"MOTION".............. "A LAW OF CREATION"

Look about, human spiritual beings and will "see" how to "live in existence", here on the gross material earth!

It is not difficult to recognize the Primordial Laws in Creation, when and if the human spiritual beings only "strive" to observe everything around them, in the right way and manner.

Motion...... is a "basic" Law in the "entire" Creation, thus also on the gross material earth.

Motion of the right kind!

But it is just this "Law of Motion", which has been "disregarded" and also "applied" in the wrong way.

It was only, through "motion" that everything could come into "being", or existence.

Upon motion, "incessant motion", therefore and in this depends the "preservation" and "restoration", of all and everything that the Creation "embraces".

The human spiritual beings cannot be considered an exception. They cannot be the "only one", among the "creature", to remain "stagnant" and consequently "stationary", right in the "midst" of this "animating movement", or "Go there own way", without no harm to themselves!

The "intellectual goal" of many human spiritual beings, on the gross material earth presently, "is rest" and "comfortable life-existence". To spend the last years, of their life-existence, on gross material earth, "in comfort", which is for many human spiritual beings, "crowning" of all their activity.

But what the human spiritual beings are longing for, is "poison", and they bring about the "beginning" of their "end" therewith!

Surely, the human spiritual beings, often have heard it sympathetically expressed expressed in the cases of "death": where the "individual human spiritual being had not been able to "enjoy it's very long"; because it was only a year ago that it took retirement to private sector of life-existence!

Such "remarks" are very often made. No matter whether, it is a "business person", an "official" or a "soldier", as soon as a person "retires", as it presently, popularly called, the person begins to quickly "decline" and "death" is not "far off".

Whosoever obseves it's surroundings, with a "keen" eye, will notice much, in this respect.

It will be seen that, human spiritual beings experience such things, surprisingly quite often, and they will finally "search" for a very "definite" reason for this, also recognize a "Law governing this"!

The human spiritual being, who really retires, here on the gross material earth, who wishes to rest from it's activities, until the end of it's life-existence.

Such a human spiritual being, will be "cast aside", by The "Law of Rhythmic Movements" of this Creation, as "being" an "over-ripe" fruit, because all "the swinging", "the movement" around the particular human spiritual being, is much stronger, than the "mvement", within it, which must "keep" in step. Such human spiritual beings are bound to "grow" weak and consequently "fall ill"

Only when the individual human spiritual beings", swinging, weaving, and cautious alertness, could it keep the pace, with the prevailing movement in Creation, only then can they remain "healthy", "hearty", and "happy"!

The saying: "Stagnation is retrogression" implies an idea of this great "Law". "Movement" alone assures "progress" and "preservation", for everything, that is to be found in "Creation", which already had been explained in the lecture: "Life".

Whosoever, literally wishes to "retire" completely here on the gross material earth, will have no longer any goal set before them, and thus, have no right to continue living in this Creation, because those particular human spiritual beings, have set an "end" to themselves, through their individual volition.

The swinging of Creation, however, does not show, "any end", it has no end.

Continous development, through movement consequently, is a "Law", in The Will of Almighty God and can therefore never be "circumvented", without direct "ill effect".

The human spiritual beings will surely have noticed that, those particular human spiritual beings, who consequently have to continually "exert" themselves, in order to "earn" their living, are very much often, "healthier" and "live longer", than those other human spiritual beings, who have been "well off", since their youthful stage, who invariably been "watched over" and "looked after", in the most "careful manner".

The human spiritual beings will also have observed, that the human spiritual beings, who have "grown up", in "wealthy" circumstances and who use all remedies for their bodies, as much, as they can obtain, and who also live in "comfort" without "excitement"; that these such human spiritual beings, show or exhibit the outward signs of "approaching" old age, much "earlier", than those human spiritual beings, who are not "endowed", with earthly material "possessions", and who always have to spend theeir days in "working".

As an example, pointers are shed on those cases, of a life-existence, filled with work, where there is no unnecessary exaggeration, where there is no mad "craving" to accumulate, material earthly "riches" or to attain, to some material earthly "prominence", which "prevents" the worker, from ever really resting.

