Grace and Thanks
The word grace is translated with many words depending on whether you are giving or receiving. It is translated gift only once, but in most cases it reflects something unearned. It is translated thanks when God or a person gives beyond what is required or earned, then thanks is returned.
Saying thanks is often the least we can do when someone helps us.
The problem is that faith only teachers got the false idea that giving or doing something required is earning something, and therefore it violates grace. Actually, doing something required does not vest the other party to do something for us.
If we obey a command of God, since we are under him and have to honor his authority, we are not placing him under a duty to recipricate. Obedience doesn't earn something given by grace.
One verse that clearly shows this principle, and has the word thanks/grace used, is Luke 17:9.
Unworthy Servants
Luk 17:7 ButG1161 whichG5101 ofG1537 you,G5216 havingG2192 a servantG1401 plowingG722 orG2228 feeding cattle,G4165 will sayG2046 unto him by and by,G2112 when he is comeG1525 fromG1537 theG3588 field,G68 GoG3928 and sit down to meat?G377
Luk 17:8 AndG235 will notG3780 rather sayG2046 unto him,G846 Make readyG2090 wherewithG5101 I may sup,G1172 andG2532 girdG4024 thyself, and serveG1247 me,G3427 tillG2193 I have eatenG5315 andG2532 drunken;G4095 andG2532 afterwardG3326 G5023 thouG4771 shalt eatG5315 andG2532 drink?G4095
Luk 17:9 Doth he thankG2192 G3361 G5485 thatG1565 servantG1401 becauseG3754 he didG4160 the things that were commandedG1299 him?G846 I trowG1380 not.G3756
Luk 17:10 So likewiseG3779 (G2532) ye,G5210 whenG3752 ye shall have doneG4160 allG3956 those things which are commandedG1299 you,G5213 say,G3004 We areG2070 unprofitableG888 servants:G1401 we(G3754) have doneG4160 that whichG3739 was our dutyG3784 to do.G4160
In this case a servant/master relationship is being described, in such cases work or obedience do not earn anything, it is simply expected.
The word thank is the same Greek word for grace, something used when someone goes beyond what is required. Doing something commanded does not rise to the level of a required verbal response. No thanks is given or required even if they did work for you. The relationship sets whether it earns anything.
This is just the word grace/thanks being used in a mirrored way, giving vs required to give.
Obeying God's commands would not make any of God's blessings earned. Jesus also says "likewise", making this a principle we are to follow. Our obedience doesn't make God a debtor. Though faith only groups accuse us saying we believe God owes us because we obey, it is quite the opposite. We follow Christ's teaching because of a servant relationship, so that God doesn't become the debtor if we do work for him.
Ephesians 2:8-9 just means none of your works rise to the level that God actually owes you anything. Works done as a lesser in authority don't violate grace even if necessary for salvation. God never offered salvation because he owed it to us. God never completes salvation because he owes us.