January 2013

January 2013


Spanish guitar: almost as good as last time


Samsara: hypnotic docu-movie


Brazil: Palin not at his best

Incident of the month:

reacquainted avec Mme. Monique et le chien Waldo

What caught our attention:

traveling to the stars?

the photo term: bokeh

What did we learn:

our misplaced worries

What did we discover:

russian tourist visa bureaucracy

What did we achieve:

a wall of fame at the office (-->)

Book of the month:

From Eternity to Here: An infinite multiverse seating in a de Sitter space always increasing its entropy

The Wench is Dead, another of Morse's mysteries

Course of the month:

Architecture: get to recognize trusses, arches, tension compression anywhere

Our pictures of the month:

new growth

magnifying droplets

the wall

Noble Canyon (north end)