For a long time now, attempts have been made to find the right interpretation, about "the gods", known in the past ages, and their very connection with the present time.

Called ones and scholars alike, are seeking for a solution, which will bring complete clarification!

However, this will only be possible if the solution provides a comprehensive and unbroken survey, over all the ages, from the very beginning of the human spiritual beings" race, to the present time. Otherwise, it will again, remain incomplete. It is of no value, just to pick out the period, in which, the well-known cults of the Greeks, Romans, and Teutons regarding "gods", were at their height.

As long the explanations do not also freely and quite naturally, embrace all evolution and also disintegration, then, they are wrong! In spite of much cleverness, the attempts so far begun, have always finally resulted in failure. They could never stand their ground, right before the deeper, intuitive perception, and without a connection with the previous and succeding periods, could only hang in the air!

Nothing else, can be expected, when the human spiritual beings developments are closely scrutinized!

The hearers and readers of "The Grail Message", should be able to discover, for themselves, how exactly, these matters effectively stand!

They have even been partly relegated to the realm of sagas and legends, or efforts were made to accept them only as phantasies, conjured up by religious beliefs, formed and thought out, through observation of Nature and also in context with every daily existence!

Yet, it should not be too hard for the thinker and investigator, in finding more to the old lore, than mere myths!

They must even clearly see the actual occurrence! And for those human spiritual beings, who wish to do so, should follow the explanation!

At this very juncture, reference would be made to previous explanation, in brief description about the history of the human spiritual beings on the gross material earth, from the very beginning, until the present time, and also a glimse into the future. In so doing, the "midway" in the "cycle" of Creation is shown in the "Animistic", which stands lower than the "Spiritual", and had achieved fulfillment, right to the highest of it's abilities, in the World of Matter, right below it, and in the course of this fulfillment, which had opened the way, for the entrance into the material substance, of the "higher spiritual", this process repeats itself continually in Creation.

Explanation concerning how in the "highest animal body", and developed by the "Animistic", also called "Primeval Man", here was created the opportunity, which only then, meaning:......... during the "climax" of it's development, consequently permitted at point, "Spirit-Germ" to "enter", which promptly took place.

It is an opportunity, which will always be provided anew, at "this point" of development, in Creation. Thus, into the "most highly developed" animal, of that period in time, there entered something "new", "The Spiritual", which had never been in it before!

It should not be hastily concluded, from the foregoing, that this process continuosly repeats itself, in the same part of the "Universe, as that part consequently develops further, because this is not the case!

It occurs only "once" in each part!

In the further development, The Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species also, here effectively blocks a repetition in the same part, of the Universe.

In this case, the attraction of the homogeneous species, is equivalent to the "admission" of the Spirit-Germs, to the World of Matter. There, they are "absorbed" and "enveloped", i.e., neatly protected and retained by the "elements", which have become receptive, for this purpose, which also in this case, were the most highly developed animal bodies.

It is just the same on a small scale, with the "chemical process" of "amalgamation", in which "a foreign substance" can only "amalgamate" with the "absorbing substance", when the latter, has attained or reached a very definite "temperature", this degree of heat, which is having in turn produced a very special and outstanding state of the absorbing substance, which can only be attained, at this particular temperature.

The slightest divergence from the exact condition, will again prevent an "amalgamation", the substances repelling and remaining unapproachable, to each other!

In this case, the "homogeneity" of the two species, lies in a certain condition, of "mutual maturity", which appears to indicate, a great contradiction, but the "balance" is maintained, through the difference in elevation of the two parts, to be amalgamated.

The maturity of the lowest point of the "Spiritual", is similar to the "Maturity" of "the highest point" of the "animistic", lying below "it"!

Only at this very point of meeting, is "amalgamation" possible. An since in it"s development, the World of Matter, unceasingly moves in a gigantic "cycle -- budding, blossoming, ripening, and decaying, through over-ripeness, while the spiritual reposes above it -- this process can only be sparked or ignited, only at a very definite point, during the time that the World of Matter passes by. This is a special fructification, of the World of Matter, which has been developed for this purpose, by the working, of the animistic, and also longingly await consumation!

If and when a certain part of the world, in it's cycle passes this point, the possibility of spiritual fructification, by the "Spirit-Germs, will cease for this part, and the part following it,m moves consequently into position . Because the first part, however, a new stage commences, in which maturing spirits, can later find access to it, and so on.

Due to it"s higher nature, "the spiritual, even in it's then unconscious state, exercised it's vital influence, in a noticeable manner, upon everything, as soon as it entered the World of Matter -- it began to dominaate on it's arrival, in the World of Matter!

How the spiritual then gradually raised the animal body, to the level of the present human spiritual beings" "body", could already be comprehended by the readers of the Grail Message.

The animal bodies, of the most highly developed race, of that period in time, into which no spirit-germs incarnated, came to a standstill, in their development, however, because the animistic element, within them, had already attained to the highest, it could possibly accomplish or attained to, and they lacked the power of the spirit to advance further. And with the standstill, over-ripeness, quickly set in, consequently to be followed by retrogression and disintegration!

For these early time "races", there were only two possibilities, either development into human spiritual beings" body, through the power invested in the spirit, or decay and extinction. And as result, these matured animal species became completely extinct!

Now, let us follow up, the slow development of the, "at first" unconscious spirit-germs, to a state of consciousness, as human spiritual beings, and let us accompany it, spiritually, as it step for step, penetrates the coverings, enveloping it and the surroundings, in which it lives!

This is not so difficult, because the process of development, is quite plainly visible externally. One need only to examine human spiritual beings" races, still in existence, presently on the gross material earth!

