THERE has always been vibrating within men a knowledge about the "Primordial Queen, Who is also "called" by some, "The Primordial Mother or The Queen of Heaven.

There are still many other "designations" for Her, and as always, through such a designation, the human spiritual beings, envisage something very definite, which approximately corresponds with this particular designation, and which in fact exists for the sole purpose of "awakening" a picture there from, in the human spiritual beings.

This picture, then naturally always conforms with the particular kind of designed recognition of The Primordial Queen, and to the very least, conforming also strongly with the "nature" of the "character" and "education or literate level of the particular human spiritual beings in question, who, can only after hearing the designation "Primordial Queen", permit and allow the "picture" arise within themselves.

However, each different designed attribute of recognition, or designation will always also surmon forth, a different picture, altogether!

It cannot possibly happen otherwise with the human spiritual beings. Through "The Word" (Weaving "Od" Radiant Dispenser) of the "designed attribute", a "picture" is consequently "created", and this "picture" progressively manifests the "concept" value!

This sequence contains the "circle of movement" of the gross material earth, human spiritual beings, or better suggested as human spiritual beings, incarnated on the gross material earth plane!

When the human spiritual beings have "departed" from the gross material threshold of earthly surface, this very "designed attribute" already formed with "words", such as is conditional and customary during gross material earthly existence, shall also fall away from the human spiritual beings, and the "picture" only "remain" with the human spiritual beings, with which, then the human spiritual beings are compelled to utilise, to form the conception.

Thus, the gross material earthly "word" and the "picture" arising in the human spiritual beings, are the "helps", the human spiritual beings is required to form the conception. Eventually, "color" and "tone" also join these "helps", in order to "complete" the conception "aright".

The higher, the human spiritual beings "rises" in Creation, the stronger color and tone, consequently stand forth, in their effects; because color and tone, in reality are not two separate things, but only "one"!

Over-Here, on the gross material earth, in this very World of Gross Matter, it is already found out that, the co-operation of color and tone, in facilitating the forming of conceptions, although it is only relatively and faintly indicated; because very often, when forming a conception of an individual human spiritual being, and the latter"s selection of "colors" for it's entropy, surroundings and it's clothing, plays a part, which is not to be in any way under-estimated, even if in most of the cases, it is done unconsciously!

Also concerning conversation, the use of a change in "tone", really "underlines" something or other that is said or meant; either "intentionally" or "unintentionally", it will be stressed, and to quite rightly put it: It is "emphasized" in order to "evoke" a very special "impression" through what actually is spoken.

This means nothing else, than the intention, to foster, the very right conception within the "listener". In most cases, this is also attained, because it is in fact easier for the "listener", to obtain a more appropriate "idea" of what actually was mentioned, through the utilization of the particular, peculiar "intonation"!

Naturally, it is not different with the consequences of the various designation and designed attributes, about the "Primordial Queen". With the designed attribute or designation, namely: "Primordial Queen", an entirely different picture "arises", than with the designed attributive designition, "Primordial Mother".

Furthermore, Primordial Queen, instantaneously would imply, a certain and justified distance, while on the other hand, Primordial Mother suggests a more "intimate" connection.

Moreover, everything about this in particular, is always bound to remain only, "shadow-like" conception for the human spiritual beings, because with every attempt made to arrive at an understanding, the human spiritual beings could only "bring" about a tremendous limitation and debase, belittlement of the reality; because it does not give human spiritual beings, that which it really is!

In spite of this, something must be mentioned about this, because and otherwise, the "unhealthy" fantasy of the human spiritual beings, "stimulated" and also "directed along, this very peculiar course, with their conceit, invariably creating ideas from it, out of it, which again, as always, seek to push "conspicuously" into the "fore-ground", amounting to some kind of 'importance" and "value" for the "Spirit" of the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly existence.

In order to "render" this "impossible", and to "avoid" all "misdirection", especially since the ideas about Primordial Queen, already in existence, contain much that is erroneous and wrong!

Much of the human spiritual beings" personal and individual "thinking" and "wishing" also consequently "interferes" therewith. And this always produces "confusion", when it concerns issues, which the human spiritual beings, are unable to "think-out", but which they can simply receive as "gifts" from "Luminous heights", provided they have "prepared" the "soil", within themselves, for the "reception"; part of which is "humbleness", which the huma spiritual beings, presently do not "possess"!

