WARFARE IN NATURE: HOW foolish are the human spiritual beings, who always ask, whether the struggle in Creation is right, which is being perceived so far, as cruelty!

Do the human spiritual beings not realize that they thereby appear as weaklings, who endanger every present day possibility of Luminous ascent?

The human spiritual beings should endeavour to rouse themselves at last out of this shocking weahness, which only allows, both the spirit and the physical body to gradually sink, but never to rise!

Take a look about, human spiritual beings, in seeing and recogizing, and they must bless the great impulse which induces the need to struggle and consequently to defend, to act cautiously, to be alert, and really to live! It protect creatures from deadly embrace of sloth!

An artist could never attain the peak of the latent skill and maintain balance of stability, unless with continual practises and agitation to fight for it, no matter what sort of proffession and how great the potentiality of these abilities!

The voice of a singer, would sooner loose in power and dependability, if and when not forced in constancy to practise and also learn afresh!

An arm can only grow strong, if it is constantly exercised! If there is any relaxation in this respect, this arm must weaken. And so it is with every Spirit and every Body! However, no human spiritual beings can be brought to do this voluntarily! There must be some compelling factor!

If the human spiritual beings wish to be healthy, they must "care" for their bodies and their spiritual essence, which meant to keep them both in strict activity!

But what the human spiritual beings of the present day understands and what they have always understood by "caring" is not the right thing! Either the human spiritual beings mean indulging in sweet idleness, which as such, already implies a weakening and paralysis, or they practise this "caring" only one-sidedly, as with every sport, thus making the "caring" a "sport", a one-sided exaggeration, and thereby a frivolous and ambitious abuse that is utterly unworthy of serious humanity!

True humanity must indeed have in view, the highest goal, which cannot be reached by high jumping, swimming, running, riding or furious driving! Mankind and the entire Creation, derive no benefit from such individual accomplishment, for which many human spiritual beings often sacrifice, the greater part of their thinking, their time, in fact their entire life existence on the gross material earth!

That such extravagant activities could develop at all, only shows how false, is the path, on which the human spiritual beings travel upon, and also how they divert this great "motive" power, in Creation into nothing but wrong channels, thereby frittering this power away in useless toying, if not even causing injury by hindering healthy progress, all the possibilities for which this power had been provided in Creation!

In their human spiritual beings" conceit, they have distorted the course of the strong currents of the spirit, which are meant to further ascent, because instead of the intended progress, stoppages occur, which act as hindrance! In their individual reaction, these stoppages increase the struggling instinct, until finally, bursting all bounds, they carry everything along with themselves into the depths!

It is with such hollow pseudo-scientific toying and ambitions, that the human spiritual beings of the present, primarily occupy themselves!

A mischief-maker, destructive of all harmony in Creation!

Then human spiritual beings would have long since fallen into the lazy sleep of idleness which must lead to decay, had it not fortunately been for the fighting instinct, resting in Creation, which forces them to bestir themselves, in spite of everything! Otherwise, they would long ago, have arrogantly assumed that Almighty God, must "care" for them, through His Creation, just as the dream of a fool"s paradise! And if they offer their thanks, for this, in spiritless prayer, then that is more than enough reward for their Almighty God!

Indeed, there are very many human spiritual beings, who never thank Almighty God, for it at all!

Such is the human spiritual beings, and in Truth, could never be otherwise!

The human spiritual beings, emphasize the cruelty in Nature, but it never occur to them to thoroughly examine themselves first of all! But the human spiritual beings want only to critisize!

Even in the fighting agitation among animals, there lies only blessing, and not cruealty!

One only need to observe some animals closely! As an example, let us take a dog! The more considerately a dog is treated, the lazier and more slothful, it will become. If a dog is in the study of it"s master and the latter always carefully refrains from stepping upon or pushing the animal, even if it lies down in those places, where it is in constant danger of being hurt unintentionally, as for instance, near a door, which is to the absolute detriment of the animal!

In a very short time, this dog will lose it's alertness. "Kind-hearted human spiritual beings would say in "loving" extenuation, perhaps even be moved by the wonderful "trust" the dog shows in this respect, knowing fully well that no one would hurt it!

In reality, however, this is nothing but a gross diminution in it's capacity to "be alert", a marked falling-off in psychic activity!

If, on the other hand, an animal has constantly, to be on the alert and ready to defend itself, it will not only become and remain psychically awake, but it's intelligence will steadily grow sharper and keener and it will benefit in every way. It will remain alive in all respects, and that means progress!

It is the principle with every creature! Otherwise, they will come to perish or extinct, because their bodies gradually weakens, and having no longer any power of resistance, and consequently becoming more liable to disease!

The fact remains that, the human spiritual beings take an absolutely wrong attitude, towards the animal in various ways, would not surprise a keen observer, because the human spiritual beings do the same towards everything, towards themselves, and towards the entire Creation, doing harm spiritually, everywhere, instead of bringing benefits!

If at the present times, there would be no longer, in Creation, the fighting instinct, which so many indolent human spiritual beings call cruel, then the World of Matter would already long ago have been in a state of rottenness and disintegration.