The Spirit of the most primitive human spiritual beings, for instance, which include the so called, "savage tribes", and also the "Bushmen, Hottentots, and so on, has perhaps been in the World of Matter, just as long, as that of other human spiritual beings, but has not kept place in development, or after, alraedy ascending in this world or in the beyond, has again retrogressed so far, that it could be incarnated, only in such lowly step, as a result of which, their outlook, upon the non-gross material environment, is far from being, of an "uplifting" nature!

The spiritual urge of desiring, to see more than, that which is on it's own step, has always resided within the spirit-germs, as part of it's essential nature, and therefore possesses a strong effect, even when in the lowest stages, of development!

This is the "living motive power", within the human spiritual beings, the special element, which is lacking, in other kinds or species in Creation. The possibility of thus, wishing to see or perceive, is always provided, but for one step, only above the one it stands upon, at the time, and no further.

It is for this reason, that the human spiritual beings" "soul", standing on such a low step, wwho have so sinfully neglected their development, can similarly see or perceive, only "base entities" through "clairvoyance"!

There are "Mediums" and "Clairvoyant human spiritual beings, among all races, regardless of what step they belong to.

When speaking of "seeing" or "perceiving", it really meant in the context of "personally seen" by the clairvoyant!

But that which the "seeing ones" of all times can actually "see" is only the fourth part, at the most, of everything from what the see or come to perceive.

And this again, can be but one step above, their own particular inner maturity, and really no more

There is no other possibility!

But this circumstances, constitutes at the same time, a great natural protection for every "clairvoyant"!

It must not be assumed that "mediums and clairvoyants" are necessarily, so matured and inwardly advanced, as are the things, which they describe, as having been "seen" or "perceived", because the "purer" and more luminous heights, the happenings and the spirits are shown to them, only in living pictures, by "spirit guides" and "higher entities"!

The clairvoyant, however, erroneously imagine, that they have actually experienced all this, thus, deceiving themselves about it.

Great surprise is often occasioned, by the "baseness" of the characters, of so many mediums, who describe things, as though, they had experienced and seen them, things, which do not at all seem to fit, their own characters, or very little! Here, we speak only, of the narrow field of actual "personal seeing", by the mediums and clairvoyants! The rest is not brought to consideration!

The mediums and clairvoyants of all times, should actually only serve the purpose of helping, the "human spiritual beings", more and more, upwards through their gifts, not as leaders but as instruments!

Mediums could never be "leaders" because they are much too dependent upon vibrations and other influences!

They are meant to be doors, which is open from time to time, for the purpose of spiritual furthering, development, rungs in the luminous ladder of ascent!

If the human spiritual would now realize, that races standing on a low level of spiritual dfevelopment, can only see, into the same base environment, with but little scope, in an upward direction, it is not to understand that, among the lower human spiritual beings" races, we find primarily, the "fear and working" of "demons"!

That is what they are able to see and perceive!

So much for a parochial consideration, but will go further in explanation, although in so doing, we deviate from the clear survey!

The spirit of the Lower human spiritual beings" races, which has either never been developed, or had again, degenerated, is naturally still spiritually "blind" and "deaf", or has again developed so. Such personal human spiritual beings, cannot see with their "spiritual eye", nor unfortunately, has this become possible to any human spiritual being, even to the present day!

The human spiritual beings, still on the "lower stage", however, cannot even see with their "animistic eye", and just as little with their "ethereal eye", -- they can only see, with their "gross material eye", which becomes ever sharper, in the wilderness, through the necessary "personal struggle", with their fellow, human spiritual beings, the animals and the elements, whereby, they gradually learn to distinguish "finer gross matter" and "finest gross matter"!

Thus, in the beginning, they notice the "phantoms", "entities" which have only been formed, through the "fear" of the human spiritual beings and "anxiety", which also are sustained by these "motions"!

These "phantoms", which possesses no "life" of their own, are completely dependent upon the "intuition" of the human spiritual beings.

They are attracted or repulsed by them. Here, the Law of the Power of Attraction of all Homodeneous Species, takes effect.

Fear always attracts these forms, produced by "fear and anxiety", so that, it appears as if they were absolutely rushing, at the frightened human spiritual beings!

Since these "phantoms" are consequently connected with their "authors", who are themselves frightened human spiritual beings, -- through flexible nourishing-strands, every fearful human spiritual being, is therefore always indirectly connected with the mass of anxious and fearful numerous human spiritual beings, thus, receiving additional nourishment, which increases, it's own fear and anxiety, all the more, and which may finally even drive, the particular human spiritual being, into "despair and insanity"!

Fearlessness or courage, on the other hand, absolutely repels such phantoms, in a very natural manner! Therefore, as is well known, "the fearless human spiritual beings always has the advantage!

Is it then, surprising if among the lower races, the so-called "medicine man" and "sorcerers" came into "being", whose "caste" was founded by clairvoyant persons, because the latter, were able to observe, how such "forms", erroneously considered, entities with a lively existencing, of their own, are "repelled" through a little inner composure, by warding off fear, through "leaps" and "contortions", or through "concentration" or "courage-instilling excorcisms"!

If in our opinion, they consequently, "think" up "ideas", which appear impossible and ridiculous to us, that does not alter the fact that, they are doing something, which is quite right, within the limits of their horizon, and their power of comprehension, and that, we alone are ignorant ones, who lack the understanding for such things!

It happens that, among the successors of these sorcerers and medicine-men, there are naturally many human spiritual beings, who possess neither mediumistic nor clairvoyant abilities, in any way, especially since this "position", "brings" them "influence" and "source-of-income", at which the human spiritual beings, on the most "inferior" steps, grab just as "unscrupulously", as those of the highly, "early-advanced" races.

These non-clairvoyant successors, then simply imitated, all the actions, of their predecessors, without understanding what actually they were involved with, or what really they did!

They even added, a few more fonnies, in order to make a great impression, because they only valued the "respect" of their "fellow-men"!

