THERE Are human spiritual beings who excuse, numerous number of their short-comings as well as faults, even conspicuously to themselves, as being due to their "temperament!"

That is wrong!

Whosoever acts in this mannerism, show that, they have consequently become nothing but a slave to themselves.

The human spiritual beings are of The Spirit, which remain, as the "highest form", of all that is "self-conscious", in this very "Subsequent Creation", thereby having tremendous influence, forming and leading all and everything else, no matter whether, they act in full awareness of it or whether, they know nothing at all about it

This ruling or influencing in Subsequent Creation is anchored in the very nature of the "Spirit", in accordance with the Laws of Creation.

Through it"s very existence, therefore the human spirits, could work as human spiritual beings in Subsequent Creation, consequently in this very enthropy or mannerism, just for the fact that the human spiritual beings issue from the Spiritual Realm, adjacent to Primordial Spiritual Realm, the first in Creation.

The Temperament, however cannot be attributed to the Spirit or the spiritual part, because it only consequently produced by the "radiations", of a "certain species" of "matter", whenever the latter is conspicuously "animated" and completely "permeated" by the same "animistic which "moves", "warms" and "forms", all that is of material substance.

This very "Radiation" emanates from the Blood.

Thus, it not wrong, to use the popular expression, concerning certain qualities, which the human spiritual beings possess: "It runs in The Blood!"

Which in most cases, the human spiritual beings imply, that it has been "inherited".

And often, this are the instances, because the gross material earthly heredity does in fact occur, while spiritual heredity is impossible!

With that, which is spiritual, it is The Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species, which is paramount and the criterion that counts, the effects of which, do outwardly resemble heredity, in the human spiritual beings life-existence on the gross material earth, and could therefore easily be confused with it.

Temperament, however, comes from the World of Matter and may therefore be partly inherited, and also remains closely connected with all that is of material substance.

The reason for this, consequently lay in Animistic activity.

Here again, some idea of this, is contained in another popular saying.

The wisdom of such expressions, has always "originated" in the natural intuitive perception of those particular human spiritual beings of "sound mind" (Memory Interpreter Natural Disciplines), whose attitude to living existence in Creation, has remained "simple" and undistorted.

This popular saying: speaks of "The light blood", "The hot blood", "The heavy blood", and blood, which can be easily excited (The excited blood).

All these terms are applied to The temperament, with the correct intuitive perception, that the blood "plays" fundamentally, a major role, right in these matters.

In reality, it is a definite radiation which develops, through the type of blood composition, in each case.

It firstly, produces an equivalent effect in the brain, which subsequently becomes strongly perceptible within the feelings of the entire physical body.

In accordance with the blood composition, there will therefore always be a sort of temperament, predominating in different individual human spiritual beings, and which is consequently decisive for them also.

In the healthy (Homeostatic Extension Annulling Life Threatening Hazards) blood of the human spiritual beings, are anchored, all the radiations, which the blood is capable of producing and consequently all the temperaments.

This is always and only in reference to the healthy physical body, because "sickness" brings "confusion" right into the radiations.

As the physical body grow old, from age, so also, the blood composition "changes".

Thus, whenever the healthy blood changes, through increasing age, a corresponding change of temperament, occurs simultaneously.

Besides this advancing age, in the physical body, however, there are still other factors, which delegate an influence, upon the change in blood composition, such as the characteristics of the different worldly regions or time zone, and also with everything pertaining to these regions, i.e., "The Climate", "The Radiations of The Stars", "The different sorts of nourishment", and numerous other factors or things as well.

They all directly affect the temperament, because they are part of The World of Matter and therefore, consequently linked very closely with it.

In general terms, the human spiritual beings could distinguish between "four basic temperaments", right within themselves - "The Sanguine", "The Melancholic", "The Choleric", and "The Phlegmatic" - and the human spiritual beings themselves are consequently described accordingly.

In reality, however, there are "seven temperaments", and with all the gradations in place and perspective, there are even "twelve temperaments".

But the principal temperaments are four in perspective number.

In a human spiritual beings with absolutely healthy blood enthalpy, the tempereaments can be consequently classified into "four age periods", in each of which, the blood composition changes.