This "fighting instinct" has a preserving effect, on the body and soul. It is certainly not destructive, although it may appear so superficially! Otherwise, there would no longer be anything left to keep this sluggish World of Gross Matter in motion, and consequently in good health ( Hygenic Extension Annulling Life Threatning Hazzards ) and vigour, the human spiritual beings, through their errors, have so wantonly diverted the "quickening" effects of the all-pervading spiritual power, that is actually destined for this very purpose, so that it cannot act in the very way, it really should!

If the human spiritual beings had not failed so miserably to carry out the task, for which they were destined, then much, everything, would look different today!

Neither, would the so called "fighting instinct" have taken on the form in which it shows itself at present!

The fighting instinct would have been ennobled, spiritualized by the upward surging will of the human spiritual beings. It"s original uncouth effect, instead of increasing as it does now, would gradually have changed under the right spiritual influence and become a united, cheerful incentive to help one another forward, which would require the same energy, as the most violent struggle. But with this difference, it entails that a struggle is followed by exhaustion, while in cooperative mutual existence, helping one another, to the great increase in energy, shall be the consequence!

Also in the reproduction of Creation, in which the spiritual will of the human spiritual beings has the strongest influence, and there would have finally set in, for all creatures, the Paradise-Like state, just as it is in the real Creation, where there could be no struggle and no apparent cruelty, required any longer!

This paradise-Like condition, does not consist of idleness, but it is equivalent to being most energetically "astir", to real personal, fully conscious existence in Life!

That, this never occurred, is the guilt of the human spiritual beings! When we revert to the decisive "fall of man". "Once upon a time". Only the complete failure of the human spiritual beings in Creation, through the misuse of the spiritual power entrusted to it, the effects of which, were diverted downwards, instead of upwards, to the Luminous Heights, which consequently has brought about the present unsound aberrations!

The human spiritual beings have already triffled or gambled away, even the ability to be in awareness of their mistakes! Thus, if more has to be said about it, it would only be preaching to deaf ears! Because whosoever wish to "listen" and to be able to seek earnestly, will find all what they need, in The Grail Message. And the human spiritual beings will also find everywhere, explanations about, the great failure, which has brought on, such unspeakably serious disasters, in so many varied forms!

However, whosoever is spiritually deaf, as so many human spiritual beings are, has only the inane laugh of those who are devoid of understanding, a laugh that is meant to simulate knowledge, but which in reality, merely indicates a "careless" superficiality, and is the same as gross narrow-mindedness!

As for those human spiritual beings, on whom, the idiotic laughing, of such spiritually limited human spiritual beings, make any impression at the moment, are themselves worthless.

To such malevolent ones, Christ"s words are applicable: "Let the dead bury their dead", because whosoever is spiritually deaf and blind, is apparently spiritually dead!

With their ability, the human spiritual beings could make the subsequent creation of the gross material earth, this replica of Creation, a "Paradise"! The human spiritual beings were not capable to do so, and therefore, they now see the world before them, just exactly as the human spiritual beings have distorted it through false actions

"Everything lies there-in"

Therfore, the human spiritual beings should not out of false sentimentality disdain such an important matter, "As the Warfare in Nature", because it restores the necessary balance, into something which the human spiritual beings have neglected to carry out! Nor should the human spiritual beings become so bold as to call their sweet sultry sentimentality "love", with which the human spiritual beings, like so much to cover or circumvent their weaknesses!

Such falsehood and hypocrisy, must invariably avenge themselves bitterly upon their authors!

Therefore, woe unto the human spiritual beings, those, they have considerably degenerate the product of their imagination! They are the caricature of what they should be!

Observe, what is usually refered to as Nature............ - the mountains, the lakes, the woods, and the meadows, at all seasons!

The human spiritual beings are enraptured by the "beauty", that meets their gazes! And now they should reflect: That which gives the human spiritual beings, so much happiness and refreshment, is the fruit of the activity, of all that comprises animistic substantiality, which in Creation, ranks below the spiritual, with the power of which, the human spiritual beings have been endowed.

The human spiritual beings, should then seek out, the fruits of their work, those who are spiritual and who should accomplish higher things, thaan the animistic substantiality, which at present is ahead of the human spiritual beings!

And what could the human spiritual beings find? Only feeble imitations of what animistic substantiality has already achieved, but no progress towards ideal heights, in all that is living and thus in Creation! With nothing but degenerated creative instincts, the human spiritual beings could only try lifelessly to imitate existing forms, whereas with a free and conscious spirit, and with their eyes, uplifted to the Divine, they would be capable of producing very different and much more sublime things!

The human spiritual beings had wantonly cut themselves off, from the greatness, which is born only of "a free spirit", and besides childish imitations, the human spiritual beings can therefore produce nothing but machines, constructions, and technical achievements in general. All are earth-bound, on a lowly plane, hollow and lifeless, just like the human spiritual beings, themselves.

Thes are the fruits, which the human spiritual beings, as spiritual beings, can now compare with the activity of the elemental beings! This is exactly how the human spiritual beings have fulfilled spiritual task in the subsequent Creation, that is given to them, just for same purpose!

How would the human spiritual beings expect to pass, when the Reckoning comes?

Is it any wonder, if the sublime Paradise must remain closed to the human spiritual beings with such base inadequate propensities?

