UNGRATEFUL and very much devoid of understanding, even somewhat "reproachful", which is exactly the manner, human beings "face" the "greatest help" from The LIGHT of ALMIGHTY GOD!

It is absolutely distressing to observe, how even those human spiritual beings of Good Volition, behave very "lamentably" in these issue, or in fact, "turn away", doubtingly, from The Light, just because of some "unfulfilled hopes", involving "wrongful earthly desires'.

And yet, through "non-fulfillment, The Light of Almighty GOD, very frequently "grants" salvation and beneficial responses.

But, sulking similarly to most contumacious, infancy of human spiritual Children-Beings, consequenting a closed-up "enclosure", by the human spiritual beings, adamantly to the "Recognition of the All-Wise-Love of Almighty GOD, thereby "harming themselves" to such an extent, which "prompts" the inability of human spiritual being, to ever again be able to ascend, and invariably become lost and confused, just as a "useless" Grain of Seed in this Creation

The littlest of all the "evils" which the human spiritual being, thereby "inlfict upon themselves", pertinently durious their "sojourning", are consequently "multifarious incarnations on the gross material earthly plane, which is a result from the "reciprocal action".

These "incarnations", take up centuries, perhaps thousands of years, but the fundamental factor is ever re-ocurrence, of "recidivism" and possibility of "procrastinate set-backs", in the "ascent" of "the spirituality", actually permitting "afresh", "predicaments and "sufferings" to "emerge", consequenting a continual, new (Norms Essential Worthiness) chains of unnnecessary entanglements, which must obligatorily, without one left behind, be "redeemed", and without "no falling down", right to the last, and the very finest speck of dust, before "the spirituality", within the human spiritual beings, could with any possibility, "emerge" from the "gross confusion", brought about through the contumacy of the human spiritual beings themselves.

If The Light, Was to be as "the human spiritual beings" sort of nature or inclination, then it would have dropped Creation, just simply out of "sheer weariness", because in all truthfulness, an "unbelievable patience", is adequately necessary, in order to permit, such disgusting, contumacious innuendos, to out-live itself, so that, the human spiritual beings of "Good Volition", who considerably are still "rising" from such a state, consequently would never lose their "possibilities of salvation", and need not "perish", wthin the "whirlpool of destruction", individually created by those particular human spiritual beings, who no longer and have defiantly, closed-up themselves to Change for Good.

Even amongst the human spiritual beings, of "Good Volition", only a very small part, would unobscurringly, definitely 'attain" to "real" and "True Salvation", because majority of the human spiritual beings, undeterminably, weaken too soon, and invariably "lose heart" in the corresponding process, and also it hapens that sometimes, the human spiritual beings "think" that, they have actually "taken wrong courses", just because "so much", stand in their "opposition", which causes them "vexation", "worry", and "suffering", right very "inertia-moment", the "Good Volition", had "set-in"; whereas reminiscent to the former times, the human spiritual beings, had not taken "attentive notice" to it so much.

Juxtaposedly with the resolution, definite for "spiritual ascent", which is undoubtedly contained, right in the "firm volition", for what is "Good", which scrutinizingly prompt firstly, a time or period of "refining", for many individual personal human spiritual beings, of which adjust them, to experience their previous wrong path-ways or "attitude" of "thinking" or "action", and invariably "adapt" to "transform" them, into what is True, Right, and Good!

The more conspicuous this had become, the more, such individual personal human spiritual beings, are "endowed" with Grace, and the "stronger", the "helpingb hand extension" right from The Light.

It is already the beginning of "salvation", the "severance" from "Darkness", which in the very process, seems to keep the human spiritual beings, thoroughly clasped, even more "firmly".

But this very "harder" and "firmer" Embrace, could only seem to be as such, because the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, which developingly is already "unfolding" and "awakening", and also "growing strong", would in fact be "striving tremendously, far away from the Darkness, that "binds" and "holds" them.

