After the "Fall of Man".

The "Fall of Man", made it a necessity, for mankind was in dire need of Divine help.

This made Jesus Christ to come down from the Luminous Heights, with His Mission of "enlightenment" and Love to mankind, who at that time, had contravened the Laws of Creation, in such a way, only "Love", (Living Option Virtuous Existence) would get them out of the under growth entanglement of the consequences.

This demand prompted the most Divine Help and Support, through the Love incarnate Himself, Jesus Christ, Who is the "Joyous Effulgence Supplication Unsubstantiality Salvation", as the "Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence" (LOVE), to come down from the "God-Head" of Almighty GOD, also in accordance to the Divine Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD, The FATHER.

Life, "Light Infinite Finite Effulgence", is the "Tissue" that all else "Issue" from.

The "Love of Relativity", through the "Purity" of the "Justification" of "Existence".

Jesus Christ came down with the Mission from Almighty GOD, to mankind, as the "Child of Grace", the "In-Born" Son of GOD Almighty, in order to "tie down" the principle of Lucifer and its "wrong Ways", so that mankind would follow the teachings handed down by Him, as of the laying down of the "Eleventh Commandment", i.e; which states that "When Mankind goes about their daily endeavor or their pleasure, they must never hurt their fellowmen in the line of incurring all these, their fellowmen, who had reposed trust in them".

Jesus Christ laid down this Law and Commandment, for mankind, with the view and the fact in mind that mankind had found the "Ten Commandment" all along, very difficult and almost impossible to "heed", and because of this, true mankind had "failed" woefully in the thorough compliance to these Ten Commandment, and mankind was consequently "head long" to "doom" and "disaster", in the view of the facts, in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

Jesus "Ruled Over" satanic machination of mankind, because satan wanted to duplicate the His "Holy-Face", with his own "wrong" principle, "originated" by Lucifer in order for him to have control over the majority of mankind and thereby send them towards the wrong path of Darkness and destruction.

Christ came with His Mission to "liberate" mankind from Darkness and from the minions of these wrong principle of Lucifer and his "henchmen".

In the Beginning was the Word, (Weaving Ordinance Resonant Dispensation) of GOD Almighty, and He "Said", "Let There Be Light" and "There Is Light", further into the distant "void", in distance as the "Life Infinite Finite Effulgence" from Almighty GOD, Who Alone Is Life (Life Infinite Finite Effulgence) and all else is the "consequence" of "Life Proper".

Almighty GOD, Is "Unsubstantiality", and having as His "Radiation", the "Substantiality", that which "creates" and "give forms", that which is "binding" and also "being bound" by Itself, having the Will of GOD Almighty at the back, as the "mantle" of Almighty GOD, as His "Radiance" and His "Opposite", supportive.

Almighty GOD, Who remain Eternal and Invisible, also Sacred, Perpetual and to all creatures as the Creator, expediting, and radiating through His Opposite Nature, His Substantiality, as He Himself is Unsubstantiality.

The advent, before his death, and crucifixion upon the very cross, Jesus Christ brought from the Luminous Heights for mankind, he told his disciples that he would be going through an ordeal with the romans domination under the rule of Emperor Tiberius shortly, through betrayal and direct denial of his own disciples due to fear during his arraignment by the roman authority for treasonable felony for saying:- "I Am Who High Aim"!, which was misconstrued for an aim at the authority.

At his last supper, Jesus Christ pointed out few things to his disciples about the upcoming events of horror by the romans and about the "Holy Grail", that it is like the blood and it "bubbles" and "surges", overflowing but never "spilling", situating in a chalice like environment, at the Summit of the "Primordial Creation", but never spilling over the brim even though it is overflowing.

The Laws of Creation play significant key role with the "incarnation" and the "re-incarnation", into various dermatologic existences of mankind, mainly the "mongoloid", the "australoid", the "negroid" and the "Caucasoid". These naturally represents the four major races, four major "temperaments" of mankind, mainly also the "sanguine", the "melancholic", the "choleric" and the "phlegmatic" blood compositions of the races of mankind upon the heavy gross material plain, in accordance to the Laws of Creation.

Incarnation and the re-incarnation repeatedly provides the significant opportunity for experiencing life upon the heavy gross matter, in order for the soul of mankind be able to request to gain experience towards maturity in responsibility into consciousness and in order to be able to cope with every characteristics embedded in all these races and also to secure maturity of responsibility towards consciousness and the "true worship" of GOD Almighty, in accordance with His Will, The Creator.

The soul of mankind is the "medium" between the "spirit" of mankind and the "physical body" of mankind, meaning that the "cerebrum" is the "frontal brain" and it is a product of the "intellect, and therefore belongs to the physical body.

The "cerebellum" is the "back brain" and it is the spiritual receptive part of the brain which is a product of the soul and the medium receptor of the spirit of mankind, which implies that the two hemispheres of the brain are actually the frontal brain, cerebrum and the back brain cerebellum, left and right.

The back brain cerebellum is the spiritual receptive part of the brain and could only perform this task through the medium of soul transmission.

In the structural organization by itself, upon the heavy gross matter, the spirit of mankind employs the mediumistic transmission of the soul, who primarily "wanders" in the Ethereal world of matter of the beyond in order to later emphasize upon a heavy gross material earthly physical body's expectations, so as to impress and express itself as a spirit of mankind, being in reception and transmission to every creature right upon the heavy gross material earthly surface, through the medium of the soul.

The soul being the fifth element possesses the same value as the other four elements as it "compliments" and "supplements" in order to survive the different types of ordeal encountered under the supervision of the heavy gross material earthly density of precipitation and condensation of atoms in accordance to the Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The soul of mankind resides both in the ethereal world of matter and also upon the heavy gross matter, but inside the physical body of mankind.

The soul of both mankind and animals combine with the other four elements of "fire", "air", "water", and "earth" both upon the heavy gross matter and the ethereal matter simultaneously.

Thus, right upon the ethereal world of matter, thinking becomes a deed, but upon the heavy gross material earthly world, thinking stands for a while as a thought before it manifested into words or the physical action or deed. Thinking upon the heavy gross matter acts as a delay for words and action or deed. Thinking precedes every word or action and deed envisaged.

The soul of mankind primarily resides within the ethereal world of matter, in order to develop but later on grow upon the heavy gross matter after "birth".

The soul of the animals also primarily lives within the ethereal world of matter, so as to grow but later on develop upon the heavy gross matter after "birth".

This is evidenced through the furthering principle of collateral existences of both worlds of matter, ethereal world of matter and the heavy gross world of matter, which are interwoven and presumably the same except for their different constituencies.

It quite clear also that upon the heavy gross matter, that the manifestation of the soul of mankind comes through thinking but the speaking and the action or deed comes from the physical body of mankind in accordance to the Laws of Reciprocal Action and the Law of Homogeneity of Species.

The imprint together with the impression are very heavy dense impression upon the soul of mankind and the soul of animals, on the heavy gross matter.

The intellect is the "generative power", the very strongest asset of the brain of mankind upon the heavy gross matter, governing from the "finest" heavy gross matter, while the word (language) of mankind on earth comes from the "medium" gross matter, where the "workshop" of the elemental beings is located, and finally, the deed and the visible action emanates from the "heavy" gross matter, being the heaviest density and obvious contact illustration to every mankind upon the earthly surface plain in the heavy gross matter.

The intellect as a product of the brain of mankind conforms with the other four states of matter, upon the heavy gross matter, mainly as plasma, gases, liquid, and solid stages, in accordance to the Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The soul of mankind as well as the soul of animals is the "operating power" in the ethereal world of matter, in the so called the beyond.

The soul of mankind and also the soul of animals could be seen as the "generative power" of the ethereal world of matter, where thoughts become deed immediately. where thought forms congregate to form "power centers", where compatible thoughts congruent with relatives to develop into spherical relationships, in accordance with the Law of Reciprocal Action and Law of Homogeneity of Species.

Thus, in the ethereal world of matter, souls are bound together by these two Laws because of their thinking and their thought forms, which are liable to thought form centers, pertaining to a peculiarity and a particular characteristics, identifying a certain thought formation belonging to a definite power center, gathering together all similar in relationship to one and another, along the line, thereby uniting every same thinking into an avenue of thought forms centers, in accordance to the Law of Homogeneous of Species and the Law of Reciprocal Action, which would invariably adjust individual soul of mankind into their homogeneous group species, of similar thought forms and thought formation congruously into thought form centers of very similar orientation and undertaken, of expeditions and expectations, uniting into clusters of thought forms compatible zones of relative characteristic, exhibited and inhibited into tones of color, concerning each group of the thought forms centers.

The magnitude of these occurrence remain the same in both worlds of matter, being in the possession of four states of plasma, gases, liquid, and solid but a different constituency for the ethereal world of matter, where the soul is the generative power and directly links to the cerebellum (back brain) in order for the spirit of mankind maintain contact spiritually upon the heavy gross matter together with the product of the intellect, the cerebrum (frontal brain), with both transmission and reception to the spiritual intuitive perception.

Tone is an aspect of the ethereal world of matter, and plays an important role towards the unique identity and indemnity of the soul of mankind concerned because in the ethereal world of matter, the soul of mankind has already design and discern its quality, and unlike the heavy gross matter, there can be no adulteration in accordance with the Law of Homogeneity of Species, which states that "Birds of same feather flock together".

The ethereal world of matter holds a lot of key to the retribution and the atonement encumbered and incurred by the soul of mankind while sojourning upon the heavy gross matter.

The soul of mankind is duly reprimanded within the ethereal world of matter, in order to atone for their shortcomings in accordance to both Laws of Reciprocal Action and the Law of Homogeneity of Species, which consequently holds the soul of mankind down in bound of their previous experiences, and also the Law of Creation.

The ethereal world of matter poses the orderliness in tones and colors, and every tone and color is in compliance to the quality, the gradient, levity and the lukewarm condition of the soul of mankind concerned in accordance to the Law of Reciprocal Action.

The ethereal world of matter is unlike the heavy gross matter, where every tone and color is mixing up together, solely because of the insulation of the physical body of mankind, which prevents the direct filtering and interference of the Law of Reciprocal Action and the Law of Homogeneous of Species, and to directly operate an atonement right upon the soul of mankind on the heavy gross matter.

This is distinctly mapped out in the ethereal world of matter, where the tonic and the colorful steps climb upwards towards the Luminous Heights, which steps happen to be twenty in number, laid out in accordance to their luminosity towards the Light Rays of Almighty GOD.

These are gradient steps in compliance to the particular quality and characteristics conforming to the tone and color of the soul of mankind concerned in the ethereal world of matter, waiting for the concerned soul of mankind shortly after transition, and the soul of mankind has to vacate the heavy gross matter.

The soul of mankind, shortly after transition, would be "sifted" into its exact color and tonic step, in accordance to its quality, experiences, characteristics and atonement.

The soul of mankind would be fitted in most appropriately, into exact location make-up of its character, determined by the tone and the color, it emanates, and not any other way, in accordance to the Law of Reciprocal Action, "What You Sow, That Shall You Reap In Return", and collaboration with the Law of Homogeneity of Species, "Birds of Same Feather, Flock Together".

In the ethereal world of matter, the experiences of the soul of mankind are discerned and outlined into spherical hegemonies of compatible quality characteristics together with the inhibitions, inclinations and their intrinsic tendencies.

The ethereal world of matter unlike the heavy gross matter is graded upwardly towards the Luminous Heights, into twenty gradient levels of tonic colors. Every tonic colorful level is a characteristic quality of the soul of mankind concerned.

Upon these plains of the ethereal world of matter gradient levels of colors and tones, the souls of mankind can not mix with unlike soul of mankind.

Only soul of mankind compatible with each other can occupy similar tone and color plain.

The heavier tones and color occupy the denser part of the ethereal world of matter while the lighter tone and color occupy the upper layers of the ethereal world of matter, in accordance to the Law of Homogeneity of Species, which is demanded also in cognizance of the Law of Reciprocal Action, that regulates the compliance for the atonement out of retribution; "What You Sow, Shall You Reap In Return".

The ethereal world of matter is also in possession of the four states of matter, plasma, gases, liquid, and solid forms, but strictly in the ethereal world of matter's constituency, because the generative power there is the soul, where thinking actually become deed immediately.

And these souls of mankind in the ethereal world of matter, are made up of thought forms with a power center uniting together every alike and similar thought forms into a compatible contingency of similar inhibition, into gradient level, upwardly or downwardly, along the twenty levels of the ethereal world of matter, in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The ethereal world of matter is constitutionally comprising and composing of twenty gradient levels of the beyond, and made up of tones and colors, in order to denote the height and determine the gravity of the soul of mankind of the beyond.

In the heavy gross plain, the physical body of mankind is free to move and mix up with unlike thoughts, because the physical body of mankind is an insulator for the soul of mankind here upon the heavy gross matter, in order to be able to intermingle with the help of the intellect and interest with other fellow heavy gross world of earthly inhabitants, without the direct recourse for their reciprocal actions and their homogeneous of species' affinity requires or inclines towards one and another, for all the qualities inhibited within the soul of mankind, quite insulated by the physical body of mankind, protected from direct contact with the Law of Reciprocal Action and the Law of Homogeneity of Species in accordance strictly with the heavy density of the heavy gross material matter in accordance with the Laws of Creation.

The intellect solely employs the use of the "sensory organs" to operate upon the heavy gross material plain, in order also to fashion its pathway through the rigors of the heavy gross matter.

The intellect, as the product of the frontal brain cerebrum) is the generative power within the heavy gross matter and "utilizes" the sensory organs to perform its tasks right upon the heavy gross material earthly plain.

The senses are mainly, "the touch", "the taste", "the smell", "the sight", and "the Hear".

The eyes mainly would generate the "Soulful Inquisitive Glancing Harmonic Trust", of Sight and Seeing.

The nose generates the "Soulful Momentary Extraction of Littering Leaks", of Smell and Odor.

The tongue generates the "Tingling Anticipation Soulful Tantalizing Extraction", of Taste and Sipping.

The body mainly generates the "Trusting Opulence Ubiquitous Catching Hold", of Touch and Feeling.

The ear would generate the "Horning Extraction of Attraction Resonance", of Hearing and Audition.

The intellect utilizes the sensory organs and these senses collaborate to expedite its existence and experiencing in conformity and the mediation of the soul of mankind towards eventual transmission of all the happenings, transferred for the thorough evaluation to the spirit of mankind upon the heavy gross matter, in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty God.

The senses enable the spirit of mankind to determine through the soul, exactly how the physical body capacitate upon the heavy gross matter, in cognizance with its immediate environment, having the intellect as the generative power, to retain, maintain and sustain every entropy and its enthalpy upon the heavy gross matter, through its processes of undertaking and executing with profound alacrity of experiencing, and to be able to coexist here upon the heavy gross matter.


The intellect requires the assistance of the senses through the sensory organs to be able to wade a maneuver though the heavy gross matter, these are then expedited by the sensory organs or "The Sensory Elemental Beings", who will undertake and execute this particular functions, in accordance with the Law of Creation.

Senses are tentacles for the intellect to be able to obtain necessary information, for the soul of mankind to transmit and mediate to the spiritual receptive back brain (cerebellum), in order for the spirit of mankind to register and be able to coordinate an appropriate response, so as to be able to adjust to the well defined adaptation, augmented for the peculiar circumstance, upon the heavy

gross matter, in consultation with the designing and the individual concerning Elemental Beings, who would register everything in replica into the ethereal world of matter, even though mankind is still dwelling upon the heavy gross matter, waiting in the ethereal world of matter later on for individual soul of mankind in the form of "Karma", for the spirit of mankind to atone or as benefit for an uplift afterwards into the Luminous Heights.

The thought-form elemental beings perform the task of weaving into the ethereal world of matter, every thought form of mankind in the heavy gross matter to later atone or benefit from later, in conformity with the attitude portrayed by the soul of mankind who later would tread upon the terrain, in the ethereal world of matter, in conformation with their earlier inhibition and inclining attitude, together with their previous occupation and re-incarnation upon the heavy gross matter.

So the saying goes:- "So As It Is Said Into The Woods, So Shall It Echo"!.

"What You Sow, Shall You Reap In Return"!.

"The Way You Lay Your Bed, Shall You Lay Upon It"!.

"Birds of Like Feathers, Flock Together"!.

That is mankind of like nature stay together in accordance with the Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light of Almighty GOD, where the Light is the "Life Infinite God"s Holy Transmission".