And could anyone be surprised, if now in the end, the elementals, in reaction, shall completely destroy, the work so wrongly led by the human spiritual beings?

And when at present, owing to the lack of ability shown by the human spiritual beings, everything will collapse upon them, then cover their faces and acknowledge with shame, the terrible guilt with which, tthe human spiritual beings have burdened themselves!

The human spiritual beings should not again try to accuse their Creator of it, or to call Him cruel and unjust!

The human spiritual beings who are seeking, however, examine themselves seriously and unsparingly, and then try to readjust, their whole thinking and intuitive perception, indeed their whole "being", upon a spiritual foundation, which will no longer rock, like the intellectual and thus very limited foundation of the past!


THE CREATURE, that is "within" human spiritually being!

Assertion that the human spiritual beings, do not "bear" within themselves, anything, which is "Divine", has continually "evoke" fresh waves of indignation, which consequently "flood over", the "borders" of "one nation", after another.

This, clearly portrays, exactly how profoundly and corrossively, "human conceit", had "taken root", inside the "soul within" the human spiritual beings, and how "grossly much", they "dis-appreciate" (dislike), "separating themselves" from it, even though, their "intuitive perception", admonishingly "point-out", warningly, every now and then, giving the human spiritual beings, the very opportunity to recognize, that must be particularly "true after all"!

But "struggling" against it, would not invariably "alter the fact"!

Just as soon as the human spiritual beings hve been able to "attain" to the point of "conviction" that, they as human spiritual beings, are "void" of anything which is "Divine" (Divinity is Provident and always Dispensing, without Reception), the human spiritual beings would recognize, in fact that, they are "relatively" still smaller, indeed much less, they have previously imagined they were!

Therefore, the very urge to go further and explain, about Creation, in a little more detail, just in order to illustrate, on which "step exactly", the human spiritual beings definitely belong, consequently, more than what has yet been done.

Indeed, it is arduously possible for the human spiritual beings, to commence towards, their individual personal "ascent", without "knowing" exactly, right before-hand, what actually, "the human spirituality" is, and what "the human spirituality is very capable of, in activity" and could consequentially deliver as a performance!

Once, this "ability", has become apparently clear to the human spiritual beings, would they finally "realize' what they "must in activation, be able to performance.

That, however, is greatly at "variance" with everything, the human spiritual beings, presently "will" (desire)!

Indeed, what a difference, there is!

This, however, no longer "awakens", "Compassion", in the individual personal human spiritual beings, who is so "priviledged" to "see clearly"!

By "Seeing"........... it is not meant as: "The Seeing of A Clairvoyant", but "Seeing", that of human spiritual beings, who "possess True Knowledge"!

Presently, instead of "Compassion" and "Pity", only "Anger", is consequently "engendered",........... "anger and contempt", at the "stupendous presumption", directed towards Almighty GOD "The Very Most Height", of which hundreds of thousands, of these "conceited human spiritual beings", are consequently "guilty" daily and hourly!

Their "conceit" contain, no single "grain of knowledge", in order to "corroborate a Justification" for it.

It is obviously not worth, wasting "a single word" (Weaving Ordinance Rancous Dispenser) upon it!

What had to be said, from present time, onwards, is meant only for the very few, human spiritual beings, who, "in Pure Humility", could still "attain" to a certain "degree" of "recognition", without, firstly having to be so "crushed", as would soon "occur", in accordance with The Divine Laws (Light Active Weavings), just in order to, finally "enforce" an "entrance" and harmoniously "prepare", consequent "fertile soil", for the "true Word of Almighty GOD!

Then all the "empty" and "wordy" effusions, of gross material earthly "wiseacres" would definitely "crumble" and fall away, altogether with, the absolutely, "unfruitful soil", of the present time!

It is indeed, high-time that, this very empty "profusion" of "words", which consequently "acts", just as "poison", upon all and everything, that "strives" upwardly, would consequently "collapse", in all it"s "hollowness"!

Hardly, had it been ascerted, that "The Son of Almighty GOD, and "The Son of Man, are two separate Personalities, than, their "apparent treatises", very much had "intended" to "clarify", in confused "theological-philosophical jargon", which "appeared" not to be so!

Without going into impartial altercation, attempts are been made, in order to maintain "the old erroneous views" at all costs, even at the cost of all "logical objectiveness", consequently "citing" for this very purpose, the "obscure terms" of this existing dogma!

The human spiritual beings, contumaciously rely upon single sentences, out of "ancient manuscripts", to the "exclusion" of all "independent thought"; thus forming an "entropy", of made-up condition (which would never be expressed in words), where the human spiritual, "hearers" and "readers" beings, must not exercise and expiate the tendency to "think" personally, of their own accord, much less, to be capable of "sensing intuitively"!

Because otherwise, it would be quickly recognized, and realized also that, "nothing beneficial", had been illustrated, by this "multitude of words", because which ever manner, they are being examined, they would definitely and absolutely "remain" impossible to "draw" the very correct and rightful "inference"!

But it is still conspicuously obvious, that this "verbosity", lacks all and every "connection", with "actual events"!

