
January 2014


Le tableau: witty plot on the painter-paint relationship


Note by note: what it takes to make a Steinway piano

Incident of the month:

having to reorganize kitchen cupboards due to new pans&pots

What caught our attention:

$750 cat reward

Digital cremation

What did we learn:

Lifehacker Univ 4 free

Roerich paints: the allure of mystical Altai

Serra's trip deep inside current Texas

What did we discover:

google flights explore options... evil!

What did we achieve:

111111 miles on the honda civic

Course of the month:

The 23 greatest piano solo works: even Albeniz!

Book of the month:

Marcus Aurelius' Meditations

Dish of the month:

Cod a la avia Lola, courtesy of Jeff

Our pictures of the month:

blossoming at the Huntington gardens

playing with bokeh in Palomar mountain

labyrinth at Scripps Shiley Pavilion

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next month

as time goes by...
