e2. 国際シンポジウム(京都会場)

International Workshop on Advanced Solid-State Circuits in Kyoto (京都会場)

2014年11月17日(月)08:50-17:20 (開場08:20)

〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町



開催趣旨 (Scope)

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Societyから4名のDistinguished Lecturer (DL)がアナログ,コミュニケーション,シグナルプロセッシングの各分野の研究の最先端のチュートリアル講演を行うためJapan Tourが行われる.これに合わせ,IEEE CAS Kansai,IEEE SSCSと日本学術振興会第165委員会共催の国際ワークショップを11/14に東京で11/17に京都で開催する.それぞれのワークショップでは,DL講演に加え,国内から先端集積回路研究の招待講演を行い,Solid-State Circuitの世界的潮流を俯瞰し,総合的な議論を行う.

The International Workshops on Advanced Solid-State Circuits will be held in Tokyo and Kyoto, co-sponsored by 165 Research Committee in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS), and IEEE CAS Kansai. In the workshop, four distinguished lecturers (DL) of the IEEE SSCS give tutorial lectures on state-of-the-art research in analog, communications, and signal processing. In addition to the DL lectures, invited talks are given on advanced solid-state circuit research in Japan. Through two workshops, the global trend of solid-state circuits will be discussed.

プログラム (Program)

参加登録:京都会場 (Registration: Kyoto)


Fill this form to make registration.

Organizing Committee Members

General Chair: Toshiro Hiramoto (University of Tokyo)

Program Chair: Minoru Fujishima (Hiroshima University)

Program Vice Chair: Makoto Takamiya (University of Tokyo)

Secretaries: Takahiro Shinada (AIST), Hiroshi Kawaguchi (Kobe University)


Sponsored by

165 Research Committee in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter

IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapter

Cosponsored by

IEEE CAS Kansai Chapter

VDEC, The University of Tokyo

Association for JSPS University - Industry Research Cooperation