God, "Holds" Creation, in "His Living-Power"!

All this is right, no matter in what form, it is expressed! But if one wishes to put it to good account, the real origin and further process of development, must also be known accurately.

Just as the highest degree of heat, throws out, "a white glow", so is it also, it is the same in the "Divine Sphere"! With decrease in temperature, other colors, gradually appear, and in the cooling-off-process, everything becomes more and more dense in condensation!

To continue the explanations, with the aid of earthly conceptions, the human spiritual beings can never come to "Divine-White-Heat", because the human spiritual beings came into being, in a sphere, where the pressure, was already becoming weaker and where it was consequently, no longer able to produce, this highest degree of heat.

Thus, in it's origin, the human spiritual beings, is of a species, which cannot self-consciously, withstand, this highest degree of power! Or could also be said: "That which is spirit cannot evolve and become self-conscious, until the "temperature" has fallen or dropped to a certain "level!

Furthermore, the species, in which the "spirit" originates is nothing more than, a deposit condensate, precipitated from the Divine Sphere, which was bound to form itself, owing to the slight decrease, in "temperature", and so on!

But there are still further graduated gradient extensions!

The first precipitation, from the Divine Sphere, forms "The Primordial Spiritual Sphere, of instant self-consciousness, in which "The Primordial Beings", originate. It is only the deposit, which The Primordial Beings, had precipitated, which consequently produces the species, from which, the human spiritual beings can evolve. The deposit, precipitated by the human spiritual beings in turn, produces "The Sphere of Animistic Substantiality" of which, "the World of Ethereal Substance, emerges, which again is finally followed by "the World of Gross Matter

But each of the fundamental species mentioned here, including the Divine, contains many intermediate spheres, which are bridges, that have to act, as connection links, from one sphere to another!

The first deposit from the Divine Sphere, as is easily understandable, holds the greatest value, the true replica and image, and could therefore, produce "Self-Consciousness" instantaneously and immediate process!

This first ever deposit, produced the so-called "Primordial Beings", whereas the deposit precipitated after this first deposit, is not quite, so strong and must gradually develop, towards self-consciousness, because they lack the instance of this immediate self-consciousness. And from this "second deposit" the human spiritual beings "originate".

Due to the greater value and significance of the species, and because they constitute the very "first deposit" from The Divine Sphere, These "Primordial Beings", therefore stand, at the "highest heights, in Creation, while the human spiritual beings, emerged, only from a still further, cooled-off deposit.

Naturally, even at their full maturity, the human spiritual beings, cannot reach the height of the much more valuable, significant, "Primordial Beings, whom are the true image and replica, but must remain on the level, of their own species!

In order to rise higher, the human spiritual beings lack something, which it is impossible to supplement, unless this some-thing, was give to them directly, by the "Living Power" of Almighty God, which, however, cannot take place, in natural course of events. Instead, it would have to issue from a Living Part of Almighty God, placed in Creation, because, being the personal and truly "Living Power", Himself, the radiation has not cooled, which ordinarily, it is bound to do in transition

He alone, therefore, is in a position, to add to a human spiritual beings, through His own, immediate Radiation, something which makes it possible for the Human spiritual beings to cross the border, to the region, in which the Primordial Beings Live!

When the radiation, first shot over the "boundary-line", of the Divine Sphere, i.e., at the "beginning of Creation", a new session was added to the external "Castle of The Grail", situated at the most "remote" border, of The Divine Sphere.

This section protruded towards the further side, towards the most spiritual part of Creation, so that, the Primordial Beings, on their side, can also visit this new section, of "The Castle" but in the "Spiritual World", at least as far as the "limit", set by their individual species, allows or permits!

One step beyond this border, i.e., into the Divine Sphere, would mean immediate unconsciousness, because they would be consumed in "white-heat", if.......they were able to take such a step! But this is impossible, because the much greater pressure, of the Divine Sphere, to which they are not accustomed, would simply fling them back or, in other words, would prevent them from . In an absolutely natural manner, it bars their entrance, without the necessity of any further action!

The position is similar, as between the developed human spiritual beings and the Primordial Beings, in the plane, in which they live!

Thus, The Castle of the "Grail" with it's spiritual extension, presently constitutes, the intermediary point, between the Divine and Creation!

Through the Castle, all the Radiation necessary for Creation, must flow, and " The Son of Man, as King of "The Grail", and "the only Mediator is, owing to the nature of His Origin ( which combines "Divinity with Spirituality" ), able to cross the border, into the Divine Sphere, from Creation! For this reason, the mystery of this "union", had to be brought about!

It is only far below this Castle of the Grail and the Sphere of the Primordial Beings, that Paradise lies! It is the highest and most beautiful sphere, for those human spiritual beings, who have fully matured in the "Divine Will, through obeying the Laws of His Radiations!

To avoid enlarging the picture of these happenings too far, details would be exempted here. Details on this issues, shall be explained later, in order for earthly scientists, can study, the individual processes, such as the development within the various spheres, their relationship to one and another, and so on!

Nothing must be passed over lest there be a gap, which would immediately call a halt to human spiritual beings" knowledge! Thus, when the "spirit" of an earthman in all it's maturity returns from it's long wandering and arrives at the boundary ordained, for it's species, i.e., to the point, where it encounters stronger pressure, it cannot increase it's own luminosity beyond what it's own full maturity, has already brought about!

