Conscientious Consciousness.


It was imminent for the coming of the Son of Almighty GOD, Jesus Christ, because of the way mankind lived their lives upon the heavy gross matter, after the kingdom of Rome was established into a Republic in 500.b.c., to 116.a.d., with its old religion and philosophy.

Julius Caesar, was assassinated also in 44.b.c., leaving gaps for many different "cults", as the "Great Mother", "Dionysus", "Isis of Egypt", "Mithra of Persia", "Baal of Syria", and "Yahweh of Palestine.

The Roman Republic had the "Religion", "philosophy", "Science", and "psychology".

The neo - platonism, was made up of the Roman philosophy the "platonism of GOD, as "The Supreme Being and an "Absolute Unity", and "Indescribable".

He is best referred to as "The ONE", "Eternal and Infinite", "The Creator", and "His Creation" as a "Continuous Outflow", from "The ONE".

The first "outflow" is called "Nous", a "Divine Intelligence", or a "Divine Mind", (Memory Interpreter Norm-Natural Disciplines), referred to as "Logos", psychological or psyche.

The World of Soul is projected from "Nous" into time.

Psyche emanates from the world of space, matter, senses.

Spirituality involves the movement of the senses to the contemplation of mankind's own soul.

The world of soul and Divine Intelligence are seen as an "upward flow" towards "The ONE".

Earlier cults, as "mithraism" came from Zarahustra, which focuses upon ahura mazda (the Light), the good against Ahriman, the evil.

Also goes on to suggest that Mithra is the human form, who was incarnated and also born of a virgin called the "mother of god", which is the Light of the world.

This is very identical to the prophesy of Jesus Christ, who was born around 6.b.c., in Bethlehem in Judea, who came solely into the world of heavy gross matter because of the downfall of all the so called earlier religion, philosophy, psychology and the science because they all were leading mankind away from the "truth" and the recognition of the Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD, The Father, these only became apparent through the Holy Grail Message, later on because Jesus Christ was long gone, crucified, which abruptly terminated His Mission, so He could not give all He Had planned to teach mankind the Religion of Love as He is the Life Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence of Almighty GOD.

It was a significant necessity for Jesus Christ to descend into the world of gross matter, from the Luminous Heights, because of the erroneous religion, philosophy, science and psychology believed to have been passed down to mankind within the world of heavy gross matter, due to the foundation built upon the wrong principle of Lucifer, made most of these philosophy, psychology, science and religion distorted and most wrongfully practiced by their faithful adherents, who were not having any guilt when it comes to the "conscience", the "conceivable part of science", since the con-science is a continuous and the continuity , ethereally of the science, enclosed within the world of heavy gross matter, which invariably binds all the elements of science together straight into the "continuum state" of the "conceived science", which amounts to the "ConScience".

The conscience holds the vital key to the prior knowledge of science, which in reality comes after the conscience had already conceived it, where the idea had already taken place, preceding the culmination of the knowledge of the "physical science", which idea had earlier been generated and originated.

Thus, the ConScience comes before the physical science could occur and which in continuity utilizes the "physics of the elements" for the daily world of heavy gross matter, earthly execution undertaken.

The wrong usage of the physical elements would be due to wrong thoughts of the conscience, would bring up a guilt and would jeopardize the harmony of the consciousness.

A guilt in the ConScience occurs always whenever the harmony breaks within the Science, which permits the wrongful application of the principle to compromise the lawfulness of the elements involved, which would jeopardize and undermine the good health and welfare of the rest of the elements,. which would then make them a victim of "bad science", "bad philosophy", "bad religion", and "bad psychology.

The ConScience of mankind stand firmly in the soul of mankind and originally precedes any concept the idea conceiving the binding together of the knowledge of the visible physics of science.

In adopting to the wrong principle of Lucifer, this would enumerate the ConScience to perceive no guilt nor remorse of having done anything wrong, to the contrary of the Law of Creation. The ConScience conceives the concept or idea of the Science prior to their visible physical attributes to the elements of these physical Science.

It was imminent to the concept conceiving area of science could not recognize the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD, which makes it spiritual to possess a firm and clear ConScience.

The guilt of the ConScience would not always comply with the objectivity of the wrong principle applied, and attempt to set things right in view of the repercussions in sight, and the consequences involved, with wrong Science.

But a "non-guilty" ConScience would invariably not have remorse to contemplate the usage of the wrong principle of application towards Science, without having no consideration for the detriment of the wrong Science, and push back all the guilty feelings, without no ConScience of good to back it up, in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The ConScience of mankind is the gradient measure of the "Consciousness", attained and available within the spirit of mankind upon the heavy world of gross matter.

That is the main reason why, the "unconsciousness" of mankind had to be "enlightened" into "consciousness" through the "ConScience" of mankind in collaboration with the spirit of mankind, because the ConScience is right within the soul of mankind, by the Science, because that is visible and physically available upon the world of heavy gross material plain earth at the lowest physical pressure of them all, the densest, and the slowest of the pressures.

The ConScience being a product of the soul of mankind, maintains its sustenance through the consciousness and the awareness of the "OmniScience", within the "Omnipotence", and the "Omnipresence" of Almighty GOD, The Creator.

The ConScience is the Luminous Awareness in a conscious nature in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Light of Almighty GOD.

Consciousness is the Recognition of the Worship of Almighty GOD, "measured out" in of, and retained, sustained and maintained by the piousness and the true devotion of the spirit of mankind towards the true worship of Almighty GOD.

ConScience emenates through the Light of Almighty GOD, sent out from the beginning, when He sent His Light into the distant void, and He Said:- "Let There Be Light"!, through His Words (Weaving Ordinance Resonant Dispensation), and "There Was Light", which directly lit up the distant void of clustering first primordial living spirit, at the boundary of the Divine Substantiality, they were entangle into clusters, demanding to be part of it and needed warmth of the immediate consciousness of the Light Ray of Almighty GOD.

These primordial beings, demanding, came into immediate conscious nest of Almighty GOD.

They were the very first conscious spiritual ConScience, disentangled itself from the clusters, in order to serve The Light, coming into the true recognition of The Worship of Almighty GOD, and also in awareness of the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

Consciousness is the state of the ConScience being utterly convinced of the "Omniscience" of the Light of Almighty GOD.

Consciousness is the state of the nearness of the spirit towards the Light of GOD Almighty.

The ConScience is the absolute and relative value of the conscious nature of the spiritual gravity, in the Light of the existence given by the Life of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation.

Conscious deals out and gives out in ConScience, to the recognition of the truth, in profound worship of Almighty GOD, as the Creator, in accordance with His Will and His Law of Creation, having in regards to the harmony of the whole Creation.

The consciousness emanates from a ConScience without no blemish and without wrong principle of Lucifer.

The ConScience signifies of a consciousness attuned only to the Light of GOD Almighty, in enlightenment and intelligence to the Law of Creation and the consequences therein.

Consciousness involves certain element of the ConScience to "conscientious" about "spirituality" and the truth in the essence of the Worship of Almighty GOD, upon the heavy gross matter.

Conscientiousness is the ability to be fully "conscious" and be very alert in awareness of directing the ConScience, which emanates from the direct "stream" of the Omniscience, Light of Almighty GOD, The Father.

Consciousness also involves the activity of the ConScience, to be fully spiritually "conscientious" of the Law of Creation, and the Will of GOD Almighty, through the recognition of the Worship of Almighty GOD.

The ConScience stands spiritually conscientious when it is alive and vibrant not when it it dormant and inactive, then it becomes dull and dead to recognize the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD, through the true Worship of Almighty GOD.

Only consciousness spiritually augments the ConScience to be conscientious enough in order for consciousness be devoid of all wrong principle and engage upon the harmony with the whole, derived from the Worship of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation.

The state of the mind (Memory Interpreter Norms-Natural Disciplines) of mankind that is not "conscientious', would not be spiritually reliable, within the ConScience as a form of "unconsciousness.

Thus, the "unconscious" state of existence of mankind is not having conscientiousness within its ConScience, the constant conscious state of the recognition of the Law within Creation, and its attributes and consequences with regards to the Worship of GOD Almighty, and His Will in accordance to the Law of Creation.

The unconscious nature of mankind would not have preference nor harbor the seriousness in severity, to be fully in awareness of its ConScience, in order to be conscientious of the Omniscience, the Omnipresence, and the Omnipotence of the Will of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the truth in the Worship of Almighty GOD, and in accordance also the Law of Creation, which demands at all times, an absolute reverence and obedience to the Will of Almighty GOD.

Unconsciousness is not conscientious within the scope of the ConScience, which is not active in the recognition of the Law of Creation, in order to be able to swing along within, but instead dormant and unaware of the Law of Creation and its consequences and attributes, for adherence and harmony of the Whole.

In the view of the fact that the non conscientious state of the unconscious nature of the ConScience of mankind is right inside the physical body of mankind, the mind had to drop down a little bit away from the pressure of the constant consciousness, in order to find a compatible level for enlightenment and education (Head Do Creation), and mankind to be nurtured conscientiously in the ConScience towards constant consciousness, so as to be able to recognize the true Worship of Almighty GOD, and His Will in accordance to the Law of Creation.

The unconscious state of mankind upon the heavy gross matter could not maintain, sustain nor retain a conscientious state of its ConScience towards the spiritual Realms, that is focus its ConScience towards paradise.

The spirit of mankind was not conscientious of its ConScience, upon the heavy gross matter, and was in a state of unconsciousness, and unaware of the consequences of its deeds and actions, and also its words and thoughts within Creation.

Mankind had non conscientious ConScience that was to abide by the conforming Laws of Science and the Law of Creation, in order to stand firm and swing in harmony with the whole Creation, in order at last obtain the long awaited consciousness and be conscientious within its ConScience towards the true Worship of Almighty GOD, and the Law of Creation.

In the Spiritual Realm, the "unconscious part" of the Spiritual had to drop away from the direct pressure of the Rays of The Light of Almighty GOD, right into the "Subsequent Creation", which is with a "lesser pressure", in order for the unconscious part to become enlightened, so as to uplift their unconscious spirit to become conscientious within the ConScience, in order to be able to learn inwardly about the worship of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation, which also stands as a paramount key to knowledge and wisdom of becoming conscious spirit, in accordance to the Law of Creation.

The unconscious, non conscientious ConScience of the spirit of mankind, inevitably had to "severe" itself from the Spiritual Realm, because of the pressure and they dropped voluntarily into a lower pressure environment of the Subsequent Creation, in the world of heavy gross matter, mainly due to their unconscious state of their non conscientious ConScience, in order to absorb and learn through experiencing knowledge and wisdom to fashion them towards a conscious conscientious ConScience, which would uplift mankind back into the Luminous Height in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The unconsciousness of mankind involves a state of "spiritual non - responsibility", to be non conscientious of its ConScience, in conformity with the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD, through the true worship of Almighty GOD, and the recognition of the consequences therein.

The non conscientious ConScience of mankind was "ejected" most voluntarily out of the Realms of Spirituality, which is with a higher pressure of the direct Light Rays of Almighty GOD, in order to obtain knowledge, spiritually in awareness and to become fully conscious of the Will of Almighty GOD, in recognition of the truth in true worship to Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation, with responsibility to its consequences.

The conscious conscientious ConScience of mankind was devoid of "spirituality" and a consciousness of a conscientious state of the ConScience, which made a necessity to descend and drop down into lower level, into a region where the spirit of mankind could be able to possess a medium and the mediation of the soul of mankind, in order to become "thoughtful" within the "hearth" of the "world of soul", in order to later on be able to "transmit" these "thoughts" into "experiences", which would then give the spirit of mankind the much "required" and needed knowledge, for accomplishment of a "Conscientious state of a Conscious ConScience of Spirituality.

Intelligence is the significant key for the accomplishment of a Conscientious Conscious ConScience, which could only an upward swing and flow into the Luminousness of a Conscious conscientious state of a luminous enlightened ConScience of the Soul of mankind.

Eventuality of the unconscious non conscientious ConScience involves the dropping down into the world of soul, to the contemplation of the senses for experience in order to obtain living evidence of the knowledge and also accumulate wisdom so as to accomplish towards the conscious state of the conscientious ConScience of the soul of mankind, that is fully and solely responsible for their "volition and desire", in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The unconscious non conscientious ConScience state of the spirit of mankind led to their ejection out of the direct Rays of the Light Stream of GOD Almighty, down into a lower density of the world of heavy gross matter, where the soul of mankind could be a "medium", who is subject to thoughts out of the hearth of its thoughts, in order to have the margin enough for contemplation before deeds or action is taken, for adjustment to be conscientious of their ConScience most spiritually in order to gain knowledge through experiencing to become fully conscious of their existence spiritually in accordance to the Laws of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.


Consciousness occurred immediately for the Primordial Spiritual Beings in the Primordial Spirituality Substantiality, but did not occur instantaneously for the spiritual part of mankind, because it is to be an automatic immediate occurrence that would happen only when the consciousness is fully conscientious to the worship of Almighty GOD, in the ConScience.