Firstly, there is the period of early Childhood, which resembles "the sanguine temperament"; "the care-free life-existence of the momeent".

Then followed by the early womanhood or manhood adolescent period, which resembles "the melancholic temperament", of "dreaming and longing".

Thereafter, follow, "the years of man"s or woman"s full estate, which consequently resembles "the choleric temperament", a kind of surging urgency, influencing them to action.

And finally comes "the Old Age" or "the phlegmatic temperament" of very quiet reflection.

This is in the circumstances of the natural and healthy entropy, in the "temperate zone" as distinct from the ab-normal, untenable zone.

How closely all these are connective with the works, in a similar way, right in the World of Matter, the human spiritual beings can even witness, right here, on the gross material earthly plane, in the "Seasons" of "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", and "Winter".

In "Spring", an impetuous awakening, in "Summer", a dreamy development with an urge towards ripening, in "Autumn", the full activity of the fruits, and in "Winter", a quiet transition, with all the gathered experiences, rright into a new awakening!

Even nations and tribal races bear very distinctive and very definite characteristics of common temperaments.

This could definitely be traced back, to the very region of the gross material earthly plane, where the human spiritual beings, genetically, in accordance with Law of Homogeneous of species, came into existence, and where they dwell or inhabit, to the consequent form of nutrition available there, and also to their exposure, to similar gross material radiations, by the stars, and last but not the least, to "spiritual maturity" of the "entire nation".

The human spiritual beings of the sanguine temperament are still metaphorically, in the stage of Chilhood, or could have through some circumstances also could recidivistly retrogressed to this stage.

This latter category, not only comprises of the "sunny south sea islanders" but to greater extent, "the latin human spiritual beings.

The human spiritual beings of "melancholic temperaments" stand before their actual deeds.

The Gothes and all Germanic human spiritual beings belong to this group. They had stood in their awakening, and expiated action!

That is why the period of early womanhood and early manhood is also the age of melancholic temperaments, because only as the "spirit breaks" through, in the "generative power", would it find a direct connection with the species of Creation.

Thus the human spiritual beings become responsible for their deeds in Creation, fully also responsible for every individual thought, for every word, and for every one of their actions, because all the vibrations thereof, are pressing, in full power, and thereby penetrating the spheres of Animistic species and consequently producing corresponding forms.

This forms arise in Subsequent Creation, in accordance with the vibrations sent forth by the human spiritual beings.

Consequently, if the human spiritual beings are "unrestrained" in their individual temperaments, invariably creates new and unhealthy forms in Creation, which could never produce harmony, but which are bound to have a disturbing influence upon all that is in existence.

Since by virtue of their origin, the human spiritual beings, stand at the highest point in Subsequent Creation, they have not only the power, but also the duty to control every species, that is different to them, in Creation.

In fact, the human spiritual beings could not be otherwise, they must dominate, owing to their nature!

The human spiritual beings must now think about this, in every moment!

With each individual thought, with each stirring of their soul, the human spirritual beings create ever new forms in this Subsequent Creation!

The human spiritual beings must try to graspo this clearly, as they are indeed responsible for it, and everything they form, in the course of their existence, clings consequently to them.

Whatever is good uplifts the human spiritual beings, whatever is low, must pull them down, consequently in accordance with The Law of Gravitation, which takes effect irrevocably, regardless of whether they themselves are aware of it or completely indifferent to it (temperament).

The temperaments operate and work around the human spiritual beings, in a constant weaving.

It is true that the human spiritual beings, are the starting point of all and everything, that must be formed or produced in this loom, yet they are unable to halt or stop temperament for a moment!

The human spiritual beings must endeavour to envisage this one picture very clearly!

It definitely must suffice to arouse the human spiritual beings, from trifling things, in which they often willing to sacrifice so much time and strength.

The human spiritual beings must apparently be horrified at the frivolous ways, in which they have hitherto expend their life-existence, and consequently stand ashamed before their Creator, Almighty GOD, Who thereby bestowed such a great gift upon them.

But they have paid no atention to the temperaments, the human spiritual beings have only dabbled with this enormous power, to the detriment of The Subsequent Creation, "entrusted" to the human spiritual beings, which they could rightly transform into a Paradise, for themselves, if and when atlast they wish to do so.


