PRESENTLY, Once Again, The HOLY GRAIL OF ALMIGHTY GOD, "beckons" and call-up, right before the eye of the human spiritual beings, The picturesque of Primordial Creation, just as the "lectures been delivered so far".

After, PARSIFAL, the human spiritual beings could observe, "The First FOUR" of The Primordial Beings, "Who" Occupy, "The Upper-most", of "THE SEVEN STEPS WITHIN THE PRIMORDIAL SPIRITUALITY":



The Lion,

and Mercury.

Right, upon "The Next Step", THE HOLY GRAIL EXPLAINED About "Three Female" Primordial Beings:




And again, just a little "further distant", right upon "The Third Step or Plane", VASITHA, As "The PROTECTING GATE-KEEPER"!

With this, a revelation within their basic species of three steps or planes of the highest Primordial Creation.

But, right before an extension is furthered about this picture, and rather delve into details, and as a fundamental significance to name, the "Four other steps", because there are seven steps or main sections, within The Primordial Spirituality, which had been designated as PRIMORDIAL CREATION, just as later-on, there are also "seven steps of the parts of the world, within the Material Spheres".

Everywhere, as a "matter of course", the human spiritual beings would find, "The Seven-Division", where The Will of Almighty God Is Working, WHO Also carries the "seven in HIS NAME":


Let us at present, make an entry, right into the "Fourth Step", within Primordial Spirituality Realms!

Wondrous, Infinitely, beneficial Light streams through this "glorious plane", which like an immense "crystal-clear-sea", extends into shimmering distances.

Out of this, "Flowing", "Weaving", there arises, like an "Island", A LUMINOUS PLACE, Abounding in the most "Exquisite Roses".

Grateful Jubilation pervades the "terraces", which, as they rise-up to the radiant hill, in ineffable Beauty, and offer a perfect "wealth of color, compelling the "most fastidious gaze", to admiring worship.

The colors swing in the most "glorious splendor", "radiating blessing" and "forming the delightful gardens", right into the "source of all hope" and "All Life-Existence".

Here and there, right upon this surface realm, innumerable "rosy children", play happily, and "much-blest", matured women, move about "Joyfully"!

But these are really not perchance, the spirits, which later-on, incarnate within the Creations.

They are the "starting points" of "Radiations" which, within the special norms and nature of "The Isle of Roses, consequently influence an effect right upon the human woman beings of Creation, as a help for their individual development, during all their "sojourning" (Soul Journey), right through the entire Material Worlds.

The Children of the Isle of Roses consequently influence an effect upon human children beings, in accordance to size and norms of nature, even according to "color", and "Grown-Ups" also effect an influence upon "Grown-Ups", whose "Forms" resemble them, in regards to the state of the "maturing" spirit within the human spiritual beings.

The sizes of the "Bodies", right upon "Isle of Roses", are therefore a "counterpart" of each particular and "differing" state of "maturity" also of those human spiritual beings, who, out rightly during their individual sojourning, through the Material Worlds, are gradually able to develop from "Germs", right into being permitted complete perfect consciousness.

Thus, everything also exists within "The Primordial Spiritual", right upon "The Isle of Roses", which is later-on repeated as a replicate, right within "Spiritual Realms" and Material Worlds, precisely like an image or "Alike Replica Imitations".

In all reality, this happen to be a "Lawful Repetition", in all parts of "The World, concerning everything, that has already "taken place", right within the "Primordial Spiritual", just for the fact that, it can never be otherwise, with the "simplicity" and "clarity" of "The Divine Laws", both of which remain incomprehensible to the human spiritual beings.

Thus, everything which had already "occurred" within "The Primordial Spiritual" is then consequently and precisely, like a "replica", inevitably "repeated", right within "The Spiritual Realms".

Also right within "The Primordial Spiritual Realms", everything which could neither "form itself", immediately right into "Ego-Consciousness", nor "maintain itself", under the "enormous pressure", of, and within, such close proximity and nearness to, "The Unsubstantiate Core", consequently "moved out" of "The Upper-most Part" of "The Primordial Creation", consequently "Passing", by and through "Vasitha", right into a vast "greater distance", into a "next plane", in order to "maintain itself" (stabilize), right within the "greater cooling-off", and invariably thereby achieve "Self-Consciousness".