Immediate consciousness of a conscientious state of the ConScience which recognizes immediately the significance of the worship of Almighty GOD did not occur with the spirit of mankind, so they had to descend down to the world of heavy gross matter for development that would derive them a conscientious conscious state of their ConScience, in order to be responsible and obedient to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD, because the unconsciousness of non conscientious state of the ConScience of the spirituality of mankind could not come to "immediate Consciousness", which entails when that species could only recognize in existence the truth in the worship of Almighty GOD.

The desire and the volition must be to serve in absolute worship to Almighty GOD, and this is the content nature of the conscious conscientious state of a ConScience which nothing else but the true recognition of the worship of GOD Almighty, with absolute reverence and obedience to the Law of Creation and also in perpetual responsibility to the Light and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The spirituality of mankind could not come to the immediate consciousness in the Luminous Heights, The Spiritual Substantiality, in accordance to the true worship of Almighty GOD and the Law of Creation, so it was it was inevitable for that species be ejected out of the spiritual realms voluntarily, in order to proceed further within the subsequent creation, away from the direct Light Ray of GOD Almighty, so as to obtain knowledge and develop with the desire and the volition, the recognition and the true worship of Almighty GOD, in serving and in accordance to His Will and the Law of Creation.

Subsequent Creation became the venue of the spiritual development of the spirit of mankind, they descended into the world of matter, both ethereal matter and the heavy gross matter, in order to obtain necessary knowledge and wisdom which would prompt the spirit of mankind into a conscientious state of a conscious ConScience, in accordance to the serving and recognition of the worship of Almighty GOD, out of their desire and their volition.

The Continuous Outflow of The Light Stream of Almighty GOD, made it impossible for the "connection" to be broken between the Spiritually Responsible Conscious Conscientious ConScience and the Spiritually Non Responsible Unconscious Non Conscientious ConScience, ,later had to be ejected unto the lower level of the pressure, away from the direct pressure of the Light Rays of Almighty GOD, into the pressure of the subsequent creation, the world of matter, in order to have enough time for action and in order to develop their psychic to be spiritually conscientious of their ConScience towards conscious responsibility of the Light and the true recognition, both in serving and worship of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation.

When the spirit of mankind was within the Spiritual Realms (Paradise), they were in a state of "non responsibility", within the unconsciousness of a non conscientious state of a ConScience, and thereby could not be "Conscious" of their existence.

The world of matter in the subsequent creation became the field of development for the spirit of mankind, in order to become a conscious conscientious ConScience, that weaves in harmony with the Law of Creation spiritually, as their

"responsibility" towards the Law of Creation and also to be in gratitude for their existence, as in absolute profound serving and worship of Almighty GOD, and also in obedience to His Will and the Laws within Creation.

The two worlds of matter are situated in the subsequent creation and are the ethereal world of the soul matter of mankind and the heavy gross world of physical matter of mankind.

Both worlds have been developed as the field of learning for the spiritual conscious conscientious ConScience of mankind.

The expected development into voluntary conscious conscientious ConScience embarked upon by the spirit of mankind, could only take place within the worlds of matter, both ethereal matter and the heavy gross matter.

This development would involve the spirituality of mankind to be able to perceive intuitively as to be able to animate in righteous circulation of the elements available for setting the senses in motion to an upward motivation, towards the Light of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

Five elements of fire, water, air, earth, and the soul of animals (which the spirit of mankind is making use of), combine together within the worlds of matter, in order to facilitate the development of the spirit of mankind, in attribute of contribution, towards conscious conscientious ConScience of the spirit of mankind, in responsible recognition of the Will of Almighty GOD and the Law of Creation.

The ethereal part of the world of matter is the situated location of the soul and the heavy gross matter is the location of the physical part of the world of matter, where the physical body is involved with the application of the senses and the sensory organs, in a circulatory motion effect to allow the soul the space of time needed to accomplish development, personally in animation into conscious conscientious ConScience for the maturity of the spirit of mankind, into a profound state of true serving and worship of Almighty GOD, in accordance to the Law of Creation.

The Psyche emanates from the world of space, time, and senses, (the heavy gross matter).

The world of soul occupies the world of ethereal matter as a medium between the spiritual of mankind and the physical body of mankind, in order for the spirit of mankind to be able to resolve itself into maturity of a responsible conscious conscientious ConScience, through the medium of the soul of mankind, which situates in the ethereal world of matter "linking" to the "Deeds" of the physical body of mankind, that is "Still Alive", upon the heavy gross matter.

The physical body of mankind is a "deed" body but "still alive", due to the stagnation in this part of the heavy gross matter and the physical body of mankind is also "lifeless".

