Catholic In Bible
The name Catholic isn't in the Bible but in recent years search engines have been used to search documents to try to find any hint of the word. It seems they haven't found the Greek word catholic but they did find the Greek root and thereby in their mind a Greek equivalent. Keep in mind the word Katholakos is an adjective, and names are generally nouns and not adjectives. So, even if they found the actual word it wouldn't be used as a name.
It turns out the greek root is found in Acts 9:31 and in Acts 15:22, and the Catholics got all giddy and proud, but upon further examination the Greek word they found in Acts 9:31 was a preposition. Prepositions are never names but descriptive. They are often used in phrases.
Act 9:31 ThenG3767 (G3303) hadG2192 theG3588 churchesG1577 restG1515 throughoutG2596 allG3650 JudaeaG2449 andG2532 GalileeG1056 andG2532 Samaria,G4540 and were edified;G3618 andG2532 walkingG4198 in theG3588 fearG5401 of theG3588 Lord,G2962 andG2532 in theG3588 comfortG3874 of theG3588 HolyG40 Ghost,G4151 were multiplied.G4129
In this case it is "Katah", a preposition, and used in the phrase "throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria"
Such a phrase would never be a name, it also covers an area that was part of the church and not the entire body. After the death of Steven the church was scattered into further regions like Antioch. Having peace in the general region is not the whole or universal church. It actually disproves their whole theory.
Acts 15:22 doesn't help them anymore because it is speaking of the assembly in Jerusalem that would write letters to Gentile Churches. Thus, not referring to the universal body but the assembly. The word Church is being used in a local sense.
Act 15:22 ThenG5119 pleasedG1380 it theG3588 apostlesG652 andG2532 elders,G4245 withG4862 theG3588 wholeG3650 church,G1577 to sendG3992 chosenG1586 menG435 ofG1537 their own companyG846 toG1519 AntiochG490 withG4862 PaulG3972 andG2532 Barnabas;G921 namely, JudasG2455 surnamedG1941 Barsabas,G923 andG2532 Silas,G4609 chiefG2233 menG435 amongG1722 theG3588 brethren:G80
Act 15:23 And they wroteG1125 letters byG1223 themG848 after this manner;G3592 TheG3588 apostlesG652 and eldersG4245 andG2532 brethrenG80 send greetingG5463 unto theG3588 brethrenG80 whichG3588 are ofG1537 the GentilesG1484 inG2596 AntiochG490 andG2532 SyriaG4947 andG2532 Cilicia:G2791
They were writing letters to brethren in three different regions, again the word church is not used in the universal sense. It was the group assembled. This word whole is "holos", the word is an adjective and therefore not a name.
Neither word is used of the universal church as a name. Neither word is the Greek word Kathalekos.
These are all just deceptions of the Catholic church. see
2Th 2:9 Even him, whoseG3739 comingG3952 isG2076 afterG2596 the workingG1753 of SatanG4567 withG1722 allG3956 powerG1411 andG2532 signsG4592 andG2532 lyingG5579 wonders,G5059
2Th 2:10 AndG2532 withG1722 allG3956 deceivablenessG539 of unrighteousnessG93 inG1722 them that perish;G622 becauseG473 G3739 they receivedG1209 notG3756 theG3588 loveG26 of theG3588 truth,G225 that theyG846 might be saved.G4982