It is only the "upward striving" of the human spiritual beings, which is decisive, and consequently "makes" the "Grip" of the Darkness, to appear, somewhat more "Pain-Ful" (P*A*I*N......."Purgative Attrition Indefinite Norturing"), just for the fact that, before "adjustment", "refinement" and "adaptation", this "Grip" of the Darness, could not become noticeable, so long as human spiritual beings "voluntarily" adjust in adaptation of themselves to or rather "nestling" themselves right into this Embrace.

Previous encounters with the Darkness, frequently recidivised, with no counter-pressure, or counter-measure from the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, but in fact, always succumbing, without struggling against It.

Only, when the human spiritual beings, "desire" to "uplift" themselves, would the "hindrance", right through the Darkness, undoubtedly to become, "intuitively perceptible" and therefore "incisive", to the "upward striving spirit within" the human spiritual beings, right until finally, the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, had to invariably "Tear Away", themselves "forcibly", in order to, "attain" to coming free, of the "retaining" swamp of dross and dregs of evil entanglements of Darkness.

The very "word" already indicates that, this very "Tear Away", could possibly never occur without involving considerably amount of "Pain", because a "Tear Away", could never be possibly accomplished with "gentleness".

And no time is left for quiet "severance".

Because, this very gross material earthly plane, had already "sunk" profoundly and the World Judgment is at present, in full swing, in It"s final "Fulfillment".

The human spiritual beings do not reflect about all of this!

Many individual human spiritual beings, think their resolution, could possibly be correctly right, just because they have never "intuitively spiritually perceived", such "hindrances" before, and could perhaps even feel quite comfortable.

Thus, through such "false thinking" and "erroneous opinions", the human spiritually beings, "obnoxiously" "permitted", the "principle of Letting-oneself-Go", to rule upon them, and thereby "sunk" into the hands of Darkness.

The human spiritual beings, would in fact then be unable to resist Darkness, and would consequently "fail" to "intuitively spiritually perceive", the Embrace of the Darkness as "hostile" in norms and nature.

The human spiritual beings would be indefinitely pulled downwards, without "sensing" any "Pain", until the "inertia-moment", when the human spiritual beings get "aroused" by The Call of Judgment, to which definitely, the human spiritual beings could never "close-up" themselves, but then......at that would it imperatively be too far gone for the human spiritual beings on the gross material earthly plane.

The human spiritual beings are consequently only "stirred-up", so as to come to the dreadful recognition of the human spiritual beings of their individual and personal "sunken" into the abyss of "bottomless pit", of the very "final disintegration", of the consequential effect of being "cast-out"!

And with the advent of this, commences the "Torments", that would "incessantly" would never "ease-off", but which are bound to "escalate an increment", right until the very "hazardous' and "horrible" termination, arrives, to the human spiritual beings, inclination towards being permitted to be "Self-Conscious, i.e., of being allowed to be "Consciously-Self", human spiritual beings, somwthing which definitely and most beneficially could have brought them "Bliss" for all Eternity!

The human spiritual beings, should be considerate in the sense that, they are deeply embedded in Darkness, and have really embedded themselves rather too deeply!

If the human spiritual beings "wish" to be on "safer grounds", they would have to wrench themselves, "free" from the tentacles of Darkness, and the "Word-Message" from The Holy Grail, would definitely "elucidate" the path, in order to do so, dispensing the possibility, through the "knowledge" and "Power-Strength", to expiate and expedite, "liberation", and "redemption"!

Just as soon as the human spiritual beings have resolved, in "circumvention" of the collapsing Darkness, which in fact, tenaciously embraces the human spiritual beings, with ardent firmness, which rather consequently pulls them down, right into the depths, which enables already, the on-coming, Ray of Light and of Power-Strength, like a "flash", to "help" the human spiritual beings!

The individual human spiritual beings have consequently "woven" innumerable "knots", right into the threads of their individual "fate", through their previous "wrong thinking", and also through "the deeds" or "actions", that have so "pulled-down" the human spiritual beings.