Whosoever, actually and finally "succeed", in the "opening" their "eyes and "ears", in these very issues, must and would, without difficulty, come to the recognition, the very "emptiness", of such "Apologia"!

It is, but a last "convulsive" clinging (one can no longer, call it, Real Adherence), to what had, hitherto been the "support" of the human spiritual beings, and which consequently no "sooner", had "proven" to be absolutely "useless"!

The only foundation for arguments, is more or less composed merely of empty syllabic sentences, the "truthful correct transmissions" of which by ni means could be proved.

On the contrary, it is utterly impossibly logical, to efficaciously or pernicaciously fit them, into the course of Gross Material World Events, thereby clearly showing that, the senses of the human spiritual beings have been consequently "distorted" by the "human brain", during the course of transmission.

Not a single one of these sentences could be assimilated, with the very "chain of events" and the human spiritual beings" "intuitive perception", without having to "constitute troublesome gaps".

Yet, the only place, where everything "converges" into a consequent conclusion, through the absolute "completion", of "it"s cycle" of "inert stage of development", without any "phantasy" or the "expression of blind faith", and just only place, where there is eevery single "happening-occurrence", is adequately "portrayed" in the very right form!

What is the point of "exertions", if the human spiritual beings, do not "desire" to "be freed" from contumacious fatuity?

Therefore, the human spiritual beings must permit to "come to pass", which consequently in the circumstances, must definitely "come to pass, of their own "accord"!

It is with a "shudder", that the norms of natural objectivity "turns away", from all the human spiritual being-believers, and from also, all those human spiritual beings who, right in their varied "false humility", feel and think themselves to be specially knowledgeable than other human spiritual being on the gross material earthly plane, and who would outrightly "fail or refuse" to "recognize", a "simple Truth", whenever they "see the Truth", but would even "indignantly" only to "smile indulgently" at "The Truth", and "desiring" to "correct" The Truth!

How, quickly would consequetially, such human spiritual beings, become "little", and so very "little" aand "lose every support", although in actual fact, neither in "faith", nor in "their knowledge, do these particular human spiritual beings, possessed such Truth!

These human spiritual beings, would invariably be permitted to walk upon, the very "path", which they so, "persistently desire", but upon which they could no longer "return" into "lively-existencing"!

The "right to choose" has never been "denied" to the human spiritual beings!

Those who have followed, with the lectures of Holy Grail, so far, definitely that, the human spiritual beings, consequently "originate", in the very "highest sphere" of Creation, right in The Spiritual Realm.

But, there are still many differences really to be taken notice of, in the "Realm of The Spiritual".

The human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly surface, who "audaciously" consider themselves "great", who frequently, would not "shrink" from "dragging" their Almighty GOD, down, in regarding Almighty GOD, merely as the "highest" on the very step, to which the human spiritual beings, normically belong, and who sporadically, even "venture" to "revile" Almighty GOD, because the human spiritual beings, are not in reality, even that which, many "humble souls", would "envisage" themselves to be, in all "Good Faith"!

The human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly surface, are not "Created Beings", but merely "Developed Beings"!

That is the very "difference", which the human spiritual beings, are "unable" to "perceive", and which they would never be in position, in order to be able to survey creation, most "freely"!

Beautiful and agreeable to many human spiritual beings, are the "words" (Weaving Ordinance Rancous Dispenser), which in actual fact, numerous "teaching instructors", pronounce with efforts and painstaking utterances, in order to "increase" the number of their "adherents"!

Yet, these ignorant numerous "teaching instructors", are themselves convinced, consequently, that all the "errors", the human spiritual beings, "spread abroad" (beyond their boundary), are The Truth, and do not "realise", what sort of "great harm", is thereby "perpetrated" towards the human spritual beings!

The only certainty, concerning the very "answer" to the "great question"............"WHAT AM I"?

Could possibly "lead to ascent"!

If the significance of this very question has not yet been totally and thoroughly recognize and the "solution" found before-hand, "ascent" would become "bitterly" difficulty!

Just for the simple fact that, the human spirituaL beings, do not, and would not "voluntarily" submit their "scruples", to that very "humbleness", which could only possibly "support" them "helpfully", right upon the "True Path", and on which the human spiritual beings could in "true reality" gain progress!

That has been apparently "proven" by all the past events right up to the present era (Existential Ratio Adjustment).

Even, right in their efforts to be humble, these human spiritual beings, either turned themselves into "slaves", which is just as wrong, as being "presumptuous", or "reached" way beyond their actual individual personal "goals", consequently "elevating" themselves, right upon a "path", the "end" of which, the individual human spiritual beings could never "attain", because the nature of their "spirituality" does not "suffice" for this "accomplisnment".

Just as the human spiritual beings "aspired" to what is definitely "too exalted" for them, they would currently "fall headlong" into the "depths" and the "abyss" of destruction for them.


These are "strictly", The Primordial Beings, The Prime-Spiritual Beings, within and in that very "Original CREATION, Out of which, all and everything else "strictly" have to "develop" consequentially.

Right within the "jurisdiction" and "jurispudence" of The Primordial Beings, "lay" the "main guidance" of all that is "spirituality".

The Primordial Beings are the "ideals", "the eternal prototypes", for all human spiritual beings.

