October 2016

October 2016


Left hand only piano


Dark victory



SBS Darien gap

Arte Colombia''s Willys

Incident of the month:

Merendola avec Diego & Carmela

Xena . . . R. I. P.

What caught our attention:

Machinocene is here

What did we learn:

The perils of peak attention

What did we discover:

free yoga class @ DM library

What did we achieve:

Sell the Suzuki

Book of the month:

Now: the physics of time

Course of the month:

The science of energy

Integrative medicine

Wine of the month:

2014 Unsung hero shiraz from western cape (South Africa)

Dish of the month:

Lekue cooking

Haiku of the month:

Els haikus de les cosines

Our pictures of the month:

St Martí de Sobremunt

this time of the year...