April 2015

April 2015


At the Colburn school even Kodaly rules!


Les parapluies de Cherbourg: Demy's best


8000 km of love: now we got a Yoshi too!

Our pictures of the month:

The Broad museum taking shape downtown LA

6 mois de cabane au Baikal

Incident of the month:

Raw garlic ruins our freshly made pasta

New shoes, new blisters, new etc...

What caught our attention:

A map of the Internet

Visualizing health data

What did we learn:

Lake Baikal superlatives

What did we discover:

La coutume des Kanak c'est ici

What did we achieve:

Disinfect the infested pantry

Plastic Ban in Encinitas! It was about time!

Course of the month:

Mathematical decision making: the things Xcel can do

Dish of the month:

Zucchini mezze