The entire disorder which the human spiritual beings have brought about, through their ignorance, of The Divine Laws is now bound to confuse and overwhelm them.

This is the fault of the human spiritual beings, that they do not yet understand and know these Laws.

Since, the human spiritual beings stand in Creation, it is there most sacred duty, personally to concern themselves with these Laws.

But instead, the human spiritual beings have mocked and sneered at the messengers, who were able to indicate, the right way, which is bound to bring recognition.

Without effort, however, no prize could be derived, because that is against The Law of Unceasing Movement in Creation, which is the necessary factor, for the maintenance and furthering advanced development of everything.

Movement in the spirit and also of the physical body.

Everything which does not move, or which does not move in the right way, will be "ejected", because it does nothing but disturb, the very swinging harmony of Creation.

The human spiritual beings are then consequently ejected, as being, diseased part, which do not want to move along, in rhythm.

It has already been spoken about the necessity of continual movement as a law (Light Active Weaving).

The "spirit" must dominate, no matter whether, it wants to or not.

It cannot do otherwise!

And thus, the spirit must presently now exert itself, atlast to dominate spiritually in full consciousness, unless it wishes to bring nothing but corresponding harm.

However, the Spirit can only dominate, consciously, if it is familiar with the Laws, and consequently adjust itself, to all the Laws resting in Creation.

There is no alternative!

Only then does the Spirit, fill the post, to which it has been appointed, and which it can never alter or re-arrange.

Thus, the human spiritual beings, must also stand above the temperaments, the human spiritual beings must restrain and rule the temperaments, in order for harmony to be attained or achieved first of all, in their own physical body, and then to stretch out in extendind harmonious benefits to the immediate surrounding environment; they will radiate and manifest in forms, in the entire Subsequent Creation.

Only the human spiritual beings who consequeently make good use, of all the "four te,peraments in the proper sequence and at the very appropriate times, would stand firm, in this Creation.

Just for the fact that the human spiritual beings consequently require the necessary use of these temperaments, in order to be able to climb the steps, of their gross material earth life-existence, with security and certainty and to neglect nothing, which could and is necessary for their individual spiritual maturing.

The temperaments, which are well controlled and properly employed, are very much as wearing good boots, on the roads, through the material substance on the gross material earthly plane!

The human spiritual beings ought to pay greater attention, to the temperaments, than has hitherto been done so far!

The human spiritual beings cannot do without the temperaments, but neither must the human spiritual beings yield to the temperaments, because then the temperaments will become tyrants, which torment, the human spiritual beings and their surrounding environment also, instead of serving the human spiritual beings.

But the human spiritual beings, should make good use of the temperaments, because they are the best companions, during their life-existence, on the gross material earthly plane.

They are "friends" to the human spiritual beings, if only, they can be controlled.

The Child develops best, when it is sanguine, therefore the composition of the Child"s blood, is as such, as to produce, "the sanguine temperament".

The blood composition changes, at the very time of increasing physical maturity and then brings with it, "the melancholic temperament".

This in turn, is consequently the best aid or guidance for this period of maturing!

This temperament can direct the spirit within the human spiritual beings, towards The Light, towards Purity, and Loyalty, during the years, when the spirit"s connection with Creation, is consequently being completed, at which period, the spirit takes the active lead and vigorously gears, into the entire weaving and working, which is in "constant movement" there-in.

In this way, The temperaments may become the greatest helper, to the human spirit in it"s very essential being, more decisive than it is presently able to imagine.

Therefore, the child must be permitted, the "undimmed joy of the moment", which is "derived" from the sanguine temperament and on the other hand, the youth, juvenile and maiden must be left, to the healthy "day-dreams", in which they often so indulge.

The human spiritual beings who "destroys" such "reveries", just in order to make this young adolesents conform to the sobriety of their surroundings, becomes a "brigand" of The Spirit, on it"s course way, towards The Light!

The human spiritual beings must beware and cautious of this, because all the consequences, will consequently also fall upon the human spiritual beings, in violation of the Laws of Almighty GOD.

The choleric temperament, in a clarified form, is needed by every human spiritual beings of "action"!