The higher pressure of a much greater power, would disintegrate and consume it's particular species. In the greater degree of heat, to which it was exposed, then it"s ego would be losst. It could then no longer exist as human spiritual beings, for in merging with the "White Light", it would be dissolved, while in the region of the Primordial Beings, then it would become unconscious, through the higher pressure, assailing it, and prevailing there!

The "White--Light", i.e., the Radiation of Almighty God, in which only what is "Divine" can exist consciously, thus "carries" within itself, all the fundamental components of Creation which, in the gradual process of cooling off, deposit themselves in a downward direction, manifesting in forms, through motion, and as such uniting themselves with each other.

But they no longer merge with each other, because the pressure needed for this is lacking. With every degree, that the temperature decreases, a definite type precipitation, forms and remains behind.

First, "The Divine", later "The Spiritual" and then "The Animistic", until finally only "Ethereal Substance" and "Gross Matter, sinking still further!

Thus, Creation is actually the deposit formed, through the increasing cooling off, of The White-Light, of the Radiation of The Living Light!

The Spiritual, as also the Animistic, can also form, and become conscious, (but not yet self-conscious), at a very definite degree, in the process of cooling off, which is equivalent, to the "decrease in pressure" of Almighty God's Radiation.

If here, emphasis is laid on the melting or dissolution of the human spiritual beings, when the pressure of the Light Radiation, becomes too great, this does not refer to the "Nirvana" of the Buddhists, as these would perhaps like to procure interpretation of this explanation. The present explanation, merely concerns the happenings, as they occur, from the Light,...........downwards, whereas in comparison, "Nirvana" is meant to be the "climax", on the "way upwards"!

Here, the way would be blocked, because in order to ascend from the gross material earth, into the Spiritual Kingdom, into Paradise (at the highest boundary, of which, this point of dissolution, would be found or located), every human spiritual beings as "a conscious ego" must have already attained, to the highest maturity, a maturity, according to " The Divine Will" and not perhaps, as the human spiritual beings, imagine it should be. Otherwise, the human spiritual beings cannot enter this "Kingdom"

But if the human spiritual beings as a "self-conscious" spirit, has matured so far, it will be strictly held back and repulsed, at "the boundary", by the "increased pressure" of The Divine Sphere. It cannot proceed any further! Nor does the human spiritual beings, capable or wanting to do so!

The human spiritual beings would not be able to enjoy bliss, in the Divine Sphere, because it cannot live there, in the Divine Sphere, as human spiritual beings, but would and must have dissolved, while in The Spiritual Kingdom, in Paradise, the human spiritual beings would find the "eternal bliss", and in it's gratitude, thinks no more, of wanting to be completely dissolved!

Besides, in the "fullness" of the human spiritual beings" maturity, which they need for the uplifting and perfecting of the spheres, lying below them.

These spheres below, still being further deposits, can withstand even less pressure, than the human spiritual beings.

There, they, the human spiritual beings are the greatest, because it can "endure" and even has need of a stronger pressure! It is the task, of the human spiritual beings, in these lower regions, through the power inherent in it, to open everything that stands below them, as much as possible to the influence of the pure Radiations of the Light; and thereby, as a "Mediator, through which the "stronger pressure can operate, to dispense blessings to all else, because it can receive this higher pressure and distribute it, as a Purifying element, that destroys all "unclean"!

Unfortunately, the human spiritual beings, has made sad havoc of this! It is very true, that everything in Creation, that was meant to develop, actually did develop, up to the present time, following the pressure or the urge.

However, it developed, in the wrong way, because here, the human spiritual beings, has not only failed, but even misdirected this development downwards, instead of upwards! For this reason, only hideous caricatures of everything came into manifestation, instead of natural beauty!

To be natural, however, means to ascend, to strive upwards, following the attraction of the Living Power! Because, wherever there is naturalness, everything strives upwards only, just like every blade of grass, every blade of grass, every flower and every tree.

Thus, what the human spiritual beings' volition brought about, unfortunately bears only, an external resemblance, to that which, the human spiritual beings were supposed to accomplish! A rich inner life existence, for instance, may to the superficial observer, outwardly resemble the emptiness, which comes of a blasè attitude to knowledge.

Reverential Love of all, that is beautiful, at starting, bears some resemblance to "lustful desire" , because both, exhibit a certain enthusiasm, except that, the one is "genuine", and the other is "false", and only "a means to an end".

"Vanity" becomes a substitute for real "Charm", and place or position hunting, instead of honest service. And so it is with everything that the human spiritual beings, bring forth. Only and very rarely, do the human spiritual beings" way lead towards the "Light"!

Almost everything, and everything is inclined towards "darkness"!

All these, must be eliminated, in order, that in place of this "Sodom" and "Gomorrah", "The Kingdom of Almighty God, may now, come upon the gross material earth! Everything must finally, "turn" towards the Light, and for this purpose, the human spiritual beings are the "mediators"!

About "The Light", "Itself", about "Almighty God, nothing could be said! The "Subject" is off-limit and "too" Sacred!

Besides, this subject, the human spiritual beings could never come to grasp it!

The human spiritual beings must be eternally content, to know that, "Almighty God Is"!