Cross Finished Work
Many teach that we are saved by the grace of the cross without any other work. They even teach Christ's work was finished at the cross.
'I have glorified Thee on the earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do'
(John 17:4).
This is a very immature doctrine since Christ had many works after his resurrection and ascension. The verse above is speaking of his teaching office while on earth, it isn't speaking of the cross, but Christ glorifying the Father.
When Jesus spoke this he hadn't died yet, so it isn't speaking of the cross. It is speaking of fulfilling God's will in teaching the apostles.
Many scriptures speaking of finished work were focusing on the prophecies leading to his death, they were not written to discount works after his death
Joh 19:28 AfterG3326 this,G5124 JesusG2424 knowingG1492 thatG3754 all thingsG3956 were nowG2235 accomplished,G5055 thatG2443 theG3588 scriptureG1124 might be fulfilled,G5048 saith,G3004 I thirst.G1372
Joh 19:29 NowG3767 there was setG2749 a vesselG4632 fullG3324 of vinegar:G3690 andG1161 theyG3588 filledG4130 a spungeG4699 with vinegar,G3690 andG2532 put it uponG4060 hyssop,G5301 andG2532 put itG4374 to hisG846 mouth.G4750
Joh 19:30 WhenG3753 JesusG2424 thereforeG3767 had receivedG2983 theG3588 vinegar,G3690 he said,G2036 It is finished:G5055 andG2532 he bowedG2827 his head,G2776 and gave upG3860 theG3588 ghost.G4151
All things is a reference to all things leading up to his death, as outlined in prophetical fulfillment.
Christ had multiple roles and works after John 17:4 and after John 17:30.
1. Christ was mediator of the New Covenant ratified at the cross. Mediation was after the cross. It included our calling.
2. Christ sent the Holy Spirit as visible on Pentecost.
3. Christ was made High Priest and that work continues. He is able to save to the uttermost because he is an eternal High Priest. Salvation required more than the cross, it also required further works enabled by the cross, exercised through the priesthood
4. Christ was to wash us with water after the cross, this washing was enabled by the cross.
Eph 5:24 ThereforeG235 asG5618 theG3588 churchG1577 is subject untoG5293 Christ,G5547 soG3779 let theG3588 wivesG1135 be to their ownG2398 husbandsG435 inG1722 every thing.G3956
Eph 5:25 Husbands,G435 loveG25 yourG1438 wives,G1135 even asG2531 ChristG5547 alsoG2532 lovedG25 theG3588 church,G1577 andG2532 gaveG3860 himselfG1438 forG5228 it;G846
Eph 5:26 ThatG2443 he might sanctifyG37 and cleanseG2511 itG846 with theG3588 washingG3067 of waterG5204 byG1722 the word,G4487
The teaching that the cross finished Christ's work is a false teaching. Christ died so that he could cleanse with water. His death enabled further work versus diminishing it. Baptists are very confused.
Heb_9:15 AndG2532 for this causeG1223 G5124 he isG2076 the mediatorG3316 of the newG2537 testament,G1242 thatG3704 by means of death,G2288 G1096 forG1519 the redemptionG629 of theG3588 transgressionsG3847 that were underG1909 theG3588 firstG4413 testament,G1242 they which are calledG2564 might receiveG2983 theG3588 promiseG1860 of eternalG166 inheritance.G2817
Heb_9:11 ButG1161 ChristG5547 being comeG3854 an high priestG749 of good thingsG18 to come,G3195 byG1223 a greaterG3187 andG2532 more perfectG5046 tabernacle,G4633 notG3756 made with hands,G5499 that is to say,G5123 notG3756 of thisG5026 building;G2937
Eph 5:26 ThatG2443 he might sanctifyG37 and cleanseG2511 itG846 with theG3588 washingG3067 of waterG5204 byG1722 the word,G4487
All of these are Christ's work after the cross and made possible by the death of Christ in changing covenants..
Also, we must realize atonement was for the whole world, but the whole world isn't saved. Thus, atonement doesn't save apart from the work of Christ after the cross.
1Jn 2:2 AndG2532 heG846 isG2076 the propitiationG2434 forG4012 ourG2257 sins:G266 andG1161 notG3756 forG4012 oursG2251 only,G3440 butG235 alsoG2532 forG4012 the sins of theG3588 wholeG3650 world.G2889
The propitiation was for all, but not all realize the results of Christ's sacrifice.
Even Baptists teach we must come to faith before the propitiation will save us. The propitiation is applied hundreds or thousands of years later individually, as we obey the Gospel.