This also includes "Germs" of "The Primordial Spiritual", which already "Develop" right into "Consciousness", within "The Forth Step" of "the cooling-off", as here upon "The Isle of Roses".

When, it is spoken about "Steps of Creation" or "Planes", these are inference of "Steps of Cooling-off", because nothing else, allows and lets "Steps" manifest into existence; they may also be called, "The Steps of Distance", instead of "Steps of Cooling-Off", thus in reality, they are also "Steps" or "Gradations", according to gross material earthly conceptions.

Therefore, as the descent comes right from above, "Children" would be found, and "Development" upon The Isle of Roses, for the very "first time", right within "The Primordial Spiritual".

This is significant for the human spiritual beings to understand, because it signifies "A great division of Creation".

Thus, right within the "Upper Steps" of "The Primordial Spiritual", there are, first of all, those who are able "Immediately To Be Conscious" of Themselves, i.e., the strongest and therefore the most powerful ones, "The Pillars".

Then, right upon more distant steps, trail along, those who are still able to "Develop", within "The Primordial Spiritual".

Therefore, inevitably for the very first time, "The Primordial Spiritual Children" would be found within this vicinity there.

Right, In the next "great division of Creation", the Spiritual, which is somewhat, "Weaker" than "The Primordial Spiritual", just for the fact that, "The Spiritual" can only manifest and become "Self-Conscious", at an even "greater distance" from "The Unsubstantiate Core" of PARSIFAL, the "process" is "replicated" and "repeated" in precisely, exact similar mannerism, just as it was within "Primordial Creation".

First, the "strongest parts" of "The Spiritual", also manifest and become "Self-Conscious", most "immediately", while the "other remnant parts", must still be "pushed" a "further distance away", in order to "mature" over there, consequently into "Self-Consciousness", through and within a "Slow Development".

Right down there also, commencing only with the "Steps of Spirit-Germs", inevitably concerned with this, "manifest" the "Spirit-Children" into existence, who may "develop", right into "greater spiritual maturity", or who "remain" children; because "the spirit-germs", which do not "grow" to "full maturity", i.e., to a spiritual adulthood, are invariably not "destroyed", also not "cast out", just as long as they remain "Pure"!

This is a point which have not been mentioned to the human spiritual beings, till this moment.

Spiritually, they would inevitably "remain" Children, and as such "Radiate" to gross material earthly human spiritual children beings, until finally, they gradually "mature", after all, and manifest to become "Grown-Ups".

Whatever is "Pure" can never "fall" into "disintegration".

There is another point to be made about this very occurrence over-here.

The Primordial Spiritual within this Creation, is not perhaps, "the stronger part", and The Spiritual, "the weaker part", of precise exact similar species, but The Spiritual is just a "Completely Different Species", from The Primordial Spiritual.

They are completely different to each other.

Both "Species", right within themselves, have "a stronger part" and also "a weaker part".

It is out rightly "true", that The Spiritual is consequent "precipitation", from The Primordial Spiritual, but only because it is of a different norms and nature, which can therefore "sever itself" and only in fact, to manifest in such a "form", at a "greater distance from The Unsubstantiate Light-Core of PARSIFAL.

If they were of the "same species", then The Primordial Spiritual, would definitely not have "passed" this "same species", to "further on", but on the contrary, The Primordial Spiritual would have held it fast and bound, through the "Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species", albeit, as a result, it would not have been able to manifest and become "conscious" and consequently "form itself" thereby.

The further, the explanations flow, the more apart, the structure of Creation is drawn.

Thereby, numerous pictographs, which the human spiritual beings have duly formed in the past, "changes" for them, but it is merely divided into ever, "more and more pictographs", without the actual basic pictograph, needing to be in anyway "disarranged".

It is the same, when a journey is been described.

If only, the main "experiences" are first of all "strung together" and described, it would quite appear most differently, than the "pictograph", where all the "intermediate experiences", each standing on it's own, are gradually added, albeit the "journey" meanwhile as such remain "unchanged". -

But right now, the focus is returned, once more to The Isle of Roses!

Right upon "The Summit" of The Isle, "a Glorious Temple" Radiates within "Roseate Hue".

Peace descends right into "the hearts" of whosoever "beholds it", it is breath-taking with elixir burst of fulfilling given happiness to the beholder.

And with this "Peace", and with "the melodious sounding" of "the colors", there "blends", the "jubilant singing" of "friendly birds", which invariably "scintillate", most "brilliantly" with "every movement", just as if "studded with Diamonds", thus "enhancing" the splendor around them.

The human spiritual beings" expression of "blissfulness" is much "too weak" to compress the "Light-Rapture", which is "prevailing" here, in The Isle of Roses, even if only approximately into "a form", that can possibly become understandable to "the spirit within", the human spiritual beings, upon the gross material earthly plane surface.

And over all this "Lay A Sacred Sublimity"!

Red Roses, just like "Chalices of Ruby", are right within "full blossom" and also "bloom" right around The Temple!


The "Anchorage" of The Luminous Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence, LOVE OF ALMIGHTY GOD, "for Creation"!

Right upon this "Isle of Roses", there "works and weaves" the "fundamental" up-building of "The Healing", "Uniting", "Reconciling Love", which invariably "radiates" right from The Isle of Roses, out into The Universe!

The Isle of The Roses "Stands" right under "the protection" of The PRIMORDIAL QUEEN ELIZABETH, as does everything that is "womanly', right within the "whole of Creation".

UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE PRIMORDIAL QUEEN ELIZABETH, MARIA Frequently "inclines to this Isle of Roses" (ROSEATE ORDINANCE SPIRITUAL EFFULGENT SUBSTANTIATE), visiting The Temple, in order to dissipate "ever-fresh" and "ever-new", direct "strength" to all those serving upon The Isle of Roses, who would also then "transform", "mitigate", and "mediate" this "given strength", into their sort or kind, and invariably send it also out, as "Help", for all "creatures".

At times, "The Gaze" of those serving upon The Isle of Roses, "opens" even further, and they come to "behold" PARSIFAL, WITHIN THE HOLY CASTLE, receiving directly of PARSIFAL"S POWER, as a "sacred fulfillment" of "blessed promises".

At the very same height, right within this Plane, a "Second Island" strives upwards, Out of The Weaving of The LIGHT!


Just as with THE ROSES, right within their "glowing splendor", upon The Isle of Roses, so also right here, only "LILIES", predominate, "Radiating" within "Unutterable Purity", over "vast distances".

Over here, also, "Terraces Rise To The Summit", upon which "stands" A Temple.

Right within this Temple, there is a "wonderful radiance" which resembles "the delicate luster of Pearls", but "gleaming" right at the same time, with a "Rosy Hue" and settling upon this "Isle of Lilies", with a keen "severity", just as the "soothing coolness of the sea".

Whosoever is permitted to behold this "Temple", would always be "forced" to "devout humbleness" by the "sight of it, because this "Temple" shines down with a very "sharp and demanding severity"; with The Coolness of THE LIGHT, the proud "Calm of Purity", sinks down and "penetrates" the "Spirits", refreshing and strengthening them and also pulling them up, right into "Liberating Worship Of Divine Sublimity".

Right here also, upon The Isle of Lilies, everything manifested and came into existence, with a "beauty", that is beyond human spiritual beings" conception; because over here, upon The Isle of Lilies, also "wondrous melodies swing", ascending straight to THE CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, as a "Living Prayer of Gratitude", with "sounds", eternally in The Honor of Almighty God!

Right here to, upon The Isle of Lilies, THE PRIMORDIAL QUEEN ELIZABETH "Reigns Supreme", and right under Her "Protection", IRMINGARD, "THE PURE LILY", Inclines at very definite times, right into this "Isle of Lilies" (LIGHT INTRINSIC LAWFUL INSIDIOUS EXECUTIVE SPIRITS), in order to "Renew The Power of Purity", for all those, who "serve" upon this Isle of Lilies, which they would "transform" and "send out" to "refresh" and also "uplift" all creatures.

The "inhabitants" of The Isle of Lilies, just like those of The Isle of Roses, "belong" exclusively to "womanhood".

Among them, all "statures" are duly represented!

Right here also, upon The Isle of Lilies, just only all that, which is "up-building", and right within THE WISDOM INCORRIGIBLE LIVING LIGHT, "THE WILL" OF ALMIGHTY GOD, "Dominates", just as also upon The Isle of Roses, but the "up-building" is of a "different kinds", right upon The Isle of Lilies - it is within "Purity and Justice" in "demanding", "strictly exciting", "unrelenting"!