To add more to the still more confusion, many human spiritual beings, also call "the earthly mother" of Jesus Christ, the Queen of Heaven, which with some understanding, of the strict Primordial Laws of Creation, could not in any way, have been possible at all, because a human spiritual being, such as "Mary of Nazareth", is never able to become "The Queen of Hewaven!

Nor was Mary of Nazareth, ever meant with the inspirations and visions, by some "artists" and other human spiritual beings, consequently to be of "The Queen of Heaven" with "the Crown", if at all, on this very issue, it really was a question of "pictures", and "illustrations", dispensed from above!

In many cases, these were nothing but "fanciful images", of their own!

Genuine "visions", however, always showed pictures of "ELIZABETH" with the "infant PARSIFAL", or also without the latter. These were only live picture, shown by "guides", but never "ELIZABETH Herself", Who can never be "seen", by human spiritual beings.

But these pictures, were never understood by the human spiritual beings. It is "true", that the human spiritual beings were right -- it was the "Queen of Heaven, because the human spiritual beings, consequently and mostly directed their "longing", also their "prayers", towards "HER", but "SHE" was not "identical" with "Mary of Nazareth".

Here again, the human spiritual beings, have devised something without finding the real and true connection. Unfortunately, the human spiritual beings, always and only make it, as they, themselves, think it to be, and the human spiritual beings imagine, that it must be then also correct, whereas they are not at all capable of thinking right, into "The Divine"!

In this also, the gross material earthly, human spiritual beings, have done much harm, through their "presumptuous and "pseudo-knowledge", thereby making the "path" of "Mary of Nazareth" unspeakably difficult one!

It was consequently a torment for "Mary of Nazareth", to be "linked" so forcibly, by the human spiritual beings, with these "wrong paths", they have taken.

Such erroneous contemplation, again have their quite understandable "origin", in the greatest "plague", of the human spiritual beings, right within their spirits, in their "spiritual indolence", which is consequently "hostile" to The Light, and which under the "domination" or "dominion" of the "intellectual faculty", which consequently makes the human spiritual beings, "conceited earth-bound creatures" or, if their volition turns to "religion", that permits them to go to the other extreme, adopting childish ideas, which immaturely, considers anything, to be possible!

Explicitly called; "childish", because it is not "childlike"; because that which is "childlike", manifests in much, much healthier forms, whereas, that which is "conceited and earth-bound", as also with the "childish type of imagination, which consequently results only, in unhealthy and disjointed piecework.

Therefore, at present, a call is made to the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earth: To learn to receive, because not until then, could the human spiritual beings, become really "great" in the subsequent Creation!

Everything is contained, in this, if the human spiritual beings desire to become "happy", in consequent "Knowing"!

But the human spiritual beings, must comply with it, otherwise the human spiritual beings cannot receive anything. And therefore, they have so far been "denied", the "enjoyment" of the real treasures of this subsequent Creation!

Presently, explanation is emphasized on many things for the human spiritual beings, if and for those whosoever, wish to receive, when they have consequently absorbed the "lecture" about "Substantiality" aright, for this enables, the human spiritual beings, to dutifully come to understand The GRAIL ( "GOD"S * RULING * ANCHOR * IN * LOVE" ) MESSAGE! Which of course had to precede the explanations, that will immediately ensue, little by little.

It is already being spoken of, in the Grail Message, about The Primordial Queen of Womanhood, Who bears "The Name".........."ELIZABETH".

The designation, Primordial Mother is also quite righfully applied to "ELIZABETH", but the human spiritual beings ought to envisage, the very right thing, if and when, they wish to come any closer to The Truth, in the conception.

The "envisaging" is the picture, already spoken about, which fashions the "aid", necessary for forming the conception, through the activity of the human spiritual beings.

First of all, the human spiritual beings must allow The Lectures of "The Grail Message", pertaining to "Substantiality" arise before them, in where it was mentioned about the "feminine", thus also "woman", always forms "the transition", "the bridge", from one step of Creation, right to the "next", both downwards and upwards!

This is a "Living Active Weaving", The Law, which commences to operate at that step, where the "ego-consciousness", of the individual human spiritual beings species, become capable of manifesting.

