LAST Time, the last lecture, it was made mention about "The ISLE OF ROSES, (Roseate Oval Spirituality Emanating Substantiality), the ISLE OF LILIES, (Light Intrinsic Luminous Impertinent Executive Spirituality) and the ISLE OF SWAN, (Synchrony Weaving Admonishing Notes)

These points of support, are just as "three radiating jewels", in a "a gold ring", if comparation is made of the "entire plane", of "the fourth step", which is as a "gold ring", with "a golden band", in which, these "three jewels" are "wonderfully mounted".

Naturally, there is also other life-existence, right upon this "fourth step" just as well, as upon all the other surface planes, but currently, the lecture is first concerned, and emphasizes the points of support, that shine forth, and which have an incisive, indeed a decisive, effect upon the human spiritual beings.

It is rather the same, right upon the next, "The Fifth Step" of Primordial Creation.

If the previous steps were the "basic planes" for the "issuing forth", of all "The Powers of Radiation", for everything, "further", then "The FIFTH STEP", Is "The Land" or "The Plane", FOR "PREPARATION", "THE TRAINING", OF "THE HELPS" CONCERNING EVERYTHING, Which is "below" PRIMORDIAL CREATION.

WORKING Upon this "Fifth Step", are "The Leading", "Strong Preparers" of all "The Supports", for the "race" of all human spiritual beings.

The human spiritual beings would understand a grasp, when disbursed with one single "Name" therefrom:


On These Plane "Lives" IS-MA-EL, right from this "Plane", IS-MA-EL"S "Goes Further On".

IS-MA-EL Who once "brought up" ABD-RU-SHIN, right upon the gross material earth plane, "Who Incarnated" right upon the gross material earthly surface, for "The sole purpose" of "bringing up" ABD-RU-SHIN.

Who then as "John The Baptist", also "Proclaimed" JERSUS CHRIST, and Who had to "prepare" all "The Seven Parts" of The World, for "The COMING OF PARSIFAL"!

IS-MA-EL Is 'The very "upper-most", right upon "this Step", numerous "Helpers" invariably surround IS-MA-EL, and It Was IS-MA-EL, Who Received "The Tidings From The Light", for IS-MA-EL"S great, comprehensive "working", Which IS-MA-EL Always "Faithfully Fulfilled".

It Was also IS-MA-EL, Who "Gave" the human spiritual beings, "The Great Revelation" concerning the "current happenings, all around, right to the present day, which have become generally known as "The Revelation JOHN".

Right within this "Great Work" of "The Preparation" of "All The Incisive Light-Occurrences", for The Creations.

This "Fifth Step" is inevitably "Filled" and "Full of Flaming Life-Existence'! -

The next "Step", which is "The Sixth Step", again "portrays", also for the human spiritual beings, a "point", which "stands out", most "strongly" and "luminously":


The "White Castle", is not to be "thought of", in accordance with gross material earthly conception.

The White Castle has "the designation" as the "shelter" of "The TWO PURE VESSELS"!

It is "faithfully guarded therein" are "Two Primordial Spiritual Vessels", of the "Most Holy Light-Fulfillment", right upon the gross material earthly plane.

These are in fact, 'The Two Primordial Spiritual Vessels", For The Gross Material Earthly "Mothers", of "Both", JESUS CHRIST" AND ABD-RU-SHIN!

However, "The Two Primordial Spiritual Vessels", were also "in need" of "a Spiritual Cloak", without which, they would have been "unable" to "fulfill" Their "Tasks", right upon the gross material earthly plane.

This very "Spiritual Parts", were "The Gross Material Earthly "Mothers" of JESUS CHRIST and ABD-RU-SHIN, at the very particular period of time in question.

Thereby, each "particular Cloak", was "a human spiritual being" of "Herself", thus a "self-conscious", gross material earthly "woman", with "whom", "The Chosen" Primordial Spiritual Woman, must be invariably "connected", consequently for a gross material earthly "birth" of The Light of ALMIGHTY GOD, in "each case".

Such a gross material earthly "Light-Birth", needs "the greatest" and "the most comprehensive" Preparations, "right from Above", and after "centuries" of "agitations", such a small gross material earthly human spiritual beings, due to there individual weaknesses, may consequently "necessitate", further "changes", even at "the very "Last Moment".

When it is been spoken of, "A Primordial Spiritual, and of "A Spiritual Vessel or Cloak", then in each instance, "This Is A Woman of Herself".