It is sustained through the circulation of the blood and the animation of the soul of mankind, situated in the world of ethereal matter, held by the intuitive perception of the spirituality of mankind, right within the core of the soul of mankind.

The animation occurs within the soul of mankind, in order to circulate the blood, with the motivation of the senses into psychic abilities towards a state of spiritual conscious conscientious ConScience with a righteous mind of a physical healthy body of mankind.

The "deeds", are physically evidenced within the periscope of the knowledge and the experiences encountered through the soul of mankind, by the spirit of mankind, within the heavy gross matter, also to monitor simultaneously every significant thought of the soul of mankind, within the boundary of the ethereal world of matter.

Simultaneously it occurs within the spirituality of mankind, the deeds, the words, and the thoughts, which are registered at the same time for the spirituality of mankind, in order to be able to knowledgeably experience these encounters right within the world of heavy gross matter, in form of wisdom, knowledge, and experiences, for adequate maturity into conscious conscientious ConScience, in accordance to the Will of Almighty GOD and the Law of Creation.

The deed is also the action performed within the "Science" of the world of heavy gross matter, where "elements" are "animated" and "innovated" to facilitate the experiencing of the spirit of mankind, required by the spirituality of mankind through the soul, which is situated within the world of ethereal matter, making use of "thought forms" of a "medium" link between the spirituality of mankind and the "Deed Physical Body" of mankind, which is "Still Alive".

The soul of mankind stand simultaneously within the world of ethereal matter, as a "medium link", in order to continue the flow of transmission of knowledge and wisdom and also the experiences derived within the world of heavy gross matter by the "Deed Physical Body" of mankind still alive, and back and forth to the spiritual of mankind, so as for it to mature into a conscious conscientious ConScience, the one which is fully aware of Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

Consciousness remain connected to the conscientiousness of the responsibility, through the ConScience of the soul of mankind, within the world of ethereal matter and also lowering down to the "scientiousness level", with awareness to the knowledge and wisdom of science by the senses of mankind and animated by the soul, for the deed physical body still alive to embrace, employ or execute, within the world of heavy gross matter, simultaneously connective to the spirituality of mankind and situated within the "core" of the soul of mankind, in the ethereal world of matter.

Scientiousness leads to the adequate experiencing of knowledge and wisdom of the physics of science, also the true awareness of the Law of Creation through the "Sciences".

This directly calls for the knowledge and wisdom derived through the conscious conscientiousness of their ConScience, where all the concepts and the ideas of the visible science comes from in the first place, prior to also becoming evidenced (heavy dense) as a physical experiencing and knowledge, within the world of heavy gross matter, as a living "proof" of the heavy density of the science conceived within the proximity of the conscious conscientious ConScience, which through adequate maturity of its conscientiousness would lead to the full awareness of the consciousness of the spirituality of mankind, through also their senses, upon the heavy gross matter.

Density permits the curvature between time and space, within the world of heavy gross matter to allow "slower movement", in order for the deeds, the words and the thought to be coordinated before an action is executed, giving mankind enough time to make adjustment before acting upon the concept or the idea, in order also for making amendments when necessary.

But, right in the ethereal world of matter, thoughts become deeds, and there is little or no time then to make adjustments and amendments.

The world of heavy gross matter is the denser of the two worlds of matter, but both are rather identical to each other.

In the plains of the ethereal world of matter, the soul of mankind is the medium, for the spirituality of mankind to rely upon, in order to gain knowledge and wisdom, through the experiencing towards upliftment and maturity into a conscientiousness of the ConScience, the one adequate for consciousness of existential responsibility towards the Light and the Will of Almighty GOD, through the recognition of the true worship of Almighty GOD and the knowledge of the Law of Creation with its consequences.

It is very important and most significant for the spirituality of mankind to be coherent and articulate, with the concentration fully focused upon the conscious conscientiousness of their ConScience into an absolute nature of a conscious state of the spirituality of mankind, which is a complete and comprehensive awareness of its responsibility in existence, in accordance to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

The unconscious non conscientious, non responsibility ConScience of the spirituality of mankind led to their ejection out of the Luminous Heights (Paradise), the Realms of the Spirituality of mankind, in order to descend into a lower vicinity, where there is lesser pressure of the direct Light Stream of Almighty GOD, dropped down into an area, where they could learn most voluntarily to absorb and experience existential knowledge and wisdom of Creation and its Law, in accordance to the Will of Almighty GOD, in order for the spirituality of mankind upon the heavy gross matter to become conscious conscientious ConScience, with the maturity and absolute awareness of the recognition of the worship of Almighty GOD, and the Law of Creation.

