IT CAN SAFELY BE stated, that the human spiritual beings have never yet understood, much less "practised", the true worship of Almighty, which should in fact, been absolutely natural to him.

Just consider for a moment, how the worship of Almighty GOD, had been gone about for so long, and so far!

The human spiritual beings only know how to "plead", or still better to say, how to "beg"!

Only, presently and often enough times, does it happen that "prayers of thanxgiving", consequently would ascend, that which really come from the heart.

However, that is a great eception, and occurs only when the human spiritual beings, unexpectedly receive, very special gifts, or when they are suddenly rescued from impeding and great danger.

Unexpectedness, and suddenness are necessary ingredients, before the human spiritual beings are consequently arouse themselves, "in order to utter a prayer of thanx".

The tremendous things, may fall, undeserved, right into their laps, but so long, as this would occur, in a quiet and most natural manner, it would never occur to the human spiritual beings, only very seldom, to think of "offering thanx"!

If the human spiritual beings and all their loved ones, are always blessed with "good health" (Homeostatic Extention Annulling Life Threatening Hazards), and if they have material care to worry about, they would hardly bring themselves, "to utter earnest prayer of thanxgiving"!

In order to "arouse" a stronger emotion, right within themselves, the human spiritual beings, unfortunately need a very special "incentive".

Whenever all is well, with the human spiritual beings, they "never bestir" themselves from their "own free-will".

The human spiritual beings may perhaps talk about it, from now and then, or in fact go to church, just in order to "murmur prayers of thanx", but could never occur to the human spiritual beings, to put and involve their whole "soul" into it, not even for a single minute!

Only when real misfortune, befall the human spiritual beings, would they very quickly, "remember", that there is The One Who, Is able to Help them.

Fear would finally drive them, "to stammer prayers, for once"!

However, even then, it would turn-out as merely begging, and never genuine worshipping!

Such is the human spiritual beings, who still consider themselves as "being good", and consequently "call" themselves "the believers"!

But, however, there are few enough of these human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, and even they belong to groups of laudable exceptions!

The human spiritual beings should ponder over this deplorable state of affairs!

After care consideration, how does it, strike the human spiritual beings?

Then how much more despicable, must such human spiritual beings, "appear" In The Eyes Of their Almighty GOD!

Yet, unfortunately, this is indeed is reality!

Turn and twist as they can, the human spiritual beings, these facts would remain, even when they trouble to investigate closely and without trying to make excuses.

It must leave the human spiritual beings, if only somewhat depressed, because neither begging nor thanxgiving, belong to "worship"!

Worship, means "reverence"!

But, this is really, not to be found anywhere on the gross material earthly surface!

The human spiritual beings must just observe the festivals or the celebrations, which are intended to honour Almighty GOD, and in which, as an exception, "begging" and "pleading" are for once left out!

There are oratorios!

Pick out, the singers, who worship Almighty GOD, with their singing!

Observe them, just as they prepare themselves, in the concert hall or church!

They all want to achieve something, that will "please all audience".

In this very respect, Almight GOD, is a matter of "indifference" to them!

Just He - Almighty GOD, in Whose honour, it is supposedly given!

Look at the conductor!

The conductor invites applause - exhibiting concentrating on personal prowess and ability.

The human spiritual beings should go further in observing the "proud buildings", the churches and cathedrals, which are supposed to have been raised, in the very honour of Almighy GOD!

The artists, the architects, and the builders, only strive for gross material earthly "acknowledgement".

Every city shows off, these buildings, because they are well renowned!

These buildings must even serve, to attract strangers, not indeed for the true purpose of worshipping Almighty GOD, in order for their finance, to flow into the other town, through increased business acumen!

Wherever the human spiritual beings look, it is nothing, but "cravings for earthly material externals"!

All these things, under the "pretext" of worshipping Almighty GOD!

Sporadically, human spiritual beings still may be found, whose "souls" would "unfold" in the forest or on the mountain heights, and who may give fleeting thoughts, to the Greatness of The Creator of all the "beauty around" the human spiritual beings, but instead, a Creator pushed into the far distant background.

Consequently, the souls of the human spiritual beings would unfold, but not to take "jubilant flights" upwards - it really encourages the enthalpy in a luxurious feeling of enjoyment!

