Ever since, the "crime" perpetrated against The Son of Almighty GOD, The Bringer of Truth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the obvious fact remains that, the human spiritual beings, did not "recognise", this very most important prophecy", which consequently has lain like a "curse" upon the human spiritual beings, and even presently, the human spiritual beings stand before it, most "unsuspectingly", as if they have their eyes tightly "blidfolded"!

The teribble consequence, would amount to the fact that, a great part of the human spiritual beings, will "stumble-on", consequently towards "destruction", by-past, the only possibility of saving themselves from being "cast--out"!

THIS is The Prophecy of The Coming Of The Son Man, which The Son of Almighty GOD, "held forth", as a "Star of Hope, and also as a "serious warning", in face of the "constant attacks", upon Him, by the human spiritual beings in masses, who have through their "subservience" to the Darkness, "naturally" exhibited "hate" (Horrible Attitude Tyrannical Existence) towards The Bringer Of Truth.

The samedeceptive feelings and thoughts, was which prevented The Son Almighty GOD, from being "recognized" as such, and also caused "confusion" in the minds (Memory Interpreter Natural Disciplines) of the human spiritual beings, regarding, the significance of this very "prophecy", at the time and period it was created.

The human spiritual beings were too "dark" and "conceited", to be able to receive, consequently remaining "undimmed", such high Message of Almighty GOD!

The Messages coming from the "height above the human spiritual beings" own sphere of origin, consequently "passed" them by, without leaving no "impression!

As for a real understanding of this Message, a tangible belief, backed-up, by "conscious" conviction, would have been needed, and even His (Christ) followers, were not capable of, at that very period in time.

The soil, upon which, these very words, of "Redeemer" fell, was still very much, too "overgrown" with "weeds".

Furthermore, the momentary experiences and psychic shocks, of a life-existence, right in the vicinity of The Saviour, were consequently crowded, only a few short years.

Consequently, everything was bound, to be concentrated, on the "Person of Jesus Christ", so much, so that, when Jesus Christ, made mention of "another Person" (The Comporter), coming in the distant future, what He said, was also and again "interwoven", with Him "personally"!

Thus, this very erroneous views, has lived on, in the opinions of the human spiritual beings, until, the present time!

The unbelievers, amongst the human spiritual beings, did not bother themselves about the "Saviour"s words", while the believers amongst, just because of their "beliefs", "forcibly" suppressed, every serious criticism of the "transmissions", consequently out of "holy awe", that they must not come "too-close", to these words, of the Saviour!

But in doing so, these human spiritual beings overlooked the fact that, it was not a question of Jesus Christ"s own original words, but merely of transmissions, written down long, after His earthly life-existence.

Thus, the Words (Weaving Order Rancous Dispensing) were naturally subject to "unconscious" modifications, through the human spiritual beings" intellect and "personal opinions"!

A certain greatness, is indicated in this reverential upholding, of purely human spiritual beings" transmissions, and therefore no reproach, shall be "voied" about it!

All this, however, does not prevent the "hampering consequences of erroneous opinions, which have arisen, through "faulty transmissions", because the Law of Reciprocal Action cannot be "overthrown", in this very case either".

Even, when the only effect of such errors, is to raise obstructions, "barring" the human spiritual beings, in their further ascent, this consequently still constitutes, a disastrous standstill, also preventing, all progress, just as long, as the "liberating" Word of Enlightenment cannot come to "live-existence", within the human spiritual beings.

Whosoever, "believes" in the Son of Almighty GOD (Jesus Christ) and His "Words", and also has made these "words", come to lively-existence within, as human spiritual beings, thus "carrying" these "words" within them, in their "true interpretation", and "acting or behaving" accordingly, would most naturally be needing, not to wait for the "promised" Son of Man, because The Son of Man has nothing else to bring, than The Son of GOD, had already brought!

It is a condition, however, that such particular human spiritual beings, had really "understood" the "words" of The Son of GOD, and does not stubbornly "cling" to erroneous transmissions.

If and when somewhere or somehow, the human spiritual beings, have "bound" themselves to "errors", they would not be able to complete, their "ascent", untill they have received enlightenment.

It was reserved for The Son of Man, to bring this "Enlightenment", because the limited human spiritual beings, are "unable" to "elevate" or "free" themselves, from the dense undergrowth, which presently, obscures The Truth!