It is a deliberate form of expression, when being refered to as "in a clarified form", because the spirit within the human spiritual beings, must dominate in the years of full estate of womanhood and of full estate of manhood, the "spirit" must ennoble and tranfigure everything, the spirit within the human spiritual beings must send forth and spread Light Radiations, throughout, the entire Creation!

In the "Old Age", however, the phlegmatic temperament gradually helps, to "loosen" the spirit of the human spiritual beings, more and more from it"s physical body, in order to re-examine past experiences of gross material earthly life-existence, also in order to "retain the lessons learned", as something fundamentally personal, and to prepare itself, bit by bit, gradually in this way, for the "necessary transitional step" right into the Ethereal World of Creation.

It is consequently, thereby made easy, for such human spiritual beings, becoming quite a natural occurrence, which means nothing, but "progress", and also involves no suffering, in "obeying" The Law of This Creation.

The human spiritual beings should "pay attention" to "The Temperaments", therefore, and endeavour to "further these temperaments", whenever the human spiritual beings could, but always and only, at their "proper time" and also so long, as these temperaments, do not become "tyrants by themselves", through "the lack of restraint"!

Whosoever, wishes to change or suppress these temperaments, invariably "destroys" The Best Help there is, for the facility development purpose of the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane, just as "Willed By Almighty GOD.

In so doing, the human spiritual beings also disturbs all "healthiness", consequently causing only confusion, just as well as unrestrained and undreamed-of eccentricities, which will only bring "discord", "envy", "hatred" and "anger", not to mention "robbery" and "homicide".

All this, just for the fact that, "The Temperaments were disregarded, right at the essential time, by the "coldly calculating intellect", and consequently broken-up, when these very temperaments should in fact, have been developed and strictly observed!

The Temperaments have dispensed to the human spiritual beings, by The Will (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD, rightly in The Laws (Light Active Weavings) of Nature, which are always "tended" and "kept fresh", for the facility of the human spiritual beings, by The Elemental Beings, in order to guidingly facilitate, the course of their life existence, on the gross material earthly plane, if the human spiritual beings should strive and live as, Almighty GOD Wills, that they should

The human spiritual beings profoundly, should "Give Thanx to The Lord", just because of this, and then joyously take up, the gifts, which "lay" ready, for the human spiritual beings, everywhere in Creation!

The human spiritual beings should strive and "exert themselves", in order to "recognize" The Temperaments "aright at last"!



How much swings forth from this word, how rich and strong, are all the impressions, this word is been able to produce, and what, a never-ending source of conjecture, is consequently contained, in this one significant word!

And much knowledge, which has proved to be full of blessing, for the bodies of the gross material earthly, human spiritual beings, have consequently evolved from this suppositions.

Through troublesome investigation coupled by devoted work, "the gifted-ones, with keen "observation" and pure volition, to expiate unselfish help to the human spiritual beings, had found many a path, which leads to the "real purpose of blood", none of which, however, depicts this very purpose itself.

Here are further hints on the matter, with which those human spiritual beings, who consequently carry, right within them, "the Calling", would definitely be able to build up, through their knowledge, embedded within the swinging "Laws of Almighty GOD!

Then, these Laws will become "real helpers" of thee human spiritual beings, here on the gross material earthly plane, in the truest sense, and as a most precious reward, their path would be "brightened", by the "grateful prayers", of all those human spiritual beings, to whom, their knowledge, about the "secrets of the blood", could consequently bring "real helper", the nature of which the human spiritual beings, could never believe possible, and in such a manner, as there, has never been before.

The main purpose concerning all blood, of the human spiritual beings, would immediately be named in due course!

The Blood is meant "to form the bridge, for the activity of The Spirit on gross material earthly plane, i.e., in The World of Gross Matter!

This sounds so simple, and yet it holds the key, to all knowledge, about the Blood of the human spiritual beings.

Hence, the Blood of the human spiritual beings, is fundamentally meant to "act as a bridge" for the activity of "the spirit" of the human spiritual beings, or to simply put it "the soul", in this instance, so as for the readers, to comprehend this better, because the human spiritual beings are best familiar with the expression "the soul".

THE SPIRIT, embedded, within the human spiritual beings actually "forms or constitutes" their Blood, in order for the "activity of the spirit" from out of them, "may proceed", in the proper and natural sequential mannerism.

