Visible Computer

The Visible Computer

This "visible computer" was featured in Make Magazine volume 25. Except for the first two computers I owned, I have always built my own computers. For this one I decide to try something different, so I built a custom transparent case, designed so that all of the computer components could be laid out "breadboard fashion" for maximum visibility. I even removed the case for the CD/DVD drive and built a transparent cover for that as well. A couple of case lights were installed at the top for some added pizzaz (they can be turned off if they get too distracting).

Detail (front cover removed); case lights on.
Custom PC - showing the case/stand without table or monitor.

The frame for the case is made from red oak (stained with cherry urethane). The frame is designed to hold the computer at (standing) eye level. The front, back top, and bottom of the case are made of acrylic. Two stainless steel rods run the length of the case horizontally, and the components are hung from these rods. There is a cooling fan at the top, and an inlet vent (covered with an air conditioning filter) at the bottom. There's a cable port in the left side of the frame (not visible in this picture), through which power and Ethernet cables can be run (keyboard and mouse are wireless). The power supply vents out the top of the case, and the power switch is also accessible from the top.

PC  - showing top of case before mounting to stand. From left to right: DVD player, fan, start/reset buttons (red), power supply.

The top of the case, showing (from left to right) top of CD/DVD player, cooling fan, Reset and Power On buttons (red buttons near middle), and exit vent for the power supply (far right).

PC - table with monitor added, keyboard, mouse in place.

Here is the computer installed and ready for use (running Ubuntu GNU/Linux).

Case (cover removed) - annotated to show key components.

Here's another view of the case, with the parts labeled.

Detail - DVD drive. Note the drive has been “transparentized” (case cover removed and replaced with plexiglass).

Here's a close-up of the CD/DVD player. Disks are loaded/ejected from the top of the case.

Detail - hard drive and CPU temperature readout (showing 82.0 deg. F). Motherboard and CPU cooler at upper right.

Here's the hard drive. I experimented with making a transparent cover for a hard drive (using some old drives); I even built a makeshift "glove box" to keep out dust when I opened the hard drive. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful - the drives worked briefly after I opened them up, but then failed very quickly. I have some ideas on how I might make this work - maybe I'll try again some time.Note a digital thermometer just below the hard drive. The probe for this is inserted into the heat sink for the CPU - when the temperature gets to be a little hot, I know it's time to clean the inlet filter.

Detail - bottom right - “card reader,” connections for USB, SATA, audio. PC speaker bottom center.

At the bottom right of the case there is a memory card reader and USB ports, accessible from below.This is the most time, effort, and money I have spent on a computer case. I'm not sure I'd do it again, but it was a fun build, and I enjoy looking at the computer every time I use it.