The Two Primordial Spiritual Vessels are consequently, "The Women", right within The Primordial Creation, "chosen", primarily for this "purpose", who right under, a very definite, "High Guidance", just for this "expedition", right from "The Primordial Spiritual", inevitably were able to "develop self-conscious" of "Their Aim", and who always remained under the most "faithful guardianship", right within The White Castle'.

The Spiritual Vessels or Cloaks are those gross material earthly "Women", who could be "chosen" and also "prepared" to "unite themselves" most "closely" with these "cloaks" or "Women", right "out" of Primordial Creation, solely for this very particular "purpose' of "The Most Sacred Fulfillment.

Once again, in a brief summary, what is difficult for the human spiritual beings, in order for it to stand with profound clarity, right in the presence of the human spiritual beings!

Right within The White Castle, of "The Sixth Step", of The Primordial Spiritual, "There are Two Chosen Women", Who "Ultimately" CARRY-DOWN, "All Those Born Of The LIGHT (Who invariably "Sink Themselves" right into The Worlds of Matter, For The Fulfillment of Divine Promises), just in order to "connect themselves", with a "woman" right upon the gross material earthly plane; for the fact that, this very "transition", must certainly "happen", whenever "The Incarnations" of Those "Born Of THE LIGHT, should "occur" right upon the gross material earthly surface plane, since "a gap", right within "The Operation" of The Divine Primordial Laws Of Creation, absolutely "impossible".

The "Two Women" Bear "Names" which "Stand Within The Law (Light Active Weaving):



Thus, MARIA, Is "Chosen" for "THE LOVE OF ALMIGHTY GOD", in accordance with "The Law Of The Number" (MARIA = 5) and MARIA"S "NORMS OF NATURE".


For the gross material earthly "Birth", MARIA and THERESE WERE closely, in each instance very much "United", with "A Woman", right upon the gross material earthly plane, right with "Her Spirit".

The gross material earthly human spiritual woman-being, had norms naturally, to possess, "a similar vibration".

Consequently, for the "Birth Of LOVE, a gross material earthly human spiritual being was invariably necessary and needed, who consequently "vibrated" right within "The LOVE".

And For The Birth Of The WILL, a gross material earthly human spiritual being who "vibrated similarly" right within "The WILL"!

The gross material earthly "Women", who were to "give" Those Born Of The LIGHT, "into The Worlds Of Matter", are "connected" by "thread", right within The Primordial Spiritual Vessels Only, but not within THE ENVOYS OF THE LIGHT THEMSELVES.

The human spiritual beings are hereby implored to pay strict attention to this very fact, in order to comprehend an understanding of the entire occurrence correctly!

Therefore, 'The Spirits Within", The Gross Material Earthly Mothers, are inevitably only "indirectly Linked", with THE ENVOYS OF THE LIGHT, through The Primordial Spiritual "Vessels", with which, right with the latter, they are "directly Linked", just for a time by very "carefully woven threads".

The Primordial Spiritual Vessels "Carry" THE ENVOYS OF THE LIGHT, RIGHT DOWN, to the gross material earthly human spiritual Mother-Beings, with whom they "connect themselves" only at the time of 'Incarnations", and "remaining connected", until "Forty Days", right after the gross material Earthly Birth.

During, this very "period of time", through The Primordial Spiritual Vessel, "A LIGHT CONNECTION", also consequently manifest into existence, for "The Spirit Within" The Gross Material Earthly Human Spiritual Mother-Beings, but this very "connection' would again be "dissolved", for the fact that The Primordial Spiritual Vessel, would invariably 'sever itself" and "returns".

Through this, The "Female", human spiritual beings, right upon the gross material earthly plane, would again be "Left" to "Herself", because a "direct connection", with THE CORE OF LIGHT, of "Her Child" (THE ENVOY), does not exist anymore.

It is all very simple norms, so natural, and yet nevertheless, so hard and difficult to "narrow down", into gross material earthly syntax words (Weaving Ordinance Resonant Dissipation), in order to make it, comprehensibly understandable, right within the "coarse" World of Matter! -

The "Last Step" of Primordial Creation, "The Seventh", CARRIES The ISLE OF THE CHOSEN ONES!

There is not much to say about this, right in this "Lecture", Because the "name" is adequately enough fr the human spiritual beings:


A very great deal has already been mentioned about this "ISLE OF THE BLESSED ONES", and much more would be explained about it, yet, because simultaneously and at the the same time, it is also "THE ISLE OF PPROMISES, or THE MOUNTAIN OF HOLY PROCLAMATIONS"!