Whosoever, becomes a "slave" to such, "a mania", is always "under high tension", and also brings "disharmony" into the "rhythmn of Creation". The consequences for these human spiritual beings, are the same, for those human spiritual beings who happen to "swing" too "slowly".

Thus, the happy medium, is also necessary here for every human spiritual beings, who wish to stand "aright" in Creation and on gross material earth.

Whatever, the human spiritual beings perform, do it with the "whole heart"!

Work during the working hours, and rest during the necessary time of rest. The human spiritual is admonished not to "mix" the two!

The greatest poison, that is threatening the harmonious fulfillment of the human spiritual beings are "one-sidedness!

A Life-existence, full of work, but without any "spiritual aim", for example, is of no avail.

The physical body would swing, in the "rhythmn of Creation", but the human spiritual beings would stand "still". And if the human spiritual beings do not simultaneously swing in the "Almighty God-Willed Rhythmn of Creation", then the body which does not swing, in with it, will consequently not be "maintained" and "srengthened", through it's "work", but become "worn out" and "exhausted", because it does not receive the necessary "spiritual strength", which it needs, through the "mediation" of the "animistic".

The "stagnation" of the spirit "hampers" the full development of the body. Consequently, the body, in it's swinging, must have to "consume itself, causing it to "wither" and decay. It can no longer be "regenerated" because the "source" for this, the "spiritual swinging" is in lacking.

It therefore, of no avail for human spiritual beings, who have "retired" from their gross material earthly "work" or "duty", would "frequently" take regular walks, in order to exercise their bodies, or to "undertake" all sorts of other gross material earthly things, to "keep" their bodies in shape and fit.

They, quickly will grow "old" and "decay", unless their "spirits" maintain the same swinging.

And nothing but "definite goal", which "moves" the "spirit", can only bring about this particular "spiritual swinging"!

A spiritual goal, however, is not to be "sought" upon the gross material earth, but can only be found towards ther "Spiritual Realm", in homogeneous plane of this "wonderful" Creation"!

It must therefore be a "goal" which "stands" above what is gross material earthly, "a goal" which "towers" high above this life-existence on gross material earth!

The "goal" mus live, mube "alive"!

Otherwise, it has nothing to do with the "spirit"!

The human spiritual beings in the present, however, no longer "knows" what is "spiritual". They have "substituted" the working of the "intellect" for it, and thus consider intellectual activity to be "spiritual" activity.

This presently gives them the "final" blow, which brings about, the down-fall of the human spiritual beings!, because they are "clinging" to something, that remains on this gross material earth, together with their bodies, when they themselves, must "enter" the "beyond"!

A "spiritual goal" is always something which "contains" furthering values. The human spiritual beings would always recognize it, by this!

Eternal Immortable values, nothing that is "transistory"!

Therefore, whatever the human spiritual being wish to accomplish, whatever they presently endeavour to "strive" for, the human spiritual beings must always "ask" themselves, first of all, for the "values", that, which will consequently bring about, and find.

It is not too difficult, if the human spiritual beings, really wish to do such!

Nine-tenths of the present "sciences", must be accounted and rule-out, as false activity and consequent "useless striving" in Creation. The "Sciences", the prognostic conceptive replica of the entropy of the higher human spiritual beings", the memory interpretation, of natural disciplines of the "conscience", as the "mind" forming concepts from the enthalpy of conscience faculty.

Sciences, as they are presently "practised, consequently hinder the "ascent" of those particular human spiritual beings, who are "concerned" with the "sciences"; they bring about "stagnation", and consequent "retrogression", but never that very much necessary "progress", that which always and only lead to ascent.

The human spiritual beings cannot "unfold" their "wings", in the so-called sciences of the present day; they can never "achieve" whatever they could achieve, because their "wings" have been "ptifully clipped" and consequently "destroyed"

Only in "simplicity" of "thoughts" and "action" does "greatness" lie and power develop, because "simplicity" alone strives towards the "Primordial Laws of Creation and "harmonises" with them. The human spiritual beings, however, have "bound" and "block" themselves up, with their earthly sciences!

