Revelation Instruments
Most who argue over musical instruments in the church often bring up the harps of God in Revelation. Of course there are no other instruments mentioned to form a band as seen in modern churches. What most people don't bring up is that instruments are mentioned concerning false religion.
Rev 18:22 The sound of harpists, and musicians, and of flutists, and of trumpeters shall by no means be heard in you anymore. And no craftsman of any craft shall by no means be found in you anymore, and the sound of a mill shall by no means be heard in you anymore.
The false religions of the beast also used instruments, including the flute and trumpet and Harp and of course the statues made by the craftsman seem to be mentioned. The Beast almost always goes beyond what God does, making his religion more beautiful in human eyes than God's simplicity and Glory.
The use of trained musicians became very prominent in idolatrous religion and later in false churches.
The New Testament shows no instruments beyond the Harps of God, these may have been symbolic of the heart, since we are to make melody in the heart. Eph 5:19 and Col 3:16
Eph 5:19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,
Inventing human instruments and rock bands aren't mentioned in the New Testament. Since Revelation only mentions one instrument, the Harps of God, it isn't a precedent for human instruments as seen in Revelation 18:22.
Those using human instruments tend to support and copy the Harlot and Beast more than Christ.