This may not be mistaken for "soaring upwards"!

It really has no other value, than the pleasure derived by a glutton, from a richly-laden table!

Such an explanation of the "soul", is erroneously taken for "worship"; but it remains a shallow ecstacy, a personal feeling of well-being, which is mistakenly sensed as gratitude, to The Creator.

But is merely a gross material earthly occurrence!

There are also many "nature enthusiasts" among the human spiritual beings, who take their "ecstacy" to be "genuine worship" of Almighty GOD.

These human spiritual beings also imagine, that they are "far too superior", to those others, who have no possibility of enjoying, the scenic of the gross material earthly surface.

It is "crude", pharasaical view, having it"s origin, only in the human spiritual beings, personal feelings of "well-being" - "sham gold, utterly "worthless"!

When the period arrives, for such human spiritual beings, to seek, within their very souls, for these reasures, which could be consequently utilised, for their ascent, into The Luminous Heights, and they would find their inner shrine completely "empty", just for the fact that, what these particular human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, imagined to be a treasure, was nothing but only "ecstacy", at the "sight of beauty", nothing else!

Genuine veneration for their Creator, was very much lacking!

The real worship of Almighty GOD, does never show itself in "ecstacy", in "murmuring prayers", in begging, kneeling, and wringing one"s hands, nor in blissful shuddering - but rather in "joyful acttivity"!

In the jubilant acceptance of life-existence on the gross material earthly plane!

In the thorough enjoyment of every moment!

This means nothing, but to make very good use of it, which in turn means - to experience!

Not however, in gambling and dancing or wasting time, which are very harmful to the physical body and the ethereal soul of the human spiritual beings, and which the "intellect" seeks and needs, as a balance, and stimulant, for it"s activity, but in looking upwards, to The Light and It"s Will, which alone "furthers", "uplifts", and "ennobles", all that exists in Creation!

The fundamental condition for this, however, is the exact knowledge, of The Divine Laws in Creation.

These certainly show human spiritual beings exactly how they must "live", if and when they wish to be healthy, in the physical body and the soul, then they point, with precision, in the direction or path, leading "upwards" into The Spiritual Realm.

But they (The Divine Laws) also ennable the human spiritual beings to recognize, quite clearly, the very horrors, they will consequently have to encounter, if and when they stand in "opposition" of these Laws (Light Active Weaving) of Almighty GOD!

As The Inexorable and Adamantine Laws, in Creation "operate vitally" and automatically, with a power, against which, the human spiritual beings, are entirely "helpless", it stands to reason, the most urgent need, of every human spiritual beings, must be the thorough recognition, of these very Laws, to the effects of which the human spiritual beings, remain absolutely defenceless, in every respect.

And yet, the human spiritual beings, are so narrow-minded, that they heedlessly tried to overlook, this very clear and simple necessity, albeit, there is nothing else, of great importance to the human spiritual beings!

It is well-known, that the human spiritual beings, never hit on the right key, in simplest thoughts!

In this, strangely enough, every animal is wiser, than the human spiritual beings themselves.

The animals adapt themselves to Creation, and is "furthered" there-in, as long as the human spiritual beings, do not seek to "hinder" these animals.

The human spiritual beings, however, want to be "master", over something, to which, with it"s independent activity, the human spiritual beings would always remain "subjects".

No sooner, the human spiritual beings have learned, to turn, to their profit or benefit, the "minute fractions" of certain "radiations", or learned to "apply", in some small method, "the effects of fire, air, and water, than they think, in their very conceit, however, that the human spiritual beings are already "masters" over these forces i.e., Fire, Air, Water!

But the human spiritual beings do not consider that, before they could invariably, make their relatively, but very minor applications, they first, have to learn and observe, exactly how to make complete utilization, of the already existing entropies, conditions or forces, according to their very specific nature.

The human spiritual beings must try to "adapt" themselves, if they consequently wish for "success"!

The human spiritual beings are the very ones, who are consequently most obliged to do so!

This is not "ruling or conquering", but rather submitting and adapting themselves to the existing Laws.

Through this, the human spiritual beings should in fact, atlast come to realization, that only by adapting themselves, could they come to learn and receive any benefit!