Thus, they became the crafty "impostors", who seek only, their "own" "advantage", and have not the slightest idea, about the "True" meaning!

And presently, the whole matter, is judged and condemned on their account!

This is the real reason, why we first of all find only the fear and worship of demons, among the lower human spiritual beings" races!

It is what they are able and permitted to see, and also what they fear, on account of it's different nature!

We shall now proceed to somewhat, higher stages of development!

Here, the ability to see, reaches further, be it through clairvoyant or only unconsciously, through perception, which is also a part of "inner-seeing". Through these "higher" development, further enveloping layers, are pushed through, from the inside, upwards, by the "encased spirits", which are awakening more and more.

These "spirits" already see more "friendly" entities or know about them by perception and thus, they will gradually lose their "demon-worship".

And so, it goes on higher and higher, becoming more and more luminous!

With naturally normal development, the "spirit" pushes ahead, further and further!

The Greeks, the Romans and the Teutons, for instance, could "see" still further at that time! Their "inner-seeing", reached beyond the World of Matter, into the Animistic Sphere, lying above it. In their more advanced development, they could finally see, the "Lords of the Elementals and of Elements"

A few mediumistic among them, by virtue of their ability, could in fact enjoy a closer relationship with them., because these "Created Beings" of the "Conscious" Animistic Sphere, have a certain affinity, to that "animistic substantiality" of which, the human spiritual beings, also possess and carries, a part within the human spiritual beings, in addition to the Spiritual!

To see, to feel and to hear, "the elementals", was the highest, the human spiritual beings could achieve, in their stage of development, at that time!

It is only natural, that these human spiritual beings, should then look upon the "Mighty Lords of the Elements, whose activity and nature, were so different from their very own, as the "highest possible" consequently "calling" them "gods", and their "high impregnable fastnesses, which "really exists"....... "OLYMPUS" and "VALHALLA"!..

Any outward expression, of the inner seeing and hearing of the human spiritual beings, is always dependent upon their personal ability to comprehend and to express at the time. Thus, it is that the Greeks, the Romans and the Tuetons depicted the same Lords of the Elements, and of all that is animistic, in form and conception, but just always in accordance with the views prevailing, in their particular surroudings!

Despite some diffrences, in their descriptions, they were the same, however!

If presently, for example, five or more, really good "clairaudients are assembled, and all of them, simultaneously hear a very definite "sentence", spoken in the "beyond", then only the "sense" of what "they heard" will be rendered "uniformly", but not the "actual words".

Each will report, the "words" differently, because even in the "reception", much that is personal, impact itself, or makes itself felt!

It is the same as with "music", which is perceived quite differently, by the variuos listeners, yet recognized as being fundamentally, the same

Gradual revelation in details, regarding the "far-reaching secondary phenomena, in the relation, between the gross material human spiritual beings and the "Universe", as presently, it would divert us too far from the subject under examination!

When in later times, "called human spiritual beings", that is, those who were "most highly developed inwardly" (intellectual development does not count in these matters), were able to "burst-through", this boundary of the "Animistic Sphere", as they "matured" through their "experiences", their seeing or perception, penetrated to the "threshold" of the "Spiritual Realm"!

The natural consequence was that, they had to "dethrone" the "past gods" as such, and replace "them", with was "higher". Despite this, however, they unfortunately did not advance so far, as to become able to "see" what is "spiritual" at that time!

Thus, the "Spiritual Realm", "remained" closed to them, because the natural, normal course of development, was "halted" at this "point", restrained by the "ever-increasing" growth of "intellectual conceit"!

Only a few exceptions, "purgated" or saved themselves from this "standstill", such as "Buddha", and few others who, by "renunciation" the world, succeeded, in continuing in their development, in a natural normal fashion, and in "seeing spiritually", to a certain definite degree!

This "renunciation" of the "world", or "turning away" from "mankind", for the "purpose" of further "spiritual" development, became "necessary", only through the "one-sided" training of the "intellect", which gradually increased it's domination, more and more and became "antagonistic" to all that is "spiritual".

It was a natural form of "self-protection", against the increasing "spiritual decline", which would not be necessary at all, when and if the general development is natural and normal!

On the contrary, because when the human spiritual beings, reach a certain "height", in their "spiritual development", they must continue to "strengthen" themselves, through further activity, "otherwise", they will become "lax", which would quickly put a "stop", to further advance!

Standstill, would then "crop in" or ensue, speedily followed by "retrogression"!

Albeit, the further spiritual development of Buddha and others succeeded only to a certain degree, i.e., it was incomplete, still this greatly increased their remoteness from their fellow-men, so that such natural, normally developed human spiritual beings, "came" to be "regarded" as "Divine Envoy", whereas what in fact happened was that, only a very new conception "arose", quite naturally, through their further spiritual progress!

Those human spiritual beings, who had "risen" above the lowly base inclinations (which had halted and partly retrogressed spiritually), stood only at the open door, to the Spiritual World, where they could perceive certain things "vaguely", but could never see clearly.

Yet, they distinctly sensed and also intuitively perceived a "powerful conscious uniform" guidance, coming from above, from a world into which they never were able to see!

Yielding to this "intuition", they now formed the "idea" of.........."One Invisible God",.............. without knowing "anything" further about "Him"!

It is therefore understandable that, they "regarded "this God", Whom they had "merely sensed", as "the highest spiritual being", because the spiritual region was very new to them and they were still standing, only on it's "threshold".

Thus, it was that, their "new idea", of "an invisible God", was only correct, as to the fact, but not to the conception, because their conception of "Him", was wrong!

The human spiritual beings had never envisaged, "the God", as "He" REALLY Is!

The human spiritual beings though of "Him", "merely", as "the Highest Spiritual Being!

And this "gap", in the further development, even shows itself presently, in that numerous human spiritual beings persistently cling to the idea, that they have something, of the same nature, with "Him" or perceive to be their "God"s"!