The connection between the "Blood" and "the Spirit within", can easily be substantiated.

It need only be realized, that until "the spirit within" has entered, the developing physical body, of an infant child, at "incarnation", which takes place at a very definite stage of development, right in "the middle of pregnancy", causing the infant child"s "first twitching movement"; which until this very stage, had been reached, does not permit, the infant child"s own Blood, to begin circulation; and while at physical death, when "the spirit within" has left the physical body, then the Blood ceases to "pulsate" and cease to exist altogether.

Therefore, the Blood of the human spiritual beings in itself, is only present during the period between "the enrance" and "the departure of "the spirit within", when and if the "spirit" dwell in the physical body.

Indeed, this happening can be noticed, through the lack of Blood, which the "spirit within" has finally "severed" it"s (Blood) connection, with the gross material earthly physical body or cloak, i.e., then death to the gross material physical body has occurred!

In reality, it is as the following: The Blood of the human spiritual beings can "form itself", only and only when "the spirit within" had entered the physical body, and also when "the spirit within" had left the physical body, the Blood of the human spiritual beings can no longer "exist" in it"s actual nature.

However, The Spirit Within or the soul within, contribute to the very "formation of the Blood", but "the spirit within, cannot come into "outward gross material earthly activity", directly through the Blood.

The difference between the two species (Spirit and Blood), is naturally too great, to allow this.

The Soul within, of which "the spirit within" is "the Core", is still far "too fine", in it"s "coarsest layer" in order to be able to "accomplish this effect", and can become "outwardly active" only and consequently through the "radiation of the Blood".

The "radiation of the Blood therefore in reality, is "the actual bridge" for the functional activity of "the soul within, and then, only if and when this Blood of the human spiritual beings, is of a particular "composition", suitable for "the soul within" that is concerned.

In future, every conscientious medical physician, could "consciously" help and "intervene", right into these instances, as soon as the medical physician, had absorbed and grasped this very knowledge "aright"!

It is just this knowledge, which will consequently become, one of the greatest and the most decisive aids, medical physicians could possibly have to offer, to the whole of the human spiritual beings, dwelling on the gross material earthly plane, because the efficacy and also the pernicacious results, in this aspect, are so manifold indeed, that with the true applications, the human spiritual beings are bound to blossom forth, consequently most splendidly in their volitions and in their capabilities, because the human spiritual beings would in fact be able to "unfold all their power, which will not urge them on, straight, and headlong into the abyss of desruction, but instead onwardly towards "peace and a grateful striving for The Light!

The significance of the Blood composition is already been cited.

When the Blood composition changes, this most naturally, also "alter the radiation, consequently producing, therewith correspondingly, "alternating effects" upon the individual human spiritual beings, duly concerned, as well as having effect upon the gross material earthly surrounding environment.

The Generative Power, does not set in until, the physical body or cloak has consequently attained, a very definite maturity.

Then a drawbridge is lowered to lowered to enable the "soul" of the human spiritual beings, to sally forth, right into the outer world, from which, it has been "protected" and "separated" right-up till that time.

Naturally, this very draw-bridge does not only permit, the soul within the human spiritual beings, to exercise an influence on the outside world, but it also permit, the influences form outside, to obtain access to the soul within, by the same route.

It is not until then, that individual human spiritual beings, become fully responsible, right before The Divine Laws of Creation, a case-in-point which has also been given similar consideration, in the gross material earthly mundane laws.

The "lowering of the draw-bridge", however takes place most automatically, through nothing other than, "a transformation", in the composition of the Blood, which in turn is produced by the maturing of the physical body, and the urging of the soul within, and also which then, through the certain change in radiation, affords the spirit within, the consequent possibility, to become active, upon the gross material earthly plane.

And with this, it is most naturally no reference to the mechanical actions and work of the physical body, but to that which actually "leads upwards" in this very things, to that which is "willed", and also which the brain and the body of the human spiritual beings, as implements, then consequently turned into gross material eathly deeds!

In the previous lecture about temperaments, it is like-wise, refered to the Blood of the human spiritual beings which, through it"s various radiations, "forms the bases for The Temperaments, because, up to a certain limit, the activity of "the soul within", is "bound-up", with the "various kinds of the Blood Radiations.

