
June 2014


Hard harpsichord

Lovely clarinet


Ascenseur pour l'echafaud: a genial elevator scene


Long road north: PEDALING from Tierra del Fuego to the Canadian Artic in 18 months.

Incident of the month:

home made spinach pasta makes for a very green kitchen

What caught our attention:

YES life

Pedal away your own ice-cream scoop: only in LA!

What did we learn:

Recombobulation, we need more of these areas, e.g. at the supermarket!

Dracula sneeze, highly commendable!

What did we discover:

Coffee flour: dark brown caffeinated pasta anyone?

What did we achieve:

Be dismissed at the first jury duty call. An experience!

Course of the month:

Sacred texts: an eye opener

Dish of the month:

Home-made spinach pasta avec scallops

Our pictures of the month:

Crossing the Sayan-Altai mountains

discover the magic of the Pazyryk burial mounds

laugh at the sight of the so many sheep

brave the hair-raising roads!