Tools - Fastener Starter (What?!)

Lathe Chuck Fastener Starter

When attaching a chuck to a lathe, getting the fasteners (nuts) started on the threads is a bit difficult because of the small space between the mounting plate and the headstock. The device described in this article enables you to hold and start the fastener with one hand, while holding the chuck with the other hand.

This article has a somewhat odd name because if I use the real name then the google censor-bot gets mad. So for the purposes of this article, I will just refer to it as a N-starter.

Nut starter - top view. Chuck nut included for scale. Note that nut is not "loaded" into starter.

If that's not clear enough, you can see an "N" in the picture to the left, just below the device. And of course, you can see the device itself in the picture.To use the n-starter, the nut is placed on the aluminum "nub" on the right end, with the o-ring wrapped around the nut. Spinning the pulley and the o-ring with the thumb causes the nut to rotate.The device was made from various bits and pieces I had lying around - aluminum for the bar, brass for the pulley, brass rod for the "retention fingers". The hole on the left end just happened to be in the piece of scrap I used, but it's also handy for hanging the tool.Here's a slide show with various views:

Nut starter showing nut rotation. A bit out of focus - sorry! (That's my cat you hear in the background.)

Here's a short video showing the device in use (click on the picture to the left). That strange noise you may hear in the background is my cat!

The dimensions and materials for this tool are not critical, but if you like a drawing with notes, see below: