Unity Catch Phrases
In the early days of the Restoration movement men came up with several catch phrases that ended up being false theological policies. It ended up leading the churches into sin. This is important since Jesus warned of leading the babes in Christ into sin.
"No law but love."
This was a false idea that leaves many teachings out of the New Testament. In Romans Paul speaks of the law of faith and James speaks of the law of liberty. These are just two examples. Having only love is unbiblical. It has led the church into several sinful transgressions and those pushing the concept will likely be held accountable.
Mat 18:7Â WoeG3759 unto theG3588 worldG2889 because of offences!G4625 forG1063 it must needs beG2076 G318 that offencesG4625 come;G2064 butG4133 woeG3759 to thatG1565 manG444 byG1223 whomG3739 theG3588 offenceG4625 cometh!G2064
The New Testament also shows God hating, as he hated the doctrine of the Nicolations and he requires us to hate father and mother in relation to our love of him.
Another false concept is:
"Speak where the Bible speaks, be silent where the Bible is silent"
It isn't a bad concept but it was so general that Satan could manipulate it very easily. An area that was misused was there was no formal annulling of each individual Old Testament command. Instead Christ annulled the entire Law of Moses at the Cross. Since the New Testament doesn't list each ordinance specifically then it opens the door for some laws to be kept.
They just argue God said nothing specific about a particular ordinance and based on their catch phrase it can be optional.
Anytime we use human catch phrases as God's covenant we run the risk of judgment. We cant add to or take away from the covenant and catch phrases open the door for manipulation which leads to transgressions