But held within the tentacles of Darkness, the human spiritual beings no longer, thought of them at all, neither could definitely "see" or intuitively, spiritually perceive them because being of "ethereal norms of nature, they still "lay-above" the human spiritual beings, causing "obstructions" in their path, with their much "necessary connection", with the Luminous Heights.

The human spiritual beings, with their individual upward striving, however, would norms naturally be able to find them all again, right upon their path, which consequently the human spiritual beings are very much obliged to recompense and "untie the knots", one after the other, so that their path-way, could become "free" for a timely ascent into the Luminous Regions.

When, it concerns "knots" of the human spiritual beings" "individual vanities", and so much else, which would then seem to the human spiritual beings, just like "misfortune" and "sorrow", "anguish" of the "souls".

In reality, however, it is the only possible way, to absolute "liberation" and "salvation", consequently it simply could never occur otherwise, just for the fact that, the human spiritual beings have by themselves, "prepared" their path-way, beforehand, prior and previously, in this very mannerism, and consequently must now "return", "juxtaposingly" right along it, if the human spiritual beings "desire" to "attain" to The Heights once more.

Such is the True and Right path towards "liberation" and "Redemption" for the "spirit within" the human spiritual beings, such is adequate path-way towards luminous ascencion, into the Luminous Heights!

It simply could never be possibly otherwise!

And cosequently, since the human spiritual beings presently come to discover themselves in Darkness, it conspicuously normical and most natural, that everything, "precariously hampers" and "nefariously opposes", the human spiritual beings, at the very "inertia-moment", when cohesively through their individual personal "resolution", would augment the necessity to "proceed" upwardly, right into The Light.

The human spiritual beings need only to "reflect" in "reminiscent", a little, in order to "comprehend" an "understanding of the tenable corerectness of the "process", and also to incisively "touch-upon" it, themselves!

But numerous masses of the human spiritual beings, "think" that, right at the inertia-moment, when their "desire" become the "volition to ascend", then everything must "reveal itself" to the human spiritual beings, on the geross material earthly plane, in "Sunshine" (Hsiao Ling) and Joy (Allegro), because effortlessly, they must have to succeed in everything, consequently without no "struggle" nor "profusion", in the context, that their individual path is immediately "smoothed", for their conveniences, and also that, effortlessly "sweet-fruits", shall "drop into their laps", rewarding consequence, from the beginning.

And if it turns out differently, the human spiritual beings would very quickly, "fatigue" and invariably get tired, in their "volition", and "give-up, then "sink" indolently and lazily, recidivistly, into their "old course" or "old habits", if the human spiritual beings have not terribly digressed to even portray "enmity", towards individual personal human spiritual beings, who "endeavour" to "point-out", to them, the rightful path, leading to "free enterprise", and who apparently in their own very opinion, caused them nothing, but disquietude thereby.

Such are the circumstances enclaving masses of these gross material earthly plane, human spiritual beings!

Stupid and indolently lazy, very presumptuous, and very demanding, and even frequently requiring "profits of reward and unsavoury gratitude, whenever the human spiritual beings accept the obvious, and "grants" or "permits" or "accept" to walk the very path offered to them, that guides and leads them out of bondage of the "swamp", consequently in which the human spiritual beings indolently wallow, and finally to become "engufed therein".

But, for those human spiritual beings, who "wish to fight", honestly for themselves, should never forget that, they have "sunk" directly to the "abyss" leverage, right into the "Darkness", where all "Good Volitions" are immediately "antagonized" and "attacked"!

The immediate surroundings of the human spiritual beings, would quickly, "seek" to make their individual claims "felt", if human spiritual beings, actually would dare to "sever" themselves from Darkness.