The Gross material Earthly Human Spiritual Beings, on the other hand, could, and has only been able to "develop themselves, "as a copy", "as a duplicate", out of this "preceeding complete" CREATION.

The human spiritual beings invariably "starting-out" as "small unconscious" Spirit-GERMS, and "evolving", consequently into "self-conscious" individual "personified" human spiritual beings.

Only when the human spiritual beings have "attained to perfection" (Complete state of development), by "keeping to the right path" in Creation, would they consequently "take-on" THE LIKENESS, to THE IMAGES (Primordial Beings) OF ALMIGHTY GOD.

The human spiritual beings themselves, are "never" apparently an "actual image" of Almighty GOD, The Very Most Height!

There is a great gulf, norms naturally, all the way down to the "strata quo" of the human spiritual beings from The DIVINE!

But even from the "actual images" of Almighty GOD, the very next step is still very far, from "being" to the Threshold, of The proximity of Almighty GOD!

Therefore, the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly surface plane, should in fact atlast come to "recognition" of all and everything, which "lay" right between the human spiritial beings and The Sublimity, of The GodHead of Almighty GOD, which the human spiritual beings, have tried so hard "unsuccessfully" to "usurp"!

The human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane, frequently "imagine" that they could ever become "Divine", once they have attained perfection (completion), or atleast, to be "a part of Divine", while in actuality, at their individual personal "greatest height", of the human spiritual beings, they could only be the "likenesses of the Image" of Almighty GOD. Human spiritual beings are permitted to enter the "forecourt", in the "entrant hall" of A GRAIL CASTLE,, as the highest possible distinction, ever "bestowed" right upon the "spirituality" within the human spiritual beings!

The human spiritual beings are urged and implored to "cast aside" their individual "presumptions atlast"!

Because, it could only cause hinderances and obstacles, that could make the human spiritual beings miss their goal and The Luminous Path altogether!

The Dwellers in the Ethereal Beyond, who rather wish, to give well-meaning advice, within "The Spiritist" Circles, do not know about it, because they themselves "lack" the actual knowledge for necessary recognition.

These dwellers stand to rejoice, if they were permitted to "hear about it"!

Among these, the great lamentation will not fail to come, and once they recognize, how much time and period, they have wasted, in fruitless and toying contumacy!

What directively applies in the Spiritual Realm, also "holds true" for The Animistic Ring of Sphere.

In The Animistic Ring of Sphere, "The Lords of the Elements are "The Prime-Elemental Beings", (similar less pressured replica of The Prime-Spiritual Beings of The Primordial Spiritual Realm).

All those "Elementals" which "attain to consciousness", such as "The Nixies and Sprites", "The Elves (Male and Female)", "The Bugtrols and Gnomes", The Salamanders and Sylphs", and so on, are not "Created Beings", but merely "Beings", which have been developed out of Creation.

These "Elementals" have consequently developed, out of The Ring or Realm of Animistic Substantiality, "beginning" and "starting-off", as "Unconscious Elemental Seed-Germs", and "Evolving", consequently into "Conscious Elemental Beings", and in the course of which, as they "attain consciousness", they would also "evolve into "human forms" (Human Elemental Beings).

This latter evolutional "Human form", always take place, simultaneously with the "process of attaining consciousness", or becoming conscious.

There exist the similar degree of gradation, within The Ring of Animistic Sphere, as is also pre-promulgated ordinance, in The Spiritual Sphere.

In accordance to The Norms of the Nature, pertaining to their activity, The Prime-Elemetal Beings, in The Ring of Animistic Substantiality, are "embodied" (cloaked), in "The Male Forms" and "The Female Forms", similar downwardly, less cooled-off pressured replica of The Primordial Beings, in The Spiritual Substantiality.

Hence, came about the "conceptions of gods" and "goddesses", of the "ancient times", in the olden days, citing the "Holy Grail Message lecture": "The Gods Olympus and Valhalla"!

With these fundamental and cogent and great depositions, "There is One Great Uniformity and Coherent Features", permeating through The Whole Creation and The Worlds, "Unceasingly"!

The Readers and Hearers of Lectures within "The Holy Grail Message", should always "work within themselves", in order to "keenly scrutinize" these "lectures" and to "contruct bridges" from one lecture to the other lecture, as well as the "externals", to the "greater occurrences" and "smaller happenings", in The World!

Not, until the human spiritual beings endeavour to do this, would they be enabled to "profoundly understand" THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, as the Divine Love of Purest Justification, The Justice of Almighty GOD!

The human spiritual beings would discover that, it will gradually shape itself into "one complete whole", "leaving no gaps".

Again and again, in all the "occurrences", the earnest reader, would come back to the basic features.

The human spiritual beings, could be able to "explain everything" and "deduce everything", without having to "change one single sentence"!

Whosoever, would come to "detect gaps", invariably lack, "the full and comprehensive understanding"!

Whosoever, do not "realize it"s very great depth", and it"s "all embracing characteristics", are consequently parochial and superficial, and had never attempted to "permeate" or "penetrate", with "true" and "real animation", right into the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, involving The Truth brought here, upon the gross material earthly surface!