The fault lies fundamentally in the standstill, that occurred, in "spiritual development"......... Had this development continued, then maturing mankind, during the "transition" from the "old gods", of "the Animistic Sphere", would not have though, next of this "One God", as an "Invisible God", but would "first" of all, have been able to perceive, standing above the "Lords of the Elements", called "gods", the "Spiritual Primordial Beings", have their "seat", in "the Grail Castle", the "highest fastness of the spiritual world"!

And in the beginning, they would have again, considered these "Primordial Beings, as "gods", until they had developed themselves "inwardly", to such an extensive degree, that they would not "merely" have been able to "perceive" the Primordial Beings, who are the "true image of God", but also to "hear" them "spiritually", through "mediators".

From this, they would have received information of the existence of "Creation", of the "One Supreme God"!

Had their intuitive perception been directed, in this manner, they would, through further spiritual maturing and development, have finally become capable of joyfully receiving "Divine Messages", out of "actual Divine Sphere", from a "Messenger" of "God", i.e., from the outside of "Creation", because "Divine Sphere stands outside Creation", beyond their capacity to "see"!

That would have been the naturally, normal way!

As it was, however, their development came to a "halt", on the "threshold of the spiritual Sphere", and even declined quickly through the "fault of mankind"!

Thus, the time came when, as an "act of enmergency", " a Strong Envoy from God", had to be incarnated, in "Jesus of Nazareth", in order to bring to human spiritual beings, which still immature for it, a "message" from the "Divine Sphere", to "help" and "enlighten" them, so that, "seekers" lacking the necessary maturity could for the time-being, at least "pin their faith in this message of Christ"!

Because of this reason, "the Son of God", who had been sent to the aid, of erring human spiritual beings, could in fact do nothing, more than "demand" faith and trust in "His Word"!

A desprate "task"! Christ could not bring Himself to say everything, He had wished to say!

Therefore, Jesus Christ did not speak of many things, such as "re-incarnation", and others!

In these matters, Christ was confronted, with too a spiritual immaturity. And Christ Himself, "sorrowfully" said to His "disciples: "I would say many things unto you, but you will not understand"; on quote!

Thus, even Christ"s disciples, often "misunderstood" Him in many things! And if Christ, Himself already knew while, He was on the gross material earth, that He was not understood by His disciples, it is obvious that later on, there arose, during the transmissions of His Word, many errors, to which, unfortunately, even presently, the human spiritual beings, tries to cling tenaciously!

Although, Christ demanded only "faith", in His "Word", on account of the level and nature of immaturity of that time, yet Christ requested from those human spiritual beings, who were of serious volition,, that their "initial faith" should also become "alive" within them! Which could only mean that, they would thereby become convinced!

Because, whosoever, "confidently" followed Christ"s Word, would again "progress" in their "spiritual development" and would thus, be bound gradually to advance from "faith" to "conviction", as to the "Truth", of what "Christ had said"!

Therefore, "The Son of Man", will presently demand, "conviction" instead of "faith"!

Also from all those who profess to "carry" Christ"s Message within themselves and "pretend" to follow it! Because, whosoever, has not been able to replace their "faith", with the "conviction of the Truth" of Christ"s Divine Message, which is "one" with and "inseparable" from "The Grail Message" has not attained the "maturity of spirit", necessary to enter "Paradise"!

Such human spiritual beings would be cast out!

Even the greatest intellectual knowledge will not permit them, to slip through!

They will naturally remain behind, and be lost for evermore! That in their stage of development, mankind in this part of the "Universe", still stand on "threshold of the Spiritual Realm", the part even far below it, is merely caused by their personal lack of volition, their "intellectual conceit" and their "belief", that they "know" everything "better" than others!

As a result, it is absolutely impossible for them to develop, in the naturally, normal way, as has probably, become clear to many human spiritual beings in the meantime!

The various religious cults of mankind, do not originate from phantasy, but indicate sections of life, in the so called beyond! Even, the existence of the medicine-man, of a Negro or a Red Indian tribe, is "justified", in view of the low stage of development, of their races!

That, there are "rogues" and "impostors" among them, does not discredit this fact, in any way, as such!

"Demons", "wood-nymphs" and "sylphs", just as also the so called "old gods", are presently still in the same place and carry on, the same very activity as before! Even the "high fastnesses" of the great Lords of the Elements, Olympus or Valhalla, were "ever fairy tales", but were "really seem"!

However, what the human spiritual beings has never been able to see, having come to a "standstill" in their development, are the "Prime-Spiritual Primordial "Images" of "God", who also have "lofty fastness, which they call "The Grail Castle", "the highest castle in the Primordial Sphere", and thus in all Creation!

Standing as they do, on the threshold of the spiritual sphere, the human spiritual beings could only receive knowledge, of the existence of this "Castle", through "impression", because they were not spiritually mature enough, intuitively to perceive it!

All is Life!

Only the human spiritual beings, who consider themselves advanced, and turned their backs again towards the depths, instead of progressing!

At present, it must not be thought that, in a further development the conception of "Almighty God", as "taught" by "Christ", and also in the "Grail Message", would change again!

This will invariably remain forever, as it is, because there is nothing further!

When entering the Spiritual Realm, which mankind still fails to accomplish as at present, and achieving perfection there-in, every human spiritual beings can ascend to that point, where in the end, they gain absolute conviction, of this fact, in their inward experiences.

Then, standing consciously in the "Power of Almighty God", they could bring about those great things, for which they could already had been ordained from the beginning!

They would then never again imagine, they possessed "Divinity" within themselves! This delusion is nothing but the stamp and the "seal" of their present immaturity!

Having achieved aright, consciousness, they would then feel true humility and a liberating desire, to serve, which had always been demanded by the "Pure teachings" of "Christ"!

