November 2011

November 2011


UCSD music students: very uneven quality but some sparks


Potiche: the Deneuve-Depardieu duo deliver

The unflappable detective Alleyn


Planet Word: On language, unfortunately told by a monoglot ("biscuit!")

Incident of the month:

The trash bin caught fire: spontaneous combustion?

We fell for an i-touch,

is the phone next?

What caught our attention:

Big brother is watching

What did we learn:

the good: indoors google maps

the bad: say "_nomap"

to google

What did we discover:


Our pictures of the month:

Fall colors catching up with us

Should we surf?

Loving you

What did we achieve:

The team (semi)fasts over Thanksgiving

Book of the month:

My name is red by Orhan Pamuk, on the art of illustrating books in Istanbul at a time when religion and painting technique clashed.

Course of the month:

Greenberg's as always opinionated list of greatest composers

another day, another sunset