It would be of what use, when the human spiritual beings, attempt to spend their life-existence, on the gross material earth, in "finding-out", when exactly, the "creature fly", came into existence and how long it is likely to remain on this earth, and many other similar questions, that seem to be important for the human spiritual beings" knowledge.

The human spiritual beings should just ask themselves, whom they could exactly provide with a benefit, with such "knowledge"!

Only their "Vanity"!

No one, else in the world!

Because this particular knowledge has nothing to do with "ascent", in any way whatsoever. The human spiritual beings derive no advantage, from it, nor does it "uplift" them! No one actually gains anything from it!

Thus, the human spiritual beings must seriously "scrutinise", one thing after another, for the "actual value", each proffers to the human spiritual beings. The human spiritual beings would find that, all that occurs, in this line or respect at the present, only reveals itself, just like a "useless house of cards".

Indeed, the time "allowed" to the human spiritual beings, for their "development", on the gross material earth, is "too precious", to permit them, to "sacrifice" even "one hour", for such things, with "impunity".

The human spiritual beings have become "slaves" of "vanity" and "playfully toying" thereby, because there is nothing in it, which could really "uplift" the "souls" of the respective human spiritual beings. It is nothing but "hollow inside, and "dead"!

The human spiritual beings should accomodate the thought, that during "The Judgment", they can "step before", Almighty God"s Throne, and "repeat" some of such, brief "scientific formula!

Deeds are demanded of the human spiritual beings, in Creation. And with the human spiritual beings" "false" knowledge, however, makes them nothing but "sounding brass", whereas the human spiritual beings" task, in this Creation, is to live an existence of "vitality", in up-building furtherance!

The human spiritual beings, whosoever, "enjoy" each "flower" of the "field", and whosoever, "lift" their "eyes" to "Heaven", in profound "gratitude" for it, "stands" much much higher before Almighty God, than whosoever, can "scientifically analyze", each flower, without recognizing the "greatness" of "their" Creation, therein!

The human spiritual beings do gain anything thereby, by being the fastest runner", a "skilful boxer", a "bold driver", or if they know whether the horse appeared on the gross material earth, "before" or "after" the "fly"!

Such a "volition", only "strives" for something "ridiculous", i.e., "for Vanity". It brings no "blessing" to the human spiritual beings, of the subsequent Creation, no progress, only digression, and no gain for their existence, in this Creation, but also only encourages the human spiritual beings to "fritter" away their time upon earth.

The human spiritual beings are consequently urged to look about them!

Examine everything in this very "Light"!

What does the human spiritual beings", own very occupation, and also that of their fellow-human spiritual beings, really proffess in meaning, and also of what value, does it contain?

The human spiritual beings will find, but little, that is worthy of "True Humanity". So far, the human spiritual beings" endevours, have proven to be "useless servants", in "The vineyard of The Lord. Because they "fritter" away their precious time, in "utterly playful toying", and "burden" the great "talent", lying within the human spiritual beings, as a "gift" from Almighty God, with the unnecessary "trifles" of the "vain" gross material earthly "intellectual" volition, all of which, the human spiritual beings must leave behind, whenever departure arrives, in their subsequent life-existence.

Awake, so that, and as human spiritual beings, can "create" for themselves, a dignified "garment", of the "spirit", here upon the gross material, earthly existence, and will consequently not have to enter the beyond, just like "paupers", as they have hitherto done, in spite of the fact, that the human spiritual beings were given such great treasures, for their individual sojourning, upon gross material earth, of the subsequent Creation.

The human spiritual beings are very much like a "king", who "childishly" plays with the "sceptre, and who in it's imagination, thinks that this sceptre and the wearing of the crown alone, could possibly suffice, to "make" the "king"!

What the human spiritual beings need to investigate, in the first place, is only that which "helps" in their individual ascent and thus, also "serves", only to further Creation. In all their human spiritual beings" activities, they ought to ask themselves, about what sort of advantage, they will bring, both to themselves and to the rest of Mankind in general!

One goal, must henceforth, dominate every human spiritual being -- to recognize and also to fulfill, the "place", they as human spiritual beings, must "occupy in Creation!