With this, in "mind" (Memory Interpreter Natural Disciplines), the human spiritual beings, should gratefully, adavance forward!

But alas, no!

Instead, the human spiritual beings, give themselves "airs", and consequently act even more arrogantly, than ever!

And in those particular instances, where if but for once, the human spiritual beings, "bow to" and "serves" The Divine Will (Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD, in Creation, thereby immediately "receiving" visible benefits, whereas the human spiritual beings try vigorously to pose as conquerors, the "subduer of nature"!

This very senselessness of attitudes, is consequently the "climax" of "stupidity", as a result of which, they blindly overlook that, which is really great.

Because, if the human spiritual beings are in the right attitude, certainly would be conqeurors - over themselves, their attitude and vanity!

For the human spiritual beings would certainly be able to see, on "sober examination", that in all their notable achievements, the human spiritual beings had previously bowed to, and studied what was really in existence.

Only this could bring the human spiritual beings genuine success.

Every invetor and every human spiritual being achieving something really great, have consequently adapted their thinking and also their volitions to the existing Laws of Nature.

hatever resists or even wishes to stand in opposition, against these Laws, will be "smothered", "crushed", and invariably "shattered".

It would never really come to Lively-existence!

Just as it is wi th minor experiences, so also it is with the human spiritual beings" whole life-existence, and with theemselves.

The human spiritual beings, who had not only, have to live, the "short" span, right on the gross material earthly plane, but also "wander" through the whole Creation, must out of necessity, possess the knowledge, of these Laws, to which the whole Creation, and not merely the closest visible environment of the human spiritual beings, where they remain subjected.

If the human spiritual beings do not possess this knowledge, they shall be "hampered", "delayed", "hurt", and consequently "thrown back", or even "crushed", just for the fact that, in their "ignorance", they could not proceed any further, with the "power-currents", of The Laws, but fitted themselves, into these laws, so "wrongly", that these Laws had to down the human spiritual beings, instead of lifting them up.

The human spiritual beings, who contumaciously and blindly try to "reject facts", the very effects of which, they must daily recognize everywhere, and do not appear great or admirable, but rather ridiculous, if the human spiritual beings make fundamental use of these Laws, for their "activity", and also for every sort of technical work, yet not for themselves, and their "souls".

In human spiritual beings gross material earthly life-existence and activity, the "spirit" consequently alaways possess the very opportunity, in order to observe, the absolute "steadiness", "stability", and "uniformity" of all the basic effects of these Laws, providing the human spiritual beings do not "thoughtlessly", or even "hostile antagonistically", close themselves to these Laws, and consequently remaining fast asleep.

In this very respect, there is no exception in all Creation, not even for the "souls" of the human spiritual beings!

The human spiritual beings "must submit" to The Laws of Creation, if their "activity", is for ennoblement and furthering progressive development.

In the most parochially superficial manner, the human spiritual beings, have up till the present moment, "compltely overlooked", this very "simple" self-evident fact.

So simple did it in fact appear, that indeed by the virtue, of it"s very simplicity, it was bound to become the most difficult thing, for the human spiritual beings to recognize, so difficult indeed, that consequently in time, it proved impossible for the human spiritual beings, to do so.

So presently the human spiritual beings face ruins, the psychic breakdown, which must demolish everything, they had built up!

Only one thing could save the human spiritual beings - a thorough knowledge of The Divine Laws in Creation!

This alone would help the human spiritual beings onward and upward again, and with them, all that they attempt to build-up, in the future!

The human spiritual beings should not argue that, being "human spiritual beings, they cannot so easily recognize, the Laws in Creation, and that it is difficult to distinguish between the "Truth" and the "False" conclusions!

That is not so!

Whosoever says this, is either using it to conceal their indolence and to hide the indiffrence of their souls, or in fact that is making excuses for the sake of their own peace of mind.

But, it is of no use!

For all the human spiritual beings, who are indifferent or indolent, shall presently be subject to rejection!

Only the human spiritual beings who endeavour to "muster" all their strength, in order to devote all of it unremittingly, to achieve, whatever is most "indispensable", for their individual souls, have any prospect of being "saved"!

All, half-measures count for nothing!