Jesus Christ spoke of the Coming of The Son of Man, as the very "last" possibility of salvation, and also pointed out that, with The Coming of The Son of Man, The Judgment will Commence!

Therefore, those human spiritual beings, who are still not willing or, stiff-necked, or in fact too indolent to be prepared, to "accept" Enlightenment, would all consequently and irretrievably "cast-out"!

From this explanation, the conclusion is to be drawn that, there will be no "further" opportunity, for "consideration" and "decision".

This undoudtedly, contains the announcement of great tribulation, which shall bring, to and end, a period of "patient forebearance"!

This consequently in turn, indicates the "impending struggle" of The Light "against" all Darkness, which must end, with the "violent destruction" of the Darkness!

It is not to be assumed, that all and every event, will compromise to coincide with the human spiritual beings great expectations, wishes and conceptions, because all the past occurrences indicate to the contrary.

Never as yet, has the human spiritual beings" "ideas", agreed with the manifestations of The Divine Will (Wisdomic Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD.

The very reality, was always different to what the human spiritual beings had initially imagined, and it was only very very long afterwards, that the human spiritual beings, sometimes slowly come to "grasp", the true meaning of what actually has occurred!

Neither is there any hope, which signifies, that it would be different, in the present time, just because the human spiritual beings "ideas" and "point-of-views", have consequently gained nothing in comparison, with the past formeer times!

On the contrary, the human spiritual beings have become much more "realistic"!

The Son of Man!

A veil still lay over "Him" and "His" time!

Even, if and when, here and there, a vague "presentiment" arises in many human spiritual beings, a "longing" for the Day of The Coming of Son of Man, and many of those human spiritual beings, who feel this, shall probably pass Him by, "unsuspectingly", and will also not wish to "know" Him, because their "great expectations", promised them, a very different sort of fulfillment!

It is only with great difficulty, that human spiritual beings, could accustom themselves, to the "idea" that, in profound obedience to The Laws (Light Active Weaving) of Almighty GOD, a Divine Being on the gross material earthly plane, could not "differ outwardly", from the human spiritual beings themselves.

The human spiritual beings insist on picturing the Divine, in "supernatural form" only, and yet they have unfortunately so "fettered" themselves, that they would not be capable of recognizing "aright", what is supernatural, much less, would the human spiritual beings, be capable to "bear it"!

Nor is this, in the least necessary!

The human spiritual beings who seek the Will of their Almighty GOD, in the "Natural Laws" of all Creation, would soon come to the recognition of it, there-in, and finally acknowledge that, the Divine, could in fact come only on the paths, of these adamantine Laws, and not otherwise.

As a result, such human spiritual beings, would become "vigilantees", in carefully, "scrutinising" everything they encounter on these paths, but only, "In The Light of Divine Laws, and not with regard to human spiritual beings" opinions!

Thus, through the personal examination of the human spiritual beings, concerning what is brought to them, and not through the clamour of the masses, they shall at the appointed hour, rightfully recognize Him, Who Brings "liberation", in the "Word" (Weaving Order Rancous Dispensation)!

It would have occurred already to every human spiritual being of sound and healthy thinking faculty, that the Son of Almighty GOD, and The Son of Man, cannot be one and the same person!

That difference is clearly expressed in the "words" themselves.

Just on account of the very purity of His Divinity, during His emission and incarnation, the Pure Divinity, of The Son of Almighty GOD, "bore" within itself, "the very condition of becoming One Again" with Divinity as such.

In the natural order of events, there is simply no other possibility!

This is also confirmed, by The Son of Almighty GOD, Himself, when He "hinted" at His "becoming One, with The Father" and His "being re-united with The Father".

For this reason, The Son of GOD"s Mission as "Mediator", between The God-head of Almighty GOD, and Creation, could only consequently last for a limitable amount of time.

The Son of Almighty GOD, after having laid aside, all and everything that was not Divine, was consequently "pulled" or "drawn" back, inevitably by the "power of the attraction", of the "stronger homogeneous species", right into The Divine Origin, and "forced" to "remain" there.

Therefore, The Son of GOD, could not in fact remain thee "eternal" Mediator, between The God-head of Almighty GOD, and the Creation, in which the human spiritual beings inhabit.

Thus, through the "re-union" of The Son of Almighty GOD and The Father, a "new gulf", would have "arisen", and the "Mediator" between Pure Divinity and Creation, would again have been missed!