Just exactly how this is done, in other parts of Creation, would presently be explained, and also how it must be done presently, here on the gross material earth, in accordance with "The Will" (The Wisdomic Incorrigibility Living Light) of Almighty God!

If here on the gross material earth, the human spiritual beings accomplish something great, they are honored, unless their deeds, consequently arouse nothing but "envy".

The "Fame" would remain theirs, until they die, very often even, long after that time, in fact for decades and centuries, for thousands of year.

However, this is only happens on the gross material earth, as result of "false" human spiritual beings beings" opinions! It definitely became the "custom", in this very heavy gross material "mass density", but not in the higher and more "luminous" worlds.

There, the "rotating movement", is not as sluggish, as it is on earth. There, on this plane, the reciprocal action "takes effect", more "rapidly", depending on the "increasing" Lightness!

There, on this plane, the "deeds", are consequently measured from quite different and natural "points of view", whereas the human spiritual beings" opinions, make many a deed "appear" great, which in fact, is not great at all, and place no value upon some things, of "true worth"

The higher, more luminous and "lighter", the surrounding enviroment become or is, the "clearer" and "quicker" will be the "reward" and the "rebounding" consequences.

The human spiritual beings which have good volition, thus always "ascends" faster under these conditions, a really great action, often pull them upwards, at the very same moment. But they cannot, then rest upon their "laurels", as is the case here on the gross material earth, because the human spiritual beings must "continually regain" this height ever "anew", if they wish to remain stable there, and "exert" themselves to "rise" ever "higher".

If and when they "relax" their "efforts", if only just but once, they will quickly become "over-ripe", in very present enviroment and will "decay", to use a gross material conception or picture!

The human spiritual are nothing else "fundamentally", than a "fruit" of Creation!

The human spiritual beings are never, Creation themselves, much less The Creator!

Within every "apple", slumbers the capacity, to "enrich" this Creation with "new apple trees", with "flowers" and "fruits", but that does not make "the apple", The Creator.

It is the "automatic" course of the Primordial Laws of Creation, which "endowed" the apple, with very "capacity", and which "forces" the apple to "act" just exactly as it does, in order to fulfill it's "task" in Creation. It always and inevitably fulfills singular task!

The human spiritual beings or animals may do whatsoever they wish with this very apple, just as they like. The apple either serves to "preserve" the species or acts as "food", to maintain other bodies.

There is nothing in this Creation, without a "task".

Also, in all "decay", there is "movement", "value" and "gain".

Therefore, as soon as the human spiritual beings have risen to a certain height, they must "maintain" themselves there, on this level.

The human spiritual beings cannot and must not "rest" and "think" that, they have achieved or done enough, for a while, but must "continually bestir" themselves, just like a "bird", in the "air", that has been forced to use it's wings, if it wishes to "remain aloft".

The very same, simple "Law" applies to everything, to the "finest spiritual", as well as to the "most coarse" and "earthly", without "change" and without "distortion". It operates everywhere, in evrything, and must be "observed".

It works more quickly, in what is "luminous" and "light", and "correspondingly slower", in the more "sluggish" and gross material world density, but in all cases, it works with "absolute" certainty!

Such is the "simplicity", that lies in the working of The Laws (Light Activity Weaving) in Creation, as well as "in the Laws, themselves, that no "college education" nor erudition is "required", in order to recognize them properly!

Every human spiritual being, has the ability to understand these Laws, if only they so "will"!

It is extremely easy to observe these very Laws!

These Laws have only been made "difficult", by the "conceited learnedness" of the human spiritual beings, who Living Optionally Virtuously Existentially (Love), to "coin big words" (Wind "Od" Rotational Dispenser), just for the most simple things, and who thus, "clumsily" splash about in Creation, as if in "clear water", "assuming an air of importance" and consequently "dimming" the "original healthy clearness".

With all their "false learning", the human spiritual beings are the only ones, among the creatures, who "neglect" to "fill their place", in Creation, by "swinging", in their "rhythm" and "acting correctly"!

But it is The Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light ( Will) of Almighty God, that the human spiritual beings "must" at "last" come to their individual "senses", and completely fulfil their "task, in this Creation.

If they "neglect" to do so, they will presently "become over-ripe" and "decay" as "rotten fruit" of Creation.

