The Africaine Walk

The Africaine Walk

On Tuesday 1st November 1836, six passengers from the barque "Africaine," including John Bagg, Robert Fisher, Charles Nantes, E. Osborne, John Slater and Richard Warren, landed at "Morrell's Boat Harbour" (Harvey's Return) in order to walk to Nepean Bay. Near this point on Sunday afternoon, 6th November, Osborne and Slater became too exhausted to continue and remained to await rescue. On Thursday 10th November, Bagg, Fisher and Warren arrived at Nepean Bay. A boat collected Nantes next day on the coast of "Seal Bay" (Western Cove). Osborne, 19 years old, an apprentice printer and Dr. Slater, 28 years old, a surgeon, were never found.

Plaque erected by descendants of the survivors. 6.11.1986