Frenchman's Rock

Frenchman's Rock

Matthew Flinders

While charting the unknown coast of Terra Australis in the HMS Investigator, English explorer Captain Matthew Flinders discovered this large island and named it after the docile mobs of kangaroos he found.

Flinders came ashore near here at Kangaroo Head, on the morning of March 22nd 1802. Supplies of fresh kangaroo meat, seal skins, and timber were taken on board. His journal recorded the availability of fresh water which oozed from the rocks in this vicinity.

On April 8th, 1802, Flinders met, by chance, the French explorer Captain Nicolas Baudin at Encounter Bay. Despite Britain and France then being at war, the explorers exchanged information. Flinders told Baudin about the plentiful food supplies on the island and the availbility of fresh water.

The French Connection

Baudin did not sail to Kangaroo Island in the corvette Le Géographe until January 1803.

During his three weeks stay, he circumnavigated the island and left a legacy of French place names. He recorded and collected extensive fauna and flora specimens, including five kangaroos and emus whcih survived the journey back to France. Crewmen also cut timber for a longboat being constructed on board Le Géographe.

Baudin was able to meet the ship's daily water requirements by sinking wells in this cove, which he named Anse de Sources (Cove of Springs). It was probably while on one of their journeys to collect fresh water that a crew member carved details of the expedition on the rock.

This rock, displaying the unique record of the visit by Baudin and his crew is known as "Frenchman's Rock".

A replica of the original rock is now housed under the domed shelter.

The original rock can be seen on display at the Kangaroo Island Gateway Visitor Information Centre.


A lot of people pitched in to make this project possible:

Funds for this project came from Australian National Maritime Museum.
(Thanks to Sharon Babbage who was our contact there).
The sign itself was manufactured by Engraving Services Co of Woodville South.
(Thanks to Jessica Geale for her patience).
The design and specification of the sign frame was by Magryn Consultant Engineers of Somerton Park.
(Thanks to Will Souter for his expertise).
The construction of the sign frame was by S.A. Stainless Pty Ltd of Port Adelaide.
(Thanks to Matt Holland for his personal interest and ability).
The installation was by Kangaroo Island Council.
(Thanks to CEO George Georgopoulos and the Penneshaw depot staff).