Since, however, "the maturity", "the homeostatis state of health", "and the age of the body "contribute enormously", to the "changing of the Blood Composition", and such a "constraint" might only prove "unjust"!

This, of course would be "balanced" by the fact that, "the spirit within" can "change", this "composition", which at the same time, "explains" the secret behond the saying: "The Spirit Within forms The Body".

But, wherever "the spirit within" is definitely seemingly "too weak", to "accomplish Blood changing composition", or wherever "the spirit within" the human spiritual beings is "hindered", in it"s efforts, by some outside or external influence, such as "an accident", or "a physical ailment", here, the medical physician can promptly lend a helping-hand, by directly intervening, through dexterity of the knowledge of Blood Composition and consequent changes along the way, and applying this knowledge!

The physicians would then be amazed, at the recognition, of how much actually "depends", in each particular instance, "upon the very right Blood Composition for the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane.

No "hard" and "fast" rule, must be made in this case, because the procedure, is entirely different with every individual human spiritual beings.

So far, only "the coarsest" differences, have yet been "found".

There are still innumerable "refinements", which have also not yet been recognized, and which are of "far-reaching" significance, and influence.

The establishment of the various "Blood Groups", which have presently, alraedy been "discovered", and which also can only "confirm" truth in this facts, does not suffice.

It is very true, that these discoveries are in the "right direction", and have already "proved" very "beneficial", in their applications.

However, these discoveries remain one of many ways, and not "the goal" itself, which is not merely restricted to only "physical recoveries" and "investigations", but which are able to uplift the human spiritual beings, in every "respect"!

In the lecture "Possessed", it is "pointed-out", that only the Blood Composition of some particular individual human spiritual beings, consequently "offer" the "possibility", for the "occurrence" of "spookish manifestations", such as "knocking", "making noises", "throwing of objects", e.t.c.

During such "incidents", this particular individual human spiritual beings, must always be in "close proximity", and it is from this indidual human spiritual beings" particular radiations, that the "power to manifest" is consequently "drawn"!

Even, this particular things, could be quickly "remedied" by the "skillful interventions" of "medical physicians", who definitely possess the knowledge of understanding about this subject, and who stand to help, by "changing the Blood Composition", which would consequently also "alter the radiations" and thereby "prevent" such "disagreable possibilities".

It is the same, in the case, of the "possessed ones, of whom, there "exist" many, in view of all doubts.

The process in itself is admissably quite simple, even if "dreadfully decisive" for the individuaal human spiritual beings concerned, and also for their immediate environment, and painful to the relatives.

The Composition of the Blood of these individual human spiritual beings, has consequently "formed" in such a way, that it actually "offer", "the soul within", which is "inhabiting" the physical body, only but "a feeble possibility", or "none" whatsoever, in ordrr to "manifest" in full vigour, towards, the external, outter world.

However, the radiations of the Blood, "provide" the very opportunity, to another "soul", of human spiritual beings, that possess "less good", even "malicious qualities", and wwhich is perhaps alaready "free", from it"s physical body, consequeently interfering externally, from outside, and what is more, "to be in control", of both the brain and physical body, either "periodically" or "perpetually".

Concerning this also, the medical puysician, can give efficacious relief, by "changing" the Blood Composition, which in turn, consequently "alter" the radiations, thereby "cutting-off alien, external influences, and "granting the opportunity" for "the indwelling volition" to "unfold", in it"s own personal powers.

As has been mentioned, the investigators are doing "very good" and "beneficial work", in establishing "the Blood Groups", and it just in the "application", of this very knowledge, that the investigators" observations are consequently "bound" to confirm previous statements.

If and when a different Blood Group was administered, in the instance of Blood Transfusion, then "the soul within", living in such physical body, would consequently find itself, "prevented", from fully developing it"s volition, and would perhaps, be entirely "cut-off", from it"s advancement, because with the Blood of the human spiritual beings of "entirely different Blood Composition", the radiation also changes, and is then, "no longer adapted to the soul within the particular individual human spiritual beings.

The soul within the human spiritual beings would not be able to make "full utilization", of the different type, of radiations, or "even make use of none, whatsoever!