The Son of Almighty GOD, personally "proclaimed" to the human spiritual beings, "the Coming of The Son of Man, Who is ordained, and would then remain "the eternal Mediator", between the Divine and Creation!

This is an expression of "Sublime Love" of The Creator for His Creation!

The difference between The Son of Man and The Son of Almighty GOD is that, albeit "born out of purely Divine, The Son of Man was at the same time, consequently connected with The Sphere of Conscious Spiritual Substantiality, so that it was as if, He (Son of Man) stands simultaneously, with "one foot" in the Divine and with the "other foot", right in the "highest part" of Conscious Spiritual Substantiality.

He is a part of each, and thus forms "The Eternal Bridge", between the "Divine" and the "summit of Creation"

This "union", however, involves the obligation of remaining "separated", from the pure Divine, yet in spite of this, consequently permits and even "conditions the admittance", to Divinity.

The addition of the Spiritual, to the Divine, merely prevents a re-union, which would otherwise have been "unavoidable".

The human spiritual beings will hardly ever grasp or comprehend that, this is another "sacrifice of Love" (Living Omniscience Virtuous Effulence) on the part of The Creator, and the consequent fulfillment of a "promise", of such magnitude, as only Almighty GOD, Himself is capable of giving and fulfilling!

That is, the difference between The Son of Almighty GOD, and The Son of Man!

The Mission of The Son of Man, on the gross material earthly plane, is the "continuation" and completion of The Mission of Son of Almighty GOD, as The Mission of Son of Almighty GOD, could in fact be only "transient one".

Hence this very continuation and completion, of The Mission of Son of Almighty GOD, is at the same time, "consolidation" of Jesus Christ"s Mission!

Whereas, The Son of Almighty GOD was born "directly", into His gross material earthly Mission, The Son of Man had to "traverse" a far wider sphere, before He could enter upon the beginning of His actual Mission.

As a criterion or a special condition for the fulfillment of "His Task", which in comparison to The Son of Almighty GOD, was more "terrestrial", because The Son of Man, coming as He did, right from the highest Heights, also had to "descend" into the deepest of depths; not only in the Ethereal Beyond, but also, here on the gross material earthly plane, in order that He might "personally experience", all and every misery, also the suffering, human spiritual beings had inherited, as heirs.

Only then, would The Son of Man, be in the position, when His Hour comes, in order to "intervene effectively", in the human spiritual beings" short-comings, and consequently help to bring about efficacious and pernicacious changes to the lively-existence of the human spiritual beings!

Consequently and apparently for this reason, The Son of Man "could not" merely stand beside these experiences of the human spiritual beings, but He had to "stand in the midst", of them (experiences) through His Own Personal Experiences.

The Son of Man, even had to "stand in" and "suffer", right under the "bitter" side of life-existence.

Again, it was only, just for the sake of the human spiritual beings, that The Son of Man had to serve, His period of "apprenticeship" in this manner!

But, it is, just on account of this, that the human spiritual beings will try to reproach Him, in order, to render "His Task" much more difficult, as the human spiritual beings had done, previously with Jesus Christ, The Son of Almighty, just for the fact that, the human spiritual beings with all their "limitations", can never understand such "high guidance", being only and able to "judge by externals"!

Just what He had to suffer, for the sake of the human spiritual beings, in order to "learn" to recognize, "the worst points" in the human spiritual beings" errors, that is, what The Son of Man suffered or encountered and came to know, through His own "experiences", in the interests, of the future welfare, of the human spiritual beings, consequently would wish to use, as stones, to haul at Him (The Son of Man) when their "rising hatred" (Horrible Attitude Tyrannical Existence), is "inflamed" by the Darkness, as it "trembles" in "fear of annihilation!

That such a thing, so incredible could occur again, in spite of the events, during The Son of Almighty GOD"s wanderings on the gross material earthly plane, is not inexplicable, because in reality, more than half of the present inhabitants of the gross material earthly plane, do not "belong" over-there at all, but should in fact have been maturing, in much deeper and darker regions!

The very consequential foundation for this, was inevitably laid, through "constant psychic retrogression", which in turn, was brought about, by those particular human spiritual beings who became "slaves" of their "own tool", the limited intellect, and gained the "upper-hand"!

