A Civic Minded Lot

A Civic Minded Lot

From the mid-nineteenth century farming became the major source of income in the district. The community believed it had different problems and ambitions to the rest of the Island, and they successfully petitioned the Government to form their own Council.

By the 1840's settlement had reached Cape Willoughby, with wheat, barley, wool, yacca gum, sheep, cattle and wallaby skins produced and sent to Hog Bay for export to the mainland. Most of these products are still the mainstay of the rural economy. The Island is also gaining a reputation for its high quality wines, and for its international prize-winning honey and cheese products.

How to Vote Cow c.1900

The Dudley Council chaired by Thomas Willson senior, held its first meeting in 1888, and its last meeting, chaired by Hartley Willson in 1996 when the Council was amalgamated in the Kangaroo Island Council.

"They was a resolute and civic minded lot in them early times, noiot shy to do a bit of work for others.

Like Daniel Thomas, what it took a three day round trip and walk of forty miles to go from his farm at American River to Kingscote to council meetings each and every month."