Albeit, previously no single individual out of the human spiritual beings, "ever bothered", about what their individual "souls within" pernicaciously, and efficaciously possess, no adequate attention was given in cognizant awareness of the impeding perils of Darkness, as to whether it was already, close to the point of starvation and treacherously dying of thirst, no human spiritual being, proved any willingness, in order "to refresh" (Normical essential Worthiness), the masses of the human spiritual beings,.............yet at the same period, or moment, they dare to place, their "foot", right upon the only "True Path", correctively towards their "redemption", then the human spiritual beings, would "suddenly" and "quickly" make themselves "heard", in order to, not to be left behind or rejected.

Then, the human spiritual beings, are conspicuously "very worried", about the "Well-Being", homeostatically, concerning their individual personal "souls within" the human spiritual beings, albeit, on more than just an occassion, the human spiritual beings already "proved" that their "souls within", in conjuction to their gross material earthly existence, were really of "utter" or "absolute indifference" to them!

It is so apparent, that it consequently appear most ridiculously against the norms and nature, as is to be frequently observed, and also evidently depict, that all these "dear" gross material earthly "relatives", or presumably other "acquaintances" are nothing but the "blind" and also the "willing tools" of the Darkness, whose urge, the particular human spiritual beings, tend to "obey", without ever being any "conscious" of their actions.

If and when the human spiritual beings consequently refuse to "listen to these hench-men" of Drakness, they would then, "portray" through their "actions", that "it was not in reality worry" or "concerns" about the human spiritual beings, which ulteriorly "caused" them to expedite such actions, because "real concern for one and another", would definitely "embrace" THE LOVE, for fellow-human spiritual beings and their "environs"!

But, the Living Option Virtuous Existence, LOVE is never "portrayed", when "acts of annoyance", is perpetrated towards the human spiritual beings, with "malicious remarks", and "spiteful speeches", wrongfully diverted twards the human spiritual beings upon the gross material earthly surface plane, and finally, these hench-men of Darkness, antagonistcally seek to "harm" or "hurt" expressly the human spiritual beings, in some way or another!

Conspicuously and evidently quick, "Hatred" (Horrible Attitude Tyrannical Exhorberance) would definitely and also"flare-up", which is what all that is of Darkness norms of nature, intrinsically "harbour", antagonitically against anything, "striving" the LIGHT!

The human spiritual beings should endeavour to observe this, and presently "learn" to "recognize" The Darkness, thereby!

Just, through this, the human spiritual beings, would definitely see that, they have chosen the "correct path"; for the fact that the Darkness, must reveal Itself, in the peculiarity, known only and solely to the nature of Darkness.

The human spiritual beings would easily "learn" to "distinguish" in order to make precise differentiation!

And finally, the "real hatred" of the Darkness, and also of "Darkness" "slaves", is primarily directed "beyond" the human spiritual beings, "towards" HIM, THE SON OF ALMIGHTY GOD, Who "offers" THE WORD, to the human spiritual beings, as The Living Omniscience-Present Virtuous Effulgence of ALMIGHTY GOD, "Justly" for their "redemption"!

Heed to this, because in this very way, the human spiritual beings, would presently immediately "recognize" all and every "henchmen" of "Lucifer", who are "already cast-out", in The Judgment!

The serious human spiritual beings would turn away from these "henchmen of Lucifer", and would no longer attempt to "help them" to "comprehend" THE WORD OF THE SON OF ALMIGHTY GOD, because The WORD, shall no longer be offered to them, (Do not cast your bread to the swines).

Henceforth, they must be "eliminated" compltely from THE WORD OF SON OF GOD, unless ofcourse serious seekers of The TRUTH, offer themselves to "suffer" harm or injury, throigh this very "ill-considered", "all-in-good-intention", "friendly advances"!

The human spiritual beings who are serious seekers of The Truth, "must direct" their "LOVE",..........The Living Option Virtuous Existence, towards THE LIGHT OF ALMIGHTY GOD, and concerning all those human spiritual beings, who are vehemently striving towards THE LIGHT, vigorously through their "pure" and "humble volition, but to the contrary, nothing would be meant for those human spiritual beings who constitute obstacle, and must be consequently "cast-out" of this Creation, because of their detriment and precarious strivings, are consequently of harmful effect to fellow-human spiritual beings, on the gross material plane.