The human spiritual beings may endeavour to "come in-line", with masses, who though, full of "self-complancency" and believing that, they already are very much in possession, of the very "highest knowledge", and pursue the "broad road"!

The "belief", these human spiritual beings, vain gloriously augment, that they are already in the "possession" of "great knowledge", consequently "prevented" such "dense types" and "mistaken" individual personal human spiritual beings, from "recognizing", within "other statements", the very "vigour and vitality", absent and lacking in their "pseudo-knowledge".

Wherever these particular human spiritual beings would "look", wherever they "hear", everywhere and anywhere, with the "conservation" and "reservation" of their "self-satisfaction", in whatever, they have "imagined", they hold "firmly", in their hands, consequently comes to "block" these human spiritual beings!

But not until, these human spiritual beings, have reached the "boundary line", where all and every "untruth" and "sham-charade", are inevitably "rejected", would they come to "recognition", on "revealing" what that, they possess", in their custody, "in their hands", consequently "contains nothing", which would make it, at all possible, for the human spiritual beings, to "continue" on their "present path-way", and "ultimately" enter The Kingdom of The Spirituality!

Then however, it would prove very late for the human spiritual beings

Then, however, it would prove too late, for the human beings to be able to "trail baze" their past strides, in order to possibly "find" or "receive", what they previously "rejected" and definitely "disregarded"!

Presently there is no longer sufficient time, for that!

The Gate, right up to the entrance, has been locked!

The last opportunity has been missed!

Only, when the human spiritual beings, actually become, what exactly they ought to be, and "sensibly cease", to "cling" to "what they wish to be", could they speak of "True Humanity"!

The humann spiritual beings must always remember that, they have only "issued", out of Creation, and "not directly", from The Hands, of The Creator, Almighty GOD!

"That is quibbling with words, because basically, it is just the same, only in expression, it becomes different!

In this manner, expedite the boastful and the lazy ones, "barren products" of human spirituality, because they will forever remain "incapable" of intuively, spiritually perceptivity of the great gulf, indicated by these words.

Furthermore, the human spiritual beings permitted theselves to be "deceived" by "the simplicoty" of The Words (Weaving Ordinance Rancous Dispensation)!

Whosoever, is inwardly alert, would not "carelessly" pas this opportunity slide!

The individual human spiritual beings, should endeavour to intuitively, spiritually perceive the immeasurable distances, and wherever the sharp lines of demarcation, is consequently involved!

When all The Divisions in Creation are presently indicated, many human spiritual beings, whon as at the present time, frequently consider themselves to "specially great in creation", would "prostrate" themselves, in despair, on the "recognition", that such words, contain The TRUTH, consequently "crushed" by the "realization" of their own "emptiness", and "insignificance"!

The frequently used expression "earth-worm" is fully "justified", when apploed to those human spiritual beings, who presently "boast of their cleverness", and "spiritual superiority", but who invaribly very soon, would be made, the "lowest in all Creation, if indeed, they are "not numbered" amongst those human spirirual beings, who have been rejected!

The time has presently arrived, for the human spiritual beings to comprehend the World "aright!

It is not "wrong" to "separate", that which is "temporal" form which is spiritual, also in gross material earthly life-existence.

Thess terms have probably "arisen", through the ability of many human spiritual beings, to "sense" correctly, because they "reflect", the "difference" existing right through, the entire Creation.

Creation could also "demarcate" Creation into "Paradise" and "The World", i.e., into the "spirituality", and into the "temporal".

Here also, the "spirituality" within the human spiritual beings, is not "excluded" from the "temporal", but the "temporal" is "excluded" from the "spirituality".

The World, should be called, The World of Matter, which is also "permeated" and "penetrated" by "the spirituality" within the human spiritual beings!

The "Spirituality within" the human spiritual beings, is The Realm of Spirituality of Creation, "PARADISE", from which everything, that is of "material substances" are "secluded" and "excluded".

Thus, there exist "The Paradise" and "The World"......."The SPIRITUALITY" and "THE MATERIAL SUBSTANCES"........"THE ORIGINAL CREATION" and "THE DEVELOPMENT" therefrom, which may also be refered to as "An AUTOMATIC COPY", " A Replica", "The Repeating Tile"!

CREATION appropriate, merely consists of "Paradise", "The Spiritual Realm of the present day.

Everything else, is only consequential "development" i.e., no longer, or not really created!

And what had been "developed", should and must be "designated", as "The World!

The World is "transient".

It "develops", right from "the emanations" of Creation, and consequently and always, "imitating Creation" in reproductive processional reflections, which is being "driven" and consequently "sustained", by "emanations" of the "spirituality".

The "World" then "attain" to "maturity" and then "disintegrate" again, through "over-ripeness".

The Spirituality, however, "never ages", but adamantly remain "forever young", or in other form of language idimatic, syllable syntax, "Eternally The Same", Immortal!

GUILT And ATONEMENT, are only possible in the "World"!

This is due, to the "faultiness of the subsequent development".

Guilt of any kind, is "utterly impossible", in the "Realm of The Spirit"!

Whosoever, had seriously read the "lectures" of The Holy Grail Message, would imperatively be clear about this.

That particular individual human spiritual beings, definitely "acknowledge" that "any spirit", which "penetrates" the world could never "return" to it"s "Source of Origin" as long as, but a "minute speck", of utterly different species, "still clings" to the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, from it"s "wanderings"!

The "smallest particle", would impossibly make the human spiritual beings, "unable" to "step over" the "border" or "boundary", into "The Spiritual Realm.

The "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, would consequently be "retained", consequentially by this very "speck", even if it had "advanced", right through, to the very "threshold"!

Conspicuously, owing to it"s "different" and "baser consistency", this "last particle" or "speck", would never permit "the spirit within", the human spiritual beings, to "enter", as long as this "last particle, remains, "clinging" to the "spirituality" thereto!

Not until, the moment when this "minute speck" severs itself and consequently sinks back, would the spirituality becomes free, thus attaining the very same constituency, as prevails, in the "lowest strata" or "plane" of The Spiritual Sphere, which exists as the "low constituency", for this lowest spiritual plane!

Then, the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, must "enter" by "stepping-over", right into the threshold, at which, the "spirit within", was consequently previously "held-back", or "prevented", by the "last minute particle"!

This process could be considered and described from multiple parameters, but would consistently, remain constantly and exactly the same, regardless of the audible words been used, to illustrate it.

It could be embellished with the most fantastic stories, and make use of so many parables, in order to form an understanding of it, but the definite fact, right in itself, is quite plain and simple, and is consequently produced, by the "effect" of these "Three Laws", that has been so frquently mentioned in The Hily Grail Message of Almighty GOD!

It may also rightfully be said that, "no sin", could possibly "take place" within "Paradise", this is to say that: "Paradise is not touched by any guilt"!

Consequently, only that which has been "created", is of "full" and "Real value".

But, right within that which has subsequently "evolved" out of the "world", as "a carbon-copy" of Creation, of which "the worlds" were set aside, as the "training grounds", purposefully for the "development" and "strengthening" of the "spirits within" the human spiritual beings, but "guilt" definitely could be "incurred", through the "false volition" of the weakened, indolent human spiritual beings, which resposibly must be "balanced", through "courageous atonement", before the "spirits within" are able to "return" right to "Paradise"!

If in the "tracing", and "traiting", and "trailing" after, their "self-engendered urge", "the spirit-germs" issue from Creation, i.e., From Paradise, in order to "wander" through, the "afore" mentioned worlds, consequently it could be seen within context viev of illustration, that, the human spiritual beings, "originating from Paradise" as "Spirit-Germs", were destined to descend, permeatingly to penetrate the Worlds of Matter, "initially encompassed" in a "slumbering inertia", of "Innocent Rapture", of "Pre-Infancy" stage, before "the awakenining", that takes place, right after the "prompting urge" within the "ejection purge", for "ethereal incarnation", towards the gross material earthly birth, into "infancy stage", for the "purposeful aim" of gradually "learning" and consequently "development college" of adequate knowledge", in accordance with the natural norms of the Laws of Creation, imperatively towards "ripeness" and "self-consciousness", in order to "return" to "Paradise" as "fully matured "Spiritualized" Human Beings", just as gross material earthly, present human spiritual children beings, would leave home, to another place, in order to "learn", and also "absorb", and finally return fully "qualified" and "matured".

This very mode of expression, concerning these "similiaririties" is "justified", if it is regarded merely as a "picture".

However, everything invariably "must strictly" remain a "picture", and must not to be taking "personally" as is "attempted" and "performed" everywhere!

Since, the "spirits witthin" the human spiritual beings, consequentially only could "burden" itself "deplorably" with "Guilt", strictly only within "the Worlds", and invariably with apparent "reasons", such a thing as "burden" is "impossible", withn The Realm of Spirituality, which makes it only naturally normal, that the "spirits within" the human spiritual beings, "Justifiably" and "Strictly", would not "possibly" be able to "return" to The Realm of Spirituality, until they have been able to "courageously purge" their "Free-Will" and "liberate" themselves of the individual "Burdens of Guilt"!

A thousand different illustrations could be dispensed to the interest of the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, but they would all would all possess similar fundamental definition, which has so far been depicted in the "working" of Three Simple Basic Laws.

It definitely audibly sound very strange, when "the process" is "objectively" being described, just for the fact that, "illustrations" could only "flatter", the "conceit" of the human spiritual beings, and also "Self-Love"!

The human spiritual beings prefer much to exist in a "dream-world-existential", because everything "sounds" much nicer and "seems" more comfortably convenient, and the human spiritual beings, obviously "imagine" themselves, to be much more "significant", as they detrimentally assume to be, within all truthful reality of the "essential ratio assessment" (E.R.A)!

In such activity or deed, the human spiritual beings, perpetrate erroneous refusal to examine, what is "objectively tenable", but instead, they "indulge", at an "alarming speed", increasingly in "imaginative phantasy", thus, consequently "losing" their support, and invariably "letting-themselves-Go-off" the virtuous path, of "spiritual supplication and application", and definitely "away" from The Light!

