Joachim Brod (U. of Cincinnati)

Note unusual time (1pm Oct 17)!

Standard-Model Prediction of epsilon_K at NNLO

Neutral Kaon mixing plays an important role in the phenomenology of the standard model and its extensions because of its sensitivity to high-energy scales. In particular epsilon_K, parameterising indirect CP violation, serves as an important constraint on models of new physics, in this way complementing the direct searches at LHC. In order to exploit this sensitivity, a precise standard-model prediction is crucial.

In this seminar I will give a summary of the standard-model prediction of epsilon_K and the Kaon mass difference Delta M_K, and present our recent NNLO QCD calculation of the contributions eta_ct and eta_cc to the Delta S = 2 effective Hamiltonian. It turns out that the NNLO corrections are very large, and I will discuss the impact on epsilon_K and the theory errors in some detail.

Oct 17 at 1pm in Geo/Phys Room 407

Link to the slides.