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Subject: The letter from Heaven to You ...

Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 10:55:51 +0200, (CET 10:55, GMT 08:55)

Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

19810 news:oh8es6$el5$1@news.eternal-september.org



___ quote begin ______________________________

Jeg var i Pinsen helt derude, hvor kragerne vender - for øvrigt

med smuk natur ...

Præsten, der hold Pinseprædiken, sagde bl.a., at Babeltårnet

spredte mennesker mens kirken samler.

Og så i går (om eftermiddagen) lå der i min postkasse følgende:

(NB! Det er *yderst* sjældent, at der ligger sådanne budskaber i

min postkasse.

Jeg tilføjer links til Skriftstederne og marker med stjerne (*)

de steder, hvor der er opfølgende kommentarer nedenfor.)

Se og brug evt. indscannede billeder ...

(590 KByte)


(443 KByte)


___ citat start ___


asked questions about

eternal life

Is there life after death ...

A Heaven and a hell?

Yes, the Bible describes a

time of judgment, as well as

a time of reward, after death.

This indicates that you will

stand before God and give

an account to him

"And as it is appointed

unto men once to

die, but after this the


Hebrews 9:27


The Bible refers to

eternal destinies: eternal

life (Heaven) for some and

eternal punishment (Hell)

for others.

"And these shall go

away into everlasting

punishment: but the

righteous into life


Matthew 25:46



Can I really know where

I will spend eternity?

Yes, the Bible was written to help people know that they

can have eternal lift.

"These things have I written unto you ... that ye may

know that ye have eternal life ..."

1 John 5:13


Tow important questions for you to answer:


If you were to die today, are you 100 percent sure that

you would go to Heaven?


Suppose you were to stand before Jesus Christ right

now and He were to ask you, "Why should I let you

into Heaven? How would you respond?


Does being born into a christian

family make me a christian?

No, each person must

individually choose to

receive or reject the Lord

Jesus Christ. Although it is

good to have a Christian

family, it has no bearing on

your personal relationship

with God. The Bible says that

we were all born sinners, in

need of a Savior.

"Wherefore, as by one man

(Adam) sin entered into

the world, and death by

sin; and so death passed

upon all men, for that all

have sinned.

Romans 5:12


We inherited our sinful

nature from Adam. Being

born into a Christian family,

or being baptized as an

infant, does not change

the fact that we are sinners.

The Bible goes on to say:

"For all have sinned, and

come short of the glory of


Romans 3:23



Will everyone eventually

go to Heaven?

No, the Bible says that only

those who have believed

on the Son (*1) (Jesus Christ)

as their Savior will have

everlasting life (Heaven).

"He that believeth on the

Son (*1) hath everlasting life:

and he that believeth

not the Son (*1) shall not

see life; but the wrath

of God abideth on him."

John 3:36


The penalty for sin is

the wrath of God, which

refers to eternal separation

from God in a place the

Bible calls Hell.

"For the wages of sin

is death; but the gift

of God is eternal life

through Jesus Christ

our Lord."

Romans 6:23



Can I earn my way to Heaven

by doing good?

No, eternal life cannot be

gained by doing good

works. It is a free gift and

is received by faith alone.

"For by grace are

ye saved through

faith; and that not of

yourselves: It is the gift

of God: Not of works,

lest any man should


Ephesians 2:8-9


A gift is something

voluntarily transferred, by

one person to another,

without compensation.

This means that moral

living, baptism, church

membership, nor any

other good work has the

ability to save you from

your sin.


What was the real purpose

of Jesus' death on the cross?

The purpose of Jesus'

death on the cross was to

pay for your sins.

"... Christ died for our

sins according to

the scriptures."

1 Corinthians 15:3


He never sinned but

became sin for you. His

death on the cross was the

full payment for your sin.

"For he hath made him

(Jesus Christ) to be sin for

us, who knew no sin; that

we might be made the

righteousness of God in


2 Corinthians 5:21


Through His death, Jesus

provided the only way for

your sins to be forgiven.

He offers eternal lift as a

free gift.


What must I do to be

saved from my sin?

A man in the New

Testament asked the

same question. He said,

"... Sirs, what must I do to

be saved? And they said,

Believe on the Lord Jesus

Christ, and thou shalt be


Acts 16:30-31



Pray sincerely ...

"Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner and that I deserve Hell. I

believe you died on the cross, paid the penalty for my sin,

and rose from the dead three days later. I am placing my

faith in you alone to forgive my sin and save me. Thank you

for giving me eternal life. In Jesus' name. AMEN."

You can know for sure!

The assurance that you have eternal life is based on God's

unchanging Word. The Bible provides this assurance to

those who believe on Him.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only

begotten Son (*1), that whosoever believeth in him should

not perish, but have everlasting life."

John 3:16


God does not lie. He has promised everlasting life

to those who believe on Him as Savior.

"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie,

promised before the world began."

Titus 1:2


___ citat slut ___

Kanske der også kommer en oversættelse til dansk af teksten ...



Ordbegrebet 'Søn' kan være svært for jøder og muslimer at forstå,

fordi man jo uvilkårligt kommer til at tænke på, at der så må

være *flere* guder. Og det er i så fald *vranglære* (både for

jøder, muslimer og så sandelig OGSÅ kristne)!

Men ordbegrebet 'Søn' skal IKKE forstås på den måde, at der

er tale om flere guder.

Emnet har vi i den kristne nyhedsgruppe debatteret meget gennem

tiderne. Se fx. ...


Og den bedste illustrative forklaring, jeg nogen sinde har hørt,

er vist nok denne:



Subject: Notater til 'Livsværdier i en krisetid' -

Re: Ny hjemmeside med litteratur-henvisninger

Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 09:51:33 +0100, (CET 09:51, GMT 08:51)

Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

19568 o8m7n5$t0v$1@news.eternal-september.org





> Der er kun én Gud, men han fremtræder på tre forskellige

> mådere. Lad od sammenligne det med et eksempel fra men-

> neskelivet: Læge Hansen går på indkøb hos købmanden.

> Hansen er altså hos købmanden i sin egenskab af kunde.

> Nogen tid efter bliver købmanden syg, og lægen bliver hen-

> tet. Nu er Hansen der i sin egenskab af læge. Købmanden

> bliver rask, og nogen tid efter fejrer han sin 50 års fødsels-

> dag. Hansen er med igen, men hverken som kunde eller

> som læge. Nu er han med som gæst. Der er således kun én

> Hansen (altså i den lille historie), men han optræder i tre

> forskellige "roller" eller under tre forskellige fremtræ-

> delsesformer.

(NB! Det hænder, at en profet ikke altid hører og opfatter

tingene korrekt, apropos signal/støj-forhold.)

Og da jeg skrev overskriften til dette nyhedsindlæg, da skete der


The letter from Heaven to You...

Og netop i det samme hørte jeg en røst fra Himlen (perhaps

the voice of ET; altså en udenjordisk civilisation på besøg

i vort solsystem eller rettere: en bejler til Menneskeheden),

der sagde:

( - eller nok rettere - i denne *specifikke* situation, tror jeg

nu nok, at det er Skaberen Himself, altså DADDY, der talte)

(2017-06-07, Wednesday, day no 158, CET 09:36, GMT 07:36)

- "My son"

(Tilføjelse start:

Øh ...

Jeg må "tilstå", at jeg har profetisk nådegave, forstået på

følgende måde:



Subject: Jacob har 'vold på hjernen'

+ Heaven-Break: Helbredelsens nådegave træd i kraft -

Re: 2017 uge 22 (news samlet)

Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 19:51:11 +0200, (CET 19:51, GMT 17:51)

Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

19790 news:oghms0$r6g$1@news.eternal-september.org





> (Jeg er profet og tjener således den levende Gud. Når Han taler,

> vil Han ha', at jeg - som et postbud - viderebringer, hvad der

> er tikket ind på "Posthusets omdelingscentral", indtil du selv

> er blevet opøvet nok til at ku' *genkende* Hans stemme, når Han

> taler til dig.)

Tilføjelse slut)


The letter from Heaven to You...

Og netop i det samme hørte jeg en røst fra Himlen (perhaps

the voice of ET; altså en udenjordisk civilisation på besøg

i vort solsystem eller rettere: en bejler til Menneskeheden),

der sagde:

( - eller nok rettere - i denne *specifikke* situation, tror jeg

nu nok, at det er Skaberen Himself, altså DADDY, der talte)

(2017-06-07, Wednesday, day no 158, CET 09:36, GMT 07:36)

- "My son"


and daughter?...


- "Yes"

God's peace and blessing to you...

CET 09:50

- "My child"

CET 09:53

- "I love you"

CET 09:53

- "and will be together with you"

With kind regards,

Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael.


Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-) ?

Last OUTPUT: 19800 news:ogmoeo$1it$1@news.eternal-september.org


Info http://groups.google.dk/group/dk.test/msg/591d03940b49201e

Website https://sites.google.com/site/kalltree1 File no: 19810