Above everything, "THE CALL", is 'solely directed" towards "WOMAN-HOOD", once more!

Through, Woman-Hood"s more "delicate" "intuitive spiritual perception", they possess the "ability" to "distinguish" with "infallible certainty", what "belongs" to THE LIGHT, and wherever there is still tangible hope for THE LIGHT, and also whatever "irretrievably", connsequently remains "a prey" to the minions of the Darkness, and definitely must "perish with Darkness'.

For this ultimate purpose, however, Woman-Hood "must firstly" be "Purified" by "Itself" and seriously only by "Itself", and consequently, victoriously "emerge as Roses, which have risen from the "swamp", into which, "Woman-Hood" had "frivolously" funnelled or "led" the whole of human spiritual beings massively!

And not only when "vanity", had fallen-off and "done away with", from the distorted norms in the present nature of 'Woman-Hood", could they again, be permitted to 'intuitively spiritually perceive" in "the correct manner and attitude!

Out of all "The Developed Ones", Woman-Hood pendatically had permitted themselves, to be "cajolled" and "seduced" into "relegative" standard norms of values, rather too "willingly", consequently to cascade downwardly, and descend right from that very "Step", which THE CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, had "graciously assigned" to "The Woman-Hood", and invariably "spread contagiously" "RUI-NATION", instead of "the supposed", and "the proposed" BLESSINGS OF ALMIGHTY GOD, and inevitably for Woman-Hood to extraneously distort, whatever is "NOBLE", when in all Truthfulness, Woman-Hood was the one assigned and also meant to "Keep Nobility Upright" through "Passivity....... PATH OF VIRTUES, which consequently 'leads" and "keeps" Man-Hood's "activity" ....... OF UPRIGHT-NOBLE-PATH-WAY, and also "UNDIMMED" and "UNTARNISHED".

Woman-Hood "rent" or "tore" "womanly", "feminine dignity, right down into the dirt and dust!

Every "thought" and every "wish", of human spiritual woman-hood, was consequently "subjugated" to under-go the most base calculation, and all the "innate charm", bestowed upon Woman-Hood, as a 'Gift", by THE CREATOR, in order thereby to "KEEP AWAKE", "STAY AWAKE', the "longing", the "hoping" for "The Beauty Attraction of THE LUMINOUS HEIGHTS, "alive", perpetually pulsating, right within the souls of the human spiritual beings, and also to "set ablaze", or "set aglow", the "urge", to "protect all that is Pure", - "This Charm", which is so "sublime" in Itself and by Itself, was scornfully dragged down, right into the deep mire or maze, by Woman-Hood, on the gross material earthly plane, in order to "sinfully exploit" and promiscuously deploy deception, all just for gross material earthly "goals" or "aims".

Never before had any "creature" of Creation really "sunken", as "deeply" as had Woman-Hood, upon the gross material earthly plane .

The reciprocal action, right within, The POWER OF THE LIGHT, presently "strikes" with "unfettered surging virtuous Prompts", ordinarily reffered to as "Force" (Virtuous Surging-Prompting), directly at every human spiritual Woman-Feminine-Beings, who consequently do not wish to "awaken" for PURE and HIGH DEEDS, which through The GRACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD, "THE CREATOR" invariably at one time, Had Placed right into "The Hands of Woman-Hood", and also "endowed" The Whole of Woman-HOOD, accordingly!

It is WOMAN-hood, the feminice "Woman", Wom THE CREATOR, Once "Chose" to be THE GUARDIAN OF THE FLAME, of "HOLY Longing For The LIGHT, within all The Creations of ALMIGHTY GOD, bestowing Woman-Hood, with the "most delicate" intuitive spiritual perceptive" ability just for this 'purpose"!