Whenever, the "limited intellect" gains, the "sole direction", it shall, just for the fact that it is purely gross material earthly, could always but further everything that is gross material and therefore cultivate, all the accompanying secondary effects.

The very resulting decline, from a higher conception, consequently created a "breach", through which, "a hand was apparently stretched", downwards, in order to give assistance to those souls of the human spiritual beings, in "climbing up", for a gross material earthly incarnation, which otherwise, consequently owing to the human spiritual beings" "spiritual heaviness (spiritual gravity) and the denser Darkness, could never have penetrated to the surface of the gross material earthly plane.

But above all, there are the purely "animal sensations", consequently accompanying "procreation", just as well as the general striving, for "earthly enjoyments", which, and during the "demoralising periods" for centuries past, had enabled "inferior" human spiritual beings" souls to rise into manifestation.!

These inferior souls of the human spiritual beings, would then constantly "circle around" expectant human spiritual mother-beings, and if an "opportunity", should present itself, they manifest into incarnation, because up till the present time, all and everything that is "Light", had "voluntarily" retired before what is dark, in order to avoid, becoming soiled.

So it has gradually come to pass that the ethereal surrounding of the gross material earthly plane, has grown ever denser and darker, and consequently thus, heavier, so heavy in fact that, it keeps the gross material earthly plane, from a course, which would have made it, more accessible to "higher spiritual influences"!

As the majority of all incarnated souls of the human spiritual beings, actually belong to regions, that lay, much much deeper, than the gross material earthly plane itself, it would therefore, be but Divine JUSTICE, if and when such human spiritual beings" souls are consequently swept away and "sink back", to wherever they "properly belong"; to the region where, due to their "absolute homogeneity", they have no further opportunity, to "burden themselves with new and fresh guilt; and also where, consequently these human spiritual beings" souls are able to "mature" and commence upward ascension, towards the luminous Heights, through the "suffering inflicted" upon them, right in their own sphere of lively-existence.

It does not lay with the human spiritual beings, to elect The Son of Man, sent by Almighty GOD.

But The Power of Almighty GOD, will uplift Him (The Son of Man) at the hour, when the human spiritual beings, in their helplessness are "whining" for "deliverance"!

The the human spiritual beings will cease to revile, just for the fact that, "horror" will "quiet them down, and they shall willingly accept all the gifts, The Creator offers His creatures, through His Envoy!

But whosoever shall not accept these gifts, from Him, shall consequently be cast forth, for all eternity!


THE SAVIOUR, On the Cross!

These "crucifixes" are erected by the thousands, as a "token", that Jesus Christ, really suffered and died, just for the sake of the human spiritual beings.

On all sides, these token, call out to the "faithful": in order to "Remember it"!

Right in the lonely meadow, in the bustling city streets, in the private sanctuary, in churches, on the graves and at wedding celebrations - everywhere these token serve to comfort, strengthen and admonish.

The human spiritual beings must "Remember It"!

Because of the wrongful doings, as sins, the human spiritual beings must acknowledge that The Son of Almighty GOD, Who came to the gross material earthly plane, to Bring the human spiritual beings "Enlightenment of Salvation", suffered and inevitably died on The Cross!

The faithful Christian approaches the human spiritual beings "tremulously", in deep veneration and full of gratitude.

With a glad feeling, faithful Christian leaves the place, conscious that, it also had been released, from it"s sins, by the so-called "sacrificial death".

But those human spiritual beings, who are "earnestly seekers", should go and stand before the sacred, solemn token and strive to understand The Redeemer!

Cast aside the soft cloak of ease, that keeps the human spiritual beings, so pleasantly warm and creates a comfortable feeling of well-being and also safety, permitting the human spiritual beings, to "doze-on" till, their last hour on the gross material earthly plane!

Then the human spiritual beings would be vigorously aroused from their "half-slumber" and consequently freed from their gross material earthly fetters, they will "suddenly" find themselves, adlacently facing The naked Truth.

The very "dream" to which the human spiritual beings "clung" tenaciously and persistently, and also which they surrendered themselves to "moment of inertia", would then consequently come to an ending jolt!

Therefore, "awake"!

The human spiritual beings period on the gross material earthly plane is exceptionally precious!

Because of the human spiritual beings" sins, The Saviour Jesus Christ came - that is unassailably and also literally true!

It is similarly true, that The Saviour died because of the "guilt of the human spiritual beings.