It is equally similarly same upon The Isle of Lilies, just as it is upon The Isle of Roses, where "the serving ones", are able to "behold" and see PARSIFAL, at times, and "receive" of PARSIFAL"S POWER.

And definitely, there is a "Third Island", which "Rises" out of The same Plane of The Light, of The Fourth Step, right within The Primordial Spiritual!


It "stands" just a "little further", downwards between The Isle of Roses and The Isle of Lilies.

This Isle of Swans "bears" delicious "fruits", which is "enjoyed" by "The Swan Maidens", inhabiting there.

Right here, upon The Isle of Swans, "the radiations", from The Isle of Roses and The Isle of Lilies, invariably "concentrate" and, right within "exemplary serving", these "radiations" are inevitably being "passed on" unchanged for The Creations.

Therefore, The Isle Of Swans could also be called, "The Island", or "The Main Junction of Exemplary Serving", of "Selfless Serving".

Right here, upon The Isle of Swans, "The Serving", right within The Purest "Luminous Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence", LOVE, is "spread" and "uplifted", which is transformed into a "Living Option Virtuous Existence, for all creatures.

The "inhabitants" of The Isle of Swans are not "Spirits" but "Executive Beings", which possess a "uniting effect" between the "radiations" of The Isle of Roses and those of The Isle of Lilies.

In accordance with their "graceful norms of nature", these "Entities" Swing most "blissfully", right within the direct radiations, of The Isle of Roses and The Isle of Lilies, and with their "inherent characteristics" of "exemplary serving", right within "Purest Love", they "closely unite", "the radiations" of LOVE and PURITY, invariably "passing them on", linked together, which is "True", but definitely "unchanged".



This "Responsibility", gives "increased strength" to SWANHILD, and "an enhanced" existence!

Just like "The Swan Maidens", SHE, SWANHILD "Wears" a "Flowing Gown", which is very similar to "the plumage of Swans", clings "most brightly" to the body, that, within it's "Harmony", surpasses the "divining" of all gross material earthly, human spiritual artistic beings.

The "peculiarity" of The Swan Maiden, is that, they "possess" only "Blue Eyes", and also as an "Head Ornament", they wear, "A Star of Lustrous Blue".

The Swan Maidens distinguish themselves, most especially, by their "wonderful, moving singing", and they "swing" right within the "Harmony of The Tones, which right from here, upon The Isle of Swans, inevitably "streams downwards", into all parts of Creation.

The "Worship" of The Swan Maidens, is manifested in "The Temple of The Swans", through their "enchanting singing", which is "softly" penetrated by the magnificent sound of The Harp.

On this account, "The Harmony" of "The Tones", invariably "Forms A Part", of "The Elixir of Life", for each Swan Maiden, right upon The Isle of Swans.

She "revives" therein, "swings joyously", within "The Waves of Pure Tones" and also "absorbs" them "inwardly", just as an "Elixir of Life", which gives her "Joyful Activity".

Tidings of this especially "moving singing" of The Swan Maidens, has already "reached" The Material Worlds or Spheres.

Just for this very reason, it is been spoken elaborately, here and there of "A Swan's Song", which right within it's "special norms and nature", is supposed t have a "shaking effect".

And just as always, "only a very part" of "the old revelations", have invariably "preserved" also in this, and through "the intellect", it has been "distorted" and made gross materially earthly.

Currently, numerous of the human spiritual beings, would probably understand why, at the time of the "most sacred fulfillments", right upon the gross material earthly plane, when "The Rose" and "The Lily" Work Upon Gross Material Earth, There Is Also A Swan Maiden, from The Isle of Swans, "needed" and "necessary", as a "connection", in "a physical body", inevitably "prepared" for this purpose, in order not t "leave a Gap", right within "The Swinging".

ALMIGHTY GOD"S MERCY IS GREAT, THAT ALMIGHTY GOD, ALLOWS Wonders upon Wonders to arise, in order that, the "Help" for the human spiritual beings, in "The Millennium" may be absolutely "completed"!

The human spiritual beings should "bow down" in profound "Humility", right before ALMIGHTY GOD"S GREAT GOODNESS!