WOMAN-HOOD, however manifested into "existence", in order to "absorrb the radiations" of THE LIGHT, without "hindrance", and to "Pass-Them-On", in "the purest way", towards the human spiritual Masculine-Male-Beings, on the gross material earthly plane, and as well as to decisively affect the immediate entropy of particular surroubndings of WOMAN-HOOD.

And just for these reasons, Woman-Hood, tremendously exercises a very fundamental influence, no matter, where the human spiritual Womanly-Feminine-Beings, could be, or may be!

Through the very norms naturallness of Woman-Hood, they have been preparedly "blessed for this"!

And Woman-hood had never used "This GIFTS OF GRACE", for the "oppossing standards and values"!

The "influential Gift" endowed upon Woman-Hood by ALMIGHTY GOD, has been implemented and exercised in "attaining" Egoistic and very frequently, "condemnable means-to-an-ends", instead of uplifting their immediate surroundings, on the gross material earthly plane, and to "Intuitive spiritual perceptively", KEEP THE LONGING, for THE LIGHT, Perpetually Alive, within the "souls" of the human spiritual beings, right during their sojourning and wanderings, through the dense planes, which imperatively had to "present a service-ground", or "Soil" for the purpose of supportive and advance progressive development, deliberated for the maturity of the human spiritual beings towards THE SPIRITUAL HEIGHT!

Thus, Woman-Hood was meant to be a steadying and "supporting influence", to "The Wanderers" and "Soul journeyers", on the gross material earthly plane, "especially" for the task" of "offering" UPLIFTMENT, and Strength, right through their "Very Being", as "Female-Feminine" Woman-Hood, and also to "Keep The Connection" TO THE LIGHT, THE PRIME SOURCE OF ALL LIFE-EXISTENCES, "Open"!

In all this time, If it was their "Wish", Woman-Hood "Could" have "turned" this gross material earthly plane, into "A Paradise", swinging joyously within the Purest WILL (WISDOM iNCORRIGIBLE LIVING LIGHT) OF ALMIGHTY GOD!

WOMAN-HOOD, THE GUARDIAN, OF THE FLAME (Furthering Lake Animistic Movement Exertions), "concerning" and "involving" THE LONGING FOR THE LIGHT, but however, they have "woefully failed", like no creature has ever failed before, because Woman-Hood, was very "breast-equipped" with "Gifts", the very "possession of which, could never, and should never have "permitted" Woman-Hood to "submerge" into Darkness, as the after-math of "failure" and "fall"!

Consequently, Woman-Hood has invariably "dragged-down", "an entire section" of the gross material earthly world, "juxtaposedly" with them, right into the swamp of Darkness!

The way is far and great of the paramount exertion, which still consequently "confronts" that very "Woman-Hood", who "longs" and "desires" to "co-operate" in The Future!

But, without coercion, only again if Woman-Hood, "indeed', and really "wishes" to "co-operate", would "The GRACE", within "The Increased-Strength", "Come to Woman-Hood", consequently into their share!

But Woman-Hood, should not "think" too easy, about this!

The very "High Distinction", presented by "Being permitted", To Become : THE GUARDIAN OF THE FLAME, CONCERNING THE LONGING, FOR THE LIGHT, and dutifully Responsible for the "GOOD UPKEEP", and "STAYING ALIVE", right upon the earthly world of gross matter, absolutely through the "Purity Of Their Delicate" Woman-Feminine "Dignity", which under considerable facts, must be "attained" by "severe exertions", and through perpetual alertness and unswerving faith!

WAKE UP, Woman-Hood of this gross material earthly plane!

Woman-Hood should endeavor in "becoming" LOYAL out of Purity, once again, and to "faithfully" imprint and implore their "thinking faculty", as well as their actions, in order for The Woman-Hood to "Keep" their entire "volition" FIRMLY ANCHORED, In The HOLINESS OF THE WISDOM INCORRIGIBLE LIVING LIGHT OF ALMIGHTY GOD!