Octoprint install

This page is a record of my installation of Octoprint on my Prusa Mk3S 3D printer. Although the Octoprint site recommends not using a Raspberry Pi Zero W due to limitations of that unit, I opted to go ahead with a an Raspberry Pi Zero W anyway as I had already purchased the required items. While I was able to get the Raspberry Pi Zero W working, I did find it problematic in a number of ways.

Fortunately, I had a Raspberry Pi 3 B left over from another project. After much trial and error I was able to finally get it running with these simple steps:

  1. Flash the Raspberry Pi SD card with the latest Octopi image, using balenaEtcher
  2. Edit the wifi settings:
    1. On your computer, locate the SD card partition called "boot" and open it. Look for a file called "octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt".
    2. Adjust the config as follows:
      1. ## WPA/WPA2 secured
        1. network={
        2. ssid="your wifi name"
        3. psk="your wifi password"
        4. }
  3. Insert the SD card in the Raspberry pi and connect to the Prusa printer with a USB cable.
  4. IMPORTANT: On the Prusa printer, leave the RPi port set to OFF
  5. Set a static IP on the Raspberry Pi

Linux Help

Setting up Balena Etcher on Ubuntu Linux:

Copy the balenaEtcher AppImage file to ~/balenaEtcher/

Make sure the permissions are set to allow running as a program.

The first time you use the program, double-click the AppImage file. After that, you can seach for balenaEtcher in the Activities list.

References :

Octoprint homepage : https://octoprint.org/

Octopi download : https://octoprint.org/download/

Prusa instructions :

Balena Etcher :

homepage : https://www.balena.io/etcher/