George Granger 1826-1881

George Granger and his wife Harriet (nee Woolard) with four children arrived at Port Adelaide from England on the barque Aurora on 22 May 1856


Three more children were born on Kangaroo Island before Harriet died 27 October 1862. George married Janet Highet on 8 April 1867 and they had three children all born on Kangaroo Island. Janet died in December 1880.


South Australian Advertiser Friday 13 May 1881

Mr. & Mrs. W. Chapman, of Point Marsden, with George Granger, left Kingscote in a whaleboat for home on Monday afternoon. It was reported yesterday morning that they had not reached Point Marsden, as the house was found closed, and the cattle without food, and Mr. Charles Calnan, with Captain Martin and others, were searching the Bay of Shoals till dusk yesterday, but up to the present not a trace of the missing boat has been found ... Chapman was a good boatman, and quite sober when he left Kingscote


Telegram from Mr. T. Willson, J.P., Hog Bay:

On Wednesday morning H. Bates reported he had picked up Chapman’s boat off Hog Bay; stern split, mizenmast and sail standing, mainmast and sail missing, gibes and throat halyards being cut. (Evening Journal Friday 13 May 1881)

A Kangaroo Island correspondent writes on 17 May:

The body of Mr Chapman was picked up on Friday morning, mutilated by sharks. It is a singular circumstance that the body should have drifted 20 miles and stranded in the same place that the boat had been secured the day before. Inquest on Saturday returned the verdict “Death from drowning by accidental capsizing of the boat in Shoal Bay during a very heavy squall of wind” The bodies of Mrs Chapman and George Granger have not been recovered. (Evening Journal Saturday 21 May 1881)

Map (as attached).

Logos – KI Council, Advance Kingscote, KIPA, QR Code

For descendants report of George Granger,