April 2012

April 2012


Young artists rule!


Il bagno turco: old hamams in Istambul

Le Hérisson: A secretive concierge

thru a teen's eyes. Plot with many layers and awesome visuals.


Africa on the move

Black in the Americas: what a difference racial intermarriage made

Incident of the month:

Weird inter-digits poison oak attack for 20 days!

TARGET shopping spree

What caught our attention:

Facebook = loneliness

Perform random acts of kindness

What did we learn:

Many degreesavailable online

What did we discover:

Meyer lemon, a.k.a. lorange

What did we achieve:

Wash the entire wardrobe

Increase our ignorance

Book of the month:

Garbology: Are we trashing the earth to the end?

Course of the month:

Pompeii : who are the samnites?

Our pictures of the month:

Can you smell them?

Time travel at the San Diego Convention Center