Build - Thumb Plane

Thumb Plane (also known as a Violin Makers Plane or Finger Plane)

[Feb. 14, 2015]

[Feb. 19, 2015 - cheeks and core]

[March 2015 - completed]

A thumb plane is simply a very small wood plane, typically used my musical instrument makers or for other fine planing work. This build is based loosely on the wooden thumb plane plans by Mike Freda referenced below; changes were made in materials (metal instead of wood), as well as some other refinements.

The major components of the thumb plane are as follows:

  • Main body, consisting of

    • core (mild steel)

    • cheeks or sides (brass)

  • Handle and axle (brass)

  • Blade (O-1 tool steel)

  • Lever cap (brass), which includes

    • lever pin (stainless steel)

    • adjustment knob (brass)

Plans for the Thumb Plane

A plane built from these plans will be quite usable, although there is much room for improvement. If you make use of these plans, or improve upon them, please drop me a note at the email address on the home page of this website.

Plans in PDF format :

Plans in LibreOffice Draw format :

See also the related Thumb Plane Honing Guide.

To prepare the main body, the major procedures are as follows:

  1. Prepare the sides to finished thickness and approximate (oversize) length and width

  2. Prepare the core to finished width

  3. "Sandwich" the sides with the core and mill on the ends, top, and bottom to approximate (oversize) length and height

  4. Drill and tap each side for screws and lever pin

  5. Remove the sides and drill and mill the core for the handle/axle

  6. Prepare the handle and axle and test for function

  7. Replace the sides and mill out final main body external shape

  8. Remove the sides and separate the two pieces of the core, and mill each piece to final shape

  9. Prepare the lever pin and check for fit

  10. Assemble the main body, including handle axle and lever pin

  11. Prepare the blade

  12. Prepare the lever cap and adjustment screw

  13. Final finishing

Cheeks or Sides - Preparing the blanks

The cheeks (or sides) start with a piece rough-cut (1" x 5") from 1/8" thick brass (seen with blue Dykem) in the photo to the left. The long rough cut edge is then milled square. What you see in the photo is actually the second piece I made; initially I skipped milling the edge square, and as a result the piece did not lie flat and so the next step failed.


The next step is too mill both sides flat with a fly cutter. Make sure the sides are squared (and de-burred!) for good results here. It is only necessary to mill off 0.001" per side.


The final step is to saw the piece in half - this provides the two blanks that will form the sides of the plane in the following steps.

Preparing the Body Core and Sides

Preparing to mill

Rough milling

Final milling - fly cutter


The starting material for the core is 1018 mild steel, 1" x 1" x 2.6". This is first milled on two sides to a thickness of 0.770" by first rough milling with an end mill, and then finishing with a fly cutter.

Next, the core is sandwiched with the two brass sides and one end of the combined sandwich is milled flat (see pictures below). After milling the first end, the cut end is carefully de-burred while the sandwich is held in the vise. The sandwich is then carefully reversed (so as not to shift the side plates), and the other end is also milled flat (again - de-burr before removing from the vise). Tip: Cutting lubricant on the sandwich will act to weakly "glue" the sandwich together.

Important: Do NOT mill the sandwich to final length at this point; we want to leave it a bit long for now, so we can mill to final length later.

"Sandwich" before milling.

One end milled flat.


In the next step, the top and bottom are milled flat. Again, the minimum amount of material should be removed, so as to leave the piece oversized. In order to raise the piece high enough in the vise, parallels are stacked sideways (only because I had thin parallels and I did not want to risk having the core slide out of place). I measured the thickness of the parallels, and found a very minor taper in the thickness ranging from 0.001" to 0.002" - by carefully reversing one or two of the parallels so as to cancel out the taper, I was able to reduce the difference in the stack to about 0.001" which is accurate enough for this application.

With the sandwich clamped "sideways" in the vise (see pictures below), the top is milled flat, and then carefully de-burred. The piece is then flipped over and the bottom side is also milled flat. The primary body pieces are now ready for drilling.

Parallel "stack" used sideways.

In the vise before milling.

Top side milled flat.