Every hesitation, every postponement, every procrastination, is the same as a complete "neglect of duty"!

The human spiritual beings possess no more time left, just for the fact that, they have alraedy waited until the limit, of their allotted period!

Presently, most naturally, it will not be made so easy for the human spiritual beings, nor will they find any easier, through thee most "care negligence", in these matters, in which the human spiritual beings have consequently robbed themselves of the slightest capacity, even to believe in the profound seriousness, of a necessary "final decision"!

And, it is exactly this point, which is the greatest weakness to the human spiritual beings, which will consequently cause the downfall of many today!

For thousands of years, very much had been done, in order to enlighten the human spiritual beings about Almighty GOD"s WILL (Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light) or the "working of The Laws of Creation, atleast as far, the human spiritual beings would need these Laws, inorder to ascend, and find their path back to the Luminous Heights, whence the human spiritual beings came from, starting out initially as "spirit-germs"!

This was not achieved through the gross material earthly sciences, nor through the churches, but only through "The Servants of Almighty GOD", "The Prophets of olden days, and later through the "Message" Brought by The Son Of Almighty GOD!

Albeit, it was given to the human spiritual beings, quite simply, but the human spiritual beings have only so far "talked" about it, and never had the human spiritual beings, seriously troubled themselves, in order to comprehend a vehement understanding aright, and if also still less, for them to live accordingly!

In the indolent opinion of the human spiritual beings, this was asking too much of them, although it is their only very "salvation"!

The human spiritual beings "wished" to be saved, without "exerting themselves", in any way!

If the human spiritual beings should endeavour to reflect on this very matter, they must come to a very "sad conclusion"!

The human spiritual beings turned every Divine Message, into a "religion"!

For their convenience!

And that was wrong!

The human spiritual beings "placed religion", upon a "special pedestal", quite removed from "daily life-existence" (everyday-life).

That was the greatest mistake, the human spiritual beings could indeed have concentrated in the making actually, because in so doing, the human spiritual beings also "removed" The Will Of Almighty GOD, right out of their daily life-existence, or what amounts to the similar thing, the human spiritual beings separated themselves from "ALMIGHTY GOD"S WILL", instead of "uniting with It", and making It, the very centre of their daily life-existence and activity, thus consequently becoming "one with It"!

The human spiritual beings must absorb every Message from Almighty GOD, most quite naturally and "interweave" it, in such a practical method, right into their work, their thoughts and the "whole life-existence" of the human spiritual beings.

The human spiritual should not set these Laws apart by itself, as the human spiritual beings have presenly done, only paying it a "visit", in their "leisure hours", in order to indulge, for a short period in "contrition", "gratitude", or "relaxation"!

As a result, it never became something natural, a part of the human spiritual beings, such as "hunger" and "sleep"!

Understand this aright, at last, human spiritual beings!

The human spiritual beings shall live in this WILL of Almighty GOD, so that, they may find their path, on all the routes, which will consequently, bring benefits to the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane!

Almighty GOD"S Messages are very "precious hints", which is required and necessary for the human spiritual beings.

Without knowing and obeying these Laws (Light Active Weaving), the human spiritual beings are definitely lost!

Therefore, the human spirtual beings, must not "place" these Laws, as something sacred, in glass shelf, as "shrine", in order to "gaze-upon", in "awe and trembling", only on Sundays, or to "retreat" there, in "fear" and "distress", in order to "receive strength"!

The wretched human spiritual beings, shall not only "venerate the Message", but also "make use of It!

They shall grasp It, with hearty goodwill, not only when they dawn on their Sunday attire, but also with the "fist hardened" by "daily toil", which never shames or debases, but which only, honours every human spiritual beings!

The "precious gem" shines with greater purity and brilliance, in a "rugged hand", discolored by sweat and dirt, than in the well-cared-for fingers, of a "lazy idler", who spend their time on the gross material earthly surface, in contemplation!

Every Divine Message was granted to the human spiritual beings, in order that, it should consequently become "integral part" of the human spiritual beings!

The human spiritual beings must vehemently try and grasp, what this means!

They should not look at it, as a separate entity, something that remains outside the human spiritual beings, which they accostum themselves to approach with timid reserve!

