Joachim Brod (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)

Is the Higgs really the Higgs?

The Higgs particle discovered at CERN in 2012 could be the last building block of the standard model of particle physics (SM). However, we believe that the SM does not yield a complete description of the fundamental laws of nature; some reasons are the absence of a particle candidate for dark matter and a lack of understanding of the flavor structure of quarks and leptons.

In my talk I will first explain the significance of the Higgs particle for the breaking of electroweak gauge symmetry and the generation of mass for the elementary particles. Then I will motivate some scenarios of physics beyond the SM that modify the interactions of the Higgs with quarks and leptons and explain how we can test them using collider and precision experiments. I will also discuss the implications of modified Higgs couplings for dark matter phenomenology.

Apr 26 at at 4pm in Braunstein 301

Link to slides.