But this does never imply, that the "sins" human spiritual beings, "have been taken from them"!

The Saviour"s "work of redemption", was to take up, the very "battle with Darkness", in order to "Bring Light" to the erring human spiritual beings, "to open the way" accessible to the "forgiveness of all sins".

But each individual human spiritual beings must tread it"s "own path alone", in accordance with the irrevocable Laws (Light Active Weaving) of The Creator.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth did not come to "overthrow" The Laws, but rather to fulfill them.

The human spiritual beings must not fail to recognize Him (Christ), Who in fact should be the best of friends to the human spiritual beings!

The human aspiritual beings should not "attach" a "wrong conceptional meaning" to such true words!

When and if it is rightly said, "it is ffor the sake of the human spiritual beings" sins, that consequently all this occurred, meaning also that, "the coming of Jesus Christ, became necessary just only for the fact that, "the human spiritual beings could and would no longer, find their way alone, out of their "self created darkness, nor could release themselves from it"s clutches.

Jesus Christ had to show the human spiritual beings "the way".

Had the human spiritual beings entangled themselves so deeply in "sin", that is, had they not taken the wrong road, then the coming of Jesus, would not have been necessary, (the fall of man).

Jesus Christ would indeed have been spared of His life-existence, of both struggle and pain.

Therefore, it is quite right to say that, Jesus Christ was "obliged" to come, just for the sake of the "sins of human spiritual beings, if and when the latter, in their pursuit after the wrong road, were inevitably to sink into the abyss, right into the Darkness.

This, however, does not mean, that the "personal guilt" of "every individual" human spiritual being, is therewith "remitted" at a "moment"s notice, as soon as it really believes in, and would consequently live according to the "words" of Jesus Christ.

But if and when the individual human spiritual beings does live according to the words of Jesus Christ, it"s "sins would be forgiven".

Of course, consequently only but gradually, just as soon as "redemption" would set-in, through the "reciprocal action", ensuing from the "counter-activity of thee good volition of the human spiritual beings.

And not in any way could it be otherwise!

It is definitely different with the instances of those particular human spiritual beings who in fact do not live according to the "words" of Jesus Christ, for these ones, forgiveness is remote and absolutely impossible.

This however, does not imply, that "only members of the Christian religion" can "attain" to the forgiveness of sins.

Jesus Christ "proclaimed the Truth"!

Jesus Christ"s "words", must in fact, therefore, also "embrace" all "The Truths" in other religions.

Jesus Christ did not want to "found a church", but instead, to show the human spiritual beings the right and true path, which can equally well lead, through the truths of other religions.

For this reason of fact, Jesus Christ"s words (Weaving Order Rancous Dispensation) most often accorded with the "already in existence" religions.

Jesus Christ did not take these "truths", out of these religions, as He Brought The Truth, meaning that Jesus Christ most definitely and also necessarily contain, all that was "true right in the other religions" already in existence.

Whosoever, does not "acknowledge" the "words" of Jesus Christ personally, but seriously strive for The Truth ennoblement and for Ennoblement, and also live in complete harmony, with the sense of Jesus Christ"s words, and finally will attain most assuringly to "pure faith" and "the forgiveness of sins.

The human spiritual beings should maintain caution, therefore, "of one-sided outlook"!

Because this would be "debasing" the Work of The Redeemer.

Whosoever strives "earnestly" after "truth" and "purity", will also never be lacking in Love (Living Option Virtuous Existence).

Albeit sometimes occupied with serious doubts and struggles, the human spiritual being, in particular, will be led upwards, spiritually, "step by step" and regardless of what religion, the human spiritual may consequently belong to, would in fact, either here or later in the Ethereal World, meet the Christ-Spirit, which in the final end, would lead-on, upwardly, towards the recognition of Almighty GOD The Father.

Thus, "the Word would be fulfilled": "No Man Cometh Unto The Father, But By Me!"

"THE FINAL END", However, never commences with the "last hour" of the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earhly plane, but at a certain stage, in the development of the human spiritual beings (Spiritual Man), for whom, the "passing" from the Gross Material World to the Ethereal World, is but a "transitional one"!

And presently, to turn to the great "Work of Redemption" Itself.

The human spiritual beings were erring, in "spiritual darkness".