And this very "step", happens to be the very "first step", of all, that is in The Divine, right in The Divine Region!

As is already known to the human spiritual beings, ALMIGHTY GOD Is UNSUBSTANTIATE!

All and everything else, SUBSTANTIATE!

This of course include, in the very first "instance" and place, The Archangels, as "the pillars" of "The Throne"!

These Archangels, still swing "completely" and "solely", in The Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light (WILL) of Almighty GOD, without "desiring" anything else, from within themselves. And in accordance to the Living Active Weaving (LAW) of Almighty God, there is nothing, which would not automatically turn into a form, in Creation. These Angels do not "activate a will", from within themselves, but they swing solely in The Will of Almighty GOD, which enables them to "wear pinions", thus "wings"!

The wings are the "expression of their nature", which has taken on "form", and a "proof", that these Archangels "swing purely" in accordance to The Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light of Almighty GOD, and so they do not desire anything else.,

If these Archangels were to "change" in this, which of course would only be possible at a "cosmic distances" from Almighty GOD, as did once "occurred" with "Lucifer", then consequently their "wings" would "automatically become "stunted" and invariably "paralyzed", and of course, finally, fall off, altogether, as soon as a "swinging" in accordance to The Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light of Almighty GOD, no "longer exists!

The more purely, these Archangels swing, right in The Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light ( W*I*L*L ) OF ALMIGHTY GOD, the more "Luminous and Pure", are also "their Wings!

Wherever "ego-consciousness" can "arise", then these "wings", must "fall-away.

Right from the very outset, "wings" are not at all, developed with the human spiritual beings, because the humann spiritual beings, and "spiritual species", must "develop" personal "volition", and consequently do not "swing" unconditionally in the Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light of Almighty GOD, in Creation!

Over here, and about this, the human spiritual beings, need to "accustom" themselves to the "thought", that "everything" in Creation, consequently exists "immediately", "in actual factual effective manifestation, and this is all the pronounced in "Substantiality", where "personal volition", is "absolutely" out of the question; instead, everything therein "submits unconditionally", to The Will of Almighty GOD!

But a great strength, which the human spiritual beings, cannot at all, "realize", lay embedded just in this fact.

In this "giving-up" or "devoting of one-self", there is rightfully rooted, "Power To Transform", also that which the human spiritual beings reffer to as "nature".

Presently, explanation is attentively, focused on The Primordial Queen!

A "tranformation" embracing, complete "worlds", is consequently necessary, in The Divine Realm, between The Archangels and Eternal Ones, who have become "self-conscious" of themselves; these latter ones, are reffered to as The ELDERS, right in The Divine Realm, and consequently have their existence, before The Steps Approximating The Throne of Almighty GOD, where The GRAIL CASTLE is to be "found", in The Divine Sphere!

The human spiritual beings ought not to envisage this very picture, too parochial, or narrow presumptiously!

Distances of worlds, lay between The Archangels and "the starting-point, from The Divine Sphere, where The Grail Castle, in The Divine, is "eternally anchored" from eternity, thus at "the boundary", of "the direct effect" of The Radiations of Almighty GOD!

This has nothing to do with that "part of The Grail Castle", which was "revealed to the human spiritual beings, in pictures, as being, "the highest" in Creation! Because this very "part" known to the human spiritual beings, through the various "descriptions", are only, in The Primordial Spiritual, consequently beyond "direct Radiations of Almighty GOD.

The Steps Approximating The Throne Of Almighty GOD, and vehemently to that point only, is however, already comprising world "distances", and in reality also comprise "worlds".

With a little reflection, the human spiritual beings, could already gather from the lecture, about "Woman and Man", that is consequently necessary, that the "womanly", must definitely be present, in order to "act as a bridge", at each and every "Transformation" in Creation.

Neither is this Living Active Weaving (LAW), "circumvented" in The Divine Sphere!

The Eternal Elders, in The Divine, Who were able to become self-conscious at the boundary of The Divine Sphere, because the great distance from the "immediate proximity" of Almighty GOD, Whence allowed it, or otherwise could not come into existence, and just as little, could the Archangels, have been "formed", unless The Primordial Queen, consequently representing Primordial Womanhood had stood, "in advance" of the Archangels, as "the Mediator", as the necessary "bridge", for this "change" or "transformation" and forming.