Just as The HOLY GRAIL CASTLE, WHICH "Arises" at "The Outer-Most" Boundary, within THE DIVINE REALM, and which "simultaneously" has "A Replica", as a "consequent Summit", right within The Primordial Creation.

So also is it with "PATMOS", which is "situated", at "The LAST Boundary" of The Primordial Spiritual, and also, "simultaneously" has "A Replica", right upon "The Highest Heights", of "The Adjoining" Spiritual Creation; and whatever "occurs" right upon "PATMOS", which is situated within The Primordial Spiritual, could be "observed" and "seen" within "The Spiritual Creation", just like "A Reflection".

In this very manner, despite "The Separation", there is always, "A Common Experiencing", right within The 'Two Realms" of "The Primordial Spiritual" and "The Spiritual", and thus a very definite "connection" is consequently "established".

Thus, Upon PATMOS, which happens to be "The Summit" of "The Human Spirituality", The Is Also "A CREATED ONE", WHO BEARS ALSO THE "NAME", IS-MA-EL, And "swings" and "Works", right within "The Rays" of IS-MA-EL, that is "situated", right upon The Primordial Spiritual.

Thereby, in bringing about a conclusion, in order not to exceed, the very purpose of this "Lecture" of The Great Realms Of The Primordial Creation, right within a "Straight-Line" all the way, "Downwards".

Right after the very "Last Step", within The Primordial Creation, "The Seventh", Tailing Tightly, "follows" A PROTECTIVE CLOAK, Which "possesses the effect" of "A separating Layer" (Mezzanine), between "The Primordial Spiritual" and "The Adjoining" Spiritual Realm of Creation, and the latter, being within it's "extent" no less vast to the minds of gross material earthly human spiritual beings, than actually is The Primordial Spiritual.

This very "Plane Of Protective Cloak, Is also, "A Plane" of "Great Extent", all by "Itself".

This "Plane Of Protective Cloak, is also not "uninhabited", but "Animated by numerous Beings", albeit, it is not "A Permanent Stopping Plane", of "Self-Conscious Spirits".

The "Plane Of Protective Cloak", inevitably "Forms" The "Unsurmountable Border", of The Primordial Spiritual, "The Primordial Creation", which "Border" can possibly not be "Broken-Through", and yet again, this "Plane of Protective Cloak" fully "acts" as "A Transition Stage".

But, in order to "Cross Over", it would be of a necessity to have "An Escort", of "The Similar Entities", which are "inhabitants" of The Plane Of Protective Cloak; which right within their "Working", again "resemble" "A protective Cloak", right "towards", "the one that is crossing"-over, just as their very "Protective Cloak Plane" actually "depicts", right "towards" The Whole Of "Primordial Creation".

And such "An Escort", right through this "Plane Of Protective Cloak", can possibly only be "granted" by "These Entities", right under very definite and strict condition (Entropy), which "swings" most abundantly right within "THE LAWS OF CREATION.

Therefore, it is only possible to "Cross-Over", this "Protective Cloak Plane", by 'The Fulfillment Of Very Special Stipulations".

The "Fulfillment Of The Conditions", which "Lay" partly right within "The Species", and partly also within "The Norms and Nature Of This Very Species", i.e., right within the particular state of "Maturity" (Enthalpy), which invariably "results" within "The Passage-Through", bringing it about "automatically", as "necessary" and "norms natural" consequence.

Thus, everywhere, there is an exact and precise "Inter-Locking Movement", just as with a most "delicately" manufactured "Gearing", invariably "put together" most "skillfully", and which is paramount to "Kept Within Motion", by "Vitally Working LAWS.

Whatever, consequently "Keeps Right To It's Path", within The "Right Path-Way", therein, is inevitably "Polished" and als "Purified", invariably "Pushed Along" and "Lifted Up", but always "towards" The Heights Of A PURE ABILITY.

But all that which "Stray" from "The Right Path-Way", and which "Carelessly" or to even "wantonly steps aside", right within this "machinery", would be "Struck" and consequently "Damaged", until it again stands, right upon It's "Right Path-Way", and can then possibly "swing" along "Smoothly", or right until it is "ground" and "crushed" right between The Wheel That Never Stop, The Eternal Wheel Of Creation.

Therefore, the human spiritual beings are "implored" to "dutifully" come to an "adjustment" right within themselves, before 'The Adamantine Machinery" of This Master-Piece, That Is CREATION, Which invariably is far "greater" than anything "comprehensible" to the human spiritual beings and also right within "THE UNIFORM SWINGING", The Human Spiritual Would 'remain" HAPPY Perpetually!