Drilling and Tapping the Body

The body sandwich is now placed in the vise with one brass side up. An aluminum shim is used on one side of the vise to ensure that the brass plate is clamped firmly and does not slide over the steel core. After starting drilling, I found the top plate starting to lift, so I added an addition shim of index card positioned behind the edge of the brass plate only - this did the trick and I experienced no further problems. [see photos below]

The 0,0 position of the piece is then set as follows: The left side of the piece is set to zero, shifted left 0.010" and then reset to zero. The forward-most edge is similarly set to zero, moved forward 0.010" and reset to zero. To put this another way, the X,Y coordinates are offset by 0.010" in both the X and Y positions. All holes will be drilled with their coordinates based on this offset; this allows 0.010" to be milled from the left end and bottom after the screw holes are drilled and tapped, so as to correct for any minor misalignment which might occur during the drilling and tapping operations. All of the drilling operations are based on X,Y coordinates supplied on the plans.

Clamped with aluminum shim

Paper card shim added

Center drill and drill for tapping


Following drilling, all holes were tapped with a #4-40 plug tap. I started the tap using the drill chuck to ensure alignment (turned by hand); once the tap was started I switched to a tap handle. The tap handle I used was a bit large (but is the smallest one I have), so care was need to make sure I did not snap a tap. After tapping all screw holes, all holes were countersunk. I inserted a screw into each hole as it was completed (blowing it clean with compressed air first). [see photos below]

Starting the tap

Finishing the tap



One side completed (see photo to left).

After completing the drilling and tapping for one side, the sandwich is flipped around to bring the other side to the top, and the process is repeated. Keep in mind that the coordinates will also be reversed, so the right side now becomes the zero position.


Here we see the body with both sides completely drilled and tapped.

Preparing the Core for the Handle and Axle

The sides are removed from the core, and the core is center drilled to locate the axle hole. The hole is then drilled with a succession of ever larger drills to almost the final size. The final diameter is obtained by boring the hole, to ensure a smooth round hole. The operation is completed by chamfering both ends of the hole (not shown). See photos below.

Center drilling




A slot is milled for the handle screw using a 0.250" end mill. The slot is initially cut undersize, and then carefully enlarged to intersect the axle hole. The completed slot is tested with the handle and axle before removing from the mill vise.

Cutting the slot for the handle.

Test fitting the handle in the completed slot.


Handle and Axle

The axle is simply a bit of brass rod, turned for a smooth fit in the axle hole, and cut to length. The completed axle blank is then drilled and tapped for the handle screw. See photos below.

Brass rod is turned to fit the axle hole

Finished axle blank is drilled and tapped.


The handle blank is turned to shape on one side and tapped. The blank is then reversed by inserting the handle screw in the blank, and then screwing it into a short piece of internally threaded rod (mandrel) prepared for this purpose. To achieve the gently rounded final shape of the handle, the blank is first rough turned using a series of taper cuts. See photos below.

Shaping and tapping the handle blank.

Continuing shaping.

Completed rough shaping.


The rough turned blank is finished to final shape by smoothing with a file, and then polishing with successively finer grades of abrasive cloth. The mandrel used to hold the handle is also used to hold the screw so that one end can be turned to a dog point. The handle is completed by inserting the screw into the handle and securing it with a brass jam nut. See photos below.

Smoothed and polished

Cutting a dog point on the screw.

Completed handle.


Here is another photo of the completed handle and axle. In use the handle is set to the desired angle, and then turned to tighten the screw and hold the handle in place.

Completing the Main Body Shape

The initial step to completing the main body shape is to mill the ends, top, and bottom to size. The handle end and bottom are first simple smoothed out by flycutting. Recall that the handle end and bottom were intentionally made 0.010" oversize; however, it is not necessary to remove exactly 0.010" by fly cutting - simply remove enough materiel to obtain an overall smooth surface. The top and front end should be milled to final dimensions, first by rough cutting with and end mill, and then to final size with a fly cutter. See photos below.

Fly cutting one end.

Rough milling top to size.

Fly cutting top to final size.