Naturally, this has nothing at all to do with the "gross material earthly species" and "thinking".

There is nothing "personal", whatever is in it, but consequently contains, much greater "occurrences", than the human spiritual beings, would probably ever be able to "imagine"!

The human spiritual beings, must try to follow in this very matter, as "best", as they could!

ELIZABETH, Is The First, and The very Foremost DIVINE-SUBSTANTIATE, "Embodiment" of "Radiation", which as the only "One", there-in, "took on", the "Most Ideal Womanly" Conformation.

Thus, ELIZABETH Is The Primordial Conformation Of The Radiation, Of The Living Omnipresent Virtuous Effulgence (L*O*V*E) of Almighty GOD which, as "The Very First", Is Embodied in ELIZABETH.

Jesus Christ is The Conformation of The Living UNSUBSTANTIATE LIVING OMNISCIENCE VIRTUOUS EFFULGENCE (L*O*V*E) Of Almighty GOD, Himself, being a "Part" Out Of Almighty GOD!

It is been spoken of these things, in order to "prevent" any "false" picture from arising within the human spiritual beings, and so that the human spiritual beings could atleast "divine" the further connection from that very place, where, as the human spiritual beings proceed upwards, in thier comprehension, they must "stay behind", if and when the human spiritual beings should take as a basis, that which also further, and above the Law, remain "uniform", because they do emanate from there.

Over-there, they are even much more "simplified", because only later-on, in descending, must they also "split", owing to the many divisions, and therefore appearing much more "extensively, than they are in actual reality.

When it is emphasized to the human spiritual beings, that "every intuitive perception", "every movement up", over-there, consequently becomes an "event", which consequently "radiates" it's effect, right into all the worlds and "sinks" down upon "milliards" of similar "personalities", not to make mention, upon all that is "objective", then at this juncture, the words that is about to be given, is insufficiently adequate; because they merely words of the human spiritual language syntax syllables, on the gross material earth, from which the human spiritual beings, must try to obtain a "conception therefrom"!

It is utterly impossible to express the real greatness of the matter itself, in words of the vocabulary; it is also hardly possible to "indicate it"!

And there, in The Divine Sphere, The PRIMORDIAL QUEEN, Has HER Being!

ELIZABETH Has Her Origin in The Divine, Possesses The Great DIVINE-SUBSTANTIALITY, Of The Archangels, and in spite of this, ELIZABETH Also Carries Personal Ego-Consciousness, Within HERSELF, In a "Transfigured" way.

Beside ELIZABETH, are The ARCHANGELS, and "further downwards" Lay "THE ETERNAL GARDENS OF ALL THE VIRTUES", In each of which, One Main Conformation is Active; The Uppermost there-of being THE GARDEN OF PURITY, OF "THE PURE LILY", at THE FEET OF THE PRIMORDIAL QUEEN, from "Whose" Radiations it has issued!

At the lowest End of this DIVINE SPHERE, there are then, THE ELDERS, Who are reffered to as THE OLD ONES or THE ELDERS, because They are Eternal, and who have therefore always "existed" from Eternity; In the same way, as THE GRAIL CASTLE, in THE DIVINE SPEHRE, as an "ANCHORAGE" OF THE RADIATION OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WHICH LIKE HIM, WAS AND IS ETERNAL, as also ELIZABETH, THE MANTLE OF ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF, THE PRIMORDIAL QUEEN OF WOMANHOOD.

However, "ELIZABETH" Is virgin"!

Although ELIZABETH is "reffered" to as PRIMORDIAL MOTHER and PARSIFAL, reffer to "ELIZABETH", AS MOTHER!

A DIVINE Mystery, which the human spiritual beings will never be able to comprehend nor understand, because it is too "far removed" from the human spiritual beings, and must consequently, always "remain" so!

ELIZABETH Is in THE DIVINE, THE PRIMORDIAL PROTOTYPE OF ALL WOMANHOOD, After which The "Womanhood" of the "Primordial Beings", "formed themselves" into HER "LIKENESSES"!

