Rostock with Jackie

Post date: Jun 09, 2019 4:52:38 PM

Because the trip to the Alps was such a smashing success, the Russian Backend Engineer, his girlfriend Jackie and I decided to travel together over Easter. I usually object to traveling over easter, due to the cost of things.

But we settled on a cheap trip to the Baltic Seaside, and booked a train to Rostock.

However, 3 days before the trip, the foolish Russian broke up with Jackie, who insisted she still wanted to go. So it quickly became a girls trip to the seaside.

Rostock has been a place I’ve wanted to visit for years (since moving to Germany really), but I realized when we got there that we actually wanted to visit the seaside. Which is in the smaller town of Warnermunde.

Day one, arrive at our AWESOME hostel made out of shipping containers, rent bikes and ride along the seaside.

The bike paths were delightful. Especially so when we found this:

Well into the woods, on a bike path, some distance from the seaside, was this awesome little restaurant.

We decided it was aperolspritz o’clock and we needed to stop for a drink.

It was sunny but delightfully chilly and I was all about the weather.

Next we rode back to the beach and stopped to sit in the sand. Pro-tip: the beaches at the Baltic Sea are COLD. I knew this from my time in Wismar, but somehow I forgot.

So when the wind wasn’t too bad (which it was almost constantly), the sun warmed up delightfully, but after ~ an hour we decided we needed some liquid reinforcements.

Lucky for us, there was a bar on the beach (literally, on the sand. Close to the water. You can see it in the picture above). Aperol spritz again, because we were on a roll.

The second day in Warnemunde we spent the whole day at the spa. Starting with an hour long full body massage, followed by water/sauna/reading in a bathrobe/repeat.

The spa was on the water, and had 4-5 different pools, including an outdoor heated pool. We read, we relaxed we watched the sea go by.

And we took no photos, sadly.

But here’s a photo of a bailey’s hot chocolate, to demonstrate the level of our relaxation.

It wasn’t ideal circumstances to be traveling, but it allowed me to 100% realize that I love this little seaside town and I would happily come back for another amazing spa day.