Jennifer Siegal Gaskins (Ohio State)

Searching for dark matter and astrophysical sources with gamma-ray anisotropies

The contribution of unresolved sources to the diffuse gamma-ray background could induce anisotropies in this emission on small angular scales.  Recent studies have considered the angular power spectrum and other anisotropy metrics as tools for identifying contributions to the diffuse emission from unresolved gamma-ray source classes, including extragalactic and Galactic dark matter as well as various astrophysical source populations.  I'll review these results, focusing on how anisotropy analysis could extend the sensitivity of current indirect dark matter searches.  I'll also discuss preliminary results from an angular power spectrum analysis of the Fermi-measured diffuse gamma-ray emission, and the implications of this measurement for various gamma-ray source populations.

Apr 4 at 4pm in Geo/Phys Room 407

The slides are available here.