
March 2013


Camera Lucida playing Brahms


Plein Soleil: an almost Hitchcockian film


Wild Arabia: Astonishingly green in the Dhofar mountains

French Gardens: Provence, oh la la!

Incident of the month:

A mini-sewing machine at home

Our pictures of the month:

Yaquitepec ruins

The morteros

What caught our attention:

How far away everybody is from Sweden's values

Cybernauts still follow the sun

What did we learn:

IRL or AFK? net nerds lingo

We are 4.9% of the universe

What did we discover:

How is your preferred brand doing?

How to roast flax seeds

What did we achieve:

get our heads around the cyrillic alphabet

Book of the month:

For the sake of Elena, from Elizabeth George: more about Lynley's misteries

Course of the month:

Classics of Russian Literature: undusting our Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky memories

Dish of the month:

Falafel with muhammara sauce

blooming cacti in...

Blair and Vallecitos valleys