" S U B S T A N T I A L I T Y "

In The Holy Grail Message, it has often been spoken of Animistic Substantiality in Creation. It has been spoken of, it's "nature" together with it's potential working enthalpy, also of it's "significance" for the human spiritual beings, whose "paths" in Creation, as it 'smoothen' the human spiritual beings towards development and perfection.

All this, the human spiritual beings aquainted with "The Holy Grail Message", already acknowledged!

In spite of this, it is considered necessary to speak, once more, in greater detail of all "Substantiality", so that, the human spiritual beings are given, the very opportunity to absorb within themselves, the entire picture of this activity. -

"SUBSTANTIALITY", is an expression, which is given to the human spiritual beings, from the "Message", because this expression best describes, that which can provide the human spiritual beings, with a very definite form, for their conceptions, about the "working" and also the "nature" of this "component-part" of Creation, which is so fundamentally important for every activity, that is brought into Life-existence!

"Substantiality", let us also call it, for once and for all, "that which is Essential", for Creation or, better still, "that which Visibly Manifests", in Creation; then perhaps what is actually implied by the expression "Subtantiality" will become even more comprehensible to the human spiritual beings.

Other forms of conceptions, could be used, from the vocabulary of the idiom of human spiritual beings" language (English) in order to fashion it better.

The expression appertaining here is, "that which Unites and Combines" or, in brief, "that which Binds" and is thereby, itself "Bound"!

After all these "transistory" expressions, it can be safely expressed, "that which Shape Forms", without the human spiritual beings thereby, thinking that "Substantiality" would "create" forms, out of It"s own very "volition", because this would be erroneous and wrong, for "Subtantiality" is only "able to "create" forms, when behind It, stands WILL (The Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD, which is The Living Primordial Law (Light Active Weaving) of Creation, "setting" It, in "motion".

It may well be expressed also that "Substantiality" is "The Executive and Preservative Motivating Power, in creating of forms!

Perhaps, this is the easiest way, to provide the human spiritual beings" mental capacity, with the approximately "correct" conception.

That which is "Substantiate", i.e., that which "manifests visibly, in a form, and which can therefore also be "reproduced", in a "picture", comprises everything but Almighty GOD, The Very Most HIGH.

Almighty GOD Alone Is UNSUBSTANTIATE, so called in order to "differentiate" from the conception of "Substantiate".

Therefore, everything "existing" outside The Unsubstantiality of Almighty GOD, is "Substantiate" and thus, "formed"!

This should be taken as a basic conception in order to compiment, the human spiritual beings" understanding!

Thus, everything is "Substantiate" but Almighty GOD.

And since, nothing but "radiation" of Almighty GOD, "exists" outside Almighty GOD, "The Very Most High", it then consequently follows, that "Substantiality" is the "natural and inevitable radiation of Almighty GOD".

Thus, Substantiality is much more comprehensive and higher, than the human spiritual beings have thought it to be.

Substantiality comprises everything, "outside" of Almighty GOD, but it is divided, consequently into many "gradations", depending strictly according to individual degree of cooling-off, and also the consequent distance from Almighty GOD.

If and when the human spiritual beings come to understand The Grail Message aright, they would know that, it has already been spoken of "Divine Substantiality", which "exists" in The Divine White-Heat Sphere, also of "Spiritual Substantiality", which is in-turn divided into two basic sections; "The Primordial Spiritual Substantiality", and "The Spiritual Substantiality".

Thereafter, it had been made mention of that "gradation" of the "Substantiality", which is only "Animistic", and which is followed, further "downwards", by the "World Of Ethereal Matter", and followed finally by the "World of Gross Matter", with all their various "transitional planes" in between.

Since, everything is Substantiate, however, outside of Almighty GOD, Himself.

It then holds comprehensibly simple, to call these various "species", The Divine, The Primordial Spiritual, The Spiritual, and The Animistic, as well as The World of Matter, which is also divided into two basic divisions of The Ethereal Matter, and The Gross Matter", these being the various consequent gradations, "downwards".

In the basic structure, however, there are only "Two" - That which is "Unsubstantiate", and that which is "Substantiate".

Almighty GOD Is Unsubstantiate, while "His Radiation", must be reffered to as "Substantiate".

There is "nothing" else; because everything which outside Almighty GOD, "Issues" and "develops" solely from "The Radiation" of Almighty GOD.

Although, if the human spiritual beings should endeavour to study it aright, this figure, quite clearly from the Message of The Holy Grail, already, yet many hearers and readers, at present, still think of "The Substantiate", as being only, The Sphere of Creation, between The Spiritual Sphere and The Ethereal World, the "region" from which "The Elementals", originate, such as "The Elves, Nixies, Gnomes, Trols, and Salamanders; and "including" The Souls of Animals, which do not "bear" anything "Spiritual" within them.

Actually, the thought was not wrong, up till the present, because this very "region" between "The Spiritual Sphere" and "The Ethereal World", is the simple "Substantiality", which is only "Animistic", from which "The Divine", "The Primordial Spiritual", and "The Spiritual", have "already separated".

It is the "heaviest", of the "layers", still "mobile", "within itself", from which in the process of "further-cooling-off", The World of Matter "detaches" Itself and "sinks.

In the "first-stage" of this "cooling-off-process", there remains, the "ponderous" World of Ethereal Matter, from which, in consequent addition, "the mass" of The Gross Material World "severs itself", and which is without "inherent mobility"

But even within these two planes of matter, the species of which are "alien" to one and the other, ther are still numerous special gradations.

Thus, the gross material earthly plane, for an example, is not the "most ponderous" of them.

There are within the World of Gross Matter, further gradations, which are consequently far "heavier" and "denser", and where consequently the conceptions of "space" and "time", become superficially parochial, in absolute comparison with what they stipulate on the gross material earthly plane, and where also, the "resultant mobility" is even more "sluggish", and the possibility of development, consequently also much more cumbersome.

The conceptions of "space and time", in each "gradation" are "strictly formed", in accordance with the "capacity" for movement, because not only, do the "stars" travel more slowly, in the greater "density" and "heaviness", but also the "bodies" of "flesh", whenever they are also "plumper" and "firmer", as well as the "brains", which therefore are less mobile also.

In very brief context, everyhting is "different", firstly due to the entirely different resultant character and effect of the "mutual radiations", which are the expelling factor, for an impulsive surge, towards "movement", and also at an almost simultaneous occurrence, after having been "transformed", through the "consequences" of this "movement".

It is just for the fact that, "everything" is "subject" to a "Single" Law (Light Active Weaving) in Creation, stipulating that the "forms" and "conceptions", must "strictly" and always "manifest", in "different forms", "dending" greatly on the "nature" of the "mobility".

This in turn, is relative to the particular, precipitative cooling-off, as well as the resultant "density".

That which Is UNsubstantiate Is Almighty GOD.

That which Is Substantiate...........is The Mantle of Almighty GOD.

There is "nothing else" whatever!

And "This Mantle of Almighty GOD, must be "kept" Pure, by those who "weave" it, or who may take "abode" or "shelter" in It's folds, which also include the human spiritual beings.

Since everything outside of Almighty GOD, is "Substantiate", Substantiality therefore, "extends" right into The Divine White-Heat Sphere; "indeed", this "Sphere" Itself", must be called "Substantiate".

In order to prevent errors, from creeping-in, a "finer distinction" must be drawn.

It would be best, when the "conception", "the substantiate" and the conception "the animistic (elemental) beings"!

Consequently, in accordance with The Will (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD, "The Substantiate" constitutes everything outside of Almighty GOD, because it is "The Opposite" of "The Unsubstantiate".

But the Substantiate, also "bears" within "Itself", The Divine, The Primordial Spiritual, and The Spiritual, with all the "special-gradations", which have not been explained yet, because at present, this would be beyond the human spiritual beings" capacity to comprehend an understanding.

It is fundamental that, the "foundations", should first be "unshakably" established, right in the consciousness of the human spiritual beings, from which gradual undertaken extensions could be made by small steps, until the right comprehension possible to the human spiritual beings, have become, "embracingly sufficient".

Thus, in the future, whenever it is spoken of "Substantiality", as such, this means: The Substantiality, which constitutes "everything", but Almighty GOD.

Only, in the course of further explanations, would the human spiritual beings come to "recognize", how great this is; because there are not only the already known gradations, "leading" invariably "downwards" but also various "important" related species, side by side, through the "activity" of which, Creation revolves into an enthalpy of development.