Only when missionaries, preachers and teachers, begin their activities by using as their foundation, the knowledge about the "Laws of the Divine Will", without being "desultry" or leaving any "gaps", will they really be able to achieve successes, that are "spiritual alive"!

Unfortunately, every religion is now nothing, but a rigid form, only holding together, it's dull doctrine, with a great deal of trouble!

After the necessary change, however, the hitherto dull doctrine, will become invigorated, burst asunder, the cold, dead and rigid forms, and also jubilantly and tumultuously "flow" forth over the entire world and among all human spiritiual beings" "Races"


FREQUENTLY, Has it been spoken, time and time about Creation!

Ring of Animistic Substantiality, which directly "embraces", the Worlds of Matter, as the direct "transition" from the "spiritual realm" to the "material".

This "Substantiality" is a very especially exceptional species by itself and really "forms" the "final ring", for the entire Creation, and simultaneously constitutes, also the bridge for the Subsequent Creattion.

The human spiritual beings should again envisage everything outside the Divine Sphere, thus everything below, The Grail (God"s Ruling Anchor In Love) Castle, in three broad divisions!

The human spiritual beings should enumerate The Primordial Creation, as the "upper-most" and the "first", Creation comes second, and Subsequent Creation, as the third.

The Grail Castle, Itself is not, strictly, part of Primordial Creation, but It is entirely something standing all by Itself, which "above" Primordial Creation.

The Grail Castle Stands!

This is a deliberate expression chosen, because The Grail Castle, does not "float", but instead, firmly "anchored"!

Also that part of The Grail Castle, which stands outside The Divine Sphere, like an annexe, from which, Primordial Creation "issues", is firmly connected with The Grail Castle, in The Divine Sphere, also like the "appendix", and is therewith anchored immovably, in The Divine Sphere.

Down to that very point, the only activity, is a "streaming" downwards and upwards of Divine Waves of Light.

Only in The Grail Castle, does a change in the activity, consequently "take place", and "outside" The Grail Castle, streaming downwards, the "rotational movement" sets in, consequently bringing all The Creations, into existence and constantly keeping them in Motion.

Here, on the gross material earthly, they are held by waves (Crompton Effect), that are ascending and descending!

Such is the large picture, of The Form, in which all the movements take place!

It has been spoken of, in greater detail about The Primordial Creation, and also named the two basic divisions therein.

Wich are The Primordial Spiritual, that is, The One Part, which "immediately" too-on-form and come to consciousness, which the other section, could only develop to it (consciousness).

It is similar in Creation, which in the conception, as "being Spiritual", is separated from The Primordial Spiritual, The First.

Creation is also separated into two sections.

The first part, could again, immediately take-on-form, and the second section, had to consequently develop to this point.

After this, comes as a termination, of direct radiation of the Light-Pressure, which is the afore-mentioned "Ring", of that "Substantiality", of which the human spiritual beings do not yet have a coear picture, because a very slight reference to this subject, in previous lectures and explanations.

Presently, the human spiritual beings, should acknowledge this very "Ring" as a division of Creation by Itself - the Ring of Animistic Substantiality!

From now onward, the human spiritual beings must understand, by this "Ring", something quite different from that, which is simply called "the elemental" (Animistic Substantiate) Beings.

Those, which have been simply so far designated, in this way, are The Light-Waves, which have consequently taken-on-form, "intrinsically" through their activity, which sreams downwards and again streaming upwards, thus being "connected" with The Grail Castle, in a Straight-Line or Chain, but these are not The Rotational Forces!

There underlay the peculiar differences!

The "Rotational Forces", are also "formed", in their working, but they are of a different normal nature, and could in fact, only manifest into existence, through the "intersection of Radiations", which apparently the human spiritual beings, have yet no knowledge, or understand anything about this, though the human spiritual beings, subconscious already are aquainted with many of these "Animistic Substantiate"!

The "Rotational Movement" originates or commences, with the "separation" or "splitting" of the "Positive" from the "Negative", thus, the consequent dispations, of "active" from "passive", "protective" from "attentive", which takes place, in Holy Grail Castle, situated on this particular plane, and which already, in the previous lectures, has been explained.

At the point when The Radiation of The Light, proceed to "cool-off", at that "inertia-moment" of time, the positive activity would separate from the negative activity, and through these two kinds of "Radiation Form", whereas upwards, and straight to The Holy Grail Castle, there is only a singular uniform radiation, most possible, in activity, which "fashions" The Divine Sphere, where all that has become or "manifest-into" form, "bears" within themselves, both "the positively active activity" and "the negatively passive activity", in componential harmonious union!

The human spiritual beings should endeavour to envisage all this, within themselves, and trail along the outlining sketches with applied simple strokes, then the human spiritual beings, would comprehend the understanding, in the quickest and surest way.

Only at this point could the human spiritual beings penetrate ever deeper through their desire to profoundly understand!

If the human spiritual beings, conscientiously act in this very manner, then gradually the whole "picture", would become "alive", right before them, and as "Knowing Observers", the human spiritual beings could entertain a larger scope of understanding, and let the "floating and weaving" of Creation, "scroll" before the human spiritual beings, in "Spirit".

However, if the human spiritual beings should desire to attempt it, "counter-actively", and already at the first lecture, sought to trail the understanding of The Holy Grail Message, with the Power-Strength of their individual inttellectual faculty, these particular human spiritual beings would definitely and consequently become stuck, at the very first sentences of The Holy Grail Message, which had been dispensed with The Divine Love of Purest Justification, in The Light of Truth.

These particular individual human spiritual beings, would never be enabled to attain to any "real destination" or "goal".

The Holy Grail Message entails the obligation of simple assimilation and humble absorption, by the human spiritual beings, and only then, with a gradual trailing, the individual strokes, could the human spiritual beings permit everything to invariably, manifest into lively splendour within themselves.