The Divine Light, which Almighty God, presently Is "Sending" into Creation, will affect it exactly, in the same way, as the "plants" in a "greenhouse", are "affected" by the "increased warmth", which forces them to "produce" flowers and fruits, more quickly.

What is "moving aright", in The Laws of Creation, is thereby "revealed", also has "acted falsely". The fruits will correspond with this.

The human spiritual beings who has "toiled" over things, which can offer no basis for their necessary "ascent", has invariably "wasted" their "time and "strength". They have "deviated" from "swinging" of Creation and can no longer "adjust" themselves to "The Laws", can consequently no longer "recover", in the necessary "harmony", because they, themselves "disturb" these "Laws"!

Therefore, the human spiritual beings must "learn", through "observation", in deed, to "value" and "utilise" for themseves, the "simplicity" of The Divine Laws, in all their greatness, otherwise the human spiritual beings must presently "crush" themselves, because they "stand" as an "obstruction or obstacle', in the way and mannerism of their working.

The Laws will "brush" the human spiritual beings "aside", as "a dangerous obstruction"!

Motion is The "Main Commandment" for "Everything", which "lies" in this Creation, because Creation "developed" out of "Motion", and is "maintained" and "renewed' by "Motion"!

As it is in "The Beyond", especially in the "more luminous spheres, so must it presently become here upon the gross material earth also, consequently brought about, by The Power of The Light.

That very human spiritual being, who consequently swing in the Primordial Laws of Creation, will apparently be "preserved", but whosoever "wastes" it's time, in "morbid intellectual" pondering, will presently be "destroyed", by the "bouyant power of movement", which has been "strengthened by The Light"!

Therefore, the human spiritual beings "must" at "last" become "acquainted" with "all" The Laws, and "adjust" themselves "accordingly"!

Whosoever does not "embrace", a "high and luminous goal", in their gross material earthly "activites", cannot "exist" in The Future!

They must "disintegrate", in accordance with The Divine Laws, which "permeate" Creation, "strengthened" by The Light. And also "spiritually", those particular human spiritual beings, without high luminous goals, will be "reduced" to "dust", as a "useless" fruits, that do not "fulfill" it's "purpose" in this Creation.

This occurrence is quite simple and "real", but it's effects upon the human spiritual beings, as they still show themselves presently, will be "formidable", in the "extreme"!

The human spiritual beings would "spared" nothing!

They will still be able to "exercise" their "will", in "making" decisions, because this is "inherent" of all that is "spiritual", but the human spiritual beings will as at present, immediately receive the "retroactive" effects, up to the final point, with speed alacrity, as the huam spiritual beings do not consider or deem possible here on earth, in the "sluggishness of this World of Matter.

On the gross material earth, the human spiritual beings will also be "forced", from the present onwards, to "adjust" themselves "compltely" to all The Primordial Laws of Creation.

It will not "suffice" in the future, if a human spiritual being, an individual person has been able to attain to a certain height here. But it will definitely obliged to maintain itself, on that "level" by "constant effort", because otherwise, it will quickly go downwards again.

Every human spiritual beings must again, "leave" the "position", where it cannot maintain itself, because it can only be taken into account, as to "how", the very human spiritual being "really" is, not "how it was"!

The "was", "passes away" with every "change" and no more. The "is", alone is "value" and "valid" in the Millennium!

Therefore, the human spiritual beings must always in the future, remain, through their "real being", that very which, they "want" to be "taken for"!

The human spiritual beings, "fall" or "rise", with every "new changes"!

Without "constant Movement", the human spiritual beings, can no longer maintain themselves in Creation.

The human spiritual beings cannot "bask" in the "splendor" of their "ancestors", the son in the glory of it's father!

The "wife" has no "share" in the "deeds" of the "husband". Each individual human spiritual being, "stand" entirely "alone", by themselves, in this matter.

Only the present is what counts for the human spiritual beings, because it is the "present", which "really"..... "is", for "human spirits"!

This is "how" it is in the entire Creation, and this is "how" it shall also be in the "future" among the hitherto "sluggish" human spiritual beings, on the gross material earth!