Guitar Stomp Switch

Building a Basic Stomp Switch

A guitar effect pedal with a custom printed enclosure. What could be easier!

My son wanted to build this overdrive effect pedal to use with his guitar:

My son wanted to build this overdrive effect pedal to use with his guitar:

We purchased most of the required parts from Digi-Key (except for the actual stomp switch). The parts were bread boarded and tested to make sure everything worked (good thing, because we had a connection wrong). The bread board circuit also showed the need for some volume control, so we added a 10K potentiometer to the circuit.

[By the way, we found the best prices for stomp switches on ebay, but the delivery times were several weeks. With a bit more web surfing we found one switch with better delivery time at a reasonable price.]

With the bread boarding complete, the parts were then transferred to perf board and soldered in place. You can see the perf board in the photo to the left.

My son printed the custom enclosure on a 3D printer (with help from a friend). Here's another view (with the potentiometer knob now cut down to proper size):

The mounting holes for the potentiometer, switch, and jacks were "printed in" by the way.

The screws holding the lid on are temporary - they'll be replaced with proper screws. Once that is done, the only thing left to do is test it out with some actual stompin'!