Once the final rectangular shape is completed, the next step is to mill the top to final shape, as shown in the photos below. Firs the cuts to be made are marked out on one side of the workpiece (note I used a blue Sharpie for layout dye); these cuts do not need to be super accurate, so simply milling to the marked lines is sufficient. First eh straight cut is milled out, and then the piece is remounted in the vise at an angle for the angle cut Using a parallel to make sure the workpiece is lined up properly). In order to get these two cuts to merge properly, I actually had to repeat this process again to "sneak up" on a clean merge.

Marking out the cuts.

Milling the straight cut.

Setting up for angle cut.


For the back cut, the workpiece is remounted in the vise at a 45° angle and milled down to the marked line (see photos below).

Setting up for back cut.

Back cut completed.

External body shape completed.


In the next step, the brass sides are removed and the core is layed out for cutting and milling. First the core is sawed into two pieces; note that the cut is marked on the bootom of the core, midway between what will become the final pieces.

Marking out the core.

Rough sawing the core.


There is a relatively large amount of material to be removed from the core pieces, so the bulk of the part to be removed is rough sawn away first.

For the larger piece, I first put the piece in a clamp, and then held the clamp in a bench vise. I cut with a hacksaw for better control - I didn't want to risk using the bandsaw and having it veer of course. I also marked the dies of the piece as a guide to where the cut should go, leaving room for final milling. This was a successful cut, but of course quite time consuming.

Clamp and vise to hold for hacksawing.

Partially cut.


Of course after I had done this, I realized that there was a better and easier way: use a slitting saw!

The piece was set up in the milling vise using an angle plate, and the waste was cut off with a slitting saw (sawing both the front and back due to the width of the piece). It was necessary to clamp the piece rather high in the vise, to allow clearance for the saw, so I took shallow cuts. It was a somewhat lengthy process, but overall much easier than the hacksaw, and much more accurate.

Set up for slitting saw.

Completed cut.


For finish milling the piece was remounted (to provide a firmer grip), again using an angle plate, and then rough milled to close to the marked line. A flycutter was then used to mill down to the marked line and provide a smooth finish.

Setting with angle plate up for milling.

Rough milling with end mill.

Final milling with fly cutter.


The completed care pieces are shown to the left, mounted to one side plate, with the handle axle also inserted..

Making the Lever Pin

The lever pin was made from a length of stainless steel rod (but almost any type of hard metal rod will work - the choice is mostly esthetic). First one end is turned to a diameter and length to fit the hole in the side piece. The more of the rod is turned down to the finished diameter (do this a short section at a time to keep the rod from flexing while turning). The rod is then cut off slightly oversize, flipped around in the lathe chuck, and the other end of the pin is turned down to fit the hole in the side plate; theis end can then be fined tuned for length so that it fits snugly between the two side plates, and the pin ends are flush with the outsides.

Turning the end.

Finished pin.

Completed body with pin installed.


Making the Blade

The blade is made from O-1 (oil hardening) tool steel. As I was not sure beforehand what the appropriate blade thickness should be, tried tool steel in both 1/8" and 3/32" thickness. As it turned out, the 3/32" thickness was the better choice. As the process is essentially the same for either thickness, I will show only the 3/32" thick blade here.

First, a piece of the appropriate length is cut from 3/4" x 3/32" O-1 bar stock. A rough bevel is milled in one end by clamping the workpiece in the mill vise at a 60° angle (which results in a 30° bevel when the end is milled "flat"). To ensure an even bevel, it is necessary to level the bar in the vise using an indicator. Once the workpiece is properly positioned, it is a simple matter to mill the end until a full bevel is obtained. Next, the piece is repositioned flat in the vise, and the end opposite the bevel is drilled and chamfered - this hole is used later in the hardening process to make it easier to hold the blade.

Leveling the blade.

Milling the rough bevel.

Drilling and chamfering.


Next, the end opposite the bevel is layed out with a rounded shape, and the end is shaped on a grinder. The piece is now ready for hardening.

Marking for rounding the end.

"Finished" piece after grinding.


Hardening the Blade

To harden the blade, it is heated to orange heat until it is no longer attracted by a magnet. I used a MAPP gas torch, which was sufficient to heat at least 3/4 of the blade, with a long length of iron wire through the hole in the blade to hold it. Once the piece is sufficiently heated, it is quenched in oil (I use plain motor oil); the piece is dipped fully into the oil and "stirred around" to cool it rapidly and evenly.

