February 2015

February 2015


Ingolf Wunder, a wonder-boy, notwithstanding the "Star Wars" encore.


Le chef


Baikal without boudaries

The man who stopped the desert

Incident of the month:

A couple of caguamas badly increases our waistlines

10 years to the date, the muffler collapsed

What caught our attention:

Technofossil: the Anthropocene is here

What did we learn:

Surprises behind computational anthropology: check page2, table-1

What did we discover:

San Luis Gonzaga bay "resort" in Baja

What did we achieve:

Survive bedbugs in Cataviña to enjoy the valle de los cirios

Book of the month:

The other side of Russia

Course of the month:

Your best brain

Wine of the month:

2011 Sangiovese, Vino de la Reina winery, Valle de San Vicente (Baja California, MX)

Our pictures of the month:

Long weekend along the sea of Cortéz shoreline

San Felipe

San Luís Gonzaga


Sea of Cortez photo album here