The human spiritual beings are then "horrified", but perhaps remain "indignant untouched", when Lectures of The Holy Grail Message, should mete out pointers, with soberness and seriousness, of clarity in all simplicity, of exactly how Creation is, and also the "harmonious activity", and "ennobling functions", which the human spiritual being are very much obliged to "undertake", for "mutual harmonious habitation" to reign, impertinently, with animistic, atmospheric fluidity of "hygienic peaceful existence", in the Worlds.

In the eyes of the human spiritual beings, the "transition", is somewhat similar, just as that of the developing small human spiritual Child-Being, on the gross material earthly surface, which, when in the "affectionate-care-giving" hands of the human spiritual Mother-Beings or the preceeding human spiritual Gran-Mother-Beings, would "beamingly listen" and "happily" to "fairy tales", inexplicably with "sparkling eyes", and also of "cheeks flushed" with "enthusiasm", and then much later after adolescence, the human spiritual Child-Beings, "come" to "see" at "closer encounter", what the human spiritual beings, "actually" and really are!

Somewhat, altogether, a difference to the "beautiful fairy tales", and yet when the human spiritual beings, take a keener look, and "retrospect" at "the reminiscence" of these "fairy tales, it is actually and basically similarly within the natural norms of The Laws of Creation!

The "inertia moment" of human spiritual beings, during the "period of Child-hood", is "Bitter", but paramount and necessary, otherwise, the human spiritual Child-Beings, would be unable to attain to any progess at all, and a "stranger" within the Worlds of Gross and Ethereal Matter, stands no chance whatsoever and would perilously, cease to exist under much suffering!

It also here, not different!

Whosoever, wish to "ascend" with furtherance, in the "knowledge of recognition of Almighty GOD", must definitely, atlast come to the comprehensive "understand of Creation" as It in Reality Is!

The human spiritual beings, must "stride" with all "firmness", and "enforce it", to stay "spiritually alert always, in order, to eliminate "procrastination" of "juvenile recidivism", and also to no longer lose themselves, in "emotional impressions", which obviously for "irresponsible" human spiritual Child-Beings, may seem rather condusively tenable, but not for the "full-grown" adult human spiritual beings, whose "power-strength" of their individual "volition", consequently "penetrates" Creation, either "furthering it" or "retarding it", and also uplifting the human spiritual beings or inevitably "destroying them" right within the very procession!

Human spiritual beings, do away, with all "illustration", because human spiritual beings, never could "attain" to "understanding" of What is Truthfully, "The Will" (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD, In Accordance to The Norms Within The Natural Laws of Creation, which Is Luminously, "UpperStand" In, Love, Purity and Justice!

The young human spiritual Female-Beings, who endeavour in "reading" novel literature, which "misrepresent" The TRUTH, and "deceptively" prognose a "shrouding conception" and a "veil upon" the "reality of Life-Existence", consequently would, through the "fanciful illusions" thus "abberrated" and "awakened", very tantamountly have to "experience", "bitter disappointment", and even very frequently, "become broken", for their "entire life-existence", on the gross material earthly surface, subsequently "falling easy preys", to the most "unscrupulous predation", and "deception", which these adolescent young human spiritual Female-Beings, have come to "trustingly approached", with "inner-openess"!

It similar also to the "adequate development", involving grown-ups, adult human spiritual beings, in Creation, it undoubtedly not different them either!

The human spiritual beings, audaciously refuse to augment progressively in "spirituality" and "learned to understand" them, because invariably, they are much too "indolent", in order to, expedite and tangibly apply themselves, with all sober seriousness, to the "discovery of the correct truthful interpretation".

The present augment the urgency time, for these "veils to fall-away", in order for the human spiritual beings, to "transparently" see, whence they are "coming from", and "what duties" are the "functional task", bestowed upon the human spiritual beings, and what theirn "final destination" is!

The human spiritual beings "need" to be "Guided towards the TRUE PATH!

And the human spiritual beings could "discover" this very "path", clearly marked in The Holy Grail Mesaage of Almighty GOD, provided if the human spiritual beings "desire to see It.


The Holy Grail Message, "permits" consequently those particular human spiritual beings, to "discover" in "abundance", within It"s lectures, only those human spiritual beings, who sincerely "possess", the very 'honest desire", right in their "souls within"!

All other human spiritual beings, are "automatically rejected" from "the relative "absorption" and "assimilation" of The Holy Grail Message of Almighty GOD!

To those human spiritual beings who are "conceited", and who would only "seek parochially" and "superficially", The Lectures of The Holy Grail Message, definitely would constitute and remain a "Book of Seven Seals", for them in particular.

Only to whosoever, "willingly", absolve and open themselves, would consequently "receive" from The Holy Grail Message of Almighty GOD!

If commencing from the very beginning, the individual personal human spiritual beings, starts and "read" with all "sincerity" and the "honesty of mind" (Memory Interpreter Norms-Natural Disciplines), then inevitably, everything sought by these human spiritual beings, would be "revealed", in "One singular Glorrious fulfillment"!

But those very human spiritual beings, whose "hearts" are not "complertely pure", consequently would be "Repelled" by "This WORD" : It will definitely "remain closed", to all those petrified human spiritually Weakened-Beings, with "deceitful eye"!

Those particular and peculiar human spiritual Weak-Beings, shall "discover" nothing therein, from "The Holy Grail Message of ALMIGHTY GOD!