And in this very circumstance, the human spiritual beings would undoubtedly succeed!

Therefore, at present the lecture revolves around, The Ring of Animistic Substantiality, which forms "the Termination" of all, which is "mobile"

Just as the "precipitation of the spiritual" is known to the human spiritual beings, as "Spirit-Germs", so similarly, The Ring of Animistic Substantiality, could also in fact be termed, "a precipitation", albeit, in quite different way; of which particular precipitation, "trickles", "condenses" and "drops down", from out of The Rotaion, of The Self-Moving Creations, right out of the "substantiate waves", in order to "assemble", right at the "termination of The Creation and also to potentially "maintain" and "sustain" itself, through the attraction, of the homogeneity, of similar species.

With this subject, the extension of the conceptions of Creation, is again emphasized upon.

Consequently, there are manifestation of "Self-Moving-Parts", which include (1). "Primordial Creation" (Mobile), as well as the (2)."Creation" (Paradise at the outskirts and also mobile) and trailing next comes the "Subsequent Creation", which was "immobile", unable to move, out of it"s own accord, from it"s own "power-strength", which Subsequent Creation lacks, therefore "needing" to be "driven" to motion, and consequently warmth.

These "Self-Moving-Parts, are "activated", by their own "intrinsic warmth", whereas the Subsequent Creation, which must be "set in" Motion, is consequently been "activated" by "alien warmth".

Thus, the individual parts, within the Subsequent Creation thereof, could also become "Cold", out of a "folding-yield", when that which expedite the supplication of warmth should be "withdrawn" or "remain in absence", something which is quite "impossible" in The Primordial Creation, and in Creation, because they both possess their own "intrinsic warmth".

The human spiritual beings should pay "strict attention", to all the detail, that is been divulged herewith, just for their benefits, because they lay, The very fundamental foundation, in advance, for many further explanations, which invariably would be of great "facility Usage", for every aspects of the human spirritual beings, gross material earthly life-existence".

The RING OF The "Animistic substantiate Precipitation", is right "below", "THE SPIRIT-GERMS", therefore consequently below "The RING OF SPIRITUAL Precipitation, and the former "consequently forms", "The Termination", of all and everything, which is "MOBILE", just because THE RING OF SPIRITUAL PRECIPITATION, Constitutes the last remnants of THE SPIRITUAL, and also THE ANIMISTIC SUBSTANTIATE PRECIPITATION, consequently as the very last "residue" of all and everything which is Animistic Substantiate, both possess their own movement, and therefore, "Warmth from Within", although initially both were "unconscious", from the beginning.

This is important to know!

Then the human spiritual beings must follow the various Worlds of Matter.

They are so "called", just for the fact that, they can only be in service to the cloaks and possess neither their "own warmth" nor movement.

They must first be permeated with warmth, before they pass on warmth, and they become cold once again, and immobile, whenever the "dispenser of warmth" is "withdrawn.

That is the peculiarity portrayed only by the Worlds of Matter.

Presently, the expressions given as "material" and "the World of Matter", have not perhaps named, in accordance to the material with which, the human spiritual beings, 'cloak-up" or "cover-up, their nudity but adversely in the reverse is the case.

The earthling, called the human spiritual beings, has inevitably caught up these designations and then transferred them, in accordance to the appropriate defination, also applied in concern, to gross material earthly "fabricated products, also with which the human spiritual beings tenably 'cover" themselves, and which acts as an insulator, between the body and the soul.

The Ring of Animistic Substantiality, however, not only "forms" The TERMINATION of that, which is "MOBILE", and possess, inherent warnth, but since The Ring of Animistic Substantiality also contains "warnth" and "movement" WITHIN ITSELF, WHICH MEANS The Ring of Animistic Substantiality, "presses even further, right into The Workd Matter, consequently thus, "dissipating warmth, thereby "warming up The World of Matter, and "driving It from "static inactivity", into circulatory, Rotational Movement, which in turn "warms up The World of Matter "increasingly" and "causes" The World of Matter to be able to "Glow", (Hsiao-Ling) through "fusion" and "friction", as is exhibited in accordance to The Entropy of the density of it"s particular norms and nature..

Right within "the movement", thus, forcibly, promptingly and virtuously tendered, brought about, the material substances, consequently "takes on form", and accomodatingly permits the radiations to penetrate easily the World of Matter, through this very activity, of the even "greater warmth", of The Driving Animistic, in order to "Spread" (Entropy Dispation) ever freshly new warmth, and movement for the "Forming".

After this very comprehensive picture, details are hereby installed!

A review of the Ring of Animistic Substantiality, elucidate the significance as been the "bridge" for "un-warmth" and consequently "Immobile Stratifications, of all the Material Worlds.

In the Ring of Animistic Substantiality, the corresponding special types of all the "Animistic-Germs, draw closely together, in accordance with The Law (Light Active Weaving).

Gragariously, groupings then are consequently formed, which may also be called "Centres Of Accumulations.

Thus, hypothetically speaking, there is a separation between the "groups" of those particular Animistic-Germs, which tributarily as they "percolate" an attributive penetration, permeably through The Worlds of Matter, consequently co-operate through their development and awakening, fundamentally in the "forming" and "preservation" of FIRE, WATER, AIR, and EARTH, of ROCKS, PLANTS and also ANIMALS.

It has been previously been spoken of "The Process of The Penetration" of The Animistic-Germs, and would equally emphasize right upon the point, especially to the fact, that all these occurrences, are carefully directed by the Animistic Helpers, which consequently serve like a chain, in the straight streaming downwardly, comprising of LIGHT-WAVES, from THE LIGHT CASTLE, and also help, to "guide" the human spiritual beings upwards again!

