January 2010

January 2010


The Discovery Series from La Jolla Music Society do it again: Youngsters rule.


Touch of Evil: I say, who is the "adios" lady in the last scene? No other than Lili!


The secret life of chaos by Al-Khalili:

on how nature transform simplicity into complexity.

Incident of the month:

Desperate Soccer Moms (and dads). On the spicy life of our neighbor. More than we wanted to know.

(Dis)Incident of the month:

The library flips the flop!

What caught our attention:

Social media counts! Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Tired of The North Face? Try The South Butt

To keep up with new year's resolutions consult with Our Lady of Weight Loss.

What did we learn:

Aristotle's Lagoon. On "spontaneous generation": A philosopher turned observational biologist. How could he had missed the rotting of the fish?

What did we discover:

Del Mar can have some weather!

Our pictures of the month:

low tide treasures

avocado tree

kayaking in Coast Boulevard after the storm!

(See Del Mar Times)

What did we achieve:

Le mot du jour grâce à notre calendrier quotidien

Book of the month:

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.