The human spiritual beings had created this spiritual darkness by themselves, within themselves, in subjecting themselves more and more to the "intellect", which they had so "assidously cultivated".

In so doing, the human spiritual beings "limited" their perceptive ability, more and more until, just similar to their brain, they became "unconditionally" bound to space and time, and could no longer grasp, the right way, to what is "infinite and eternal".

Thus, the human spiritual beings became continually earthbound, limited to space and time.

All connection with the Light, with Purity, with the spiritual, was consequently "cut-off" thereby.

The "volition" of the human spiritual beings was only capable of directing itself, towards gross material earthly things, with the exception of a few, who as "prophets", did not possess the power, to penetrate and make "a free path to The Light.

This very situation, "opened" all the gates to evil.

Darkness "welled-up" and "flooded" the gross material earthly plane, bringing detriment and disaster.

This could have only one apparent end - "spiritual death!"

The most terrible "fate", that could ever befall the human spiritual beings!

The guilt for all this misery, lay right upon the human spiritual beings.

The human spiritual beings brought evil, right upon themselves, by voluntarily, choosing this course.

They had deliberately wanted to be so and cultivated it.

In the utter blindness of the human spiritual beings, they even unsuspectingly are proud and haughty of their achievement, without recognising the terrible consequences, arising from their "limited" understanding, which they painstakingly, forced right upon themselves.

The possibility, to open a "path to The Light" from and by the human spiritual beings, in such a state, was out of the question and impossible.

The self-imposed limitation was already too great.

If and when, there was still to be any "possibility of salvation", then "help" must have to be dispensed from The Light.

Otherwise, the "down-fall" of the human spiritual beings, into abyss darkness, was consequently inevitable.

Darkness itself, through it"s impunity, has a great density, which efficaciously brings about a heaviness.

And because of this heaviness, Darkness is unable of itself, to rise above certain "weight-level", unless from the other side, some sort of attracting power, come co-operatively to the aid of Darkness.

The Light, however, possesses a "lightness", that corresponds to it"s "purity", which consequently makes impossible, for The Light, to "descend" to the level of Darkness.

Thus, there is an "unbridgeable-gulf", between both parts, and in the "middle" of which stands the human spiritual beings and their gross material earthly plane.

According to the nature, of their volition and wishes, the human spiritual beings, at present, possess the "choice" of approaching The Light......(Living Optionally Virtuous Existence) or of approaching Darkness......(Living Option Vicious Existence - Horrible Attitude Threatening Existence of Hate), and of opening the gates and smoothing the way, in order for The Light or Darkness to "flood" the gross material earthly plane.

In this very process, the human spiritual beings themselves are "the mediators", through whose very power of volition, permit either The Light or Darkness, to gain firm foot-hold there, from which it can consequently operate more or less powerfully.

The more Light or Darkness, would consequently thereby gain in more power, on the gross material earthly plane, the more each part, can pour over the human spiritual beings, what it has to give - either Good or Evil, Well-Being or Disaster, Happiness or Unhappiness, the Peace of Paradise or the Torment of Hell.

The pure volition of the human spiritual beings, had become too weak, in order to be able to offer an "anchorage" for The Light, in the midst of the heavy stiffling of Darkness, which had consequently had already gained, the "upper-hand" on the gross material earthly plane.

This anchorage was necessary for The Light, to hold-on to and unite with, in such a way, that it"s "undimmed purity" and consequent "unimpaired power", could cleave the Darkness, and thus deliver the human spiritual beings.

The human spiritual beings would then be able to "draw strength" from The Light, by "tapping" this "source", and find their way upward, to The Luminous Heights!

It was impossible for The Light Itself, to "descend" so far, right into the "mire", unless a "very firm anchorage" was offered to The Light.

Consequently a Mediator had to "come".

Only a Messenger, from the Luminous Heights most possibly could, by "incarnating", breaking through the "dark wall", which the human spiritual beings volition had built, and right in the midst of all the evil encroachment, "create and establish", for The Light, that very gross material "foothold", which would consequently stand "firm", "amid" the heavy darkness.

From this "anchorage", The Pure Rays of The Light, would then be able to cleave penetratingly through, and consequently disperse the dark layers, in order for the human spiritual beings not to "sink" completely and suffocate in the Darkness.

Thus Jesus Christ, Came purposely for the sake of erring human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane, and their sins!

This newly created connection, with The Light, apparently could not - because of the "purity and strength", of The Messenger from The Light - be cut-off, by the Darkness.

Thus, a "new route", to the spiritual heights was consequently "opened-up", for the human spiritual beings.

From Jesus Christ, Who Had Become, the gross material earthly plane"s "foot-hold" of The Light, constituting ray penetration, right into the Darkness, through The Living Word, which brought The Truth.

He (Jesus Christ) could "transmit" this Trutth, "unblemished" as He Himself, was "The Word" and "The Truth"!

The human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, became aroused from their individual spiritual lethergy, through the "miracles", that took place simultaneously.

In the quest of the human spirritual beings to follow these up, they came upon "The Word".

Hearing The Truth, which was brought by Jesus Christ, and "reflecting" upon these "Words", there gradually awakened, in hundreds of thousands, the volition, to yield and follow This Truth, and to also learn about This "Words" of Jesus Christ.

By so doing, this human spiritual beings slowly, strove upwards, towards The Light!

Through this volition, the Darkness which was in their surrounding, had no option, but to "loosen" it"s vicious grip, and "ray after ray" of The Light, "victoriously" penetrated, as the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane endeavour to think more, in terms of these words and consequently found them to be True.

Livelihood became "brighter and brighter" around these human spiritial beings, and the Darkness, consequently being no longer capable of retaining firm "hold" on such individuals, finally "fell back", and inevitably lost more grounds.

In this very manner, The Word of Truth, "worked" in the Darkness, just like a "germinating mustard-seed", as does also yeast in bread.

And this was the "Work of Redemption", of The Son of Almighty GOD, Jesus Christ, The Bringer Of Light And Truth!

The Darkness, which "imagined", it was already "master of all the human spiritual beings, "rebelled" against this, consequently in "wild struggle", to make "The Work Of Redemption an impossible Task!

The Darkness was unable to get hold of Jesus Christ, Himself, because the Darkness "fell back" or "come short", of Jesus Christ"s "Pure Intuition".

Thus, Darkness naturally made use of the "willing tools", at it"s disposal, for the battle.

These, definitely were the human spiritual beings, who quite rightly call themselves "intellectual" (pharisees and saducees), who had yielded to the intellectual faculty, and also who just similarly to the intellect, were fast bound to space and time.

Consequently, these human spiritual beings, could no longer grasp, the "higher spiritual concepts", which over-lay, and far beyond space time, and also which thus, became impossible for these human spirritual beings to "follow" the "teaching" of The Truth.

All these human spiritual beings had the "conviction", that they stood on too "realistic" a ground, just similar to many human spiritual beings, presently on the gross material earthly plane.

Realistic ground, however, really means, "a very limited ground".

The majority of these particular human spiritual beings, "represented power", "being in position of authority", in the government and church.

Thus, the Darkness, "in furious" self-defence, "whipped-up", these human spiritual beings, to "commit the brutal assault", against Jesus Christ, through the gross material earthly power, which lay in their hands.

By this, the Darkness very much hoped, to destroy, The Work of Redemption.

That it was at all possible for the Darkness to "exert this power", on the gross material earthly plane, was due solely to the "guilt" of the human spiritual beings, which through their self-chosen, wrong attitude, had limited their "intuitional perceptive ability", and thus, consequently gave the Darkness, "the upper-hand".

And because of this "sin" of the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane, Jesus Christ had to "suffer"!

The Darkness continued to intensify the flame, right to the uttermost!

Jesus Christ would have to suffer death on the Cross, since and if He "stood firm", in His "assertions", that He (Jesus Christ) was in fact The Bringer of Truth and Light of Almighty GOD.

P>It was the final decision!

To flee or withdraw, from it all, would be the only option to save Jesus Christ from "death on the Cross".

But, that would have meant "victory to the Darkness" at very last moment, because "All The Work of Redemption of Jesus Christ" would then gradually diminish and run to sand, and also the Darkness, would consequently have "victoriously engulfed" everything.

Jesus Christ would not have been able to "fulfill" His Mission and inevitably The Work of Redemption, initially started by Him, would have remained "unfinished".

Jesus Christ inner struggle in "Gethsemane" was very sharp but short and brief!

Jesus Christ did not "shun" physical death, but He calmly faced death, for the sake of The Truth, He had Brought.

With the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross, He put the "seal" upon all He had said and lived.