ALL this things are somewhat already known, and could be able to be easily put together, as "basic knowledge", for their purposeful use, out of THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, but then, undaunted, the human spiritual beings must proceed, right in this issue, with infantic innocence, portrayed by the human spiritual Children-Beings, who make the effort, to put "The Parts of A Chinese Puzzle", together correctly, right until a very definite picture "emerges" therefrom.

It is, right within this very path, the human spiritual beings must expedite and implement, the correct utilization of The KNOWLEDGE, derived from THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, because it certainly and perfectly, beautifully contains, THE FOUNDATION STONES, THE FUNDAMENTALS for All KNOWLEDGE, and supportively dissipates explanatory tracheas, right into, and for every occurrences, which consequently took place wthin THE WHOLE CREATION!

If the human spiritual beings wish to attain and achieve clarity, about some issues, within Creation, or within their own personal individual Life-existence, involving exactly "How This Experiece", right within the effect, of THE PRIMORDIAL LAWS (LIGHT ACTIVE WEAVING), must absolutely, inevitably have to "occur", which consequently "prompt" the human spiritual being, to necessarily "LIFT" any, of the numerous, little individual stones, which supportively contains "somewhat" of all those "Questions", which apparently mostly "moves" the human spiritual beings, distinguishably from amongst, all the "precious stones", that could be "dilligently found", In THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE OF ALMIGHTY GOD,, just as a "treasure" which yearns to be "unearthed" and "unravelled" for the human spiritual beings.

Hypothetically, take the game of "putting" Chinese puzzles or Toy Constructions together, the human spiritual beings, consequently then "seek to con-join", right from THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, that which would accurately "Fits", this first, little piece of individual part.

FINALLY, the human spiritual beings would obtain, in this manner, a large picture, which stand perfectly and completely, right by itself, and also "compact" within itself, which directly gives to the human spiritual beings, the "precision within the answer" in "pictorial form" of that "weaving" of Creation, which the human spiritual beings, "desire to comprehend".

If the human spiritual beings dilligently and in obedience of the "advice" dispensed through THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, they would consequently, always to "succeed", in "obtaining a solution" to everything, in a form, which would, in any instance, become "intelligible" to the human spiritual beings, and which would never let them go astray.

Just place the individual stones, human spiritual beings, in such a manner, that would make them fit-in precisely, with the very first stone, which is been taken from the treasure, for the question of the human spiritual beings.

It is all the same, whether or not, this very stone should indicvate the center, or should lay only to one side.

The other stones, belonging also to it, could always and only be so "dovetailed" or "additive", so that the final result, is the very picture, the human spiritual beings necessarily desire, for an answer and the clarification of their question!

These stones, never in fact, allowed themselves to be placed, otherwise, and the human spiritual beings, would immediately come to the realization, anytime whenever, they have put, one-piece-part, consequently wrongly, it would dawn on them, what is a-miss!

The very part that simply does not fit-in, with the whole, which thus thereby compel the human spiritual beings, to 'place it", wherever it correctly belongs, or to leave it out, altogether, when and if it does not belong there, at all.

Whenever, the human spiritual beings are involved with this, they should think of The Chinese Puzzle, which results into complete and perfect pictures or constructions, whenever all the individual piece-parts, initially rendered in a definite form, for this very purpose, are put together Logically (LUCID ORDINANCE GOD"S INFLEXIBLE CONSTANT).

This is the manner, by which, THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, is been given, which contains everything prompts or forces, the human spiritual beings, to co-operate willingly, in this themselves!

It does not permit Itself, to be taken up lazily, and also with non-chalance attitude, as something, standing there perfect and complete, but upon each of human spiritual beings" questions, they must exert themselves most vehemently, and dilligently, in order to be able to extract from THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, and put together, that which would form 'THE Perfect, Complete Picture".

That is the "Peculiarity" of THE LIVING WORD, which Divinuously "forms" and educatively elucidate the minds (M*I*N*D - Memory Interpreter Norms-Natural Disciplines) of the human spiritual beings, and "prompts" or "enforces" persuasion of thought forms, to vigorously encourage the healthy movement of their "spirits within"!

Should the human spiritual beings, compile a picture, wrongly together, through lateral erroneous distortions or parochial superficiality, they would consequently and quickly realize that, it brings "no harmony", perhaps, just because the human spiritual beings, "placed" just one "little stone" in the wrong position, or in accordance to it"s norms natural form, the "little stone", is primarily placed in such a manner, that it could possibly never fit, the picture or the constructions, the human spiritual beings are striving to accomplish!

Thus, invariably, the human spiritual beings, could never possibly complete this very picture most perfectly, and must try ever again, until the picture stands firmly and correctly, assembled and formed together, right before them!

Each one of these stones, could be utilized, for the forming of numerous pictures, so it is not just only for one picture, but through the peculiarity of the matter, the human spiritual beings are "prompted" or "forced" to place each pertaining "stones", differently for each 'picture", each time, and always in such a manner, that each stone would fit-in exactly, with the other stones.

If however, the individual picture, should tantamountly results into a perfectly, complete "whole" picturesque panorama, at that juncture, then the human spiritual beings could be definitely confident, and rest assured, that their "efforts" and theeir "works" pertaining to "earnest seeking", was correct and in the right development!

Fundamentally, and with all severe seriousness, concerning THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, the human spiritual beings, would never lack or be deprived of "a single STONE", consequently within THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE OF ALMIGHTY GOD, and not even the "smallest part of the picture", just for the fact that, THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, Contains "everything" and "all-the-things", the human spiritual beings necessarily and adequately require!

The human spiritual beings must just proceed to incur "a trying-out attempt", right until, this bery "effort" or "work" becomes "easy" for the human spiritual beings, then they would by themselves, "Stand Firmly", within The Entire Creation!