Absorb the WORD (Weaving Order Rancous Dispensation), in order for each one of human spiritual beings, may "know" exactly how they must live and proceed, in order to "attain" the "Kingdom of Almighty GOD!

Therefore, atlast awake and learn to know, The Laws in Creation!

No amount of worldly cleverness, will help the human spiritual beings, in this very matter, nor the small amount of "technical knowledge", derived through clinical observation!

Something so meagre, will not suffice, for the right path, the souls of the huam spiritual beings ought to take!

The human spiritual beings must lift their eyes, far beyond, this gross material earthly plane and recognize, where their individual paths, "lead", after the gross material earthly existence, in order that at the same time, the human spiritual beings may become aware, of "why" and for "what" particular purpose, they are here on the gross material eaarthly plane!

And whatever is the entropies or the conditions of the human spiritual beings are in the present life-existence, "whether rich or poor", "healthy or ill", "at peace or in conflict", "in joy or sorrow", so will the human spiritual beings learn to recognize the "reason" and "purpose" of it all!

This will make the human spiritual beings glad and happy, grateful for the experiences, which have consequently come their way.

The human spiritual beings would have learned to value, evry single second, as precious and above all, learn to use them for their ascent, to joyful existence and purest happiness.

And just because the human spiritual beings have so badly entangled and deliberately confused themselves, The Divine Message was Brought to the human spiritual beings, by The Son of GOD, as a consequent means of salvation, after the "warnings of the prophets", had remained "unheeded".

The Divine Message "showed the path", the only path, to saave the human spiritual beings from "the swamp", which already "threatened" to "smother" the human spiritual beings!

The Son Of Almighty GOD, Sought to Lead, the human spiritual beings to this very path, by "parables"!

Those particular human spiritual beings, who wanted to believe and who were seekers, listened with their ears, but it penetrated no further.These, human spiritual beings never opt to live in accordance with Divine Message!

Religion and daily life-style, have always remained also for the human spiritual beings, as two separate things!

The human spiritual beings have always stood beside it, never in it

The effects of The Laws of Creation, which is explained in the parables, remained absolutely if only, incomprehensible to the human spiritual beings, because they never envisage to observe The Laws Of Creation, right within those parables!

And, presently, through THE GRAIL (GOD"S RULING ANCHOR IN LOVE)............the explanation of the Laws, come to the human spiritual beings, in a form, that is more understandable, in the present time!

In reality, they are precisely, similar, as of those Jesus Christ, already Brought, in the very form, very suitable for that time!

Jesus Christ "showed" the human spiritual beings, how they must think aright, speak aright, and act aright, in order that, they could "mature spiritually" and consequently advanced upwards in Creation!

The human spiritual beings in general needed no more than that!

There is not a single gap, in The Message, given at that time!

Whosoever atlast shall adapt themselves to It (Divine Message), in their "thoughts", "words", and "deeds", thus, "practises The Purest Worship of Almighty GOD, because this is tantamount and lay only in deeds!

Whosoever, most willingly submit themselves to these Laws, would in fact absolutely do the right things!

In so doing, the particular human spiritual beings, "prove" their individual veneration, for the "Wisdom of Almighty GOD, and joyfully, submit to The WILL of Almighty GOD, "expressed" in His Laws.

It"s effects, would consequently then further and protect the human spiritual beings, and they would be freed, from all sorrow and uplifted, right intto the Realm, of The Luminous Spirit.

There, in jubilant experiencing, The Omniscience of Almighty GOD, shall become visible, in all It"s perfection to every human spiritual being!

There, The Worship of Almighty GOD, is Life-existence itself!

There, every breath, every intuitive perception, every action, "speaks" of joyous gratitude and thus, becomes a "lasting delight" - "a delight, born of happiness", "disseminatig happiness", and consequently therefore "reaping happiness"!

THE WORSHIP OF ALMIGHTY GOD, in the human spiritual beings" life-existence and in their experiences, "consists" solely of "keeping The Divine LAWS!

This alone ensures happiness!

So shall it be, in The Coming Kingdom, in The Millennium, which would be "called", "THE KINGDOM OF ALMIGHTY GOD, ON THE GROSS MATERIAL EARTHLY SURFACE!