
November 2014


Ahhh, the clarinet...


Six days, seven nights: when your brain needs a break


Reportaje al Perú: El Gran Pajatén

El señor de Sipán

ChanChan: adobe city

Incident of the month:

Onésimo, el huaquero

de la Congona

Centro de Salud gratis in PE: 3 ampoules on the go for my ankle, pls

What caught our attention:

sound-scape: enuff of noise pollution!

What did we learn:

3 top-notch peruvian archaeologists: Ruth Shady Solis, Walter Alva & Sonia Guillen

On peruvian street maps, Jr. means "jiron"

What did we discover:

the mechanical keyboard touch

What did we achieve:

drive 3419 km. in northern Peru without getting stuck on top of a "giba"

Course of the month:

How ideas spread

Recipe of the month:

Sudado de trucha

Our pictures of the month:

Perú, here we are

(alpaca, llama or vicuña?)

discovering the other Machu Picchu


among the tallest peaks we have ever seen

(Nevado Contrahierbas, 5954m.)

and the warmest people

(Sanjapampa hamlet)

the northern Perú photo album is here

previous month

next month

as time goes by...
