Believe II Kings 17:12-15
The concept that the word "believe" actually means "long continuance or faithfulness" , this definition is actually proven to be valid with a connection to commandment keeping and covenant keeping in II Kings 17:12-15.
2Ki 17:13 Yet the LORDH3068 testifiedH5749 against Israel,H3478 and against Judah,H3063 byH3027 allH3605 the prophets,H5030 and by allH3605 the seers,H2374 saying,H559 TurnH7725 ye from your evil ways,H4480 H1870 H7451 and keepH8104 my commandmentsH4687 and my statutes,H2708 according to allH3605 the lawH8451 whichH834 I commandedH6680 (H853) your fathers,H1 and whichH834 I sentH7971 toH413 you byH3027 my servantsH5650 the prophets.H5030
2Ki 17:14 Notwithstanding they would notH3808 hear,H8085 but hardenedH7185 (H853) their necks,H6203 like to the neckH6203 of their fathers,H1 thatH834 did notH3808 believeH539 in the LORDH3068 their God.H430
2Ki 17:15 And they rejectedH3988 (H853) his statutes,H2706 and his covenantH1285 thatH834 he madeH3772 withH854 their fathers,H1 and his testimoniesH5715 whichH834 he testifiedH5749 against them; and they followedH1980 H310 vanity,H1892 and became vain,H1891 and went afterH310 the heathenH1471 thatH834 were round aboutH5439 them, concerning whomH834 the LORDH3068 had chargedH6680 them, that they should notH1115 doH6213 like them.
Though it uses the word believe in the negative sense, the connection to keeping testimony, commandments, statutes, and covenant is directly tied to the concept of believing. When a person rejects these four they also do not believe in the Lord. In a positive sense, believing on the Lord, a person would keep these four to a great extent.
These match the usage in John 3:16-22 where believe has the concept of following Christ's light, and John 5:32 where belief is tied to Christ's word abiding in us.
Joh_5:38 AndG2532 ye haveG2192 notG3756 hisG846 wordG3056 abidingG3306 inG1722 you:G5213 forG3754 whomG3739 heG1565 hath sent,G649 himG5129 yeG5210 believeG4100 not.G3756
The word can be used for the person or his word when commandments or covenant are required.
Faith only groups, including unity in diversity Churches of Christ like Karl Ketcherside started, taught when belief was in the person of Christ it did not have a connection to his commandments. This is proven false in II Kings 12:14, where the concept of not believing in the person is wrapped up into the practice of covenant keeping.
Belief only groups as well as Unity in Diversity concepts are proven to be false.
Genesis 15:6 where Abraham believed "In the Lord", shows long continuance as well as covenant keeping to be in view. John 3:16 shows covenant keeping to be in view.
Also Karl Ketcherside taught it didn't matter why you were baptized as long as it was because you believed in the Lord. Yet believing in the Lord includes,
"Believing his testimonies"
So if Christ gave the Apostles a testimony about the purpose of baptism then that would be something we need to believe. Baptists and Methodists and all faith only groups who reject that the stated purpose may be lost for not believing in the Lord for rejecting his testimony.
Verses such as John 1:12 also show a continual belief because of the word eis.
Joh_1:12 ButG1161 as many asG3745 receivedG2983 him,G846 to themG846 gave
G1325 he powerG1849 to becomeG1096 the sonsG5043 of God,G2316 even to them that believeG4100 onG1519 hisG846 name:G3686
The word eis often has a continual emphasis and is translated continual concerning Christ's work after his resurrection. When the word eis is connected to believe it signifies direction and continuance.
Other verses where believing a testimony from God is correlated with believing in God is
Rom 4:2 ForG1063 ifG1487 (even if or foreasmuch as could be a better translation) AbrahamG11 were justifiedG1344 byG1537 works,G2041 he hathG2192 whereof to glory;G2745 butG235 notG3756 beforeG4314 God.G2316
Rom 4:3 ForG1063 whatG5101 saithG3004 theG3588 scripture?G1124 (G1161) AbrahamG11 believedG4100 God,G2316 andG2532 it was countedG3049 unto himG846 forG1519 righteousness.G1343
Rom 4:4 NowG1161 to him that workethG2038 is theG3588 rewardG3408 notG3756 reckonedG3049 ofG2596 grace,G5485 butG235 ofG2596 debt.G3783
Rom 4:5 ButG1161 to him that workethG2038 not,G3361 butG1161 believethG4100 onG1909 him that justifiethG1344 theG3588 ungodly,G765 hisG848 faithG4102 is countedG3049 forG1519 righteousness.G1343
Some translations of Romans 4:2, such as the ABP Polygot, have both words "even if", reflecting a different manuscript.
The belief in the promise is solidified because one believes in the one making the promise.
Baptism is of faith because the subject believes the promise, because he believes in the one giving the promise.
The term "worketh not" is used here of a contract where a person does a stated work for a stated price. Paul is not saying Christians are not justified by works, but that our works are not sufficient to make God indebted to us, salvation is still of grace. Our faith is still justified by works.