Basic Buttercream Icing

Basic Buttercream Icing

yield 3 cups

1/2 c. shortening

1 stick butter, softened

1 tsp. vanilla extract

4 c. powdered sugar

2 Tbl. milk

1.) In a large bowl cream shortening and butter with an electric mixer. (I use my Kitchen Aid with the whisk attachment.)

2.) Add in vanilla.

3.) Gradually add in the sugar, 1 cup at a time. Mix on medium speed.

4.) After all of the sugar is mixed in the icing will be very dry, add in the milk. Beat at medium speed until light and fluffy.

5.) Cover with a damp rag until ready to use.

6.) Place icing in a pastry bag, and pipe on top of your cooled cake or cupcakes.

*Store leftover icing in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Re-whip the icing before using refrigerated icing.*