To the "outside world" such an individual particular human spiritual beings, would then, "aappear conspicuously handicapped, in "thinking" and also "acting", just because "the soul within" the human spiritual being can not "properly function" or work.

It could also go to an extent that, "the soul within", hindered in it"s capacity to function and work, would consequently and slowly "sever itself", from the "physical body", untimely, and leaves the physical body altogether, wwhich is equivalent to "physical death"!

The Medical Physicians would invariably recognize, with undivided amazement, how far-reaching and comprehensive, is the influence of "the proper Blood Composition", in every human physical body of each human spiritual beings, in cognitive relationship to the effectiveness of the soul within the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane.

These medical physicians will recognize which "diseases" and other "ailment" could be "abolished", by implementing the right knowledge, and how hitherto existing, " "secret of Blood" is "solved", and consequently thus, becomes "the key" to "joyous activity", in Almighty GOD"s wonderful Creation.

It is not, through "intravenous injections" that "lasting changes", could be brought about, but in the most natural way, through "appropriate food and drink", which over a brief and short period of time, would considerably vary with every individual human spiritual beings, yet always without one-sided "limitations".

Right from these considerations, it only follows that, a great number of so-called "mentally-backward children", can fundamentally given tremendous helping-boost.

Their souls within their human spiritual beings, should be given, "the right bridge", for the development of their powers, and the human spiritual beings could observe, how vigorously they shall begin to blossom forth, and work with joy, upon the gross material earthly surface, because in actual reality, there are "no sick soul within the human spiritual beings.

Unless that which "hinders" the soul within", or better put: the spirit within, is and forcibly brought about by "a disease of the brain", it will always and only be caused by or due to the insufficient or false radiation of the Blood of the human spiritual beings.

Indeed, all these are so wonderfully arranged, in the Weaving of Creation, that probably any human spiritual beings conversant with the "Grail Message", would be astonished, when further explanation, about even, "the type of Blood Radiation, of an "expectant human spiritual female-mother-being", could in fact become an additional decisive factor, as to the "kind of the spirit within", to be "incarnated", which most strictly, must follow The Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species, because each of the different kinds of Blood Radiations, would "prepare only for the approach" and the consequent "entry of a type of soul within", which "0cmpletely correspond" with the "expectant human spiritual female-mother-being".

It is likewise very much understandable that the same, similar species fo "the soul within" the human spiritual beings, must try, relentlessly and bring about "similar Blood Compositions", because they can only become "truly effective", by a very definite kind of radiation, which is again liable to changes, during the "different periods" (Temperaments) of life-existence.

Whosoever wish to grasp this very "hint", with regard to "birth" correctly, should simultaneously become acquainted with the explanations, in the lecture "The Mystery of Birth", because in tracing the automatic working of the Laws of Creation, Light must be thrown on one point at a time and the other point, at another time, albeit, everything forms an "inseparable whole, and no part of it, can be described as something, which exists "independently", but only as apart, which is "closely linked with whole"; which part, "in it's cooperation", becomes ever again "visible", at various places, as "a colored thread", consequently "woven" through the entire "fabric", in accordance with The Laws of Creation.

A later elaboration, to fully detail, the most necessary completion, in order to fill-in the picture, which has presently been given only in "broad outline.

The very hope is that, in seasons to come, The Radiation of Blood Composition, of the human spiritual beings may prove a great "blessing" for them.

A further "hint" is in this instance, perhaps in order; because it can easily be recognized, that "the Blood, can not be solely "dependent upon the physical body", because of the difference between "the human spiritual beings Blood" and "the animal Blood", which can be "discerned immediately".

The very basic composition of these types of Blood, is conspicuously so different, in appearance.

If the physical body alone, "would have to form" the Blood, then there would have been need to be of a far greater similarity.

It therefore, "depends" upon something else - "in the case of the human spiritual beings" Blood, It is The Spirit Within Them.

And on the other hand, concerning "the Soul of The Animal", which consequently "becomes active", through "the Physical body", consists of a different species, and is not of The Spiritual Species, which invariably makes human spiritual beings, "human spiritual".

Therefore The Blood of The human spiritual beings is bound to be quite different from The Blood of The Soul of Animals.