Within THE WORD OF THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, the "perfect" BOX OF BRICKS or "Building Blocks", is thereby disbursed and given for the benefit of the human spiritual beings, and consisting of "the most perfectly-exceellent" of these, "Precious Stones", so that, the human spiritual beings, could consequently "build" with these "stones", invariably themselves!

Right from the very beginning, these "stones" have been precisely "arranged", in order to "meet" all the "needs" engendered of the human spiritual beings, upon the gross material earthly surface!

But, the human spiritual beings, alone, must obligatorily, have to build or construct the "structural edifice", by themselves, individually, for the fact that, so it is "willed", and not otherwise!

Presently, the human spiritual beings, do know how they have to act, and further explanations about the Animistic Ring, could proceed, and also the "Animistic Ring"s consequent effects, right upon the Worlds of Matter, to which, The Animistic Ring, simultaneously forms "a BRIDGE", through it"s "working"!

The Ring of Amimistic which is really, the "termination" of all, that is "Mobile".

Among other species, "there have gathered", within this "Animistic Ring" an accumulation of "a species", of that "Animistic Substantiate-Precipitatiom" (Elementals), from which, the Animal-Soul with it"s numerous ramifications, is "formed"!

It is just this very part, however, which directly needs especially, peculiar course of instructions, which must be connected with "obnservation, in order to arouse, complete, perfect clearness within the human spiritual beings, upon the gross material earthly surface plane, but in the least, "few hints", concerning this, would be adequately dispensed to benefit of the human spiritual beings.

The "sOUL within" every Animal, consequently "forms" ITSELF, "IT PUT ITSELF TOGETHER FIRST", Something which is indicated, within the "expression", "TO FORM".

Just in order to portray the difference, and make it very easier to comprehend for the human spiritual beings, it would be necessary, to throw reference, once again, towards the human spiritual beings and their "Spirituality"

The "Spirits Within" the human spiritual beings, right upon the gross material earthly plane, pre-requisitely before-hand, already "carries" everything within itself, "within THE SPIRIT-GERM-SPARK, and consequently only require necessarily to "DEVELOP", to become "CONSCIOUS".

But the "SOULS WITHIN", The Animals upon the gross material earthly plane, must, however, PUT ITSELF TOGETHER FIRST; IT FORMS ITSELF, in order to "gradually" become STRONG, through cursive development.

Just as The Animal becomes strong, it is then able to "form" ever "firmer" and "more durable".

The "Souls Within" the Animals, that belongs, to the World of Gross Matter, and consequently, could only gradually "acquire" or "receive" a "permanent Form".

In most instances, proceeding the severance from the "animal-physical-body, right after a very shorter or sometimes, very longer period, The ANIMAL-SOUL WITTHIN, would again "Lose" It"s FORM, and it is directly "absorbed", by the "accumulation of homogeneous species, and absorbed, as a homogeneous species, which indeed "brings" INCREASED WARMTH, but which, does not yet remain or attain into "a stable-form!

HENCE, the expression "GROUP SOULS"!

ONLY, one thing could possibly maintain the Animal Soul, and that is the strongest thing, possibly ever there is -- THE LOVE (Living Option Virtuous Existence)!

If an Animal, has taken to, affectionately, in-loving appreciation of an individual human spiritual being, this particular Animal, would thereby be 'Uplifted", and through the voluntary connection, withy the "spirits within", this Animal would consequently receive a "supply" of "Power-Strength", which also "keeps Together" (Bindingly) THE SOULS within the Animal "FIRMER".

But much more about this, would be explained later on, in The Holy Grail Message!

There are not only Animals, from the "Terminating Ring of The Animistic", but also, in higher, even right up to the highest planes.

Upon and in the very highjest planes, there are, thus, "KNOWING ANIMALS", Which Are Perfectly and COMPLETELY PURE, WITHIN THEIR SERVING AND WEAVING!

It can possibly also happen that, ANIMALS from the highest planes, "come to be INCARNATED", on the gross material earthly, for especially stringent purposes.

This very aspect would at the present, not be dealt with, but to remain with The Animals, that are known on the gross material earthly plane, consequently the "souls within" The Animals, which inevitably "Form out" The of ANIMISTIC RING", right "around THE WORLD OF MATTER"!

And to point-out, if but another hint, about this, in concern to the humann spiritual beings most "Nearest Visible" Gross Materrial Earthly Enviroment and Surroundings.

All forms, which are "immobilely" BOUND to "A Definite Spot", on the gross material earthly plane, do not "possess" A SOUL OF THEEIR OWN, because it would indeed become too "dependent" upon, that which "approaches" it, and would thus, "be at the Mercy" of every "arbitrary" action, in The World Of GROSS MATTER.

But such "an absence of equillibrium" or "lack of balance", is "utterly impossible", right within "THE WISE ARRANGEMENT" of THE CREATOR, WITHIN HIS WORK!

That is the reason, ofcourse, why such "forms", possess no "Souls-Within" of their own, but serve solely as "Habitations" for "Visiting BEINGS", which are quite, "INDEPENDENT" of the "Forms-Immobile", which they only protect and Tend.

PLANTS and ROCKS, belong to these FORMS!

Thus, invariably, the human spiritual beings, would attain to further enlightenment, that would be of great beneficial value for them, through which they can clearly recognize "WRONG OPINIONS"!

ONLY, Those creatures, which are 'independent of a spot or place", do "POSSESS WITHIN" Themselves, A MOBILE CORE, of their Own, that "GUIDES THEM".


And With The Human Spiritual Beings, It amounts to THE SPIRIT!

PLANTS and ROCKS, however, only "serve as Habitations", for "ALIEN ENTITIES", WHICH ARE INDEPENDENT, and which therefore could possibly not be called, THE SOULS OF THESE FORMS, in question.