
December 2009

Our pictures of the month:

Conrad Prebys Music Hall

We have an opinionated review of the concert


Rumba (2008)

A tragicomedy somewhere between cheesy and sweet


Life: BBC does it again: as if "Planet Earth" or "Blue Planet" were not good enough

Incident of the month:

Somehow, Euros coming back to visit are eager to eat Trader Joe's Cheese Cake.

What caught our attention:

Sun-jar: a subtle and sustainable way to lit your garden path.

What did we learn:

How many people can live on planet earth

At current rate of consumption:

1.8 billion americans or 18 billion indians or 20 billion rwandans.

How should we be applying population control?

What did we discover:

The existence in the Mustang Kingdom at the border between Nepal and Tibet of the pre-Buddhist Bon religion

What did we achieve:

bread loaf trial #18

low tide sand patterns

happy new year