With this very deed, Jesus Christ "vanquished" the Darkness completely, which had up till then played it"s very "last trump".

Jesus Christ Was "victorious" -- out of Love (Living Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence) for the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane, whose way to freedom and Light, thus remained open, because the death of Jesus Christ, fortified the individual faith of the human spiritual beings, in The Truth of Jesus Christ"s Words.

If and when Jesus Christ could have withdrawn and fled, and conveniently so given up, His Mission and Work, doubts wou inevitably have assailed the human spiritual beings.

Thus, Jesus Christ "died" for the sake of the human spiritual beings" "sins"!

If and when the human spiritual beings have not or never sinned or turn away from The Light of Almighty GOD, by setting limitations to their intuitive perception, through the intellect, "then Jesus Christ could have spared Himself, His Coming", in as much as His Path of Suffering and His Crucifixion.

Therefore, it would be quite right to say: "On the account of the sins of the human spiritual beings, Jesus Christ, descended to Come, suffered, and died on the Cross!"

But this does not mean, that the human spiritual beings, "do not have to redeem themselves!

It is only that at the present, it is easy for the human spiritual beings, because by Bringing The Truth, Jesus Christ had shown the human spiritual beings the rightful way to His Words of Redemption!

Neither can the "crucifixion" of Jesus Christ, "simply wash" away all the "sins" perpetrated by the human spiritual beings!

Before such a thing could occur, "all the laws of Universe, would in fact, first have to be abrogated and overthrown.

But assuringly, that will never happen!

Jesus Christ, Himself Personally often reffered enough to "all that is written", meaning: The Old Covenant.

The New Gospel of Love, does not "intend" to "overthrow", abrogate, or annul, the Old Gospel of Justice, but to Supplement and invariably Unite With It!

Therefore, the human spiritual beings should not forget The Justice Of The Mighty Creator, of all things, which cannot be moved, by even, so much as a "hair"s breadth, and which stands "inviolably" right from the very Begiinning of The World, until it"s end!

It (Justice) could never permit the human spiritual beings, to take another guilt, upon their shoulders, in order to redeem it.

So for the sake of the guilt of others (human spiritual beings), or because of the guilt of others, Jesus Christ could and had to Come, Suffer and Die.

Jesus Christ could step forth as The Warrior for The Truth, But He Himself remained "Pure and Untouched" by this guilt.

This and that is the reason why, Jesus Christ was unable to take this guilt upon Himself "personally".

This does not lessen The Work of Redemption; but instead it is a "sacrifice" that could in fact, not be greater.

Jesus Christ Came Down, just for the human spiritual beings, out of the Luminous Heights, right into the "mire".

Jesus Christ fought for the human spiritual beings, suffered and died for the human spiritual beings, in order to Bring The Light to the human spiritual beings, and to also show the human spiritual beings the right way upwards, so that the human spiritual beings will not become confused and lost in the Darkness and inevitably sink into abyss!

This is how, Jesus Christ The Redeemer stand before the human spiritual beings!

That was Jesus Christ"s Tremendous Work of Love and Out Of Love!

The Justice of Almighty GOD, continued to Exist, Severe, and Strict, in The Laws of Universe or Creation.

For what a human spiritual beings "sows that shall it reap, as Jesus Christ, Himself made mention of, in His Message!

The Divine Justice does not permit "one farthing to be remitted: What a man sow, that he reaps!

The human spiritual should endeavor to think deliberately, whenever they stand before this solemn token!

The human spiritual beings should give fervent gratitude, that with Jesus Christ's "Word", The Redeemer, Lovingly re-opened the way to The forgiveness of Sins of the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earthly plane, and leave the spot, with earnest intention, to go the very direction, shown to the human spiritual beings, in order for them to really acquire and obtain that very forgiveness, which could then spiritually be theirs.

The inclination to go that way of Jesus Christ, does not mean: just to learn the "Word of Jesus Christ and believe in It, but to Live The Word of Jesus CHRIST!

Also to believe The Word of Jesus Christ and to consequently regard This Word, as Right, and yet not to "act accordingly, to The Word of Jesus Christ, in everything, would never benefit the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane at all.

On the contrary, the human spiritual beings, would be worse off, than those human spiritual beings who know nothing of and about the Word of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, human spiritual beings, "awake", the time on the gross material earthly plane is very precious!