The Psyche emanates from the world of heavy gross matter of time, space and senses, which is the other part of the two identical worlds of matter.

The other part being, the ethereal world of matter of the soul of mankind.

Both worlds stand within the magnitude of their constituencies, and both possess with difference in constituencies, Plasma, Gases, Liquid and Solid.

The spirituality of mankind descended into the worlds of matter, from the spiritual realm (paradise), voluntarily in order to mature into a conscious conscientiousness of a ConScience, which will be mindful to the awareness of the Will of Almighty GOD and the responsibility towards the Law of Creation, so as to "nullify" previous tendencies of the "non - responsibility state" of the spirituality of mankind, before and prior to their descent into the lower pressure of the direct Light Rays of Almighty GOD, into the worlds of ethereal matter, of the world of the soul and later into the heavy gross matter, of the world of the deed physical flesh and blood, but still alive.

The prompt for the maturity into a conscious conscientiousness state of the ConScience of the spirit of mankind, is

to pull them away from the non - responsibility, unconscious non conscientiousness of the ConScience of the spirituality of mankind.

And in order to achieve this purpose, the spirituality of mankind had to develop itself, into a matured state of a conscientious ConScience, the one in consciousness of the recognition of the worship of Almighty GOD, and also to have paramount responsibility towards the Law of Creation, and to be in awareness of the consequences therein.

The Fall of Man came shortly after the ejection voluntarily, into the worlds of matter from above, out of the Realms of the Spirituality, descending down into the lower pressure, away from the direct rays of the Light of Almighty GOD.

The two worlds of matter were developed solely for this purpose, in order to be able to accommodate the soul of mankind within the ethereal world of matter and also the physical body of flesh and blood of mankind within the heavy gross world of matter, belonging to the spirituality of mankind, which was in the non - responsibility state of unconscious non conscientiousness of a ConScience, the one most mindful of the Will of Almighty GOD and the Law of Creation.

The soul of mankind resides within the ethereal world of matter, in the plain of thought forms and stands solely as the medium between the deed physical body of mankind, which resides within the heavy world of gross matter linking the spirituality of mankind, that through propensity and inclination of the worlds of matter, most evidently resides within the soul of mankind, in order to animate the soul of mankind, right within the ethereal world of matter, towards maturity through experiencing of knowledge and wisdom, heavy densely, with the aid of the senses, by the deed physical body of mankind, which is still alive upon the heavy gross matter, into maturity leading to a conscious conscientiousness of a ConScience of a mind attuned to the worship of Almighty GOD and the Law of Creation, in accordance to the Will of Almighty GOD.

The peculiarity of both worlds of matter, the ethereal world of matter and the heavy gross world of matter, is that, they are both identical and possess similarities like plasma, gases, liquid and solid, except that within the ethereal world of matter, where the soul of mankind resides, the thoughts become deeds.

The soul of mankind is invariably the medium, which animates the senses and the "intellect" of the deed physical body of mankind, within the heavy gross material substances, in order to achieve maturity through experiences and activity through knowledge and wisdom accumulated into a conscious conscientiousness of a ConScience of the spirituality of mankind, in order for them to soar back up into the higher planes of the Realms of the spirituality of mankind, with the knowledge and the wisdom of the true worship of Almighty GOD, and also the responsibility towards the Law of Creation, which is the Will of GOD Almighty.

The material world of the heavy gross matter is the denser part of the two identical worlds of matter, whose other part is the ethereal world of matter, also of dense nature, but not just as dense as the heavy gross matter, where the soul resides.

The world of heavy gross matter is evidently the place, where the action becomes deeds, to the most effective in the acquisition of maturity towards a conscious conscientious ConScience, which is the only way back into the direct Light Stream of Almighty GOD, back into the Luminous Heights, back into the Realms of Spirituality, for the spirituality of mankind.

Maturity requires responsibility through the knowledge and the wisdom of the Will of GOD Almighty and the Law of Creation.

The inclination of mankind into the worlds of matter, was due to their non - responsible, unconscious non conscientiousness of a ConScience, their inability to obtain immediate conscious conscientiousness of a ConScience without the realization and the recognition of the consequences of their thoughts, their words and their actions and deeds in the contrary to the Law of Creation and the Will of Almighty GOD.

This inclination augments a thorough and profound awareness towards the knowledge and the wisdom of the Law of Creation.