June 2010

June 2010


Surf Report: A play written by a delmarian where surfing and biotech are entangled as in real life.


Cranford, if the younger generations leave, for whom are we preserving our traditions?


Museum of Life: On the importance of a Natural History Museum.

An African Journey: A different take on the african continent where ingenuity and endurance can overcome the pull of a dire past for the push of a brighter future

Incident of the month:

One of the team sails away with Miss Blue

What caught our attention:

Let's test YOUR attention

Extra dimensions, self-aware machines, are (almost) here!

What did we learn:

Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother would not recognize as food

Symmetry at Alhambra: Du Sautoy talks to the spoiled google nerds

What did we discover:

the nook Wi-Fi rules!

What did we achieve:

a smooth work transition

Our pictures of the month:

from Ms Blue

Miss Blue after the sailing

another praise to symmetry (Fibonacci at work)