Heating (note wire "holder")

Oil for quenching

Hardened piece


After hardening, the piece needs to be tempered. The oil is wiped off the piece, and scale from the hardening process is removed with a deburring wheel or abrasive cloth. To temper it, I wrap it in steel wool and aluminum foil and place it in a toaster oven set to maximum heat (450°F) for one hour, and then leave it until it is cool.

The final step in preparation of the blade is sharpening or honing. As honing is a standard process, I do not show it here, but I have provided links at the bottom of this page for those who would like more detail. In addition, I found it useful to make a honing guide to help with the sharpening process - see Thumb Plane Honing Guide for more details.

Cleaned of scale


Making the Lever Cap

I ended up making two different styles of lever cap - both of these are detailed in the plans, but I will show the making of only one here. The first one I made was a fairly simple flat piece; although this worked, it was difficult to position properly. I therefore made a second, slightly more complicated lever cap with a step in it to position it against the lever pin. The second piece also had the benefit of being slightly thicker, which allowed for more threads for the adjustment knob.

A piece of 3/4" x 1/4" brass bar of appropriate length was milled flat on one side, first with an end mill, and then with a fly cutter (for improved finish). Note in the photos below that a piece of scap aluminum is inserted in one end of the vise jaws to even the vise calming pressure.

Clamped for milling.

One side milled flat; finished with fly cutter.

The piece is then flipped over and milled to (almost) correct thickness, the end of the piece is squared up with the end mill, and the top is finished with a fly cutter to correct thickness (final 0.002"). Next a step is cut into the top, again finishing with the fly cutter. Finally, the hole for the adjustment knob is drilled and tapped.

Second side milled to thickness; step cut.

Finishing step with flu cutter.

Drilling and tapping.

To complete the piece, it is repositioned in the milling vise to mill a slight bevel on one end.

Positioning for milling.

Milling a bevel.

Marking for grinding.

Here is the completed lever cap (foreground), with the first simple version shown in the background. The lever cap with the step milled into it is much easier to use, as it is essentially self-positioning, which makes blade adjustment much easier.

Adjustment Knob for Lever Cap

The adjustment knob for the lever cap is a straightforward job of knurling, turning, and threading. After knurling a section of brass rod, the end is turned down for a #10-32 thread, and a chamfer is turned on the right end of the knurl. The turned down section is threaded (I just used a threading die), and the knurled section is parted off. Note that before completing the parting, the left end of the knob is also chamfered.

Chamfering after knurling

Parting off after threading

Completed knob

Final Adjustment and First Chips

A quick test if installing the lever cap and blade showed insufficient space for chip clearance, so a short section of the forward internal core piece was milled down to open the throat a bit (see photo at left).

After reassembly the plane was tested on a piece of scrap pine, and produced some nice wood chips (photo to left).

Note that a plain #10-32 screw was used here with the lever cap, as this was done before the adjustment knob was completed.

Final Assembly

With all of the machining work complete, the plane was completely disassembled and cleaned with degreaser. Before re-assembly, the axle for the handle was lightly greased with white grease. The side plates were then screwed on, using medium strength thread locker on the screws (the idea being to keep the screws from loosening during use, but still allow future dis-assembly if necessary).

All parts de-greased

Completed plane

Completed plane


To complete this project, I made a wooden box to hold it, along with the honing guide (with hex wrench) and the second lever plate. There are no plans for the box - I just made it up as I went along, but here are a few comments on it:

  • The box is made from ~1/4" thick pine, made from re-sawn 1/2" pine boards.

  • All box parts are glued together with wood glue

  • There is green felt in the bottom of the box, held in place with 3M spray adhesive

  • The top of the box is a sliding fit, and is completely removable, and can be stored in slots in the bottom of the box

Box with lid removed

View from above

Box with lid stored underneath

That's all folks! Hope you liked it.


Not surprisingly, I found many links to thumb planes on the Internet, some more useful than others. Below is a list of the links I found most useful:

Sharpening a planer blade is an art in its own right; here are some links on the process: