Peter Sent

One point against Peter as Pope is in Acts, Peter and John were sent by the Church in Jerusalem to Samaria.

Timmerman's Lectures on Catholicism  points this out and he makes an excellent argument.

Act 8:14  NowG1161 when theG3588 apostlesG652 whichG3588 were atG1722 JerusalemG2414 heardG191 thatG3754 SamariaG4540 had receivedG1209 theG3588 wordG3056 of God,G2316 they sentG649 untoG4314 themG846 PeterG4074 andG2532 John:G2491

We see the body of Apostles working collectively and sending two cooperating Apostles who were called pillars. Instead of Peter receiving instructions directly from Christ and directing the action himself, the action was directed through the group.

The Apostolic college was not directed by Peter himself. Instructions from Christ could be given to one or a whole. Christ directed them. This reminds me of the centurion who could send servants here and there. The Holy Spirit could direct through anyone he chose. There was no set chief Apostle.

Also remember that after Peter and John Preached Christ in Samaria they returned to Jerusalem without giving Phillip instructions. Phillip was told to go to Gaza south of Jerusalem bu no Apostle, only by the Angel of the Lord.

Act 8:26  And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert. 

Peter and John though in the immediate proximity to guide Phillip were simply allowed to return  to Jerusalem. Peter and John complied with the Apostles directions and when finished they returned. Phillip received his instructions independent of them, his directions came from God.

It shows that the Apostles were servants to themselves in a sense. Tthe greatest would become servants of all.

The point isn't who is boss, but who gets the most done in behalf of the group.

Mat 20:27  AndG2532 whosoeverG3739 G1437 willG2309 beG1511 chiefG4413 amongG1722 you,G5213 let him beG2077 yourG5216 servant:G1401

Mat 20:28  Even asG5618 theG3588 SonG5207 of manG444 cameG2064 notG3756 to be ministered unto,G1247 butG235 to minister,G1247

It is not the boss but the worker who gets the most accomplished. "Your servant" is speaking of the Apostolic body. The body could send indiividuals or small groups to do spiritual work. Thus the body was greater than the individual apostle.

There are other verses where people were sent.

Mat 20:2  AndG1161 when he had agreedG4856 withG3326 theG3588 labourersG2040 forG1537 a pennyG1220 a day,G2250 he sentG649 themG846 intoG1519 hisG848 vineyard.G290

All of the apostles were sent by Christ, none were individually over other apostles and all functioned under the whole of the body in cooperation. see I Cor.12.

We also see this pattern in Acts 15 where the church agreed to send Paul and Barnabas with extra help.

Act 15:25  It seemed goodG1380 unto us,G2254 being assembledG1096 with one accord,G3661 to sendG3992 chosenG1586 menG435 untoG4314 youG5209 withG4862 ourG2257 belovedG27 BarnabasG921 andG2532 Paul,G3972

In Antioch the Holy Spirit led them with little interaction from Jerusalem.